Pa. Weekly 14 Livestock Auctions Friday, June 6,2003 Report Supplied By PDA 14 LIVESTOCK AUCTIONS CATTLE 5849... Compared with 3747 head last week and 4856 head a year ago. Compared with last Friday’s summary: slaughter steers closed the week 1.00 to 2.00 higher even with late week losses. Holsteins steers sold firm to 2.00 higher. Slaughter heifers closed the week 1.00 to 2.00 higher. Slaughter cows closed the week 2.00 to 3.00 lower after early week gains while slaughter bulls sold 2.00 to 5.00 lower. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 85.00- Choice 1-3 80.00-86.75, Se lect and Low Choice 2-3 78.00-83.00, Se lect 1-3 74.00-81.00, Standard 1-2 60.00- HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 72.75-79.00, Choice 2-3 68.50-75.00, Select 1-2 58.75-68.00, Stan dard 1-2 55.00-61.00. HEIFERS: Choice few Prime 2-4 78.00- Select 1-3 71.00-79.00, Stan dard 1-2 55.00-70.25. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 45.25- early sales to 55.00, Boners 80-85% lean 40.00-46.00 early sales to 51.25, Lean 85-90% 34.00-40.00 early sales to 45.00. Shells 35.50 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1000-2800 lbs 53.25- Yield Grade 2 900-2400 lbs 45.00- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medi um and Large 1 300-500 lbs 87.00-95.00, 500-700 lbs 73.00-88.00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 79.00-89.00, 500-700 lbs 63.00-80.00, Large 3 Holsteins 500-700 lbs 62.00-68.00; HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 77.00-89.00, 500-700 lbs 71.00-80.00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 65.00-72.00, 500-700 lbs 54.00- BULLS: Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 81.00-90.00, few to 106.00, 500-700 lbs 78.00-82.50, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 78.00-85.00. CALVES 3264... Compared with 2166 head last week and 3591 head a year ago. Vealers sold steady to firm. VEALERS: Standard and Good 70-120 lbs 30.00- Utility 50-100 lbs 10.00- FARM CALVES: Holstein bull calves sold up to 40.00 lower, Hol stein heifers sold firm..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 130.00-177.00, 80-90 lbs 120.00- No 2 80-120 lbs 100.00- weaker calves down to 70.00; No 1 Holstein heifers 80-120 lbs 310.00- few to 500.00, No 2 75-120 lbs 150.00-340.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 70-130 lbs 120.00-165.00. HOGS 1671... Compared with 291 head last week and 1571 head a year ago. Bar rows and gilts sold 1.00 to 2.00 lower, sows steady to 2.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: 49-54% lean 220-275 lbs 43.25-47.00, 45-50% lean 220-280 lbs 40.00- 40-45% lean 240-300 lbs 31.00- SOWS: 1-3 300-500 lbs 24.75-30.00, 500-700 lbs 28.00-32.00. BOARS; 7.00-12.00. FEEDER PIGS 77... Compared with 244 head last week and 230 head a year ago. US 1-3 30-55 lbs 30.00-41.00 per head. SHEEP 1361... Compared with 421 head last week and 2025 head a year ago. Slaughter lambs under 80 lbs sold 10.00 to 15.00 lower, while lambs over 80 lbs sold steady to 10.00 higher, slaughter ewes sold fully steady. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 40-80 lbs 110.00-130.00,80-125 lbs 100.00- Good and Choice 65-110 lbs 75.00-87.50. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 22.00- Yearlings to 78.00. ONE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE 467... Compared with 299 head last week and 341 head a year ago...AU pigs sold for slaughter with prices sharply lower. Slaughter pigs: 20-30 lbs 90.00-105.00, few 165.00,30-40 lbs 105.00-147.00,40-80 lbs 65.00-77.00 per cwt. ITA,Pf rill summer discount on aglime * U I HE JUNE, JULY & AUGUST Roanoke-Holllns Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. June 10,2003 Report Supplied By USDA WEEKLY AUCTION for June 9 FEEDER CATTLE: 171 head (76 steers, 57 heifers, 38 bulls). Prices based on in weights. FEEDER STEERS: MedTLge. I: 200-300 lb 107.50; 300-400 lb 106.00; 400-500 lb 95.00-100.50; 500-600 lb 92.00-97.50; 600-700 lb 86.00-87.00; 700-800 lb 85.00; 900-1000 lb 70.75. MedJLge. 