Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Hackettstown, N„l. Report Supplied hr Auction Luesday, December 10, 21H12 CAI VFS 06-2 10. COWS 22-45 'A FASY COWS 02-10‘ j FFEDERS 3(H)-6(MI IBS 08- 64 HEIFERS 20-66. BULLS 27- 53 1 /’ STEERS 32-.67 1/ ; HOGS 25-29 ROASTING PIGS EACH 2 00-20.00 FA BOARS, NONE. SOWS, NONE. SHEEP .15- 87 LAMBS EA 20 00-94 00. LAMBS PER LB 26-1.38. GOATS EA. 48.00-107 50. KIDS EA. 5.00-85.00 HIDES EA 20 00-24 00. TOTAL: 711. Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. December 11,2002 Report Supplied By PDA SALE NOT REPORTED DECEM BER 11, 2002 BUT HEADAGE WAS AS FOLLOWS- 88 CATTLE, 57 CALVES, S 9 FEEDER PIGS, 31 SHEEP, 8 HOGS AND 18 GOATS! STORE-WIDE - protlctive YEAR END SALE ENAMELS Pfdwin protaclion against nisi T| eho»c* lasis (ongtr so you paml * wVllllr* less often :l“|J io% OFF - Ktromw *S‘‘‘ Tools, Plumbing and Electrical Supplies ! l ,r Q? ! Glass, Farm Supplies, Paints Jl # > Hii'tOliiim tln Nmu lltit Mi m I'mlntimi f i^\ Sensenig’s Hardware P Rd SensenigT3fci_/~N ~,, c in/li / \ Hardware T ff re HIM Since 1941 / lO2O Sensenig Rd. „ Road U JISL Ephrata, PA 17522 ®B ' ? ’%< 717-445-5383 * Special Sale Hours Mon , Thurs &Fn 7AM-8 PM Tue -Wed 7AM-5 PM , Sat 7AM-4 PM Holland The Berks Co. 4-H Livestock Club Youth wish to Thank All Buyers For Their Support At The 2002 Round-Up Sale Champion Market Goat Project Res. Champion Market Goat Project Res. Champion Dairy Beef Project Fulton Bank/Great Valley Division Lebanon Valley Farmers Bank Champion Market Steer Project Mountain View Supply Champion Market Lamb Project Res. Champion Market Swine Project First Union National Bank Champion Market Swine Project Terry Hartman Roofing Champion Dairy Beef Project F.M. Brown Sons, Inc Younker Farm Equipment Northkill Meadows Farm Darlene Dietrich Dietrich Meats Willow Creek Animal Hospital Mente Chrysler-Dodge, Inc Irish Cieek Village Ronald, Joan & Amanda Miller Jim Dietrich, Pioneer Seed Hatfield Quality Meats Bernville Quality Fuels Exeter Chiropractic Center State Rep Thomas Caltagirone Supra Capital Management Stone Ridge Landscaping Marvin Frantz-Dairy Beef Buy Back Virginville Grange Community Service Committee John Fry Bksh’rri*n for their Auctfanees Service Grantsville Livestock Grantsville, Maryland Report Supplied by Auction Saturday, December 7, 2002 SLOCK STEERS AND BUMS 200-500 lbs 45.00-80 00. STOCK HEIFERS 35 00-73 00 SI AUGHTER STEERS Good to Choice 63 00-66.25. Medium to Good 42.00-60 00 HOLSTEIN STEERS Good 38 00-45 50,1 rght 35 00-42 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Good to Choice 62 00-64 50, Medium to Good 50 00-61.50 Heavy 33 (HI-48 00. Light BUI LS 40 00-47 00. COWS Utility Holsteins 32 00-43.00, Canners 28.00-32 00, Culls 25.00 and down. 808 CALVES. 