IPM REAL ESTATE \ Mt. Cabin For Rent 4 McClure, PA Mifflin County On 315 Acres, Utilities. One Hr. To Penn State. Hiking, Swimming, Biking, Hunting, Fishing, Skiing. OPEN ALL YEAR WEEKLY & WEEKEND RATES 570-658-9555 Bedford County - 30 Ac of wooded land, close to Shawnee State Park, excellent hunting & fishing. $75,000 Huntingdon County - Approx. 200 acre farm in a secluded setting. 100 acres cleared, balance woodland. Some timber. Stream 2 Story Home Road frontage. Close to Three Springs. $430,000 Clearfield County - 2000 acre parcel of land. Fields & wooded, road frontage. Excellent hunting. Only $6OO per acre. Must Buy Whole Parcel. Clearfield County - 5000 acres of land with house, barn. Wooded & cleared. Active mining on part of property Road frontage Owner will sell in whole or part, With mining royalties or without. Bedford County - Approx. 17 acres of woodland Close to Shawnee State Park. Ideal for a year-round home or seasonal home. Excellent hunting & fishing area. Call for appointment or more information RURAL AMERICA REALTY CROUP WES APPLEYARD 814«944»1873 - office 814»329»2755 - cell WLAppleyard@Pennswoods.net .» 1 c^Vicjfit... d(ixi±tma± afyEoLtox/ cz^fuctionEEx PIRHHRL Office: (717) 436-8839 Fax: (717) 436-6865 Email nck@waltersrealestate com Juniata County FARMS/ACREAGE/LOTS R4BO This canoe rental business is the only commer cial canoe rental on 80 miles ol the Juniata Riser Live in the 2 stoiy, 1 hdr house on 2 aercs ot nverlmnt land and have your business next door Comes with 5 large passenger vans, S 9 canoes plus many extras too numerous to mention Call on this opportunity Priced at $229,900. 140 ACRES FRANKLIN CO. PA DAIRY FARM Shippensburg Area Milking Parlor w/frce stalls, bank barn Heifer barn w/graduated pens, manure Pack barn, manure pit, 4 silos, 2 bunks 2700 sq ft 5 bedroom brick house In ground pool - Major creek for Irrigation MIG (Management Intensive Grazing) 22 Acres, partially wooded, stream & Road Frontage Contingent on Subdivision Call Charles Wenger 717*263*0945 GEORGE L. EBENER & ASSOC. 717*532*8530 717*243*6195 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA FARMS, FARMETTES, LAND AND CABINS Our Farm and Land Division currently has many farms, farmettes, land parcels, and cabins avail able in central Pennsylvania We would be happy to send you a free farm and farmette list and/or rural land and cabin list Call for a complete farm and farmette inventory. Farm and Land Division Fred Strouse (814) 364-1705 Mel Rockey (814) 466-6688 George Demchak (814) 625-9151 Tim Lake (814) 364-1327 2300 South Atherton HSroT I State College, PA 16801 VffirjunpjS I (814) 234-4000 , RaaHoffi J 1"800"876“3395 - -•• • +Ke Kope fkat was bom tbaf silent, boly i^viob\+ remain in your kenH tbmwgbout the year. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20, 2003-D5l Merry Christmas & Thanks for your patronage this year KENNETH H. GREIDER, REALTOR (717) 872-9002 Bedford Co. A New I istmg 102 acre operating dairy larni with 02 tillable aeres 72 tow tie stall harn single story with tunnel ventilation Pipeline milking system with 1 gal tank Three silos 60 x 176 heiler barn 12x100 tail barn gram bin teed bins and two story lour bedroom home House is across the road from the harn Good quality soils This larni is m met condition and more dost land is available to rent Near Everett $496 00(1 CALL JOHN (717) 917-4682 B. 246+/ acre dairy (arm with 116+/- acres tillable This I ami is only ten nnnulcs Irom the Bcdlord Exit ol the Turnpike This properlv was last used lor milking m M trch 2000 Double eight Surge parloi with lakeolls A. low line 4 000 gal bulk lank A pie cook r Holding area loi 70 cows with crowd gale 112 Iree stall harn Tour low with eenlei Iced manger loi mobile TMR lee ding 64 tie stalls m a bank harn 60 \% bedded pack harn with side leedmg can hold SO 60 cows Thev had kept well over 200 cows milking heie Earthen manure storage Two lienehes and lour uptight silos 112 head huler barn Div gram storage with drvmg Hoots Hay shed equip storage and shop 1 bedroom two bath liante home and 1 bd one bath apartment 1 ols ol laeihties lor the money $649 900 CALL JOHN (717) 917-4682 C. ATTENTION DEER HUNTERS. 