A3B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 5, 2003 House Estate Tax Vote Could Increase Taxes For Farmers WASHINGTON, D.C. The House of Representatives, June 18, rejected a measure to reform estate taxes and, instead, passed a measure to permanently repeal the tax in 2011. National Farmers Union said the House action could actually increase taxes for family farmers. NFU President Dave Freder ickson explained that under the House repeal proposal, heirs to moderately sized estates could face capital gains tax liabilities. “This legislation would establish a large new tax on American families that have more modest means and that would never be subject to the estate tax,” he said. A tax increase will likely result from the loss of the “stepped-up” basis clause contained in the cur PLNA Receives Clarification On Loan Eligibility HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Pennsylvania Landscape and Nursery Association Presi dent Gregg Robertson and Direc tor of Government Relations Michele Corbin Rudloff recently met with the Department of Community and Economic De velopment Deputy Secretary to seek clarification on loan eligibili ty for the Small Business First Loan Program (SBF) and the Machinery and Equipment Loan Fund (MELF). As previously reported, the SBF and MELF programs were recently opened to include pro duction agriculture operations. PLNA’s retail center and land scape contracting members are not eligible for the SBF or MELF programs, however, if they are lo cated in distressed areas they would gualify for the Community and Economic Development DUTCH WONDERLAND RENOVATION AUCTION Mon., July 28 at 9 A.M. 2249 Rte. 30 East, Lane., PA THIS AUCTION WILL HAVE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! Original Monorail Cars; Park Signs & other Nostalgic Memorabilia, Costume Characters & Games; Restaurant Equip, to me. 20Qt Hobart Mixer and 2 Berkel Slicers; Maint. & Const Equip. & materials to me. air compressors, welder, comm. Mower (nds wrk) w/ Bac-Vac; Plymold pic nic tables & Patio/Pool furniture; Retail displays and counters; 30ft Marshall Belt Conveyor; Onan 18KW gas generator w/ multi-voltage. For complete listing call for flyer or see website. Terms: pmt. in full day of sale by cash, PA check, MC/Visa. 10% Buyer’s Premium added to all items. There will be a lot of items - 2 auctioneers, selling. Announcements made sale day take precedence ov ( er ad[yeijising.- JENNINGS AUCTION GROUP, LLC 7.17-268-0020 IUA t*■ *3*' B-J- Jeid)ings.AU-003920-T www.jenningsauclion.com 351 V*. * mmm SOUTHERN PA CONTRACTORS AUCTION FRIDAY, JULY 25, 200 J (Tinre to be Announced) YORK SPRINGS, PA ADVANCE NOTICE - Mark Your Calendar Items to be sold will include: Loader backhoes; Wheel loaders; Crawler loaders; Dozers; Excavators; Skid steer loaders; Forklifts; Air compressors; Trenchers; Rd tractors; Flatbeds; Utility bodies; Box trucks; Rollbacks; Cab & chassis; Pickups; Vehicles; Trailer & many misc. contractor’s items, too numerous to list. Consignments now being accepted. Consign now to receive maximum advertising coverage. To consign equipment, trucks or trailers, contact; mtu tma-S. “ m y INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS, INC. Email: wolfeauctions@msn.com www.wolfeauctions.com ,4jiBS%s (800)443-9580 • (301 )898-0340 jj&li 9801 Hansonville Rd., Frederick, MD 21702 PA # AY-000206-L rent estate tax statute, Frederick son said. Current law adjusts the value of assets based on current values rather than original costs. Contrary to the rhetoric of repeal advocates, current law also as sures that double taxation rarely applies to farm operations that are transferred from one generation to the next. These benefits to family farmers and ranchers could be lost if estate tax repeal is