23 Years Later and 100 Additional Cows and the Slurrystore® Jim Skinner (seated center) with sons Roy (left) and Jake and Roy's wife Jessica and son Jacoby "I purchased my 62'xl4' Slurrystore in 1980. It was sized to give me six months storage for 80 cows. Over the years my sons became part of the business and our herd grew to 180 cows. Expanding the Slurrystore to 28' high 23 years later gives us nearly the same length of storage we had with 80 cows. "When we haul manure, we can fill our 3,800-gal. tanker in a minute and a half. This Side-mounted Pump really works. Our updated pumping system agitates so much manure that it really makes our tractor smoke. It never did that before! o*3* 39V* Belleville, PA 800-310-9333 The results you may achieve with your Harvestore® System depend primarily upon your management skills and may vary from successful results achieved by others Any application in a particular farming operation requires the advice of qualified experts and is subject to limitations of good management, weather or other conditions present at the individual location Harvestore is a registered trademark of Engineered Storage Products Co It is a superior agitation system." Everett, PA 814-652-2934 Frank Samuel, Jr , Mgr. The Jim Skinner Family Mercersburg, PA PENN JERSEY PRODUCTS , INC . YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT AUTHORIZED HARVESTORE® SYSTEMS DEALER P.O. BOX 7 • NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 • 717-354-4051 • EMAIL: pennjers@ptd. Berlin, PA 800-434-3308 Joe Simpson, Mgr Adapted to Their Needs Y-Me Farm SERVICE DEPOTS: Newville, PA 717-776-3397 Maynard McCullough, Mgr Columbus. NJ 609-298-7136 Charles Van Mater, Mgr In Maryland 800-354-4052
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers