A2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003 Eastern Cornbelt Direct Feeder Cattle Weekly Springfield, 111. December 12, 2003 Report Supplied By DSD A Fastern Cornbelt Direct Feeder ( altle Sum man Illinois. Indiana Michigan, and Ohio C ompared to the last week, feeder cattle were mo'tb 1 00-4 00 higher Demand was moderate and trading activity was slow Light cattle in ventories and strong demand for feeder cattle weighing over 700 lbs continued to support prices Confirmed sales about 51 beef type steers, 49*£ heifers and O'F Holstein steers Ap proximately 90 r/ r of the cattle marketed this week weighed over 600 lbs Confirmed sales 700 this week, 1000 last week and 1600 last year FEEDER STEERS Medium and Urge 1-2 775-875 lbs 98 00-103 00, load lot 925 lbs 94 00 HOI STEIN STEERS no test FEEDER HEIFERS Feeder Heifers Medi um and Urge 1-2 load lot 450 lbs 96 00, 700-725 lbs 96 50-99 00 Prices arc based FOB the farm unless other wise indicated Delivered prices include freight commis sions, and other expenses Tennessee Sheep And Goat Sales Nashville, Tenn. December 17, 2003 Report Supplied By USOA TFNNFSSFF LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS GRADFD C.OAT AND SHEEP SAIF. Thompson Station Fn Dec 12 Receipts 2249 (2101 Goats. 146 Sheep), last sale 1104 Next Sale January 9 2004 Goats sold per hun dred weight Kwt) unless otherwise noted weights actual or Estimated GOA IS Slaughter C lasses Kids Selection 1 IS SO lbs lew 118 00 SIcS lbs 116 00 116 SO 66 84 lbs 107 2S 108 2S Selection 2 IS-S 0 lbs 94 00 KM) 00 SI 6S lbs 101 SO 107 50. 66 8S lbs 98 00-104 7S Selection 1 16-S.) Ihs 82 00-82 25, SI-6S lbs 90 00-92 00 66 86 lbs 87 50-89 SO V catlings Selection 2 1 SI 100 lbs none Bueks/Billies All W gts 70 00 80 SO Nannies/ Does All VVgts S 9 00-6 S 7S I eeders Kids Selection 1 27 *2 lbs 90 00-98 (H) Replacements Nannies/Docs Not reported Pairs and I nos Not well tested Bilhes/Bueks Not reported Sill I P Slaughter I ambs-lndudcs all breeds (mod and ( hoiee 40-60 lbs 80 00-IS4 00 mostly 91 00-98 00 60 80 lbs 8S (MI-120 SO most K 94 SO 1M SOO 80 100 lbs 9SSO-106 00 ( hoice and Prime 100-128 lbs 97 SO-99 SO Slaughtei fwes Ltdity and Good All Wgts 47 SO 52 SO Slaughter Rams All Wgts 18 00-42 00 SMITH COUNT* COMMISSION SAITS IXI H Wughts Estimated Prices Per Head Receipts 268 head Slaughter C lasses Kids Selection 1 2 2S lbs 2s 00-34 5 35-50 lbs 33 50-51 00 SO 6S lbs 41 00-6 S (HI mostly 4SOO-S9 00 6S 8S lbs S 4 00-68 00 Selection 1 25-35 lbs 22 00-28 SO, 35 SO lbs 29 00-40)0 6S-8S lbs Not Well 1 ested Replacements Nannies/Does Selection 1 2 Small SO-70 lbs IS 00 72 00 mostly 41 50-63 00, Medium 70-100 lbs 48 00 80 00 mostly 4S 00 69 (M) I aige 100-140 lbs Not Well Tested liucks/Billies Selection 2 100 200 lbs 64 00 80 00, 70-100 lbs Not Well Tested f ear not for Seßofds Briny yon yootftidiny4 cj'yreatjoy wßicft sftaffße to affyyeojjfe, for unto you if Born f3gy tftis day in t£e city of s)avid a *Savior wfticßif Xjßrift tße Wc At Fisher & Thompson Want To Take This Opportunity To Thank Each And Every One Who Has Given Us The Opportunity To