A36-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002 KILE Names Breeding Sheep Champions HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Breeding sheep champi ons came from as far as Minneso ta to the Keystone International Livestock Exhibition (KILE) con ducted here the first week in Oc tober. Junior and/or open champions for the Cheviot, Corriedale, Dor set, Hampshire, Shropshire, Southdown, Suffolk breeds are pictured. Following are results from the Cheviot, Corriedale, Merino, Montadale, Oxford, Shropshire, Southdown, and Suffolk shows: CHEVIOT - BREEOINQ SHEEP 1 ram, 1 year and under 2: 1. Lo-Ke Cheviots. 2. Erdenheim Farm. 3. Lo-Ke Cheviots. Ram, fall lamb; 1. Ted Coil Family. 2. Chad Swartz. 3. Chad Swartz. Ram, spring lamb: 1. John Eaton and Me Trostle. 2. Lo-Ke Cheviots. 3. Lo-Ke Chevi ots. Pair of ram lambs: 1. Ted Coil Family. 2. John Eaton & Me Trostle. 3. Lo-Ke Chevi ots. Champion ram: John Eaton and Me Trostle. Tyler A. Maddox, Windy Hollow Farm, Middlebrook, Va. with junior grand cham pion Dorset ram. Kurt Fleener, Robesonia, showed the Junior grand champion Hampshire ewe. Krystal Repasky, Prior Lake, Minn., had the junior grand champion South down ram. Krystal Repasky with her junior grand champion Southdown ewe. Reserve champion ram: Lo-Ke Cheviots. Ewe, 1 year and under 2:1. Lo-Ke Chevi ots. 2. Lo-Ke Cheviots. 3. John Eaton and Me Trostle. Pair of yearling ewes; 1. Lo-Ke Cheviots. 2. Erdenheim Farm. 3. John Eaton and Me Trostle. Ewe, fall lamb: 1. Chad Swartz. Ewe, early spring lamb: 1. Lo-Ke Chevi ots. 2. John Eaton and Me Trostle. 3. Ted Coil Family. Ewe, late spring lamb: 1. Lo-Ke Chevi ots. 2. John Eaton and Me Trostle. 3. Lo-Ke Cheviots. Pair of awe lambs: 1. Lo-Ke Cheviots. 2. John Eaton and Me Trostle. 3. Erdenheim Farm. Champion ewe: Lo-Ke Cheviots. Reserve champion ewe; John Eaton and Me Trostle. Exhibitor's flock: 1. Lo-Ke Cheviots. 2. John Eaton & Me Trostle. 3. Erdenheim Farm. Premier exhibitor Lo-Ke Cheviots. Premier breeder Lo-Ke Cheviots. CORRIEDALE - BREEDING SHEEP Ram, 1 year and under 2: 1. Umekiln Corriedales. 2. Apple Hill Farm. 3. K&K Cor riedales. Ram, fall lamb: 1. Apple Hill Farm. 2. Ruppert's Corriedale. 3. Packer Corrie dales. Ram, spring lamb: 1. K&K Corriedales. 2. Apple Hill Farm. 3. Bow and Family Ben and Mary. Pair of ram lambs: 1. Apple Hill Farm. 2. Bow and Family Ben. 3. K&K Corriedales. Champion ram; Limekiln Corriedales. Reserve champion ram: K&K Corrie dales, Sale ewe 1 year and under 2:1. Balsam Spring Farm. 2. Rivera Corriedales. 3. Thoma Gerald. Ewe, 1 year and under 2: 1. Apple Hill Farm. 2. Owl Ridge Farm. 3. Packer Corrie dales. Pair of yearling ewes: 1. Bow and Family Ben. 2. Packer Corriedales. 3. K&K Corrie dales. Sale fall ewe lamb: 1. Packer Corrie dales. 2. Joy Lan Acres. Ewe, fall lamb: 1. K&K Corriedales. 2. Packer Corriedales. 