AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14, 2002 Calm, and Not-So-Calm, Days The ancient Greeks and Romans believed Hakvon Days to occui around the time ol the wmtei solstice It was supposed!) a penod when the seas were calm enough to allow the kmgtishei (halcyon) to he quietly afloat on its nest at sea These days have come to signi fy a time of peace and restfulness In 1773. however, neither the seas noi mankind were paiticularly restful at this lime Decembei 16 marks the dale of the Boston lea Party when colonists disguised as Mohawks tossed 342 elates of pu/ed English tea off of East India Company ships and into Boston Harbor There are few hours in life more ) ayrceahle than the hour dedi- cated to the ceremony known as afternoon lea. Henry James Am»r can writer (1843-1910 k Put a dollar bill m your refrigerator door If it slips out eas ily, it’s time to replace the door seal Quick TuvLoaf Pi cheat o\cn to I^o° V Combine sugai egg 1 mu' biscuit nu\ and 3 4 cup sugar 1 egg 1-1 4 cups orange juice 3 cups biscuit mix unn imon heal well Sin 1 2 teaspoon cinnamon in walnuts dates ami iiml 3 4 cup chopped walnuts >ln j |lnu , ml() , ased , oat 14 cup raisins or chopped dates , Hakc unU | , oot hpick 1 teaspoon grated orange nnd mw|Uxl mk , , ontol tomes 1 tablespoon confectioners , , , , .. out Ucan about SO mm sugar (optional , . . , ulcs ( 00l cnmpk'lcls ’ 4 r /' [ulou* slicing Sp i inkle * 4, i with LonfcUioncrs sugai V * j { s%s■''s' if dCMied New Holland Dairy Sale New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, December 11. 2002 104 DAIRY COWS, 242 HFIFERS, 21 BULLS. MARKFT STEADY. LOCAL FRESH COWS 535 00-1600 00, FEW 1800.00-1900.00. LOCAL SPRINGERS 750 00-1500 00 BETTER FRESH COWS 1600.00-1900.00 LARGF HEIFERS 1410.00-1535.00. SHORT BRED HEIFERS 785.00-1360 00 POULTRY GUARD New Poultry Guard " Litter Amendment is a unique activated clay that delivers consistent ammonia control without the handling inconvenience associated with other poultry litter treatments. ? POUiraYMMD I B PHMpy § ftp inHti B Unlike these other treatments Poultry Guard Litter Amendment is easy and convenient to apply and needs no incorporation or activation Fewer application variables mean more consistent performance In addition Poultry Guard can be applied up to five days before bird set whenever it s convenient for the grower Using Poultry Guard Litter Amendment Is As Simple As... Oppiy Simply spread over poultry litter. • No incorporation • No moisture activation • No complicated instructions for healing and ventilation in con|unction with application You be the judge! We are confident this litter amendment will improve your poultry and your profits. BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 • 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED Winter Solstice, Makes 1 loaf OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS 885.00-1085.00 BULLS 125.00-725 00, PURFBRFDS 450.00- UPSTATE 950.00- FRESH HEIFERS 750.00-1560.00, 1 AT 1750.00. REGISTERED HEIFERS 1075.00-1700.00. SMALL HEIFERS 500 00-1325.00. SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 650.00-800.00 SMALLER OPEN HEIFERS 125.00-425.00. Oird Set Poultry Guard can be applied when it's most convenient, up to five days before bird set • No application timing headaches between clean out and bird set • No last minute application after equipment has been lowered For More Information Call Dec. 21 * OLD FkRMI'R’S WEATHER PROVERBS if a goose allows a generous