2: 300-400 lb 98.00; 400-500 lb 96.50- 500-600 lb 89.50-91.00; 700-800 lb 81.00; 800-900 lb 76.25. FEEDER HEIFERS: Med./Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 92.00; 400-500 lb 83.00-88.50; 500-600 lb 85.00-86.75; 600-700 lb 82.50- MedJLge. 2; 300-400 lb 90.00; 400-500 lb 84.00-88.50; 500-600 lb 79.50- 600-700 lb 75.00-83.50; 700-800 lb 70.00. FEEDER BULLS; Med./Lge. 1; 200-300 lb 105.00-108.00; 300-400 lb 102.00-103.00; 400-500 lb 90.50-93.50; 500-600 lb 87.00-91.50; 600-700 lb 87.00. MedJLge. 2: 300-400 lb 103.00; 400-500 lb 89.00. Staunton Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. June 9,2003 Report Supplied By USDA WEEKLY AUCTION at Staunton, June 6 FEEDER CATTLE: 282 head (125 steers, 110 heifers, 35 bulls). Prices per cwt. based on in weights. FEEDER STEERS: Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 90.00-103.00; 300-400 lb 90.00- 400-500 lb 90.00-105.00; 500-600 lb 85.00-110.00; 600-700 lb 78.00- 700-800 lb few 78.00; 800-900 lb few 79.25. HOLSTEIN STEERS: MediLge. 2: 200-300 lb 69.00; 600-700 lb 65.50; 800-900 lb 60.00; 900-1000 lb 54.00-57.50; 1000-1100 lb 56.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 84.00-94.00; 300-400 lb 84.00- 400-500 lb 84.00-96.00; 500-600 lb 78.00-85.75; 600-700 lb 75.00- 700-800 lb 76.00-77.50. FEEDER BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 85.00-97.00; 400-500 lb 85.00- 500-600 lb 82.00-96.00; 600-700 lb 73.00-80.00. Mt Jfc. i Ct: m/ Tri-State Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. June 9,2003 Report Supplied By USDA WEEKLY AUCTION at Tri-State, June 6 FEEDER CATTLE: 323 head (Steers 100; Holstein Steers 10; Heifers 125; Bulls 88). Prices per cwt, based on out weights. FEEDER STEERS: Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 99.00-106.00; 300-400 lb 97-106.00; 400-500 lb 96.00-110.00; 500-600 lb 88.00-98.00; 600-700 lb 79.00- 700-800 lb 79.00-84.00; 800-900 lb 76.50-78.00. Med./Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 97.00-106.00; 400-500 lb 90.00- 500-600 lb 82.00-83.50; 600-700 lb 79.00-88.00; 700-800 lb 75.00. FEEDER HOLSTEIN STEERS: 300-400 lb 75.00-80.00; 400-500 lb 58.00- 600-700 lb 54.00-62.00; 700-800 lb 62.00; 1000-1100 lb 55.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 94.00-107.00; 300-400 lb 84.00- 400-500 lb 81.00-90.00; 500-600 lb 83.00-89.00; 600-700 lb 80.00- 700-800 lb 65.50-80.50; 800-900 lb 65.00-70.00. Med. ge. 2: 200-300 lb 90.00-98.00; 300-400 lb 80.00- 400-500 lb 77.00-86.00; 500-600 lb 78.00-83.00; 600-700 lb .71.00-74.50; 700-800 lb 66.50-71.00. FEEDER BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 200-300 lb 92.00-105.00; 300-400 lb 91.00-100.00; 400-500 lb 93.00- 500-600 lb 83.00-89.00; 600-700 lb 70.00-85.00; 700-800 lb 60.00- Marshall State Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Warrenton, Va. June 10,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Marshall State Graded Feeder Cattle Sale, June 10 - 333 head (145 steers, 188 heifers). Prices per cwt. Weighted Aver ages. Prices follow with average weights and average prices in parentheses where applicable. FEEDER STEERS: MedVLge. 1: 10 head, 400-500 lb (470) 104.50; 50 head, 500-600 lb (542) 91.75-96.00 (94.77); 22 head, 600-700 lb (645) 89.75; 7 head, 700-800 lb (740) 84.75; 7 head, 800-900 lb (837) 80.00. MedTLge. 