3. Rivera Corriedales. Sale spring ewe lamb: 1. Apple Hill Farm. 2. Apple Hill Farm. 3. Packer Corriedales. Ewe, early spring lamb: 1. Apple Hill Farm. 2. K&K Corriedales. 3. Bow and Family Ben and Mary. Ewe, late spring lamb: 1. K&K Corrie dales. 2. K&K Comedales. 3. Limekiln Cor nedales. Pair of ewe lambs; 1. Apple Hill Farm. 2. K&K Corriedales. 3. Packer Corriedales. Champion sale ewe: Balsam Spring Farm. Reserve champion sale ewe: Apple Hill Farm. Champion ewe: Apple Hill Farm. Reserve champion ewe: K&K Corrie dales. Exhibitor's flock: 1. Apple Hill Farm. 2. K&K Comedales. 3. Packer Corriedales. Premier exhibitor: Apple Hill Farm. Premier breeder. Apple Hill Farm. MERINO - BREEDING SHEEP Ram, 1 year and under 2: 1. Greenwood Hill Farm. 2. Randy Frame. 3. Randy Frame. Ram, fall lamb: 1. Randy Frame. 2. Randy Frame. 3. Crouse Darren. Ram, spring lamb: t. Randy Frame. 2. Courtney Fitzpatrick. 3. Randy Frame. Pair of ram lambs: 1. Randy Frame. 2. Maple Creek Farm. 3. Greenwood Hill Farm. Champion ram; Greenwood Hill Farm. Reserve champion ram; Randy Frame. Ewe, 1 year and under 2: 1. Randy Frame. 2. Randy Frame. 3. Greenwood Hill Farm. Pair of yearling ewes: 1. Randy Frame. 2. Greenwood Hill Farm. 3. Crouse Darren. Ewe, fall lamb: 1. Randy Frame. 2. Randy Frame. 3. Crouse Darren. Ewe, early spring lamb: 1. Randy Frame. 2. Shady Hollow Farm. 3. Maple Creek Farm. Ewe, late spring lamb: 1. Courtney Fitz patrick. 2. Randy Frame. Pair of ewe lambs: 1. Randy Frame. 2. Crouse Darren. 3. Shady Hollow Farm. Champion ewe: Randy Frame. Reserve champion ewe: Randy Frame. Exhibitor’s flock: 1. Randy Frame. 2. Crouse Darren. 3. Greenwood Hill Farm. Premier exhibitor Randy Frame. Premier breeder Randy Frame. MONTADALE BREEDING SHEEP Ram, 1 year and under 2; 1. Tony Haugh. 2. Bethany Ziegler. 3. Bethany Ziegler. Ram, spring lamb: 1. MY Montadales. 2. Salfner Montadales. 3. Kuykendall Monta dale. Pair of ram lambs: 1. Kuykendall Monta dale. 2. Salfner Montadales. 3. Montavista Farm. Champion ram: My Montadales. Reserve champion ram: Salfner Monta dales. Sale ewe 1 year and under 2; 1. Weston Farm. 2. Kent Moenter. 3. Northstar Monta dales. Ewe, 1 year and under 2:1. Salfner Mon tadales. 2. Kuykendall Montadale. 3. Salfn er Montadales. Pair of yearling ewes: 1. Salfner Monta dales. 2. Kuykendall Montadale. 3. Monta vista Farm. Ewe, fall lamb: 1. Kuykendall Montadale. Sale spring ewe lamb: 1. Weston Farm. 2. Northstar Montadales. 3. Melvin Family. Ewe, early spring lamb: 1. Kuykendall Montadale. 2. Salfner Montadales. 3. Robin L. Harkins. Ewe, late spring lamb; 1. Kuykendall Montadale. 2. Salfner Montadales. 3. Mon tavista Farm. Pair of ewe lambs: 1. Kuykendall Monta dale. 2. Salfner Montadales. 3. Montavista Farm. Champion sale ewe: Salfner Montadales. Reserve champion sale ewe; Kuykendall Montadale. Champion ewe: Weston Farm. Reserve champion ewe: Northstar Mon tadales. Exhibitor’s flock; 1. Salfner Montadales. 