Pa. Grain Report November 4,2002 Report Supplied By PDA Compared with last Monday’s market for Eastern and Central Pennsylvania: Corn folly steady to .03 higher. Wheat steady to .03 higher. Barley, Oats, Ear Corn and New Ear Corn mostly steady. Soybeans mostly .08 to .10 higher. Prices paid delivered to dealers dock; all prices per bushel, except Ear Com per ton. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-y, 2.88-3.27, avg. 3.06; contract for harvest 2.64. WHEAT No. 2, 3.90-4.38, avg. 4.23; contract for harvest 3.12-3.32. BARLEY No. 3, 1.85-2.55, avg. 2.30. OATS No. 2, 1.90-2.10, avg. 2.03. SOYBEANS 5.69-5.99, avg. 5.81; contract for harvest 5.70. Gr. Sorghum, 2.79. Ear Corn 80-94.00, avg. 88.00. New Ear Com none. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-Y, 3.00-3.30, avg. 3.06; Ttaction Field & Road 13.6x28 6 ply $195.00 18.4x30 6 ply $345.00 18.4x38 6 ply $365.00 20.8x38 8 ply $515.00 Visit or call us today! MARTIN’S TIRE & ALIGNMENT Located in Churchtown 119 Water St., Narvon, PA 17555 717-445-4993 PEQAP Education Training Sessions Education training and certification is a part of participation with the PEQAP program. For your convenience, we are offering six different times to receive the same training. You only need to attend one of these six sessions and only if you have not attended a previous session SESSION 1: November 13th, Lancaster Host Resort 1:00PM to 4:OOPM SESSION 2: November 13th, Lancaster Host Resort 6:OOPM to 9:OOPM SESSION 3: November SESSION 4: November SESSION 5: November 18th, Grantville Holiday Inn SESSION 6: November 18th, Grantville Holiday Inn I Who should attend? Every producer involved in the PEQAP program including service technicians and processing managers What will we hear? Information on food safety and why the program is important Specific training on rodent control, testing procedures and other areas Updates on paperwork and conditions for participation What can we do at the meeting? Ask questions about any aspect of the PEQAP program Receive your certification as a participant in PEQAP Enjoy a great lunch with friends in the industry There is no cost for the session but reservations are requested. Please complete this form and send it to Jim Shirk at PennAg Industries, 2215 Forest Hills Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112 or fax your registration to Jim at (717)651-5926. Deadline for registration is Monday, November 11, 2002 YES' I plan to attend SESSION No. I cannot attend any of these sessions Nairn Phone Number: Please complete this secUon and fax to Jim Shirk at PennAg Industries at (717)651-5926 by Monday, November 11, 2002 WHEAT No. 2, 3.30-4.33, avg. 3.68; BARLEY No. 3, 1.60-2.00, avg. 1.82; OATS No. 2, 1.40-2.00, avg. 1.75; SOY BEANS No. 1, 5.48-5.99, avg. 5.60. EAR CORN 84-95.00, avg. 87.66. New Ear Cora 78-90.00, avg. 81.83. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2, 2.65-3.25, avg. 2.96; WHEAT No. 2, 3.00-3.40, avg. 3.20; BARLEY No. 3, 1.90; OATS No. 2, 1.60-2.00, avg. 1.80; SOYBEANS No. 1, 5.25; EAR CORN 85.00-86.00, avg. 85.50. New Ear Corn 63.75. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA EAR CORN No. 2, 3.0-3.35, avg. 3.14; WHEAT No. 2, 2.80-3.20, avg. 3.00; BARLEY No. 3, 1.70-1.90, avg. 1.80; OATS No. 2, 1.75-1.80, avg. 1.77; SOY BEANS, No. 1, 5.25-5.88, avg. 5.47; EAR CORN 85-95.00, avg. 89.00. New Ear Com 80.00. CORN No. 2-Y, 3.05-3.25, avg. 3.13; WHEAT No. 2, 4.20-4.50, avg. 4.30; We’re Your Firestone Farm Tire Dealer! Count on us year-round for: • A complete line of Firestone farm tires • In the field emergency repair service • Implement and light truck tires in stock too! Many Other Tires In Stock - Call For Prici FARM TIRES Firestone All fraction 23° 18.4R34 1 ★ $520.00 20.8R38 1 ★ $695.00 20.8R38 2 ★ $840.00 20.8R42 2 ★ $860.00 15th, Adams County Extension Office 9:OOAM to Noon 15th, Adams County Extension Office 1 ;00PM to 4:OOPM (Feel tree to copy this term and distribute to additional people) LEHIGH VALLEY ! ftrestone FARM TIRES THF LEADER IN THE HELD and will be there for a free lunch BARLEY, No. 3, 1.70-2.20, avg. 1.95; OATS No. 2, 1.65-2.00, avg. 1.88; SOY BEANS No. 1, 5.65-5.80, avg. 5.73; Grain Sorghum 3.15-3.25, avg. 3.20; EAR CORN 86-90.00, avg. 87.75. EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-y, 2.88-3.35, avg. 3.09; month ago 3.07; year ago 2.23. WHEAT No. 2, 3.20-4.50, avg. 3.94; month ago 3.73; year ago 2.69. BARLEY, No. 3, 1.60-2.55, avg. 1.96; month ago 1.83, year ago 1.50. OATS No. 2, 1.40-2.55, avg. 1.82; month ago 1.83, year ago 1.47. SOY BEANS No. 1,5.25-5.99, avg. 5.68; month ago 5.47; year ago 3.93. EAR CORN 80.00-95.00, avg. 88.05; month ago 86.77; year ago 62.55. New Ear Com 78-90.00, avg. 81.37; month ago 69.76; year ago 56.74. NORTH CENTRAL OHIO (Prices FOB Truck): CORN 2.53-2.58; WHEAT 4.06-4.16; OATS 1.70; SOY BEAN MEAL: bulk 44% 168.40-171.50; bulk 48% 178.40-180.50. Firestone Radial 23° 18.4R34 1 ★ $500.00 18.4R38 1 ★ $535.00 20.8R38 1 ★ $685.00 18.4R42 2 ★ $670.00 9:OOAM to Noon 1:00PM to 4:OOPM Dally National Grain Market Summary St. Joseph, MO November 6,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Lack of new export business and light technical selling on the Boards lent weak ness to wheat and com bids. However, soybean bids shot higher due to spillover strength from soy oil markets. Corn bids also saw light support from technical buy ing and export optimism. Wheat 4 to 9 cents lower. Com mixed, 2 cents lower to 1 cent higher. Sorghum 2 cents higher. Soybeans 2 to 8 cents higher. EXPORT SALES: PURCHASER COMMODITY TONNAGE DELIVERY DATE Nothing new to report. THESE MAY NOT BE THE ONLY EXPORT SALES THAT HAVE TRAN SPIRED, BUT THEY ARE THE ONLY SALES THAT COULD BE CONFIRM ED TRUCK BIDS: 11/06/02 11/05/02 11/07/01 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW ORD) 4.73-4.77 dn 9 2.95-2.97 Minneapo lis (DNS) 4.89 Vi dn 5 3.56 Vi Portland (SWW) 4.59-4.63 dn 4 3.77-3.79 St. Louis (SRW) 4.06 dn 7 2.88 Com, US No 2 Yellow: Kansas City 2.46-2.48 up 1 1.88-1.89 Minneapolis 2.23 dn 1 1.85 Vi So. lowa 2.33 unch-dn 2 1.91 Vi-1.94 Omaha 2.33-2.35 up 1 1.80-1.82 Soybeans, US No 1 Yellow: Kansas City 5.78-5.82 up 2 4.21 Minneapolis 5.59 up 8 'A 4.26 Vi So. lowa 5.70-5.71 up 3-2 4.24-4.27 Cent. II Processor 5.80-5.88 up 6 Vi-2 Vi 4.31 Vi-4.36 Vi Minneapolis truck - to arrive 20 days FUTURES: Kansas City (Dec) Wheat 4.57 dn 9 2.94 V* Minneapolis (Dec) Wheat 4.64 Vi dn 5 3.16 Vi Chicago (Dec) Wheat 3.94 Vi dn 6 V 4 2.87 Chicago (Dec) Com 2.43 up 1 2.02 Vi Chicago (Jan) Soy beans 5.75 up 2 >/< 4.41 % EXPORT BIDS: Barge bids out of the Port of New Or- rfUSCAROftA * HARDsha WOODS 2240 Shermans Valley Road, P.O. BOX 64 ELLIOTTSBURG, PA 17024 (717) 582-4122 Fax: (717) 582-7438 email: Manufacturers of Northern Appalachian Hardwoods “WANTED” Timber orTimberiand We pay cash before cutting Manufacturer of Quality Kiln-Dried Lumber Woodland Management Buyer of Standing Timbers FREE Appraisal with NO Obligations, NO Brokerage Fee, NO Hidden Cost “MULCH FOR SALE” Two basic grades to choose from. 3 colors to choose from Red, Black, Brown leans, or Rail out of the North Texas Gulf. Bids per bushel, except sorghum per cwt. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord Protein: Rail 4.97-5.07 dn II Vi-9 Vi 3.44 '/i-3.46 'A US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat: Barge 4.34 1/ 2- 4.36 Vi dn 6 'A-4 'A 3.18-3.19 US 2 Yellow Corn Barge 2.75-2.76 dn Vi-unch 2.24 /i -2.25 US 2 Yellow Sorghum Rail 5.05-5.23 up 1-2 4.21-4.29 Barge 5.50-5.54 up 4 4.19-4.24 US 2 Yellow Soybeans Barge 6.16-6.19 up 2 'A-4 'A 4.66 %-4,67 'A Eastern Corn Belt Direct Hogs Des Moines, lowa November 5,2002 Report Supplied By USDA EASTERN CORN BELT DIRECT DAILY HOGS, for Tuesday, Nov. 5 as of 1:30 p.m. CURRENT VOLUME TODAY: Pro ducer Sold: Negotiated Actual: 18,557; Other Market Formula: 1,789; Swine or Pork Market Formula: 33,863; Other Pur chase Arrangement; 17,529; Packer Sold (All purchase types); Actual today: 649. NEGOTIATED PURCHASES (In cluding packer sold): BARROWS AND GILTS: 14,5695,621 head. Compared to prior day’s close, .75 higher. Base Market Hog, 185 lb Carcass Basis, Plant Deliv ered (.9-1.1 inch backfat, 6 sq. in. loin/2.0 depth): Range: $33.50-39.50, wtd. avg. $37.33. 5 Day rolling Average Market Hog (measurements based on slaughter data submitted): 193.44 lb carcass based, plant delivered (0.80 inch backfat, 6.60 sq. inch loin/2.19 inch loin depth) FFLI: 50.28%; price range; $35.01-43.00. Purchase volume by state of origin; Al abama 377; Georgia 1,425; Illinois 24,196; Indiana 16,805 Kentucky 1,749; Mary land 270; Michigan 3,907; Mississippi 2,352; New York 738; North Carolina 7,454; Ohio 9,572; Pennsylvania 4,470; South Carolina 442; Tennessee 1,382; Vir ginia 66; Wisconsin 1,480.
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