NCBA CEO Tours Pennsylvania (Continued from Page At) nomic stress. NCBA is focused on “enhancing that potential for profitability and viability in you, the beef producers,” he said. Beef producers have indicated that top issues include preserving their way of life, growing their business, and passing the farm or ranch on to next generation, “so when I go to work every day, that’s top with me. As an organi zation, what we are about is how to identify tools that you can put in your toolbox to enhance your profitability.” NCBA philosophy “has been about market-driven solutions, less government, and a consumer focus on enhancing demand for our product,” he said. Stokes highlighted that NCBA is a producer-controlled organi zation. “I don’t make policy, I just implement it,” said Stokes. “I don’t approve funding that’s what our producers do.” Sixty-three percent of NCSA’s board of directors consists of cow/calf producers, 30 percent are cattle feeders, six percent are allied industry representatives, and one percent is packer repre sentatives a board that is “cat tlemen controlled but industry in clusive. When we look at issues like beef safety today, every body’s at the table to figure out how we can produce a safer and more wholesome product.” NCBA contracts with the Cat tlemen’s Beef Board to carry out beef checkoff programs, which noncorrosiva Delrin valve is self cleaning & simple to operate! • 12” In diameter & 8” deep. • 3 gallon capacity- 6 times that ■ of other bowlsl • Fast recovery- 3 gallons per minute at 40 pel. • PVC construction- guaranteed unbreakable, Inhibits bacterial growth. •With nonrestrlctive splash guard. • Cleaner- water fill located at bottom. • Bottom drain- for easy cleaning. • Adjustable water level. Added Value With Our 2 Coat Process! 1 Five step metal preparation, including iron phosphate conversion coating, to enhance adhesion & prevent undercoat corrosion 2 Zinc rich epoxy powder undercoat 3 TGIC polyester powder top coat, baked at 400° to fuse costs, forming a ~ cross link molecular bond Call or write for additional information & the name of your nearest dealer are focused on enhancing de mand. This includes product develop ment, such as the value-added cut or ready-to-eat products. Growing beef demand also in cludes nutrition identifying the nutrient benefits of beef and get ting the message out. The NCBA has forged a strong partnership with the American Dietetic Asso ciation. The two organizations are developing a lean beef cook book. Stokes also highlighted NCBA beef safety research efforts. Feed additives, steam pasteurization techniques, and sanitizing sys tems on cattle going into the packing house are options under consideration. NCBA representatives work to protect the business environment in Washington, D.C. Permanent repeal of the estate tax and small business incentives are part of their agenda. They also work to ensure producers retain property and land- use rights. Environmental policy is also a concern, as NCBA representa tives work with regulatory agen cies to address water and air quality issues. In addition they pushed to enhance programs to help producers get more environ mental dollars. Marketing, a hot issue for pro ducers, has prompted NCBA to work with the Chicago Mercan tile Exchange on ways to improve using live cattle contracts as a risk management tool. Finding answers to establishing price and WB9SPZ Zimmerman Water Bowl Heavy duty ateel clamp A mounting bracket totally supports bowl. Paul B. Zimmerman, Inc. 295 Woodcorner Rd. • Lititz, PA 17543 • 717/738-7365 1 mile West of Ephrata Attendees of the town hall meeting in Lancaster included, from left, Paula Leuen berger and Scott Wright, Pennsylvania Beef Council (PBC) representatives; Carol Gillis, New York Beef Industry Council executive director; Michelle Cornman, Paul Slayton, and Holly Marshall, PBC; Terry Stokes, NCBA; Connie Kelley, executive secretary, N.Y. Beef Producers’ Association; and William Lesher, Bob Livingston, and Bernard Nissley, PBC board members. eliminating the inequities and volatility that is in the system today are priorities, he said. NCBA has also worked with USDA on mandatory price re porting. “This marketing area, and price discovery, is one we must find the answer to,” Stokes said. Trade is another emphasis. “Globalization is here. How do Water Supply Cows! Now you can give your cows the water they need to produce more milk. With the Zimmerman Water Bowl, you can do it at no extra cost' The bowls are designed to comply with known federal and local requirements when installed properly.* Cows are not designed to push a paddle when they need a drink. This unique watering system provides a continuous supply of fresh water in the way nature intended cows to drink. With a large capacity, fast recovery and a guarantee against breakage, the Zimmerman Water Bowl will revolutionize the way you water your herd. •All bottom fill bowls require that approved back flow prevention devices be installed in potable water supply lines Install In new or remodeled facilities or In most existing barns on manger or stall side! Hours Mon -Fn 7-5 Sal 7-11 we manage trade?” he said. “The philosophy we’ve had, and if you look at the policy that’s established, it’s about fair trade, not just free trade. If folks want access to the U.S., they need to give us access everywhere else. “The biggest challenge in these treaties is ensuring that we have a level playing field.” Checkoff Litigation The checkoff program stands in litigation in two cases, said Stokes. In Montana, in a district court in Billings, one case awaits the district court’s judging. “We are anticipating a positive deci sion based on what we’ve seen in the evidence that has been pres ented.” he said. After a South Dakota district judge ruled the checkoff uncon stitutional, the case was appealed to the Bth circuit court of ap peals. “Briefs have been filed in the case, and we expect that it will be heard sometime after the first of the year,” he said. After a process of decisions and appeals, conflicting decisions will probably drive the case to the supreme court. “We are very confident that in the end the beef checkoff will be Custom Fabricators of Galvanized Barn Equipment Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2,‘2002-A37 ruled constitutional, but we also know that we’re in for a long trip,” said Stokes. The justice department, several cattlemen’s organizations, and private citizens are underwriting litigation costs. Of fourteen commodity check off programs today, seven are in litigation related to constitution ality. Stokes addressed price discov ery issue and lack of competition in the buying, packing, and re tailing industries. lowa Cattle men have started a closed co-op to get more value for their prod uct, he said, noting that “value must be passed back to produc ers.” Producers present discussed possible government subsidies for the beef industry, enforcing the Packers and Stockyards Act, the introduction of irradiated ground beef into stores and restaurants, captive supply/packer ownership of cattle, and the possibilities of country-of-origin labeling. “NCBA is your organization,” summarized Stokes. “The way to change policy is to get involved and to participate so that you can help make those decisions that form policy to move the industry forward,” he said.
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