2: 8 head, 400-500 lb (453) 95.00; 9 head, 500-600 lb (550) 85.00- (86.43). FEEDER HEIFERS: Med./Lge. 1: 20 head, 400-500 lb (467) 84.50-89.00 (85.14); 40 head, 500-600 lb (545) 85.75; 16 head, 600-700 lb (628) 81.50; 16 head, 600-700 lb (628) 81.50; 6 head, 700-800 lb (732) 76.25; 38 head, 900-1000 lb (925) 71.75; 7 head, 1000-1100 lb (1080) 75.00. Med./ Lge. 2: 12 head, 400-500 lb (449) 85.00- (87.09); 16 head, 500-600 lb (537) 78.25-79.00 (78.48); 7 head, 900-1000 lb (925) 71.75. h » ■i'Bfc—W'»‘A inmif t-fi W Inu Witll AOVANtAGE FARM WHITE •DRIES WHITE •NO WET FLOORS • IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS • DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY • WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY BARN CLEANING SERVICE AVAILABLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR To have your bam cleaned with air it will clean oft dust, cob webs & lots of the old lime. This will keep your barn looking cleaner & whiter longer. CALL US ABOUT ON THE FARM FLY CONTROL ~ Serving Southeastern Pa. And More BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED 41 YEARS OF SERVICE INSURED 5 Trucks For Air Cleaning And Whitewashing RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS Barn Spraying Is Our Business, not a sideline. Spraying Since 1961 Lynchburg Weekly Graded Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. June 10,2003 Report Supplied By USDA Graded Feeder Cattle Sale at Lynch burg, June 9 FEEDER CATTLE: 486 head (239 steers; 374 heifers). Feeder steers and heifers mostly steady. Average weights and average prices in parenthe ses. FEEDER STEERS; Med./Lge.l: 10 head, 400-500 lb (472) 99.50-101.50 (101.09); 44 head, 500-600 lb (549) 97.00- (83.58). Med./Lge. 2: 9 head, 300-400 lb (365) 100.00-103.00 (101.97); 31 head, 400-500 lb (459) 98.50-99.50 (98.82); 39 head, 500-600 lb (548) 94.00- (95.84); 8 head, 600-700 lb (626) 80.00-87.25 (86.34). Small 1: 10 head, 300-400 lb (374) 88.50-94.00 (91.28); 14 head, 400-500 lb (467) 92.75. FEEDER HEIFERS: Med./Lge. 1: 13 head, 400-500 lb (468) 88.75-90.50 (89.84); 25 head, 500-600 lb (549) 83.75-87.00 (85.95); 10 head, 600-700 lb (651) 81.50- (81.55). Med./Lge. 2: IS head, 300-400 lb (370) 90.50-96.25 (95.04); 42 head, 400-500 lb (463) 88.75-93.00 (91.71); 467 head, 500-600 lb (547) 84.75-86.50 (85.66); 15 head, 600-700 lb (643) 81.00. Med./Lge. 3: 9 head, 300-400 lb (361) 94.00; 21 head, 400-500 lb (449) 92.50- (92.50); 15 head, 500-600 lb (545) 92.50-86.00 (85.09). Small 1: 10 head, 400-500 lb (452) 81.00-89.50 (87.07). LYNCHBURG REGULAR WEEKLY AUCTION, June 9 FEEDER CAT TLE; 438 head (100 steers, 143 heifers, 195 bulls). Feeder bulls mostly steady. Prices per hundredweight, based on in weights. FEEDER BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 97.00-98.00; 400-500 lb 92.00- 500-600 lb 92.50. Med./Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 102.00-104.00; 300-400 lb 92.00- 400-500 lb 91.00-96.00; 500-600 lb 88.00-90.00. Small 1: 300-400 lb 90.00; 400-500 lb 80.00-93.00; 500-600 lb 81.00. Marshall Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Vo. June 11,2003 Report Supplied By USDA WEEKLY AUCTION at Marshall, June 10 27 FEEDER CATTLE: 23 bulls. Feeder steers and heifers in Special Graded Sale. Prices based on in weights. FEEDER BULLS: Med./Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 102.50; 400-500 lb 83.50; 500-600 lb 82.00. Med./Lge. 2; 400-500 lb 77.00; 600-700 lb 65.50-76.00. Small 1: 500-600 lb 63.00.
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