816-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 31, MAIL X MARKET F R SALE K E ffi 16 gates 16"x24" w/„ hinges & pen dividers old Case 2 bottom plow on steel. Adams Co. 717-624-8124. Register Morgan filly one year old $B5O registere Morgan mare $BOO rides Lord Appleton breeding. Bradford Co. 570-364-5482. Cider press exc. cond. Ice cream mixer on antique truck powered by Inter national L.B. engine cedar boards bo. Lane. Co. 717-335-0977. IH 810 15ft grain head, very good cond., $950 obo. Lane. Co. 717-285-5030. Sull Air jack hammer 100 lbs with flat bit starter weights for 3010 - 20 and 1020 1520 2020. Adams Co. 717-528-4952. Ford 4400 diesel tractor & loader runs & operates needs tires $2500 also 500 gal. propane tank $2OO. 908-359-5934. Call eve nings. Case 450 dozer track chain one side only new. Lane Co. 717-872-5432. International 7' 3pth blade $250. York Co. 717-259-0563. Old water trough 8' x 18" x 9" dee made by Frank Beatz,- Brunnerville Foundry, Lancaster County, PA Best Offer. Lancaster County, 717-626-0948 Collectors Cadet 85 riding mower, good condition. $195, JD 317 #4B Deck, Hyd. Lift, Hyd. Dr. Engine Rebuilt, $1,195. Lancaster Co., 717-299-6882. Old Hay hooks and trackm working cond., antique baldwins Ameri can Nol 5 Fodder cutter from Harters and Ray mond, Philo.; Lancaster County, 610-286-7093. Syracuse Walking Plow, No. 20, 1878, $100; Reli ance 10 HP, 230 V, D.C. Motor w/cables, and switchbox, $3O. or Moke offer. Lancaster County, 610-286-7093. 1987 Horse trailer 3 or 4 horse, $l,OOO. Bunavisto Saddle padded seat, good leather, s3oo.Adams County, 717-259-7187. Heston Haybine PT-7, ready for work, $B5O. Hay Wagon, 14'x7'x8'(H), $425. Bucks Co., 215-538-1396 (after 8 P-m.). Jjohn Deere corn planter, 1240 plotless four row good cond. $l,lOO. stor age trailer, 48'x102" reef er $l,OOO. Call mornings, Montgomery County, 215-723-2514. Classic Cadillac 1984 El Dorado Biarritz convert ible, excellent condition, red and white well cared for. $18,500 obo. Mon mouth Co. 609-259-7331. 2000 Chevy Tahoe LS, Black, third seat, hitch 30,000 miles, excellent condition, $23,000. Lan caster County, 717-445-7504. 2 16-9 x 30 6 ply, 2 18-4 x 30 8 ply, tractor tires, 40% tread, good for use around the farm. Adams county, 717-677-8981. 117 Acres +/- Tioga County, mixture fields and woodland., nice view, good for home or camp, will divide. Tioga County, 570-662-3814. Toro 11' Gang Mowers, $l,OOO. Roper 32" Tree Spade. E.C. $2,500. For 3-ph. Bucks County 215-230-4968. Tree shear 1989 Hydro Axe, also John Deere 540 Tree skidder, extra tires. Star Tannery, VA. 540-465-4423. Registered border collie pups, 2 red & white males - $275 each, 2 black & white females, $325 each. Lebanon County, 717-865-7158. 2 Holstein Bulls, big enough to breed cows. Franklin County (717) 597-4494. Cardboard Produce Bins in good condition, tall and short bins for watermel ons, cantalopes, etc. $2 to $5. Union county, 570-568-1462. Jeep Grand Cherokee, 1994 Black, 117,000 Miles, loaded, 4 wheel. All-time, great condition, $4,900. Schuylkill County, (570) 345-6268. IH 14 rake excellent con dition, $4OO, Wanted Oli ver 8' drill, Moses Esh, RR2, Box 322, Myers town, PA, 17067, Lebanon County 47 Gallon Red Barn paint, $175, garden disc, $lOO, Industrial ceiling fam, $75, Beachy track cultivator, $5OO, 080, Berks County, (717) 933-5206. Jersey Cow, Doe 10-11. Makes good family cow. Jersey Heifer due 6-25. Al sired, good heifer. Cum berland County (717) 776-7343. 1959 Ford 801 Tractor $3,100., 8' Ford Disc, 3 pt. $450., 5' Rotary Cutter, 3 pt. $450., 9' Cultipocker, $2OO. Lancaster County 717-627-3925. For Sale, 325 Gal. Gas Tank on Skid. W/electrlc Pump, s37s.York County, 717-244-1879. Used Parts for Int. 37 baler and Number 10 Thrower clean wheat straw - $9O per ton, Lan caster County 717-665-6265. A ♦ iWi MIL DEUTZ MITSUBISHI 6-700 hp air & 12-2800 hp liquid cooled diesels water cooled diesels Diesels for: Power Units, Shops, Irrigation, Gen. Sets, Mobile Equipment, Dairy and Agricultural Applications Large inventory of engines and parts Extended warranty on Deutz engines (up to 3 years) 24 Hour Emergency Service with Factory Trained Technicians WE ARE HERETO SERVE YOUR NEEDS CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED If you didn’t call us - you may have paid too