(Continued from Page A 10) versity, (607) 255-3685 Thursday Docombur 4 Maryland Pasture Walk, West ern Maryland Research and Education Center, Keedy sville, Md. Future of Our Food and Farms Summit, Wilmington Wynd ham Hotel, Delaware, thru Dec. 5. South Jersey Landscape Confer ence, Masso’s Crystal Manor, Glassboro, N.J., 9:15 a.m., (609) 291-7070. New York AGR-Lite Meeting for Aswego County, Volney Town Hall, Cornell University, (607) 255-3688. Friday. December 5 Pa. 4-H State Leadership Confer ence, Ramada Inn, State Col lege, thru Dec. 5. Saturday, December 6 Stallion Season, Sporting Art Auction, Gala Cocktail Party and Dinner, Candyland Farm, 1343 Bohemia Road, Middle town, Del., 6 p.m., (302) 378-7192, Managing Woodlands for Recre ation Purposes, Lake Morey Resort, Fairlee, Vt., 9 a.m.-5 Lancaster Farming’s Turf & Tree is scheduled to be part of Lancaster Farming’s Grower & Marketer special section for the Dec. 6 issue. Scheduled for Turf & Tree: infor- Ml matron about the region’s tree and landscape manage- davwv-^d;, garden industries. Featured: information from Power Expo 2003, r a maple production workshop story, Christmas tree grower features, and spring turf management tips. Lancaster Poured I Walts • Agriculture J—— • Commercial • Residential i] J Call for Prices On: • NRCS approved Manure Storage Pits • Concrete • Basements • Retaining Wails Pumping • Footers • Foundation Walls Customer Satisfaction Is Our Goal Lancaster Poured Walls, Inc. 2542 Horseshoe Rd.» Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 656-7370 » Fax (717) 656-7350 I Attention Hunters I SSI MiOMSaOll | Widest spread-mounted FREE * Deer Horns Ji/s' K ' * mounted on panel ill/ covered with Deer T" Leather Z I $25.00 | g Is ■ Q BARRY'S TAXIDERMY 1055 Swamp Bridge Road, Denver, PA 17517 Wrb'-.it'’ dpiivsliiAirirr my rom tnunl l.ixdormy ptd nc* CALL FOR PRICES: 717 336 2512 p.m., (802) 656-0037. Meat Goat Producers Health Conference, Tioga County Fairgrounds, Whitneyville, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., (570) 724-9120. Sunday Decombet t National Conference on Grazing Lands, Nashville, Term. Con vention Center, thru Dec. 10. A Gathering Christmas, Gember ling-Rex House, Schaeffers town, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Maryland Farm Bureau Annual Meeting, Carousel Resort Hotel, thru Dec. 10, (410) 922-3426. New York Hands-On Value- Added Meat Seminar, Morris on Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., (315) 787 -2622. Maryland and Virginia Milk Pro ducers Cooperative Meeting, District 6, Fulton Grange Hall, Peach Bottom, noon, (410) 692-5156. Tuesday, Decembers Lebanon County Farm City Ban quet, (717) 270-4391. Ag Service School, Meadville Days Inn, (841)333-7460. Southwest Virginia area dairy conference. Farm Bureau Hair on Deer Hides Tanning $30.00 Season Special Mounting ALL DEER HEADS $200.00 Building, Marion. Virginia’s Equine Medical Center Lecture, Alternate Therapies in Veterinary Medicine, Cen ter Library, Leesburg, 7 p.m., (703)771-6843. Estate Planning Workshops for New York Farmers and Rural Landowners, Wyndam Hotel, Syracuse, 9 a.m.-noon for fin ancial and legal advisors, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. for farmers and landowners, (315) 255-2508. Banquet and meeting, Lancaster DHIA, Good ’n’ Plenty Res taurant, Smoketown, 11:30 a.m„ (717) 665-5960. Wednesday December 10 Pa. Dairy Stakeholders’ Confer ence, Holiday Inn, Grantville, 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m. and Dec. 11 6:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Poultry Seminar, Kreider’s Res taurant, Manheim, noon. Ag Service School, Somerset Oakhurst Tea Room, (724) 438-0111. Rocky Mount, Va. area Dairy Conference, Waidsboro Ruri tan Club. New York AGR-Lite Meeting for Oneida and Madison counties, Dibble’s Inn, Vernon, Cornell University, (607) 255-3688. Thursday, December 11 Ag Service School, Williamsport Holiday Inn, (570) 433-3040. New York New Fanner Work shop, Crandall Public Library, Glen Falls, N.Y., 7 p.m.