816-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 2003 This column is for read ers who have questions but don’t know who to ask for answers. “You Ask—You Answer” is for non-cooking ques tions. When a reader sends in a question, it will be printed in the paper. Read ers who know the answer are asked to respond by mailing the answer, which will then be printed in the paper. Questions and Answers to this column should be addressed to You Ask—You Answer, Lancaster Farm ing, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Attention: Lou Ann Good. Or, you may e-mail ques tions and answers to LGOOD.EPHOLNPNEW- S.COM Please clarify what ques tion you are answering when responding. Do not send a seif-ad dressed, stamped envelope for a reply. If we receive the answer, we will publish it as soon as possible. Please include your phone number because we some times need to contact the person to clarify details. We will not publish your phone number unless you request it. However, if your question requires someone to mail items to you, you must include your address or phone number for pub lishing. QUESTION - LaKee Christman, Greehcastle, wants to know if there are any places that buy and slaughter tame rabbits in the Franklin County area. QUESTION - Al Lenkie wicz, Hamburg, is looking for information on a device that attaches to the vehicle exhaust and to a garden hose used to kill ground hogs in their burrows. QUESTION - Marie Hix son, Crystal Spring, wants to know how to grow wild rice. They live on a farm with some wet areas that she believes would be suit able for growing rice. Any one know where she can find information? QUESTION - A reader would like to know what to New Penn State Publication UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) People who cook for the public as part of food fund-rais ers now have a new resource for consistent food safety, thanks to a new publication authored by a food safety specialist in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences. “Cooking for Crowds: A Vol unteer’s Guide to Safe Food Han dling” is a comprehensive manu al for civic and church groups, school organizations, volunteer fire companies and the many other groups who cook for the public for food fund-raisers or use to counteract blight on red beets. The leaves look like little trails. When the skin of the leaf is lifted, little maggots are in be tween. The leaves get brown and die. QUESTION - Sara Maust, Berlin, wants to know where to find five year diaries. She cannot find them in bookstores in her area or even in Pitts burgh. QUESTION - Warren Glidewell, Bloomsburg, wants to know where to find Flemish giant rabbits in a fawn color. QUESTION - A reader would like to buy a copy of the book, “A Corporate Tragedy” by Barbara Marsh. Call (610) 286-7093. QUESTION - To the reader who wants to buy a used, size 6 cast iron skil let in good condition. You must include an address or phone number so the per son who has it can contact you. QUESTION - Eugene Maute, 327 Asbury Ave., El kins Park, PA 19027 wants to know who sells thick, clear, flexible plastic sheet ing like that used to make seat covers. Maute wants to buy several yards. QUESTION - Ronald Bennett, 1870 Strong Rd., Victor, NY 14564, collects 1800’s farm tools and wants to know where to find barn hay cars and trollies that run on wood or metal rails. QUESTION - Daniel Yo nosh, Slatington, writes that he would like to con sult with a person who has the knowledge and experi ence to make proper set tings on a John Deere Model 246, 3 pt, 2-row corn planter to plant corn. His problem is knowing how to maintain a consistent planting depth over rolling land. Call (610) 799-2536, leave a message, and Yo nosh will return the call. QUESTION - C. Gut shall, Carlisle, is looking for proper cleaning instruc tions for printed cotton seed sacks made in the special events. Dana McElroy, food safety specialist in Penn State’s depart ment of food science, says the curriculum shows nonprofit and volunteer groups the unexpected food safety risks that they face in preparing large volumes of food, and how to reduce those risks in making food that’s both safe and delicious. “Many people don’t know that there are a lot of additional safety risks that come with cooking large quantities of food,’’McElroy says. 19405. She also would like a Web site address that of fers information on older cotton and burlap feed sacks. QUESTION - Eric Sor tore, Allentown, New Jer sey, has an old hand saw filer, model 1200, made by Belsaw. He is missing the saw clamps and clamp bars, and Foley-Belsaw no longer stocks parts for it. If one of our readers has these parts, please write to let him know where to get them, or allow him to get measurements so that he can fabricate them himself. QUESTION - Alta Weav er, Fredericksburg, bought a used food dehydrator that did not have an owner’s manual with it. She won ders if anyone knows where she can get one. Also she wonders if a dehy drator has a fan, since this model does not and it seems to have a place for one. It is a Bee Beyer’s Original Food Dehydrator, model number BB 5001. To mail a manual or parts, please write to Alta at 125 Blue Mountain Road, Fred ericksburg, PA 17026 or call (717) 865-7440. QUESTION If anyone has an Amish Lieder writ ten by Joseph W. Yoder, copyright 1942 to sell, please contact Elam M. Ebersol, 558 Gibbons Road, Bird-in-Hand, PA 17505. Additionally, if anyone has a “Fortune Years” by Aaron Click to sell at a reasonable price, please contact Eber sol. QUESTION - If anyone has a copy of “The Beauti ful Story: Golden Gems of Religious Thoughts” by J.W. Buel to sell please call (717) 656-0457. QUESTION A reader would like to know if there are any classes for learn ing to braid rugs in the area of Boyertown, Fleet wood, Topton, or sur rounding areas. QUESTION - Marcia Whitsel, Shirleysburg, would like to find an older opaque projector for en larging or copying some patterns. A smaller one would work, she writes, and wonders if schools that are no longer using them would make them available. QUESTION - Valerie Miller, Honesdale, wants to purchase a pair of wool carders in good condition for a reasonable price. As an inexperience carder, she also would appreciate Stresses Safety When Cooking For Crowds “They may have been volun teering for years and probably are very food safety conscious, but they may not be aware of the additional risks. “On top of that, nonprofit groups may not have the finances to buy commercial food service equipment and may be working with equipment that’s not de signed to prepare or serve large quantities of food. The ‘Cooking for Crowds’ curriculum is de signed to educate groups about food safety standards and pro vide practical ways to meet those standards.” tips on carding and spin ning wool. QUESTION A reader wants to know what to use on kitchen formica coun tertops to preserve or seal the formica to keep it from wearing down, keeping stains out and adding shine? QUESTION - A reader wants to know where the strong rubber elastic (like rubber bands) can be pur chased to make fitted bed sheets. QUESTION - Nina Pur vin wants information about a Purvin Dairy Com pany, which operated in Lancaster during the 19405-19505. She has found some interesting bot tles, a calendar, and a poster from the company. The latest item is from 1952. She’d like any in formation someone might have about the farm and dairy. QUESTION - Cathy Heagy, Narvon, is looking for a children’s book, “The Little Boy From Shickshin ny,” which is about a boy who got mad at a cow lying down in the dark and kicked it only to find out it was really a bear. Her grandmother had a copy when Cathy was a child. QUESTION - Richard Laughman, Chambersburg, wants to know where a Sony Superscope reel to reel tape player can be fixed. QUESTION - Pat Hart man, Ligonier, wants to know where to find balsam. She remembers seeing the answer in this paper but lost the address. She wants the answer repeated for what balsam is and where to get it. QUESTION - A. Mary Nolt, New Holland, wants to know the value of a Zenith egg grader scale and what antique dealers are inter ested in items such as these. ANSWER - Charles Rowland, Elkton, Maryland, would like to buy an out door wood furnace, and would like to have owner/ user pros and cons. He seeks information such as the best brand of manufac turer, most efficient, etc. Thanks to B. Righter for recommending Rowland check at his local library for the Feb./March issue of “Mother Earth News,” for information on outdoor fur naces. Also drive around She explains that Penn State Cooperative Extension agents, who frequently train nonprofit groups about proper large-vol ume food preparation techniques for the public, asked for the cur riculum to replace older, outdat ed materials that didn’t address the specific needs of nonprofit food preparation. The manual includes: • Ideas for planning a safe event • Strategies to provide safe water for food fund-raisers • Alternative equipment ideas • Checklists for barbecues. and find people using the furnaces to leam the pros and cons of having one. If you do install an outdoor furnace, check your pre vailing winds you don’t want the chimney smoke coming directly to your front door. ANSWER - Lucy Nolt, Mifflinburg, asked how to get rid of termites without using exterminator serv ices. It would cost $2,500 to have an exterminator do it, so the Notts prefer to do it themselves if possible. Thanks to B. Righter for e mailing that a good hard ware store such as Lowe’s in Selinsgrove sells termite killing insecticides. ANSWER - Doris Ris smiller, Elverson, wanted to know where she can have the pothandles replaced on her pan set made by Pru dential ware. The set was purchased 30-35 years ago. Thanks to Anna Martin, Denver, for recommending she contact New Era Inc., 1255 Paradise Hill Road, P.O. Box F, Clarksville, TN 37041. Anna writes that she has used New Era serv ices several times to re place handles on a set of Flavorseal cookware pur chased 39 years ago from a traveling salesman. ANSWER - A reader wanted to know of a place to take small material scraps for recycling. Naomi Blank writes that she will take the scraps. Write to her at 5219 Amish Rd., Kin zers, PA 17535. Also, A.L. Stoltzfus, 1319 Tanning Yard Hollow Rd., Peach Bottom, PA 17563, said small pieces of fabric can be used to make com forts and covers to be sent to relief centers. She is in terested in pieces as small as two inches. ANSWER For the read er who wanted Homer Laughin dinnerware in the single rose pattern, a Lan caster County reader writes that she has a good selection of this pattern. Call (717) 336-5696. ANSWER - Susan Girali co, New Tripoli, sent in a different phone number than that printed in last week’s issue for Cuisanart. Order cuisanart DLC-7 at tachments by calling (800) 726-0190. ANSWER In answer to D. Peters’ request, Glenn Thompson writes that Bulb Direct, Pittsford, N.Y., sells almost every bulb that has ever been made. Call (800) 772-5267. meals, bake sales, sub/sandwich sales, home-delivered meals and temporary events • Strategies to implement food safety practices in an organiza tion’s kitchen The complete “Cooking for Crowds” curriculum is available via the Web at www .cookingfor crowds.psu.edu. The color manual (Publication # AGRS-86) also can be pur chased through the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Publication Distribution Center for $9 by calling toll-free (877) 345-0691.
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