120+/ acres ol bare land with mote signs oldest <S. buck mbs than I have ever seen' 47 ol cropland IS acres ol open hilly land lor you to plant yom deer crop Two ponds some road frontage and So+ acres ol woods This propelty is less than ten minutes Irom the Bedford Exit ol PA Turnpike This properly is surrounded by woods A, small patch taint mg This is where the deei come lor supper $269 400 Being sold suh|eel to subdivision II vou put this land under contract you can hunt here this tail CALL JOHN (717) 917-4682 D. Great location along a township road near Manns Choice Pcrlccl lot bed caltlc/horses Nice 7 BR IP BA two story brick brick home Big bank bain with horse stalls and lots ol second llooi storage Huge covered area lor storage or animal housing Storage shed and shop 71 total aucs 78 acres fenced pasture 28 acres wooded IS minutes from Bedlotd evil ol PA Turnpike $204,900 CALI. JOHN (717) 917-4682 Cambria Co. Near Lorelto. 200+/- at dair> larm 100+/-ac tillable 70 at wooded 166 stall Ireestall barn, 12 stall Hal parlor Two upright silos, one trench Hcdei ham shop, equip shed 7 bd. 2 bath Irame home $425,000 w/Dcvelopment Rights Sold, $625,000 w/Development Rights Not Sold More dose land avail lor lent Owner will consider sub-dividing. Call John (717) 917-4682 Columbia Count Near Calawissa 120+/ ae operating trim larni with processing eold storage and retail store 81 ae ol trees Two Irame homes in good eonduon Shop spraving equip shed CALL JOHN (717) 917-4682 ■rland Ready lor residential development Near Ncweille close to Rl Klandßl II 226 acres ol which TTO is zoned residential Walu & sewer on propertv I “>()+/ acres tillable s()+/ acres pasture Road Ironlage along Rl 222 Bcauiilul log ranch home built new in early IWO s Irame farmhouse and 200 cow dairy complex with Iced storage and manure storage $2,8.22,0(10. Call John (717) 917-4682. Dauphin Co. B IS at Bat tillable Near Berrjsburg Three single slors curiam sided buildings in good ton dilion Nieelbd 2 bath modular home with a lull basement Well maintained Price Reduced to $289,900 CALL JOHN (717) 917-4682 C Attention Investors - This farm still pa.s for itself ssith a modest dossn payment. All con tract income. A good, experienced farm manager is running this tarm at the present lime & is willing to stay on w/ness ownership. Ncai Hahlax hi acres 20+/ tillable with two 2100 head mo room deep pit hog finishing barns built in 1908 llnee building turkey complex with 2S 000 light hen starting eapaeit) 1600 sq It thiec bedroom liame home and stoiaae shed/shop $1.399,900. CALL JOHN (717) 917-4682 Franklin County Development acreage one mile north ol Shippenduug Can he set up lot 2S lots unit svaler/sesser across road Call loi pnee and details CAI L JOHN (717) 917-4682 lon Ci A 70 acre dairv (arm with 50 tillable jins 10 aeies pastille 12 um In. stall h ini with 20 stall tree stall ham attached Pipeline milking svslem anil bulk lank I oaling are I Bank ham mill lean to Nice 3BR/2BA tianie hoim Near Blaus Mills (Juiet eonline loealion mill gnat \ lews ol the mountains $375,000 Milkine equip Hues w uh larm ek last used m 1007 t VI I JOHN (717)917-4682 " Mifflin Co. A Nice loealion 00 aeles 75 leies tillable toiniei d m\ hum 2 000 sq