-9 p.m., 1 (800) 548-0881. Valley Area Virginia Dairy Con ference, Montezuma Hall, just west of Dayton, Rockingham County. Laura Mihm Earns Junior Bronze Award ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Mihm, Woodbine, Md., has quali- fied for the Bronze Award of the ' National Junior Angus Associa tion, James Fisher, director of ac tivities and junior activities for the American Angus Association in St. Joseph, Mo., recently an JMfcMKMUAItirA TIRE BALLAST H Manufactured By: P.O. Box 4012, East Lansing, Ml 48826 Ready to use liquid, • Weight approx, easier to handle than 10.7#/gal. traditional weights . Patented and OSHA Non-corrosive to tire rims approved Non-toxic & biodegradable • Use with tubes or Safe to -30 C tubeless tires on new, Non-flammable Reduces tire rustim CROP & SOIL CONSULTING and PRODUCTS Mahlon King, Certified Soil Consultant, 717-354-8594 • Cell 717-278-9237 • Specializing in soil fertility • Nutrient Management • Complete soil testing Planning through BROOKSIDG • Soil amendments LABORATORIES . Fohar fed Traces • Complete soil recommen dations, including balancing for major and trace minerals • Computerized soil reports • High level of technical support fc. HOMESTEAD NUTRITION, INC. JMml 245 White Oak Road, New Holland, PA 17557 jKETBt 717-354-4398 • 888-336-7878 MW. The HeaUhy Choice From The Ground Up Montgomery County Farm Mar ket Seminar, Session 1, Coch ranville Community Center, 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m., (610) 696-3500. Organic Produce Growers’ Meet ing, Iron Skillet Restaurant, Petro Shopping Center, Avoca, 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m., (570) 963-6842. Ag Issues Forum, Landis Valley Museum Firehouse, Lancaster, 7:30 a.m.-9 a.m., (717) 627-0440. Northwest Pa. Cattlemen Direc tors meeting, Mercer County Extension, (724) 662-3141. Friday. December 1 2 Grounds Managers’ Winter Seminar, Warrington Motor Lodge, Warrington, PA, (215) 345-3283. Satuiday December 13 Pa. Cattlemen’s College, Toftrees Resort and Conference Cen ter, State College, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., (814) 863-3661. Tuesday, December 16 4-Day Workshop on Manage ment Essentials for Dairy Suc cess, thru Dec. 17 and Feb. 17-18, Holiday Inn Express, State College, (888) 373-7232. Passing on the Family Farm Workshop, Pa. Farm Link, Cumberland County Exten sion, (717) 664-7077. Maryland Dairy Industry Asso cation Annual Meeting, Car roll County Ag Center, West minster, Md., 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., (202) 293-0476. Montgomery County Farm Mar ket Seminar, Session 2, Honey nounced. t> Mihm is the 18-year-old daughter of Jotui and Robin Mihm. She has shown her Angus cattle at various shows at the local, state.and regional levels. She has reigned as the Maryland Angus Queen. She is the mem bership direc tor for the Maryland Junior Angus Association and has been a member of the National Junior Angus Association Laura Rim-Guard Inc. antique, full size or compact tractors. to nm • Soil programs and products designed for commercial, organic & biological cropping systems • High quality plant nutrition. • GPS Field Mapping Lan6ast&r Fawns', 29,‘2003-A35 Brook Twp. Building, Honey Brook, 1 p.m.-3 p.m., 1 p.m.-3 p.m. New England Vegetable and Berry Conference, Center of New Hampshire Holiday Inn, Manchester, N.H., thru Dec. 18, (413) 545-3696. Manure Hauler Certification Course, Dauphin County Ag Center, Dauphin, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., (814) 865-2987. Lanchester Pork Producers and Pa. Pork Producers Council, “SWAP” program meeting, Yoder’s Restaurant, New Hol land, (717) 445-5776. Wednesday December 17 Ag Engineering Workshop for Ag Professionals, Hampton Inn, Chambersburg, thru Dec. 18,(717)840-7408. Maryland Nutrient Management Training Course, Md. Dept, of Ag Building, Annapolis, thru Dec. 18, (410) 841-5959. Farmville, Va. Area Dairy Con ference, Prince Edward Coun ty extension office. New York AGR-Lite Meeting for Niagara, Orleans, and Genesee counties, Albion, Or leans County Fairgrounds, Cornell University, (607) 255-3688. Thursday, December 18 Heifer Housing: Health Manage ment, Hampton Inn, Cham bersburg, thru Dec. 19, (717) 840-7408. New York AGR-Lite Meeting for Cayuga and Onondaga Coun ties, Cayuga County Ag Cen ter, Auburn, Cornell Universi ty, (607) 255-3688. since 2002. The Bronze Award is the first of the three levels of the National Junior Angus Association Recog nition Program that began in 1972. Junior Angus breeders must apply for the awards and then meet point requirements in many areas of participation be fore receiving the honors. Appli cants are evaluated in the areas of junior Angus association activ ities, participation in showman ship and leadership competitions, using performance testing to im prove their herd and their pro gress in producing and merchan dising Angus cattle.
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