50.00 and down HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES RE TURN TO FARM 90-120 lbs. Up to 85.00. HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES RE TURN TO FARM: Up to 200.00. BEEF CROSS CALVES RETURN TO FARM: Up to 125.00. HOGS: Top Quality up to 36 00, Heavy up to 35.00, Light 25.00-32.00; FEEDER PIGS, BY HEAD: Up to 23.00. SOWS: 20.00-28.00. MALE HOGS. 3.00-10.00 LAMBS; 70-85 lbs. up to 105.00, 85-125 lbs. up to 90.00, 30-60 lbs. up to 122.00, Culls up to 60.00. SHEEP- Up to 28.00. GOATS: Large 55.00-100.00, Medium 25.00-70.00, Small 10.00-30.00, all by the head. Feeder sale every second Sat. per month. Lcsher’s Appliances Kut/town Giange Agway Agronomy Nester Sanitation Way-Har Farms Just A Mere Farm Dit/ler Custom Meats WT Palmer & Son Good’s Livestock Inc Gehns Quality Meals Hubbard Feeds, Inc Boseov's Dept Stores Triple T Simmentals Friend’s Stockyard Accident, Md. Report Supplied by Auction Monday. December 9, 2002 STOCK STEERS AND BUI LS 200-500 lbs 55 00-88 00 STOCK HEIFERS 200-500 lbs 51 00-72 00. SIAUGHTFR STEERS Good to Choice 70 00-74 85, medium to good 66 00-69 50, hcaw Choice over 1450 lbs 55 00-65 00 HOLSTEIN STEERS heavy Choice 56.00-60.50, light 39 00-54.00. SIAUGHTFR HEIFERS Good to Choice 70 00-73 60, Medium to Good 60.00-68 50 heavy 38 00-48 00, light BUI LS 40 00-51 00. COWS. Utility (Holstems) 37 00-43 00, Commercial to Good 31 00-36 50. cull cows 33 00 and down. VEALS Good to Choice 50.00- 00, Med to Good 50.00- 808 CALVES; 40.00 and down. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES, RE TURN TO FARM 90-120 lbs. up to 111.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES, RETURN TO FARM: 90-120 lbs. up to 300.00, BEEF X CALVES return to farm up to 100.00. HOGS: top quality, up to 38.00. SOWS; up to 21.50. LAMBS, Choice up to 82.00. GOATS: Choice up to 65.00. Livestock prices are all given per hundred weights Also All Other 2002 Buyers Barnett's Garage Arlene Dtyci Albright’s Mill Rob-Nan Farm Dr Steven Scger Dr A H Moshei John F Lengel. Inc A W Golden Inc James W Dietrich Gioigio Foods Paul W Essig. Inc Dons Piet/ Twin Pines Farm Irene Reed Weinstein Supply Bilhg Farms Micro Aide Inc Phil-J-IBA Rob Schwindl MaisneeTile National Penn Bank Eric Fisher Brian Schoenly Sovereign Bank Meadow Hills Farm Gary L Kuit/ Centmy 21/Eptmg Realty K & K Show Cattle Richard L Haas, Prudential Financial Gloria’s Forget-Me-Not Bed & Breaklasl Hostetler Management Co /Penn Valley Pig Co . Mohrsville '’' ‘ ’ 3 ** * ‘‘NAtf fiSlland Sales.Ban» - jWy‘Back Price & Trucking on Beef, Sheep. Swine & Goats Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14, 2002-Al5 Marshall State Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Warrenton, Va. Dec. 10, 2002 Report Supplied By USD A Marshall State Graded Feeder Cattle Sale, Dec. 9 - 506 head Prices per cwt Weighted Averages Prices follow with average weights and average prices m pa rentheses where applicable BOARD CATTI F (On Farm) 57 head, all steers STEFRS Med/I ge 1-2 600-700 lb (675 lb) 85 50 IN BARN CATTI F 449 head (278 steers, 171 heifers) FEEDER STEERS Med/Igc 1 38 head, 400-500 lb (476 lb) 92-94 50 (94. 