Serve Them In 2003. We Look Forward To This Continued Relationship With You In 2004 And Wish You A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year. May You Experience The Real Reason For The Season In This Coming Year. Five locations to serve you better W6Stf9li3SlirQ6y LEOLA ■ HOME OFFICE 717-656-3307 BELLEVILLE - 717-935-7422 fisher i“r G R1 7 a I ™!r Thompson marunsburg* 814*793-9700 . . MIFFLINBURG 570-966-3900 /* t. National Sheep Summary San Angelo, Texas December 16. 2003 Report Supplied Bj USD \ At midwest market centers slaughter lambs 1 00 lower, slaughter ewes 3 00-5 00 lower, feed er lambs weak At New Holland PA slaughter lambs 10 00 higher slaughter ewes 8 00-10 00 higher No recent comparison at Billings, MT At San Angelo, TX slaughter lambs weak to 2 00 lower, slaughter ewes weak to 3 00 lower, feeder lambs not well tested Esti- mated re ceipts 8,000 head for today Slaughter Lambs Choice and Prime 2-3 90-150 lbs San Angelo shorn and wooled 95 00-103 00, few 90 00-95 00 Midwest shorn 82 00-84 00, wooled 80 00-82 00 New Holland 90-100 lbs 112 00-126 00, 100-125 lbs 110 00-126 00,125 150 lbs 82 00-94 00 Virginia no test Slaughter Ewes San Angelo Good and C hoicc 2-4 35 00-40 00, Good 2-3 48 00-55 00. Utility and Good 1-3 54 00-61 00, Utility 1-2 45 00- 55 00. Cull and Utility 1-2 40 00-45 00 Midwest Utility and Good 1-3 35 00-45 00, Cull 1 25 00-35 00 New Holland Utility and Good 1 3 100-150 lbs 52 00-64 00. 150-200 lbs 50 00-58 00, 200-250 lbs 46 00-48 00 Billings Good 2-3 43 50-49 00, Utility 1-2 43 00-47 50, Cull 1 30 00 Virginia no test Feeder Lambs Medium and Large 1-2 San Angelo no test Midwest 60-80 lbs 100 00-110 00. 80-100 lbs 90 00-100 00 Virginia no lest Billings SO-60 lbs 101 00-117 00.60-70 lbs 111 00-12S00. 70-80 lbs 11100-119 00. 80-90 lbs 11500 12200, 90-100 lbs 9700-111 00. 100-110 lbs 98 50-104 SO 110-120 lbs 91 00 %2S 120-110 lbs 8S 00-87 00 Replacement Fwes Medium and I.arge 1 2 San Angelo no test Billings no test National Weekly Lamb Report l)es Moines, lowa December 16, 2003 Report Supplied By USI)\ NAIIONAI WIFkM 1 AMB RFPOK I lor \seek ending Monday Dee IS SI AUGH- 11 RED I AMB PRIOR WI FK 1 rom Forward ( ontraets Domestic 0 Imported 0 From For mula Arrangements Domestic 21 771 head ini ported 0 SIAUGHIIRID PA( K 1 R OWNID SHI FP DOMI STIC 1 272 head S 7-81 Ihs avg 77 4 lbs dressing 50C Choice or better a\g 997‘c *<« 1 2 t avg PORITD None FORWARD ( ONTRAC 1 PURC HASPS No trade reported PORMUI A PURC HASPS DUMPS'! 1C 222 head, 55-65 lbs, avg 60 9 lbs 159 00-179 21, wtd avg price 170 18 6 751 head 65-75 lbs. avg 71 5 lbs 168 87-184 (K) wtd avg 17568 15087 head 75-85 ihs avg 76 5 lbs 165 57 182 81, wtd avg price 175 47, 106 head, over 85 lbs, avg 85 1 lbs 170*9-170 19 wtd avg price 170 39 IMPORTED No tiade reported North Carolina Livestock Sales Raleigh, N.C. December 17, 2003 Report Supplied By USD A MOUNT AIRY 11VFSTOCK AUCTION CATTIF and CALVFS 691. las! week 1243 Slaughter cows were 1 00 to 2 00 higher, bulls 1 00 to 200 higher Feeder cattle were mostly I 00 to 5 00 lower with a few up to 4 00 higher Slaughter