much! Rufus Brubaker Refrigeration & Power 76 Pumping Station Rd., Quarry villa, PA 17566 Engine Sales 717-468-4271 Service 717-786-1617 2003 Deer food plots con be sown with this no tIH self propelled 2' seeder or patch lawns, $5OO. York Co, 717-225-4511. NH #238 12 ton wagon, gear good condition, tan dem axle $BOO.OO 080. Lebanon County 610-589-2123. Clark CF4O forklift 4000#, good condition, complete grader line, parts for FMC graders, weight sizers, washers, water dumper. York Co., 717-993-2375. Natural gas stove, Ver mont Castings Radiance Model, vent free, brand new In factory wrap. $650. Monmouth Co, NJ, 732-462-8091. Deutz Fahr KHSOO 4-star hay tedder, $1,150. Ford 3 bottom roll over plow, $l,lOO. Some new parts. Lehigh Co, 610-799-3082. Forma* (M) New paint, decals, tires, seat, muf fler, Motor rebuilt, trac tor needs nothing, but new owner. $3,600.00, 080. Bucks county, 215-257-9425. Formal! 400 -with Brush Hog solid tractor not hea tup s3,soo.Bucks County 215-257-9425. NH 315 small square baler, good cond., field ready, $4,300. Carroll Co., MD, 410-374-3159. Tennessee Red Quad, 1 year old, $2 each. 100 or more, no shipping. Sussex Co., DE, 302-422-6922 (leave no. on mach.) JD 8200 grain drill, 14x7 with grass seed attach ment, excellent condition, $2,500. York Co., 717-235-7215. 1968 Suburban 4x4 w/ plow. Needs some work, $1,300. 1979 Chevy Pick up, 4x4, needs work, $BOO. Both runs good. Lancas ter Co., 717-625-2255. Welding wire, .035, 12 1/2 lbs. Rolls $5. 3 chore time poly fan. Hoods $4O. Some 3 phase motors, Lancas ter County, 717-656-2615. Goat stand $75.00, Wood en Calf hutches, $50.00 each, 6 ft. , t Post $1.50, Cattle panels, $12.00. York county, 717-225-4497. 15kw Generac Generator LP 47x24 Voltage Regula tor Manual Override Air Cooled Automatic Trans fer breaker panel. Bat tery new. Still crated. Lancaster Co., 717-768-3021. 2 Hereford Heifers, 550 lbs, 1 black bull, 1,000 lbs. 2 black mares, bred to saddlebed. Ell Hoover, 1180 Woodlyn Drive, Den ver, PA. 17517. Lancaster County. Fainting goat kids from registered parents, b/w, trl-colored, dehorned, long and short haired ready, now, does, bucks, friendly. Lane. Co. 717-569-5570. Case 930 1400 hr on over haul 8 speed 3PT 540 rpm's good condition leave message. Lane. Co. 771-786-3801. 2030 John Deere tractor trip bucket rebuilt motor with 10W mileage excel lent condition. $B,OOO obo. Allegany Co. 301-724-5769. 8' AG bagger with all op tions 3 years old. $20,000. Snyder Co. 717-694-3417. 12' V-hull fishing boat with trailer, outboard and trolling motor; 16' hand made cedar strip canoe. Lane Co. 717-468-1745. Evergreens Douglas fir concolor $5 per foot you dig. Bob. Northampton Ca 610-614-0192. AKC Sheltie pups. Sable and white. Nice markings. Shots, wormed. Ready to go. $2OO. Georgetown Hy draulics 343 Christiana Pike. Lane. Co. 610-593-2753. Straw small bales $9O per ton must haul Leb. Co. 717-865-4041. Used outside wood burn er Taylor 750 $l5OO. Snyder co. 570-837-0484. Cube truck year 1978 good shape 2,000 or best offer ask for John. Cum berland Co. 717-776-6806. Barriett aluminum stock trailer 2001 gooseneck 8' W 24' L 3 sliding gates electric brakes 70001 b axles GVWR 15156 clean. Montour Co. 570-437-2278. IH 540 semi mount 4 bot tom plow $4OO JD no 5 mower $75 Oliver 12' transport disk. $6OO. Montgomery Co. 610-584-6053. Registered Tunis Lambs. Ram lambs $2OO. Ewe lambs $175. Very nice color and size. Huntingdon Co., 814-643-9301. Thumb for Backhoe or excavator. Never welded on machine. $675. Like New. Bethel Co. (NY) 845-482-5159. 1988 Suzuki 230 Quad Sport, 4 wheeler, runs good. Price $995. Call 570-966-1118. Union Coun ty. Ground Drive New Hol land manure spreader in very good condition. Model 12, book Included. York Co., 717-428-3732. White 3 PTM SAr 3x plow, fluted coulters. Depth wheel, cover boards shed kept, excel lent shape, $2500. 080, Bob. Northampton Coun ty, 610-614-0192. Llama 6 months old, male all white little black on tail, $300.00, Columbia County. 570-784-8154. Steel roofing, 30 pieces, beige, 3'x24' one year old, from collapsed roof, $250. Berks co. 610-689-4814. Craftsman combination belt disc sander 9" disc 6x48 belt horizontal or vertical like new. Also 8" bench grinder new $2OO. Leb. Co. 717-838-5249. 