enacted. Permanent repeal would result in nearly $1 trillion in lost federal revenues over the next 20 years, which Frederickson said would create higher budget deficits and reduced funding for services. Loan Fund (CED). SBF offers up to $200,000 for land, building, machinery, equip ment, and working capital. If filed within 9 months of a natural disaster, such as the 2002 drought, the interest rate is 2 per cent. MELF offers up to $500,000 for machinery and equipment. The interest rate varies from 3-5 percent. CED offers funding for retail and commercial operations in distressed areas for up to $200,000 or 50 percent of the cost of the program. The interest rate for CED is 2 percent. For all of the programs, appli cants must contact their local economic development office to begin the loan process. A list of these offices is available at www.plna.com under Govern ment Relations Compliance Cen ter or by calling the PLNA office at (800) 898-3411. PUBLIC AUCTION Thursday Evening July 10,2003 5:30 PM FARM MACHINERY and TRUCKS Located in Falling Waters WV. Take 1-81 to West Virginia Exit 23 (Route 11) South toward Falling Waters, proceed 500 feet to sale on left. NH 65 square baler; Cock Shut 540 tractor; Broad Cast spreader with 3pt. hitch; 2- 9’ transport disc; several plows; small pull-type disc; Oliver one row com picker; cement box; 4-hole hog feeder; trough; mantle saw; 7’ scraper blade; 8’ power angle snow blade; 7’ manual snow blade; manure fork bucket; Gehl chuck wagon; JD 494 A com planter; Two gravity bins; old side delivery hay rake; IH one row chopper; Farmall Super H trac tor; miscellaneous farm hand tools; CT 12 hp rid ing mower with 43” cut; Champion 18 hp 44” cut lawn tractor; NH hay bine for parts; JD manure spreader for parts; NI manure spreader for parts; Old loader from Farmall H; steel steps; slide-in cattle racks; small 2-horse trailer; AC 780 2 row corn head chopper; 8” I-beams; three 275 gallon oil tanks. Honda ATC 110 3-wheeler excellent cond.; very nice ‘B5 Ford 300 6cy. 4X4 W/ snow plow; ‘B2 Ford 300 6 cy. 4X4; ‘B9 Pontiac Grand Am; 1969 600 Ford no motor, flat dump bed; 1980 Chevy Luv as-is; truck hitch; ladder rack for 8‘ bed; 6’ utility bed; Approx. 20 B’X 2’ and B’Xr concrete culverts. Few household pieces, dresser; refrigerator; stove and other miscella neous items. AD vehicles sold as is, Terms: cash or good check, nothing removed until settled for, not responsible for accidents, positive ID. Rick Jordan 8301 Williamsport Pike, Falling Waters, WV Auctioneer: David E Gossert WV 547 BUILDING ojff MATERIALS **** AUCTION SAT., JULY 12, 2003 9:00 AM On Site At KOSER BUILDING MATERIALS 523 Koser Rd. Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 717-367-0283 DIRECTIONS: Take 283 to E-town/Hershey exit, turn north, toward Hershey on 743, turn right onto Beverly Rd., turn left on Koser Rd. go 1/4 mile. Equipment: Super 6 petty bone. Canoe and trail er, 1994 full-size CMC Blazer, 1996 Seadoo Jet Ski GTX 800, 32’ ext. ladder BUILDING MATERIALS: Lumber: 2x4xB, Ix 3, Ix 4, Ix 6, IxB, Ixlo, 2x12x8, OSB and ply wood; T-l-11 wood siding (4x8); T&G 2x6x16; Pressure treated lumber; Wood lattice (4x8); 2x2x48 ballisters; Trusses, 1/2”; and 1” sheeting insulation; Rubber roofing; Roll roofing; Felt paper; Lots of vinyl fencing; Vinyl decking and railing; Vinyl siding; Nails; Screws; Adhesives and caulk; Pre-hung steel doors (9 lite, 1 lite and other assorted styles); Storm doors; Mobile home doors; French doors; Windows; Shutters; Paneling; Drywall; Moulding; Bathroom tile board; Lots of intenor doors; Bi-fold doors; Lock sets; Dry wall compound; Tubs and showers; Toilets; Electrical supplies; Lights; Plumbing sup plies; Water healers; Heating supplies; Wire shelving; Kitchen cabinets; Counter tops; Range