New Wilmington Livestock Feeder Pig Sale New Wilmington, Pa. Report Supplied by PDA Friday, October 18,2002 194 FEEDER PIGS. 43.0 LBS. PER PIG, 30.98 PER HUNDREDWEIGHT, 13.37 PER HEAD. FEEDER PIG SALE NO LONGER GRADED. 5 HEAD 25-30 LBS. 20.00-45.00; 73 HEAD 30-40 LBS. 30.00-47.50; 77 HEAD 40-50 LBS. 30.00-40.00; 16 HEAD 50-60 LBS. 20.00-30.00; 19 HEAD 60-75 LBS. 22.50-35.00. Eastern Combelt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Springfield, HI. November 1,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Eastern Com Beit Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Summary (includes pig prices on negotiated, contract and formula basis) FEEDER PIGS: Total receipts: 14,267, negotiated 2,545; last week 11,905. Trends: SEW 10 lb pigs and feeder pigs were steady. Trading activity was light to moderate for moderate offerings. SFOB Eastern Combelt - Illinois, Indi ana, Ohio, Michigan. Receipts: 14,267; last week 10,280. EARLY WEANED PIGS, 10 LB BASIS, estimated 50-54% lean value; Lot size under 250; 350 head, 22.50; lot size 250-750: 4,889 head, 10.00-29.99, wtd. avg. price 25.41; lot size 750 or more: 6,108 head, 20.00-29.00, wtd. avg. price 23.69. Total Composite: 11,347 head, 10.00- wtd. avg. 24.40. PIGS, 40 LB BASIS, Estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size 250-750 lb: 320 head, 20.00; lot size 750 or more: 2,000 head, 33.00. Total Composite: 2,320 head, 20.00- wtd. avg. price 31.21. PIGS, 50 LB BASIS, Estimated 50-54% lean value: Lot size 250-750: 600 head, 39.44. SFOB prices quoted on per head basis “picked up” at sellers farm; prices do not include freight. Randall G. Renninger Certified Public Accountant Specializing in agriculture and construction industries “We help business people discover ways to cut costs, save taxes, and be more profitable” Call about our FREE seminars 535 W. Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 299-6480 ♦ Fax (717) 299-6390 Kan Martin 2002-2001 Lancaster County Dairy Princess will be present serving ice cream lo the attendees 1 Smofjer ■gj <C ompart wwwsmokercpa com Certified Public Accountants and business development advisors Reservations are a must! 49 E. Main St., Leola, PA 17540,717-656-7544 Call Smoker & Company by 431 W. Mam St., Ephrata, PA 17522,717-721 -3299 Nov 11 ’ 200210 reserve a seat ' 24 S. Mam St., Manheim, PA 17545,717-665-5979 Wolgemuth Hay Leola, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Wednesday, November 6,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain 43 LOTS. ALFALFA; HIGH 155.00, AVG. 136.00. MIXED HAY: HIGH 177.00, AVG. 149.00. TIMOTHY: HIGH 205.00, AVG. 164.00. GRASS; HIGH 155.00, AVG. 128.00. STRAW: HIGH 127.00, AVG. 111.00. Middleburg Hay Middleburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, November 5,2002 HAY: 31 LOTS. 47 LOTS TOTAL. ALFALFA: 130.00-205.00. MIXED HAY: 72.50-210.00. TIMOTHY: 105.00-140.00. ROUND BALES: 26.00-28.00 EA. ORCHARDGRASS: 132.50. STRAW: 6 LOTS, 77.50-97.50. SQUARE BALES: .75 EACH. EAR CORN: 5 LOTS, 140.00-155.00, FIREWOOD: 42.00 LOAD. OATS: 2.60 BU. Westminster Hay Westminster, Maryland Report Supplied By Auction Tuesday, November 5,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain 148 LOADS. ALFALFA; 2.20-5.10 BALE. TIMOTHY: 2.50-4.40 BALE. MIXED HAY: 2.40-4.20 BALE. GRASS: 2.00-3.00 BALE, 20.00-32.00 LARGE ROUND, 45.00 LARGE SQUARE. STRAW: .70-2.60 BALE. MULCH: .80-1.30 BALE. SHELLED CORN: 5.25 BAG. FIREWOOD: 50.00-105.00 CORD. Discussions will include: jjk . • Controlling Income MM • Depreciation - Using It To Your Advantage • Farm Income Averaging , Rea | £ State sales ' Shippensburg Hay Auction Shippensburg, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Nov. 2 and 5,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain 74 LOADS. ALFALFA: 130.00-250.00. MIXED HAY: 70.00-127.00. TIMOTHY: 55.00-147.50. CLOVER: 75.00. BROME GRASS: 54.00-165.00. ORCHARDGRASS; 42.00-130.00. STRAW: 52.00-78.00. OATS: 2.60-2.80 BU. MULCH: 34.00. FIREWOOD: 45.00-60.00 LOAD. Morrison’s Cove Livestock Hay Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, November 4,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain jjs^nffigißireßiaa YEAR-END SPRAYER SALE ORDER NOW FOR SPRING & SAVE • 200, 300, 500 and 750 Gallon Trailer Sprayers • 25, 55, 110, 200 and 300 Gallon 3PT Hitch Sprayers • Order by Dec. 20th • 2002 Year Prices • Additional Discounts Up To $4OO Paul B. Zimmerman, Inc. *5O Woodcorner Rd. ALFALFA: 145.00-167.50. ALFALFA AND GRASS 125.00-150.00. TIMOTHY: 100.00-137.50. MIXED HAY: 100.00-120.00. ROUND BALES: 40.00-125.00. STRAW: 102.50-105.00. CLOVER MIX: 150.00. WOOD: 55.00. HAY AUCTIONS MONDAYS AT 12:30 P.M. CALL KEN DOWNS, 814-793-3723. Belleville Hay Belleville, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Wednesday, November 6,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA HAY: 77.50-145.00. MIXED HAY: 77.50-130.00. STRAW: 82.50-107.50. CORN: 125.00-137.50. OATS: 2.30-2.40 BU. as. EMBfitewaway ( Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North MIXED HAY: 16 LOTS, 1.00-3.70 BALE. TIMOTHY: 2 LOTS, 1.80 BALE. GRASS: 9 LOTS, 2.00-3.40 BALE. MULCH: 4 LOTS, .85-1.10. WHEAT STRAW: 2.60 BALE. OATS: 3.00 BU. RYE: 2 AT 2.40 AND 2.70. FIREWOOD: 10.00 AND 20.00 LOAD. 37 LOTS TOTAL. HA Dry Cow Booster That Costs 7c a Day Hoffmans Horse and Cattle Powder is an ideal tonic for cows over freshening. Feed 6 wks. before freshening. 1 Tablespoon a day. (T ekr -fr ih? feed 1 Table This is an over-all good booster if fed to dry cows, and it will pay you big dividends. Sugar Valley Collar Shop 18 Wagon Wheel Lane Loganton, PA 17747 D & J Farm Store 65 Hess Rd. Quarryville, PA 17566 Daniels Farm Store 324 Glenbrook Rd. Leola, PA 17540 717-656-6982 Gap Repair Shop 994 Gap Rd. Kmzers, PA 17535 717-442-4781 We need more dealers for different areas. If interested, please write to: J.L. Hoffman, 183 Stonyhill Rd., Quarryville, PA 17566 igglM [S»IB. l |9lmsirßaji forflV^iußHirßaß • 12’, 20’, 30’, 35’ and 40’ Manual Fold Booms • 30’, 45’ & 60’ Hydraulic Fold Booms • Teejet Automatic Rate Controllers • Manual or Electric Boom Controls • Teejet Valves & Nozzles • Tank Rinse System • Chemical Induction System • Power Wash with Jug Rinse • 5 Gal. or 15 Gal. Foamer Markers • Hypro Roller, Centrifugal or Diaphragm Pumps * Lltitz, PA 17543 * (717) 738-7350 \s&mm >iaaawa; Jersey Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction November 5,2002 Huy—Straw—Grain Lancaster Farming's Classified Ads Gat Results! Elvin Zimmerman 18051 Ridgewood Ave, Barnett, MO 65011 573-378-2658 Bird-In-Hand Farm Supply 200 Maple Ave Bird-In-Hand, PA 17505 Gideon F. King 5465 Elam Rd. Kinzer, PA 17535 toßSwaaw Ti Siisi?!3F(si§lß
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