1991 Powler RV 29' long. Sleeps 6. Queen bed, sofa, AC. awning, other fea tures. Exc. cond. $6500 obo. York Co. 717-382-4467. Toyota Tacoma 4x4 reg ular cab 2001 13,500 mßes, $16,000; 2002 Cavalier 4 door 10,500 miles, $9,000. Lane Co. 717-871-0354. Winch H/D 20 ton worm drive with H/O 12 volt motor. FarmaH Super C rear runs 11-2-36 $BO ea $350. Blair Co. 814-696-3377. Northwest crane model 25 Murphy diesel 45' angle boom runs good, also 2 tractor tires 14-9-38 good. Monroe Ca 570-646-8870. Aluminum irrigation pipe 1410' 5" and 1320' 4" 30 lengths two pipe wagons $3500 takes it all Balti more Co. 410-374-2999. Circulation Main: 717-394-3047 717-721-4412 • 717-721-4411 Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Fill m your name, address, telephone number Check appropriate payment box *52 issues - $37.00 104 issues - $67.00 in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV * All other states: 52 issues - $48.00 Outside U.S. - Call for price quote Payment must accompany order - Allow three weeks for subscription to start Cut your mail label from a recent issue and place in the space provide'd below. Write your new address and telephone number on the form below. In addition, provide a requested date for address change to take effect. Send 3 to 4 weeks prior to your requested date RENEWALS Lancaster Farming will send a renewal notice to you prior to the expiration date of your subscription. You may renew your subscription using the form below. To insure proper credit for your subscription - Attach Your Mailin from a recent Lancaster Farming issue and check the appropriate payment boxes. Renewal - Change of Address Please send this form & payment to: Lancaster Farming PO Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Check appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective Through 04/30/04 □ New Subscription □ Renewal - Attach Mailing Label Above □ Address Change - Attached Mailing Label Above Date to Change / / »A. MD. DE. NJ. NY. OH. VA. WV All Other States □ $37.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $48.00 -1 yr (52 Issues) □ $67.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) □ $89.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) Name Address Address City Zip + 4 □ I have enclosed a Check/Money Order □ AmEx □ Please charge my credit card □MC □ Visa □ Discover nil i i i i i rrm Signature for Credit Card Payment Only 6 foot belly mower for 950 John Deere moke offer ask for Lee. Clinton Co. 570-769-7250. Superior registered black angus bulls semen check ed. Long yearlings and yearlings. Meat, muscle, calving case, top carcass genetics. Lane. Co. 717-354-7477. OHts - Wetzel potato seed cutter. IH 2-row potato digger. FMC potato har vester. Bulk wagons, po tato graders, sewing ma chine. Berks Co. 610-562-7667. 10x50 mobil home 2 bed room, good condition $1,200 best offer call 717-927-6559 or 717-858-6203 cell call any time. Ask for Debra or Mary. 1991 GMC Sonoma 2 wheel drive 4 cylinder 5 speed 149,000 excellent condition. $2200. Lane. Co. 717-226-3976. 1936 Silver King tractor model #42 restored runs excellent $5,250 or best offer. Hunterdon Co. 908-735-5532. 3 nice young beef cows - coif pairs, like sell some one who would care well for fhem also yearling cattle. Hunt. Co. 814-627-5149. NEW SUBSCRIPT! F ADORES! HANGE f Fan Attach Your Mail Label Hen Telephone (credit card number) 40HP hyd unit with tank 300 det 871 power unit with clutch & pulley $2lOO Gallon 104 grader Cum mins engine $2400. Cecil Co. 410-378-2785. Ferg 35 Hilo tran 25p clutch full wfs. Recent clutch 70% rubber runs good 2800 some atach available. Lehigh Co. 610-262-2014. Oliver 4-row com planter no till $6OO Flberdome feed bln 2Vi cap. $7OO. 2-ton scale $250. Hunter don Co. 908-996-4580. 15 month old Q-horse al ready takes saddle and started driving also 16 + H riding horse English or western, show prospect. Leb. Co. 717-865-3708. Pioneer Hafllnger size forecart excellent condi tion mechanical brakes and rubber tires. Price $5OO. Bucks Co. 215-257-0348. Ford tractor 801 with loader wheel weights good condition double disk stone rake 3 pt other things on farm. 4 plow Chester co. 610-644-0747. Ford 6610 4x4 dual power weights second owner 3600 hrs. Cab for 1066 heat and air $275. Frank lin Co. 717-530-0802. 104 issues - $89.00 State exp date
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