It modnl n home w/lnll basement and gaiage new in 100 S \lso 14 \7O mobile home h ink bam w/bS lice si ills luee eoveled ked bunk aiea 2 lipnghl silos mil iluiiehsiln I at the n mamiie pit he 1 1 e I him shop ik. ee|uipnielit sloiage This t iell ns hid bee 11 used to milk o\ei Kill mas Milkine i quipnieill ek lank unloved liom the pi ipettv Piokssion il esiim lies indie He that this I mil eoulil he ie equipped w/a double 6 pailoi mil all niilkuis: equipme ill loi Sbs 000 >149,(100 ( \I 1 |()HN (7171917-4682 B 4ie side ill lal lots all I+aele Heat MeVevlow n $I7,()()()-$2(),0(H) (. VI I |()H\ (717)917-4682 C lb aeie’s ol I n ml ind u ith liom me on Ri 22t522 ind old Rl 22 Iki kel lot house s \o , anna $114,9(1(1. ( VI I, |()HN (717) 917-4682 I) 0V acres ol hale land 72 V wooded leeeiilK limlx led vv/site mi eood liuiHiiil I Hid >99,900. CALL JOHN (717) 917-4682 Somerset Co. A NEW LISTING 130+/ \ near Sto\stown 3h tillable aeies 2 liame house’s bin bank narn and garage pond & lots ol toad frontage \ei\ pnvate aiea $249,900. Public sewer is available, development potential. CM L JOHN (717) 917-4682 B 117+/ A a near Stoystown 44 Alt liable 30 A fenced pasture lots ol good timber mobile home u/addition machine shed better shed $179,900. CM I JOHN (717) 917-4682 C 140 +/- A. 102 A tillable, farmhouse w/3 BR A. I 1/2 BA hank ham ik danv laeihtv milking equip is avail for sale but not included in the price ol the teal estate $289,900 CALL JOHN (717) 917-4682 D 5b aeie (aim with histone two storv home built in 1X75 along a dead end road pist live miles horn Somerset Home features high ceilings einved stairwav and some updated mechanicals Three Bedrooms and one bath Bank barn in need ol icpaii Detached gatage and sepaiatc workshop House is in lair condition 15+/ aeies woods 20+/ aeies tillable plus pastille Good hunting and peace <k quiet $175,000. CALL JOHN (717) 917-4n82 F One mile west ol Somerset i IK acre farm with homage on Rt 11 town water on pioputs acics tillable acres mtelv wooded Great mustmcnl potcntnl lanl istic views and mnui hunting Ihtcc hcclioom Iranic larmhousc $595,000. C ALI JOHN (717) 917-4682 bare land acres with fo tillable nice taimland acres Pnvacv md seclusion oarliblc here Great building site A level terrain 1.199,900 Ri. aLllronliee md milllv uoiKkdsLLlu.il CALI, JOHN (717) 917-4682 G Nlai Bl l l l n 108 aele clairv l.iim with SI tillable SO mu (ill stall h.irn vv/neu liiissls t S mol recently installed V 4 ol lill stalls need to he ilpl.illll \ill ilouhk S 11111101 Sluiilsloil two Harveslores tuo tcmi.nl sla\t silos hank barn equip shtd/shop li\l htdroont tuo huh Iramc home with tuo fireplaces m move m mnd I t\tl land and pond Kcduted to $499,900. CALL JOHN (717)917-4682 Near Ncu Centerville These luo (arms are eonliguous H 500 aeres with 450 tillable Aeres ol tented pasture with water luo sets ol I arm buildings One lie stall barn was milked m several years ago Dairy has pipeline system JC. Bulk lank Beautiful setting Perleel lor expanding tanning operations $970,000. CALL JOHN (717) 917-4682 I 180 acres bare land with 100 tillable acres Stream tronlage Land lays nice lor farming 5(KI()(| pole barn new in 2002 Great home and farm building site $345,000. CALI, JOHN (717) 917-4682 York Co. New Listing 1 6S Acres w/2 story frame house 4 hr's 1 bathroom, detached 2 car garage big bank barn & spnnghouse, back oil the road More land may be available lor pas ture $174,900 Nice property to restore CALL JOHN (717) 917-4682 John Mattilio Farm Salesman Home (717) 464-8930 Mobil (717) 917-4682 Farm Real Estate Sales Professional Knowledge + Service + Integrity = Performance www.pafarmsandland.com
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