Farming,. Saturday. .Novembers,2Qo3 Maryland State Fair Posts Results Timmy Martin, 13-year-old from Smiths burg, Md., during the 122nd Maryland State Fair won 4-H reserve grand champi on 4-H market hog. Judge Craig Spray and Timmy Martin with State Farm Ambassa dor Sara Wiles from Washington County, Maryland. Timmy also won supreme cham pion barrow in the open class. TIMONIUM, Md. Following are show placings from the recent Maryland State Fair. CHAMPION BARROWS Berkshire Champion: Greg Innerst. Berkshire Reserve Champion: Greg In nerst. Hampshire Champion: Chem Rock Farm. Hampshire Reserve Champion; Andy Bauer. Crossbred Champion: Jacob Barber. Crossbred Reserve Champion; Michael Weber. Duroc Champion: Michelle Morrison. Duroc Reserve Champion: Jon and Sandy Harrison. Spotted Champion: 1. Andrew Bauer. Spotted Reserve Champion; Andrew Bauer. Poland Champion: 1. Ken Bauer. Poland Reserve Champion: Ken Bauer. Chesterwhite Champion: Rodger Ban ker!. Chesterwhite Reserve Champion: Rodg er Bankert. Yorkshire Champion: John Martin. Yorkshire Reserve Champion: Michael Weber. CHAMPION GILTS Berkshire Champion; Artie Combauer. Berkshire Reserve Champion: Artie Combauer. Hampshire Champion: John Martin. Hampshire Reserve Champion: Greg In nerst. Duroc Champion: Ryan Eaves. Duroc Reserve Champion; Ken Bauer. Spotted Champion: Chip Weaver. Spotted Reserve Champion; Andrew Bauer. Poland Champion; Ken Bauer. Poland Reserve Champion; Connie Bauer. Crossbred Champion: Michael Weber. Crossbred Reserve Champion: Michael Weber. Chesterwhite Champion; Ken Bauer. Chesterwhite Reserve Champion; Rodg er Bankert. Yorkshire Champion; Chip Weaver. Yorkshire Reserve Champion: Andrew Webber. CHAMPION BARROW PAIRS Berkshire Champion; Greg Innerst Berkshire Reserve Champion: Greg In nerst. Hampshire Champion: Chem Rock Farm. Hampshire Reserve Champion: Mathe ws. Crossbred Champion: Ken Bauer. Crossbred Reserve Champion: Wilson Farms. Duroc Champion: Jon and Sandy Harris on. Franklin County Fair Holstein Show Names Winners CHAMBERSBURG (Franklin Co.) A junior 2-year-old cow, Stonehart Jogger Fifi, exhibited by Jami and Jamie Hartman was Open show winners, from left, are Ben jamin Mickey, reserve grand champion (also youth grand champion); and Jami, Jamie, and Colton Hartman with the open grand champion. Joining them is James Shaw, judge. Supreme champion boar from the Mary land State Fair was a Yorkshire exhibited by Andy Bauer, Rural Rhythm Farm of Day ton, Md. Also in the picture are judge Kim Brock from Oklahoma State University, Jackie Bauer, and Anna Schlicht, third runner-up, farm ambassador delegate. Champion: Rural Duroc Reserve Rhythm. Spotted Champion: Andrew Bauer. Spotted Reserve Champion: Andrew Bauer. Poland Champion; Ken Bauer. Poland Reserve Champion: Ken Bauer. Chesterwhite Champion; Rodger Ban kert. Chesterwhite Reserve Champion: Bud Strohmer. Yorkshire Champion: Amanda Hoover. Yorkshire Reserve Champion: Wilson Bros. CHAMPION BOARS Berkshire Champion: Greg Innerst. Berkshire Reserve Champion; Arlie Combauer. Hampshire Champion; Derek Wagner. Hampshire Reserve Champion: Greg In nerst. Duroc Champion: Paul Hester. Duroc Reserve Champion; Ken Bauer. Spotted Champion: Andrew Bauer. Spotted Reserve Champion; Andrew Bauer. Poland Champion; Ken Bauer. Poland Reserve Champion: Connie Bauer. Chesterwhite Champion: Ken Bauer. Chesterwhite Reserve Champion; Rodg er Bankert. Yorkshire Cham pion: Andrew Bauer. Yorkshire Re serve Champion: Michael Weber. ELECTRONIC MARKET CAR- CHAMPIONS Duroc Champi on: John Martin. Duroc Reserve Champion: James Martin. Yorkshire Cham pion; John Martin. Yorkshire Re serve Champion: Chem Rock Farm. Berkshire Cham pion: Greg and Beth Innerst Berkshire Re serve Champion: James Martin. Maryland State Fair supreme champion gilt was exhibited by Chip Weaver. Hampshire Champion: Andrew Bauer. named open grand champion of the Holstein Show conducted during the Franklin County Fair Aug. 23. Benjamin Mickey of Reich-Dale Farm showed the open reserve grand champion and youth grand champion, an 8-year-old cow named Reich- Dale Charles Lorena. The Stoner Family of Bell- Stone Farm, Waynesboro, was selected as premier breeder and exhibitor. Andy’s Stoner’s 4-year-old cow, Bell-Stone Jubal Hampshire Reserve Champion: Greg and Beth Innerst. Chesterwhite Champion: Rodger Ban kart. Chesterwhite Reserve