Daily National Grain Market Summary St. Joseph, MO December 11, 2002 Report Supplied By USDA Grain and soybean bids were slightly higher, today. Light overnight wheat ex ports were supportive. However, most strength in wheat was due to trade correc tions after Tuesdays declines. Fund buy ing in bean pits extended gains from Tuesday and corn followed. Wheat 2 to 5 cents higher. Com 2 to 3 cents higher. Sorghum 4 cents higher. Soybeans 2 to 5 cents higher. EXPORT SALES: PURCHASER COMMODITY TONNAGE DELIVERY DATE South Korea 10.5 pet Soft White Wheat 1,000 Feb-Mar 8.5 pet Soft White Wheat 4,100 Western White Club Wheat 500 14 pet Dark Northern Spring Wheat 3,000 Totals: Wheat 8,600 tonnes. THESE MAY NOT BE THE ONLY EXPORT SALES THAT HAVE TRAN SPIRED, BUT THEY ARE THE ONLY SALES THAT COULD BE CONFIRM ED TRUCK BIDS: 12/11/02 12/10/02 12/12/01 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW ★ STAR SILOS ★ (Eastern Division of SOLLENBERGER SILOS CORR) HAS MOVED TO CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS AT - 2294 MOLLY PITCHER HIGHWAY Tim I CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17201 ALSO: CALL THIS NUMBER FOR: SILO UNLOADERS, MIXERS, MANURE TANKS, BUNKER PANELS AND POURED CONCRETE SILOS. (or, call Ken Mansfield at 610-488-7028) IF YOU CALL AFTER HOURS, LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR RANDY CAYMAN AT: 717-262-2908 Take advantage of these products for the most complete pest control possible. Whether your need is to control pests, eliminate harmful bacteria, or encourage beneficial insects, we have the tools to help you. QUICK BAY! ORD) 4.13 up 3 2.83-2.86 Minneapolis (DNS) 4.35 Vi up 5 Vi 3.38 'A Portland (SWW) 4.10-4.14 dn 1-up 2 3.71-3.72 St. Louis (SRW) 3.73 up 2 2.94-2.95 Corn, US No 2 Yellow: Kansas City 2.45-2.49 up 3 2.04-2.06 Minneapolis 2.07 Vi up 3 'A 1.85 So. lowa 2.28-2.29 up 3-2 2.02 Omaha 2.27-2.31 up 3 1.91-1.94 Soybeans, US No 1 Yellow: Kansas City 5.63-5.68 up 2-4 4.30-4.33 Minneapo lis no bid 4.07 'A So. lowa 5.48-5.53 up 4-5 4.32-4.34 Cent. II Processor 5.64 Vi-5.73 Vi up 4 'A 4.29 1/2-4 37 'A Minneapolis truck - to arrive 20 days FUTURES: Kansas City (Mar) Wheat 3.84 'A up 3 'A 2.85 Vi Minneapolis (Mar) Wheat 4.00 A up 5 Vi 3.03 Vi Chicago (Mar) Wheat 3.54 Vi up 5 Vi 2.86 Chicago (Mar) Com 2.40 'A up 2 Vi 2.16 Chicago (Mar) Soybeans 5.64 Vi up 4 Vi 4.32 ‘A Jan EXPORT BIDS: Barge bids out of the Port of New Orleans, or Rail out of the North Texas Gulf. Bids per bushel, except sorghum per cwt. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord Protein: 4.35 '/2-4.42 Vi up 4 Vi-1 Vi 3.27 3 /4-3.34 Vi US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat: Barge 4.04 Vi up 10 Vi-4 Vi 3.21 US 2 Yellow Corn Barge 2.75 Vi up 4 Vi-5 Vi 2.32-2.34 US 2 Yellow Sorghum Rail 5.10-5.19 up 3 4.36-4.48 Barge 5.33 up 4 4.54-4.57 US 2 Yellow Soybeans Barge 6.10 dn 4-2 4.68 'A FOR PARTS AND SERVICE CALL 1-800-909-6909 &M CLARK • Licensed £r Insured 717 • 361 • 6065 • Fax: 717 • 367 • roni.ciorkQprodigy.net farm Services^] Elizabethtown • Pennsylvania ‘Unique Farm Services" 45 lb. pail East Fluid Milk And Cream Review Madison, Wis. December 11,2002 Report Supplied by USDA Spot prices of class II cream, dollars per lb. butterfat: F. 0.8. producing plants: Northeast: 1.4208-1.5318. Delivered Equivalent; Atlanta: 1.4319-1.5318 mostly 1.4430-1.4874. PRICES OF CONDENSED SKIM, dollars per lb. wet solids, F. 0.8. produc ing plants: Northeast; Class 11, includes monthly formula prices - .9850-1.0300; Class 111 - spot prices - .8050-.8900. SPOT SHIPMENTS OF GRADE A MILK: FLORIDA: This week: In - 30, Out 0; last week: In 26, Out 0; last year In 110, Out 0. SOUTHEAST STATES: This week: In 0, Out 0; last week: In 0, Out 0; last year: In 0, Out 0. The weather continues to play a big role in milk production and sales. The ef fects of last week’s big snow storm are still being felt in North Carolina where more than 500,000 customers were still without electricity a week after the storm. This did impact milk sales and deliveries into those areas. This week, an ice storm moved through the Middle Atlantic area, which caused widespread traffic prob lems. Heavy rains in Florida are taking s s $145 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14, 2002-A7 their toll on the milk flow. The recent