hoods; Bath vanities; Vanity tops; Medicine cabi nets; Mirrors; Carpet & vinyl flooring; Laminate flooring; Ceramic tile. MISC. ITEMS: Household appliances, pet sup plies, shrubbery, fertilizer & grass seed New items coming in all the time... Too much to list. Truck lot consignments welcome day of sale, No junk accepted All items must be usable and m fair condition. Food available. Vehicles and Equipment Subject Prior to Sale Order of Sale: Truck lots building materials and misc. Terms: Cash, or approved check. John Koser AH-000140-L Wolgemuth Auction Service www.koserbuildingmatenals.com Sale Dates for 2003: Sei it. 1, Nov. 1. Dec. 13. TUSCARORA MOUNTAIN 11.2 ACRE PERRY COUNTY REAL ESTATE AUCTION Fri., Aug. 15,2003 - 7:«« p.m. Ickesburg, PA Auction located 1 mile north of Ickesburg just off Route 74 on the Ickesburg Mountain. Saville Towtiship Residence or Weekend Retreat 11.2 acres of very gently sloped mountain wood land erected thereon a 34’X48’ 1-story 3-bedroom frame dwelling with a 24’X24’ renovated addition. This home has a modem kitchen, large living room/dimng area, 1 full bath, good drilled well, on-site sewage, central air with oil-fired heat exchange, a small concrete basement area, and a detached 2-car garage. The property has a private right-of-way off Route 74 and also offers a good stand of young and mature hardwood timber. This southern-exposed home is nestled into the Tuscarora Mountain and offers privacy, excellent hunting with Pennsylvania Game Lands nearby and would make an excellent year-round home or a wonderful vacation or hunting lodge. A must-see property selling with a recent survey and located m the West Perry School District. Showing Dates: Sat & Sun, July 26 & 27 and Sat & Sun, Aug 2 & 3, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Real Estate Terms: 10% down day of sale, bal ance due in 30 days, cash or good PA check. Vehicles and Personal Property selling at 5:30 p.m. Jason & Beth Logan, owners R R 1 Box 39, Ickesburg, PA 717-438-3830 (leave a message) Bryan D. Imes & Sons, Auctioneers R R 1 Box 902, Port Royal, PA 17082 717-527-2449 AU-001656-L By Order of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court! PUBLIC AUCTION TRUCKS, HEAVY EQUIPMENT & OTHER VEHICLES! SAT., JULY 26TH @ 10:00 a.m. Auction sue: Wyoming Sand & Stone #6 , Wyoming Sand & Stone Road Tunkannock, PA 1990 Mack tractor RW7I3; 1985 Mack Tri-Axle RD6865; 1988 Mack Tri-Axle RD6905; 1989 Mack Tri Axle RD6905; 1989 Mack Tri Axle RD6905; 1989 Mack Tri Axle RD6905; 1978 Dodge Van/Trailer; 1978 Mack Tractor/Water Trk.; 1974 Ford F350/Serv. Trk.; 1974 Ford Water Trk. LT9000; 1977 Chevy Bison Water Trk.; 1999 J. Deere 510 C Backhoe; 1986 Geni Lift Z-3020-HD; 1977 J. Deere 20-40 Utility Tract.; 1988 J. Deere 2155 Tract. w/SWL; 1993 Chevy Dist. Truck 200 P; 1985 Ford Dist. Truck L 8000; 1977 Hill, Alum., Dymp Trailer, 28’; 1983 Summit, Dump Trailer, 28’; 1989 Rogers, Lowboy Trailer, 35 ton; 1989 Fruehauf, Tank Trailer, TEH-27000; 1990 Chevy Pickup K 2500; 1989 Chevy Pickup C 2500; 1988 Chevy Pickup C 2500; 1988 Chevy Pickup C 2500; 1986 Chevy Pickup C2O; 1994 Chevy Pickup Cl 500; 1993 Chevy Pickup C 2500; 1993 Chevy Pickup C 2500; 1989 Ford Pickup F 250; 1986 Chevy Pickup C2O; 1990 Ford Pickup F 150; 1995 Ford Pickup FI50; 1989 Ford Pickup F 150; 1989 Ford Pickup F 150; 1988 Chevy Pickup C3O 1 ton; 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee. And More to be Added! Consignments Welcome! Inspection: July 25th, 9:00 A.M.-Noon & two hours prior to sale. Terms of Sale; Cash, Cert. Funds, Good Check with bank letter of guarantee. Everything sold as is where is. See our web site for more details. Col. Steve Sitar & Co. www.sitaram (570) 586-1397 Pa. Lie. AU2124-L i.com
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