Champion: James Martin. Poland Champion: Wilson Farms. Poland Reserve Champion: Ken Bauer. Spotted Champion; Andrew Bauer. Spotted Reserve Champion: Andrew Bauer. Crossbred Champion: Wilson Bros. Crossbred Reserve Champion: Ken Bauer. SUPREME CHAMPION BARROW John Martin SUPREME CHAMPION BARROW PAIR Greg and Beth Innerst SUPREME CHAMPION ELECTRONIC CARCASS Wilson Bros. SUPREME CHAMPION OILT Chip Waavsr SUPREME CHAMPION BOAR Andrew Bailor Penny-TW, was best bred and owned of the open and youth shows and reserve grand champi on of die youth show. Other winners at the show in cluded Reich-Dale Farm, open junior champion; Ben Cashell, open reserve junior champion Open junior show win ners are, from left, Curtis Reichard, junior champion, and Ben Cashell, reserve. 9 V Chester County Conducts 4-H Dairy Goat Roundup HONEY BROOK (Chester Co.) The Chester County 4-H Dairy Goat Roundup took place at the Romano 4-H Center of Chester County on Rt. 322, Honey Brook. A total of 41 goat projects were exhibited and five 4-H youth participated. This year the show was divided into four breed classes Alpines, Nubians, Toggenburgs, and Recorded Grades. Dan Torrison of Quakertown did a fine job not only in placing the animals, but also instructing the 4-Hers in how to improve their animals through breeding. In the Alpine breed, Joe Batch elder of Glen Mills captured both Senior and Grand Champion with bis stylish doe, Momingglo ry, in the 4-5 year age class. Seli na Bari of Downingtown received the Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion title in the Al pine breed with Parfait, a doe in the 2-3 year age division. Promise, who showed in the under 4 months of age kid class, was the Junior Champion for Se lina, with her 12-24 month old doe. Rowan, being Reserve Jr. Champion. Veronica Bates of Gradyville received Grand Champion & Sr. Champion of the Nubian breed with her 4-5 year old doe, Snapple. Veronica also won Re serve Grand and Reserve Sr. Champion with Poppy Seed, a doe in the 5 years and over age category; and Jr. Champion with Lora Lee, a kid under 4 months of age. Selina Bari took Reserve Jr. Champion with Diamond, a 4-12 monmold kid. Joe Batchdder headed up the Toggenburg breed when his 4-5 year old doe, April, won both Grand and Senior Champion. Diana Bates of Gradyville re- Chester Co. 4-H dairy goat best-of-show winners: From left, Jennifer Messner, reserve winner with her recorded grades champion; and Joe BatcheMer, the best-of-show winner with his Toggenburg champion doe. and youth junior champion; and Tobin Stuff, youth reserve junior The Stoner family of Bell-Stone Farm is premier breed er and exhibitor at the Franklin County Holstein Show. Shown here, from left, are Donald and Beyerty Fahmey, Rhonda Fahmey Stoner, Andy Stoner, Donnie and Lynn Stoner, and judge James Shaw. ceived Reserve Grand and Re serve Senior Champion with her doe Brook, who showed in the 1-2 year of age class. Selina Bari was awarded Junior Champion with Sunday, who showed in the under 4 months of age class; and Reserve. Jr. Champion with Dahlia, a kid in the 4-12 age cat egory. In the Recorded Grades cat egory, Mr. Torrison selected a fine looking 2 to 3 year old doe named Zoe, owned by Jennifer Messner of Glenmoore, for Senior and Grand Champion. Reserve Grand & Reserve Sr. Champion went to Joe Batchelder with his doe, Ricecake, who showed in the same class. The Jr. Champion of the Recorded Grade show was Raisen, a kid who showed in the under 4 months of age group, owned by Selina Bari. Reserve Jr. Champion also went to Selina’s goat Carmel, who showed in the 4-12 moths of age group. The highlight of the Round-Up was when the judge selected Joe Batchelder’s outstanding Grand Champion Toggenburg doe, April, for Best In Show honors. Jennifer Messner received the Reserve award with her Record ed Grade doe, Zoe. In the Fitting and Showing competition, Veronica Bates was the both the Champion Show man and Champion Fitter for the Senior division, while Joe Batch elder took Reserve honors in both categories. In the Junior competi tion, Selina Bari received Cham pion Showman, while Diana Bates was awarded Champion Fitter. In the First Year Division, Jennifer Messner received both Champion Showman and Cham pion Fitter awards. champion. Janies Shaw judged the show.
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