tuft of down at the ha sc of its feathers, it U'l He a cold winter 0 ime for tho-e eiderdou n mill- ! , 'W4 * _ 4- Jj f Make every day special with the ail new and improved 2003 Old Farmei s Almanac To order or subscribe caii 800 895 9265 ext 220 or visit our Web site www.almanac .com/go/WUFO2I2 LOADS FRESH LITTER AMENDMENT Oontrol Ammonia Poultry Guard will deliver immediate and long-term ammonia control and give birds a healthier growing environment • No more dangerously high levels of ammonia to stunt growth Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, December 10,2002 SLAUGHTER CATTLE- COWS, BREAKERS 40 00-43.50, BONERS 34.75-39.75, LEAN 32.00-37.75, BIG MIDDLE, LOW DRESSING, LIGHTS 28 00-34.50, SHELLY TO 27 75, BULLS, 1 HEREFORD AT 1555 LBS. 43.00; FEEDER CATTLE STEERS 450-900 LBS HEREFORDS, HOLSTEINS AND DAIRY TYPES OFFERED 43.00-58.00; HEIFERS 450-950 LBS MOSTLY DAIRY TYPES 35.00-50.50. CALVES; RETURNING TO THE FARM, HOI-STEIN BULLS +NI 85-125 LBS. 85.00-110.00, HOI STEIN HEIF ERS +N2 80-100 LBS. 140.00-300.00, BEEF X HEIFERS 100-180 IBS. 65.00-85 00 SWINF. HOGS US+NI-3 220-320 LBS 23.00-29.75; SOWS US+NI-3 450-600 LBS. 24.25-25 25; FEEDER HAY, STRAW & GRAIN SALE Every Thursday at 12 NOON Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. (Rt. 30, Paradise, PA) For more information (717) 442-4181 (717) 768-8204 ATTRACTIVE GROWTH STOCK PIGS BY THE LB. 16-22 LBS. 57.50-165 00, ROASTERS AS IS 35-160 LBS. 21.00-51.00. GOATS: BY THE HEAD, ACTIVE! LARGE NANNIES AND BILLIES 49.00-135.00, FANCY KIDS 60.00-80.00, FLESHY KIDS 46.00-59.00, SMALL AND THIN 24.00-45.00. LAMBS: ACTIVE! GOOD AND CHOICE 40-60 LBS. 124.00-160.00, 60-160 LBS. 74.00-130,00. SHEEP: ALL WEIGHTS 16.00-65.00. SALE EVERY TUES. 5 P.M. FOR RABBITS, POULTRY AND EGGS, 6 P.M. FOR LIVESTOCK, STARTING WITH CALVES: SPECIAL FED CAT TLE SALF TUES. DEC. 17 AND 31; STATE GRADED FFEDER PIG SALE FRI, DEC. 13. RECEIVING 7:30 A.M.- 10:30 A.M., SALE 1 P.M.; SPECIAL GOAT, LAMB AND SHEEP SALE FOR CHRISTMAS TUES., DEC. 17. RE CEIVING 9 A.M.-6 PM. SALE AP PROX 6 30 P.M. The growth a calf achieves during her first six months will help determine her later income potential as a cow. That’s why you need Purina" Calf Startena® and Ca'~—.. Growena®. “ XPutlßi * Fortified Startena and Growena feeds hav an ideal nutritional balance that can enha your calves’ skeletal and muscle growth w also developing their digestive systems. Tf benefits can help your calves reach JCEHnrf recommended six-month growth goals of pounds for heavy breeds and 265-345 pounds for light breeds. With that kind of a good start from Startena and Growena, records show calves are more likely to breed and begin milking on schedule. That makes them great long-term investments for you. Talk to Purina for details, and watch your stock take off. kssMus - 6 S Vintage Rd., Paradise, PA 17562 (717) 442-4183 800-635-3592 PURINA CHDWS SMALL ANIMAL SALE December 10, 2002 RABBITS AND BUNNIES .50-11.00. CHICKENS .50-4.00. BANTIES .50-1.85. QUAIL .60-1.00. PEACOCKS 16.00. DUCKS 4.75. DOVES 1.75-3.50 ALL ANIMALS SOLD BY THE HEAD. SALE STARTS 5 P.M. Dewart Livestock Dewart, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, December 9,2002 STEERS: 50.00-62.00. HEIFERS: 50.00-66.25. GOOD COWS. 32.00-41.00. CANNERS AND CUTTERS 25.00-32.00. BULIS: 40.00-49.00. VEAL- 90-190 LBS, 70-90 IBS. 50.00-100 00. HOGS: 26.00-32.50. SOWS: 1 AT 29 00. FEEDER PIGS: 19.00-42.00. 100.00-410.00;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers