A24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 2003 A Plan For Pennsylvania Dennis Wolff (Continued from Page A 1) Yet, farmers own 27 percent of the state’s land mass. Our current system of funding schools pri marily through property taxes means that farmers have been carrying far more than their fair share of the burden. What makes the current prop erty tax system for school fund ing even worse is that it isn’t fair in how funds are distributed to schools, either. Under our current system, the gap between our wealthiest schools and our poor est schools has widened to more than $193,000 per classroom. Pennsylvania now ranks 46th among all states when it comes to school funding equity. And, rural schools have consistently been on the short end of the stick. This limits opportunities for our young people to learn the skills they need, it limits new business creation, and it encourages rural youth to leave their communities for better opportunities else where. Gov. Rendell’s Plan for a New Pennsylvania begins with an av erage 30 percent reduction in property taxes. For farmers, that means an immediate reduction in Call or email us today for a FREE CATALOG. TOLL FREE - 1-800-845-3374 • 717-866-7565 • www.farmerboyag.com SSSSSfiacSI^S BARNSTORMER FANS Air Circulated at Its Best. Sizes: 2.4", 36” Multifan 130 6trf (50”) "Cone fan The ultimate in airflow and superior quality construction make up this powerful fan system Highest Airflow - Lowest Energy Cost n Advantage™ • Airfoil propellers with stall-limiting design 24” propeller diameter * High impact polymer housing • Tapered and extended cone Improves efficiency Aerotech® offers you a Lifetime Warranty on the propeller, housing and cone. their production costs. It means higher net farm income, and wel come relief in these challenging times for commodity prices. The tax relief applies to homesteads and farmsteads, including those enrolled in the “Clean and Green” program. The governor’s plan sends $1.5 billion in new state funding back to our school districts from a va riety of sources to offset local property tax reductions. It brings the state’s overall commitment to school funding to a hill SO per cent and, for rural school dis tricts, means a 23 percent in crease in funding. Rural school districts also will be eligible for salary incentives to help them hire and kefep good teachers in math and science. One of the new revenue sources is a gradual income tax increase, an effort to place the burden of school funding on those best able to pay for it. At the same time, the governor rec ognizes that many families in Pennsylvania are struggling with unemployment and jobs that don’t pay living wages. Many businesses are struggling to keep their doors open. Many fanners have been struggling to be profit able in their farm operations, and have sought off-farm jobs to help make ends meet. Under the gov ernor’s plan, the income tax for giveness program is increased to allow a family of four with an in come up to $32,000 to pay no state income taxes, and other low-income families to have in come tax relief. For as long as I can remember, farmers have talked about Penn sylvania’s property tax system with frustration. And, for more than 20 years, state policy mak ers have looked at other ways to fund local needs. Finally, there is a workable package on the table. Now, it’s up to all of us to let our legislators know that this is the time to act. kHHr m The Ventilation System Experts v 'OE=T e3 Vortex™ offers ~ • Cast aluminum 3- blade airfoil propeller * * 26 ” andsl " propeller • Streamlined 'ij/BBSr fiberglass housing * . • State-of-the-art 'v M- vor shutter design /A ~ . :<-■ Lancaster Rotary Sponsors 4-H Strawberry Roundup, Auction Top 4-H Strawberry exhibitors stand next to the Lancaster Rotary Club member who purchased their winning berries. Front row, from left, Evan Gainer, Kristofer Bucher, Danielle Youndt, and Kenton Bucher. Back row, from left, Sam Altdoerffer, Don Horn, John Graft, and Andrew Appel. LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) Heidi Gyorke (book judge). The Lancaster County 4-H Following the activity and Strawberry Roundup was con- judging, 4-H members and their ducted Wednesday at the Farm families joined the Rotary Club and Home Center, Lancaster. A for lunch, followed by an auction total of 52 4-H members partici- of the strawberries exhibited, pated. Youth participated in ac- Harold Keller, who has served as tivities including writing thank- auctioneer of this event for more you notes, making strawberry than 30 years, volunteered his milkshakes, and decorating gar- services again this year. Rotary den aprons while their project members contributed a total of books and berries were judged. $1,878.75 toward the 4-H rtifcm- Judges who volunteered their bers’projects, time for this year’s event in- Grand champion and reserve eluded John Shenk (berry judge), champions were named in two Lou Middleton (book judge), Jes- divisions. In Division 2 (youth ex sica Schmidt (book judge), and hibiting berries for the first time), ( Belt Drive and Direct Drive QjWnIJJJMiM GALVANIZED BOX FANS & SLANT WALL FANS Economical line of galvanized fans are now available in various versions to fit any need or application that you may encounter. Direct Drive «• High efficiency “PSC” motor • Full variable speed capabilities • Upright motor mounts for unrestricted airflow Belt Drive Available in 36” & 50” sizes • High quality sealed “AVS” designed bearings • V Belt with belt tensioner • Fan Guards included SB Ml Hi WHOLESALE AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES ( I I ARMER BOY AG Sum Danielle Youndt of Ephrata was named grand champion, receiv ing $175 for her quart of berries, and Evan Gainer of Mountville was named reserve champion, re* ceiving a bid of $9O. In Division 3, (youth who have sphibited berries before), Kristofer Bucher of Man heim was named grand champi on, receiving $3OO for his winning berries, and his brother, Kenton Bucher, also of Manheim, was* named reserve champion, receiv ing a bid of $llO. First-year members, who exhibited books only, received premium ribbons and a small cash prize. BASKET FANS With Cord and Ceiling Mounting Brackets. 1/3 Hp, 24", 1/2 Hp, 24” & 1/2 Hp. 36” Quantity Pricing Available 52” Belt Drive Boss Fan 1-HP, 55'A x 58J* opening with cone Boss Fan 1
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