A32-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 12, 2003 Dairy Beef Quality Assurance Training Seminar July 15 MIDDLETOWN (Dauphin Co.) A Dairy Beef Quality As surance (DBQA) training semi nar has been scheduled July 15 in Perry County. Sharing educational informa tion with dairy producers on the subject of beef quality assurance in Pennsylvania is the purpose behind this initiative to certify dairy producers as implemented of best management practices at the farm. Dairy producer and vice chair man of the Pennsylvania Beef Council, Duane Hertzler of Loy sville, is hosting this first in a se ries of state training programs. The program will begin at 10 a.m. with a presentation by Dr. Larry Hutchinson of Penn- State and Dave Swartz, Perry County dairy extension agent. Lunch will be provided by the BQA Com mission and the Pennsylvania Beef Council. After lunch, fur ther presentations and discus sions will be about keeping the appropriate records, choosing the right injection site locations and giving injections, and proper drug handling techniques. A ne- New Website Makes Exploring Bay Region Easy ANNAPOLIS, Md. With the beginning of summer, it’s a great time to start planning a trip to explore the culture, history, and environment of the Chesapeake Bay region. To help visitors make the most of their trip, the Chesa peake Bay Gateways network re cently launched its new, interac tive Website, ww.baygateways.net. The website is an easy resource for planning long or short trips. Bay region residents and visitors can find information about their favorite Chesapeake Gateway or discover new ones. The Chesapeake Bay Gate ways Network is a partnership system of more than 120 parks, wildlife refuges, museums, histor ic communities, and trails in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Gateways are places to experi ence, first-hand, Chesapeake life and culture. Users can explore the Gateways Network in a number of differ- ent ways; • Location The Gateways Network spans Maryland, Vir ginia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, and the District of Columbia. • Activity Gate ways sites offer a wide range of activities from auto touring and biking to swimming and kayaking. • Theme Gate ways focus on every thing from “Water men and the Bay” to “Environmental Stew ardship.” • Type Gateways take on many forms, from parks and muse ums to lighthouses, wildlife preserves, and water trails. • Event Chesa peake Bay Gateway sites host hundreds of exciting events throughout the year. The website pro vides all the informa tion travelers need to know before beginning < trip including up coming events, driving dicertiore. and. actm-. cropsy presentation by a Fort Dodge veterinarian will show the damage done to muscle tissue when shots are given inappropri ately. This seminar is open to anyone raising cattle in Pennsylvania, particularly dairy producers. Upon completion of the days events, each producer attending will be certified under the Penn sylvania Beef Quality Assurance Program and will be presented a farm sign and entitlement to the specially designed Pennsylvania BQA blue ear tags associated with the program. The farm sign and signature ear tags symbolize that their program and their pro duction practices meet the stan dards of the state’s guidelines for animal care. As a certified pro ducer, they will join the ranks of more than 900 other top Pennsyl vania producers. Contact the Pennsylvania Beef Council at (717) 939-7000 or the Perry County extension office at (717) 582-5150 for more details or directions to the Duane Hertzler farm. ties, and fees. The site also offers a calendar of events, trip planner, interactive slide-shows of Net work sites, a feature on Bay light houses, and more. A free map and guide to the Network can be ordered online or by calling (800) YOUR-BAY. ‘ 1 j Models from 55 to 490 cu. ft. rf- mixing capacity... SMS3& |[T 0 • PROVEN RUGGED ] 0 * j • PROVEN EFFICIENT 11 jIsSS • PROVEN economical J stationary Building T.M.R. Mixers MIXERS S/nce 1981 *~"R/SSLER~S 1 1 -MIXERS A FEEDERS"— Some Models Cut 800-436-5623 and Mix Hay 717-484-0551 [a !s=> Lancaster Poured | Walls • Agriculture • Commercial •Residential L 1 Call for Prices On: • NRCS approved Manure Storage Pits • Concrete • Basements • Retaining Walls Pumping • Footers • Foundation Walls Customer Satisfaction Is Our Goal Lancaster Poured Walls, Inc. 2542 Horseshoe Rd.* Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 656-7370 » Fax 1717) 656-7350 2003 Pa. Holstein Championship Shows Set STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) The Pennsylvania Hol stein Association has an nounced the schedule for its seven district championship shows this summer. The show season will culmi nate Sept. 23 at the Pennsylva nia Holstein Championship Show at the All-American in Harrisburg. The district show schedule, with contact numbers, is as fol lows: • Southwest Pa. Champion- ‘Plant’ To Enter Harvest Basket Competition KENNETT SQUARE (Chest er Co.) This spring’s plentiful rains bode well for bountiful fruit and vegetable harvests ip the coming months. Many gardeners are already planning for the eigth annual Garden Fest Harvest Bas ket Competition, September 13 and 14, at Longwood Gardens Longwood ‘Row KENNETT SQUARE (Chest er Co.) For 19 years, Long wood has participated in the na tional campaign sponsored by the Garden Writers Association of America to “Plant a Row for the Hungry.” This program asks America’s millions of gardeners to plant extra fruits or vegetables, harvest the produce, and give it to local charitable food distribu tors. Throughout the growing sea son, Longwood gardeners pick, wash, and bag ripe produce. One week may yield 20 heads of cab bage and armfuls of lettuce; an other week there may be SO pounds of tomatoes and bushels of green peppers. Longwood do nations include over 20 different types of crops ranging from beans, beets, and broccoli to peaches, pears, and plums. Last year, Longwood har vested more than 3,000 pounds of vegetables and fruits from less than a quarter acre. Volunteers ship Show July 26, Fayette County Fairgrounds, Union town, 10 a.m. (724) 677-2589. • Northern Tier Pa. Champi onship Show July 31, Wyo ming County Fairgrounds, Me shoppen, 10 a.m. (570) 679-2386. • Northwest Pa. Champion ship Show Aug. 1, Lawrence County Fairgrounds, New Castle, 9:30 a.m., (724) 654-7869. • South Central Pa. Champi onship Show Aug. 9, Ship- near Kennett Square. This com petition encourages gardeners to combine their horticultural and artistic talents and create ar ranged baskets of homegrown produce. The competition gives garden ers of all ages and expertise a chance to show their bounty and Gardens Intern Plants For The Hungry’ with Chester County Cares/ Community Service Council of Chester County pick up the do nations and distribute them to needy families. The Council’s Gleaners Project coordinates ef forts to gather fresh produce from area growers like Longwood and distribute it to the county's hungry. Gardeners everywhere can help feed the hungry. The first step to joining the “Plant a Row” campaign is to plant an extra row (or more) in the garden or m a window box or container, de pending on available space. Crops that travel and store well include broccoli, cabbage, carrots, peas, beans, tomatoes, peppers, squashes, onions, potatoes, and beets. Fruit trees and berry patches are another source for vi HEATMOR OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACES Wood-Oil & Corn-Burning Options Outback Heating Inc. 888-763-8617 800-743-5883 Stainless Steel Jamestown, NY Staunton,VA Reel Mowers For a Quality Cut! Model F-358 The “1H - Wheel" Deluxe Mower Three 21" heavy duty mowers for a 58" cut Auto-turn steering • All new with lever lift • 3 Large steering wheels (excellent for hillsides) Also available in trailing mowers with * Easy lift transport mower 48" medium duty mowers, and 58" and * 1 co f n P act & ru 99ed on, „ .. . ~ 4 v • Pull with horse, pony, or 10hp tractor 92 -130 heavy duty mowers with . Ava ,, ab | e w|th ru Vr or ste |J whee|s transport frames. New Style! 3-Gang Trailing Mower (Show n u ith init) 58 cut heavy duty transport mower Mows close to the edge Pull with horse,pony,or lOhp tractor Also 42" & 63" trail, lawn & brush cutters!! Send Fot Om Biochme Mascot Sharpening & Sales 434 NcupuiL Rtwil • Ronks, PA 17573 pensburg Fairgrounds, Ship pensburg, 9:30 a.m. (717) 258-3859. • Central Pa. Championship Show Aug. 16, Huntingdon Fairgrounds, 6 p.m. (814) 667-3567. • Northeast Pa. Champion ship Show Aug. 19, Tioga County Fairgrounds, Whitney ville, 10 a.m. (570) 724-7811. • Southeast Pa. Champion ship Show Aug. 20, Lebanon Fairgrounds, 9:30 a.m. (717) 949-2331. vie for more than thousands worth of prizes. Entries will be ac cepted on Saturday, September 13, 7 a.m.-9 a.m. For competition guidelines, send a self-addressed stamped business envelope to: Harvest Basket Competition, Longwood Gardens, P.O. Box 501, Kennett Square, PA 19348-0501. tamin-packed donations. The next step is to locate a food bank, soup kitchen, or other charitable food provider that ac cepts fresh produce. Churches and the “Guide to Human Serv ices” pages in the phone book, a r* good places to start. It’s impoi tant to find out if, when, and where they accept donations, what types of produce they like. Some organizations can’t handle fresh produce because they lack proper storage, but many are es pecially grateful fof homegrowh fruits and vegetables because of the rich nutritional content. For suggestions, cal) Commu nity Service Council/Chestet County Care (610) 696-4545, con tact Delaware (302) 761-9100, or Philabundance (215) 339-0900. 5 Size 1 : - 19 Colon - Wood or Coal Grates Forced Diufl - Ash Auger Clean Out COMPARISON WITH OTHER OUTDOOR UNITS • Burns up to 1/2 less wood • Emits up to 1/2 less smoke • Corrosion Warranty up to 10 times longer
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