gains in Florida's milk output were slow ed by all the rain they have had. Milk needs in Florida are about steady and suppliers did have to import some milk to supplement local supplies. The milk flow in the rest of the Southeast is still increas ing, but at a slower pace than it has been. Milk production in the Northeast and Middle Atlantic areas is about steady. Fluid milk supplies are light in most sec tions of the East. This week’s ice storm forecasts triggered another round of retail panic buying. This left some bottlers struggling to meet all the “add ons” and a few plants ran out of milk for the second week in a row. Outside of the storm area, bottled milk sales are reported as fair to good. Surplus milk volumes are holding at tight levels. Manufacturing plant in takes are light, but most contacts feel that milk receipts will be increasing about this time next week. Some cheese operations are still taking normal volumes while oth ers are trying to ease back on production. The condensed skim market is mostly steady with prices unchanged on Class II; lower on Class 111. Some operations con tinue to clear all their solids as condensed rather than operate their dryers. The fluid cream market is not as firm as it has been. Offerings are heavier and more excess cream is looking for a home. Spot prices are steady to slightly higher as multiples are steady but the CME butter price did increase fractionally. Demand from ice cream producers is fairly good as many try to step up output to make up for their anticipated down time during the holi days. Bottled cream producers are run ning full out and extra loads were needs to fill demand Eggnog production is in full swing. Cream cheese output is about steady. Churning is also steady to heavier, but some producers are limiting cream in takes and/or paying quite low multiples. More excess cream is moving to Midwest ern butter makers. V IDEAL LEAF TOBACCO If you have 609 Tobacco that is not on contract, send me a card or letter. So I can get a reading on how much 609 is in Lacaster County. Ideal Leaf Tobacco Co. 6414 Abilene Rd. Farmville, Va 23901 s\ MANADA CONSTRUCTION CO. 9 i A 1942 Camp Swatara Road • Myerstown, PA 17067 Ph: (717) 933-8853 • Fax:(717)933-8078 9 A Southern & Eastern Direct Feeder Pigs Columbia, S.C. December 6,2002 Report Supplied by USDA Southern And Eastern US Direct FOB Feeder Pig Report: Weekly summary of prices FOB farm basis, week ended Dec 6. Receipts 21,789; last week 52,714 Compared to last week, early weaned pigs and 40-50 pound feeder pigs steady to 2.00 per head higher. Demand good for light offerings. Receipts include 13,289 head shipped to lowa and Central US Also receipts include an estimated 40% formulated prices. PIGS, EARLY WEANED 10 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size 250 head or less: 375 head, 26.00- wtd. avg. price 28.25; lot size 250-750: 4,678 head, 28.00-34.08, wtd. avg. price 32.40; lot size 750 or more: 8,050 head, 30.00-33.00, wtd. avg. price price 31.55 Total Composite: 13,103 head, 26.00-34.08, wtd. avg. price 31.76. PIGS, 40 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value; Lot size 250-750: 720 head, 36.00- wtd. avg. price 38.90; lot size 750 or more: 2,116 head, 37.50-44.71, wtd. avg. price 42.15. Total Composite: 2,836 head, 36.00-45.50, wtd. avg. price 41.33. PIGS, 45 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size 250-750. 4,800 head, 41.00- wtd.avg. price 45.25. PIGS, 50 LB BASIS, Estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size 250-750: 1050 head, 26.50-45.00, wtd. avg. price 31.79 •rices are quoted on a per head basis “picked up” at the sellers farm in NC, SC, GA, TN, KY, AL, MS, AR, MO, TX, OK, KS, IN, OH, MI, PA, CO, UT, and WY. Prices do not include freight or bro ker fees. Many lots of 40-60 weight pigs sold with a 25- 40 per pound slide. Also, some lots of early weaned pigs base a I 00 per pound sliding value adjusted from a 10 pound basis Early weaned pigs under 19 days old. Estimated lean value is projected to base slaughter weights with normal con finement feeding conditions This report does not cover any rades which include profit oss share agreements or any other form of shared or retained ownership agreements 9 m IS f\ 9
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