cows and bulls 28 percent Replace ment pairs and feeder cows 9 percent Feeder steers and bulls under 600 lbs 26 percent, over 600 lbs 7 percent Feeder heifers under 600 lbs 27 percent, over 600 lbs 3 percent Slaughter Cows Breakers 75-80 percent lean 850 lbs and up 48 00- 5100, high dressing 52 00-56 50. Boners 80-85 percent 850 lbs and up 47 00-51 50, high dressing 51 50-55 50, low dressing 45 00-51 00. Lean 85-90 percent 850 lbs and up 38 00-42 50, high dressing 43 50-45 00 Slaughter Bulls Yield Grade 1 and 2 1000-1500 lbs 52 00-59 00, 1500 lbs and up 56 50-58 00, high dressing 59 00-66 00 Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 and 2 250-300 lbs 115 00-123 00, 300-350 lbs 111 00-11800, 350-400 lbs 10700-11600, 400-450 lbs 99 00-107 00, 450-500 lbs 97 00-102 00, 500-550 lbs 89 00-95 00, 600- 700 lbs 85 00-90 00 Holsteins Large 300-400 lbs 79 00-80 00. 400-500 lbs 75 00-78 50. 500-600 lbs 75 50 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 and 2 200-250 lbs 96 00-106 00, 250-300 lbs 101 00-106 00, 300-350 lbs 100 00-108 00. 350-400 lbs 93 00-97 00, 400-450 lbs 93 00-98 00, 450-500 lbs 89 00-93 00, 500-550 lbs 85 00-89 50. 550-600 lbs 89 00-94 00,600-700 lbs 80 00-82 00 Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 and 2 400 500 lbs 87 00-92 00. 500-600 lbs 87 50-89 50, 600-700 lbs 79 00-85 00 Small I and 2 500-600 lbs 70 00-75 00 600 700 lbs 70 00 75 00 Feeder Cows Small 1 795-820 lbs middle age urns 46 (MI-53 00 Medium 1 860-985 lbs middle age lows 45 00-49 50 large 1 995 1150 lbs \oung age cows 62 00-65 00 I arge I 1055-1415 lbs middle age cows 46 00 55 50 Slock Cows Medium 1 950-975 lbs middle age cows bred 4-6 months 420 00-470 00 per head I arge 1 1050-1450 lbs middle age cows bred 5-8 months 560 00-810 00 per head C ows/C alf Pairs Uirgc I 1075-1150 lbs mid die age cows with calves 175-200 lbs 640 00-860 00 per pair Bab\ Calves per head Holstein 40 00-80 00 Cioats pu head Slaughter and Replacement ( lasses Kids Selection 2 under 20 lbs 27 50 17 50 Does/Nannies Selection 1 100-140 lbs 60 00-77 50. Selection 2 100 140 lbs 42 50-52 50 61 \ c t m ! NAME: ; ADDRESS: ! TOWN: ! STATE: ICE CREAM FREEZER • KEYSTONE Farm Show, January 6-8, 2004 • PA STATE Farm Show, January 10-17, 2004 Lancaster Farming Winners To Be Announced In Eastern Combelt Direct Sheep Weekly Summary Springfield, 111. December 12, 2003 Report Supplied By USDA Eastern Combelt Direct Sheep Weekly Re port (includes lambs sold in IL, IN .OH , MI) C ompared to last week, slaughter lambs were firm to 1 50 higher under 100 lbs were sharply higher Slaughter ewes finished the week firm to 200 higher Goats were mostly 2 00-5 00 higher Demand was moderate to good Trading activity was moderate Strong demand from the ethnic trade and good de mand ahead of the upcoming holiday period pushed prices higher this week Carlot lamb carcass prices ended mostly weak to 1 00 lower for weights over 50lbs Prices for carcasses under 50 lbs were mixed Confirmed sales this Maryland Offers COLLEGE PARK, Md. Johne’s disease affects dairy and beef cattle and can be financially devastating to producers. Although the economic impact depends on the herd size, commonly cited data for dairy cows, which are more af fected by the disease, indicates that 22 percent of U.S. dairies are in fected with Johne’s disease and, for herds that test positive, the esti mated cost is $227 for each cow in the herd. To help dairy and beef produc ers and veterinarians learn more about detecting and preventing this disease, University of Maryland Cooperative Extension is sponsor ing a series of meetings, “Targeting Johne’s: Stopping Johne’s Disease from Robbing Your Profits,” Jan. 5 through 9, 2004. The program is co-sponsored by the Maryland De partment of Agriculture and USDA-APHIS, Veterinary Serv ices. Dr. Mike Collins, Department of Pathobiological Sciences, Universi ty of Wisconsin, Madison and world-renowned expert on Johne’s disease will be the keynote speakei. Other scheduled speakers include Dr. Susan E. Williamson, USDA APHIS, who will discuss Mary land’s Johne’s disease program, and Dr. Robert Peters, University of Maryland, who will discuss The Original Old Fashioned 6 Qt. Hand DEPOSIT THIS COUPON AT LANCASTER FARMING BOOTH ATTHE ZIP: week about 83% slaughter lambs, 17% ewes and an additional 782 head of goats Total sheep and lambs sales 1325, last week 650 and year ago 1250 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 2-3, 110-130 lbs 85 00-91 50, few 94 00 Good and Choice 1-3,60 70 lbs 118 00. 70-85 lbs 106 00-110 00 SI AUGHTER EWES Utility and Good 1-3 44 00-50 00, few up to 52 00. Cull and Utility 1-2 38 00-44 00, Cull 1 few 30 00-38 00 SI AUGHTER GOATS (cwt) Kids Selec tion 2 20-40 lbs 103 00-108 00, 40-60 lbs 90 00-98 00 Selection 3 20-60 lbs 50 00-62 50 Yearlings Selection 2 70-90 lbs 57 50-72 50 Does/Nanmes and Bucks/Billies 52 50-67 50 This report covers sheep and lambs sold di rect off the farm through local country stations Note receipts do not cover total movement in the area g eastfdrs sav Johne’s Meetings dairy quality and team manage ment. The registration deadline is Dec. 29 and the meetings are free. The time for each meeting is 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Meeting dates and lo cations follow; • Jan. 5 - Chestertown Fire Hall, Chestertown, Md. To register call the Kent County Extension office at (410) 778-1661 or (410) 758-1107 (Delmarva) or e-mail vclrkstn@umd.edu. • Jan. 6 - Mountain Gate Family Restaurant, Thurmont, Md. To register call the Frederick County Extension office at (301) 631-3576 or e-mail wholdway@umd.edu. • Jan. 7 - Carroll County Ag Center, Westminster, Md. To regis ter call the Carroll County Exten sion Office at (410) 386-2760 or e mail bgl4 umail.umd.edu. • Jan. 8 - Pleasant Valley Com munity Center, Oakland. To regis ter call the Garrett County Exten sion Office at (301) 334-6960 or e mail susanp@umd.edu. • Jan. 9 - Maugansville Ruritan Building. To register call the Washington County Extension Of fice at (301) 791-1304 or e-mail ryetter@umd.edu. A complimentary lunch will be provided at each meeting. PHONE: L 4 Farming
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