38 Five-Area Weekly Average Direct Slaughter Cattle St. Joseph, Mo., December 9, 2002 - USDA Market News Service Sales m Texas/Oklahoma, Kansas; Nebraska; Colorado; and lowa/Mmnesota Feedlots for Week Ending Sunday, December 8, 2002 Confirmed Sales: 145,553; Week Ago: 182,329; Year Ago: 172,266 LIVE FOB BASIS SALES - Beef Breeds: SLAUGHTER STEERS #Head Ovei 80% Choice 1,839 65-80% Choice 6,125 35-65% Choice 33,580 0-35% Choice 2,545 TOTAL all grades 44.089 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Over 80% Choice 1.810 1225-1425 70 00-73 50 65-80% Choice 7,345 1025-1300 73 00-74 00 35-65% Choice 28.107 1035-1400 7150-74 00 0-35% Choice 147 1060-1060 73 50 TOTAL all grades 37,409 1025-1425 70.00-74.00 DRESSED DELIVERED BASIS - Beef Breeds: SLAUGHTER STEERS Ovei 80% Choice 2.775 765- 960 113 00-116 60 65-80% Choice 10.215 711-1180 114 00-116 50 35-65% Choice I 1.585 700- 896 114 00-1 16 00 0-35% Choice 222 816- 850 115 00-1 15 50 TOTAL all grades 24,797 700-1180 113.00-116.60 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Ovei 80% Choice 1.040 736- 866 114 00-116 00 65-80% Choice 5 445 703- 832 113 00-116 00 35-65% Choice 8.260 720- 826 115 00-116 00 0-35% Choice TOIAI all grades 14,745 703- 866 113.00-116.00 WEEKLY WEIGHTED AVERAGES: Live Sleei Live Heifei □lessee) Steel Diessed Heilei Week Ago Weighted Averages Live Steei Live Heilei Diessed Steel 1 Diessed Heilei ! Year Ago Weighted Averages Live Sleei Li\e Heifei Diessed Steei Dressed Heitei Res. Champion Market Lamb Project Judge Elizabeth Erhlich Family, Tom Masano Auto Sales, Ponderosa Steak House Res. Champion Market Steer Project K & K Feed Inc., Hi-Way Meat Mkt., Alderfer Auction Co., Hydro/Kirby Agn. Dietrich Milk Pioducts B & F Petroleum Quakertown Vet. Clinic Kel-Krop Enterprises Mente Chevy-Olds Plumbmaster. Inc Strausser Ins Agency Inc East Penn Manufacturing Alvin & Mary Ellen Behm Norman J Kurtz & Son Tramei's Midway Diner Inc Gouglersville Grange #1743 Reading Foundry & Supply Co head, 500-600 Ih (561 Ih) 78 50-81 00 (79 95). 46 head, 600-700 lb (660 lb) 78-82 75 (7995), 9 head. 700-800 lb (755 lb) 76 50 Med/lge 2 19 head, 400-500 Ih (476 lb) 88-94 50 (92 14), 58 head. 500-600 lb (581 lb) 71-80 00 (76 75), 50 head, 600-700 lb (668 lb) 75-82 75 (79 52). 8 head, 700-800 lb (754 lb) 75 25) HOI STFIN STFI-RS 12 head large 2-5 12 head, 1000-1100 lb 48 00 FFFDFR HFIFFRS Med/I ge 1 II head, 400-500 lb (456 lb) 76 75, 55 head, 500-600 lb (555 lb) 72 75, 58 head, 600-700 lb (646 lb) 75 75 Med /Lgc 2 18 head, 400-500 lb (440 lb) 74 50, 24 head, 500-600 lb (557 lb) 72 75-75 75 (75.28) Price Range 69 50-73 50 69 50-74 00 70 00-74 00 71 50-74 00 69.50-74.00 Wt Range 1200-1475 ) 100-1435 1100-1450 1200-1370 1000-1475 Head Count 44 084 7.404 24.747 14.7-iS Av Weight 1.270 i m 770 1.878 22.762 22.986 54.012 42.648 29 941 20.47 S Av. Prici 72 37 73 02 73 53 73 76 73.42 Av. Wt 1.386 1.333 1,233 1,254 1,270 73 25 73 35 73 68 73 50 73.59 1,279 1,229 1,152 1.060 1,173 I 13 67 1 13 67 1 1 3 30 I 15 17 115.54 871 868 834 842 852 113 14 1 13 48 1 1 3 64 797 770 767 115.54 770 A\ Price 7 M 2 73 59 I I 3 49 I IS 34 1.291 1 166 846 766 72 84 72 92 I 14 64 I 14 78 1.290 1.167 849 760 64 87 64 97 104 14 104 S 4
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