2. Kuykendall Montadale. 3. Montavista Farm. Premier exhibitor: Salfner Montadales. Premier breeder Salfner Montadales. OXFORD - BREEDING SHEEP Ram, 1 year and under 2; 1. Down Valley Farm. 2 Thoma Gerald. 3. Garges Broth ers. Ram, fall lamb: 1. Thoma Gerald. 2. Down Valley Farm. Ram, spring lamb; 1. Everett Oxfords. 2. Thoma Gerald. 3. Botsford Farm. Kirra Pilson, Thurmont, Md., had the Junior grand champion Shropshire ram. Kristina Repasky, Prior Lake, Minn., with Junior grand champion Suffolk ewe. Chad Swartz, Attica, N.Y. exhibited the champion Cheviot ewe. Exhibitor's flock: 1. Scenic View Farm. 2. Northern Starr Livestock. 3. Claudette Choma. Premier exhibitor: Scenic View Farm. Premier breeder Scenic View Farm. SUFFOLK - BREEDING SHEEP Ram, 1 year and under 2: 1. Breezeview/MacCauley. 2. Windy Acres. Ram, fall lamb: 1. fugles Sheep Farm. 2. Muddy Creek Lambscap. 3. PSD Farms. Ram, spring lamb: 1. Shane M. Cona way. 2. Wiford Suffolks. 3. Breezeview/ MacCauley. Pair of ram lambs: 1. Shane M. Cona way. 2. Breezeview/MacCauley. 3. Windy Acres. Champion ram: Shane M. Conaway. Reserve champion ram: Wiford Suffolks. Sale bred ewe 1 year under 2:1. Erin At kins. 2. Pine Haven Farm. 3. fugles Sheep Farm. Ewe, 1 year and under 2:1. Wind Valley Farm. 2. Breezeview/MacCauley. 3. Shane M. Conaway. Pair of yearling ewes: 1. Breezeview/ MacCauley. 2. Wind Valley Farm. 3. Shane M. Conaway. Sale fall ewe lamb: 1. PSD Farms. Ewe, fall lamb: 1. fugles Sheep Farm. 2. Muddy Creek Lambscap. 3. PSD Farms. Sale spring ewe lamb: 1. fugles Sheep Farm. 2. fugles Sheep Farm. 3. Pine Haven Farm. _ Ewe, early spring lamb: 1. Breezeview/ MacCauley. 2. Northern Starr Livestock. 3. Wind Valley Farm Ewe, late spring lamb: 1. Shane M. Con away. 2. Botsford Farm. 3. Wind Valley Farm. Pair of ewe lamb: 1. Breezeview/ MacCauley. 2. Shane M. Conaway. 3. Wind Valley Farm. . Champion sale owe: fugles Sheep Farm. Reserve champion sale ewe: Erin Atkins. Champion ewe: Wind Valley Farm. Reserve champion ewe; Shane M. Cona- Flock: 1. Shane M. Conaway. 2. Breezeview/MacCauley. 3. Wiford Suf folks. Premier exhibitor: Shane M. Conaway. Premier breeder: Breezeview/ . „. MkCbmlw. Ruth Hartman, Limekiln, showed the champion Cor riedale ram. Kathy D’Ascenzo, Spring City, exhibited the champi on Corriedale ewe. Sue Stewart is pictured in photo. Pair of ram lambs: 1. Thoma Gerald. 2. K&K Oxfords. 3. Down Valley Farm. Champion ram; Everett Oxfords. Reserve champion ram: Thoma Gerald. Ewe, 1 year and under 2; 1. Garges Brothers. 2. Everett Oxfords. 3. Thoma Pair of yearling ewes: 1. Thoma Gerald. 2. Down Valley Farm. 3. Johnson Emily. Ewe, fall lamb: 1. Down Valley Farm. Ewe, early spring lamb: 1. Everett Ox fords. 2. Kelsey Johnson. 3. Down Valley Farm. Ewe, late spring lamb: 1. Everett Ox fords. 2. Thoma Gerald. 3. Misty Meadow Oxfords. Pair of ewe lambs; 1. Everett Oxfords. 2. Thoma Gerald. 3. Johnson Emily. Champion ewe: Everett Oxfords. Reserve champion ewe: Garges Brothers Live. Exhibitor’s flock: 1. Thoma Gerald. 2. Down Valley Farm. 3. Johnson Emily. Premier exhibitor Thoma Gerald. Premier breeder. Everett Oxfords. SHROPSHIRE - BREEDING SHEEP Ram, 1 year and under 2; 1. Jeffrey McConn Jr. 2. Bryant Shrops. 3. Diehl Jl & Gl. Ram, fall lamb: 1. Hemlock Hollow Farms. 2. Diehl Jl A GL 2. T & M Livestock Co. Ram, spring lamb: 1. Emily Washburn. 2. Diehl Jl & Gl. 3. Bryant Shrops. Pair of ram lambs; 1. Diehl Jl & Gl. 2. Bryant Shrops. 3. Clay-Nob Farm. Champion ram: Jeffrey McConn Jr. Reserve champion ram: Emily Wash bum. Sale bred ewe 1 year and under 2: 1. Diehl Ji & Gl. 2. Robert Dinsmore. 3. Robert Dinsmore. Ewe, 1 vear and under 2; 1. Bryant Shrops. 2. Diehl JI & Gl. 3. Emily Washburn. Pair of yearling ewes: 1. Diehl JI & Gl. 2. Bryant Shrops. 3. Clay-Nob Farm. Ewe, fall lamb; 1. Powell Rambouillets. 2. Diehl JI & Gl. 3. T & M Livestock Co. Sale spring ewe lamb: 1. Diehl JI & Gl. 2. Robert Dinsmore. 3. Molly Fitzpatrick. Ewe, early spring lamb: 1. Push Back Farm. 2. Mandy Swartz. 3. Jeffrey McConn Jr. Ewe, late spring lamb: 1. Clay-Nob Farm. 2. Bryant Shrops. 3. Powell Rambouillets. Pair of ewe lambs: 1. Clay-Nob Farm. 2. Bryant Shrops. 3. Push Back Farm. Champion sale ewe: Diehl JI & Gl. Reserve champion sale ewe: Diehl JI & Gl. Champion ewe: Clay-Nob Farm. Reserve champion ewe; Diehl JI & Gl. Exhibitor's flock: Diehl JI & Gl. 2. Bryant Shrops. 3. Clay-Nob Farm. Premier exhibitor: Diehl JI 4 Gl. Premier breeder Diehl JI & Gl. SOUTHDOWN - BREEDING SHEEP Ram, 1 year and under 2; 1. Scenic View Farm. 2. Claudette Choma. 3. Seldom Seen. Ram, fall lamb; 1. Scenic View Farm. 2. Northern Starr Livestock. 3. Scenic View Farm. Ram, spring lamb; 1. Northern Starr Live stock. 2. Northern Starr Livestock. 3. Sce nic View Farm. Pair of ram lambs: 1. Northern Starr Live stock. 2. Scenic View Farm. 3. Breezy Acres Farm. Champion ram; Scenic View Farm. Reserve champion ram; Northern Starr livestock. „ Sale bred ewe 1 year and under 2; 1. Nicholas Fowler. 2. Claudette Choma. 3. Scenic View Farm. Ewe, 1 year and under 2: 1. Northern Starr Livestock. 2. Claudette Choma. 3. Bill George Leib. Pair of yearling ewes: 1. Northern Starr Livestock. 2. Scenic View Farm. 3. Clau dette Choma. Ewe, fall lamb: 1. Wampanoag Farm. 2. Northern Starr Livestock. 3. Wampanoag Farm. Sale spring ewe lamb: 1. Claudette Choma. 2. Northern Starr Livestock. 3. Mil ton Hershey School. Ewe, early spring lamb: 1. Scenic View Farm. 2. Seldom Seen. 3. Jennifer's Lambs. Ewe, late spring lamb; 1. Scenic View Farm. 2. Bill George Leib. 3. Northern Starr Livestock. Pair of ewe lambs: 1. Scenic View Farm. 2. Bill George Leib. 3. Claudette Choma. Champion sale ewe: Nicholas Fowler. Reserve champion sale ewe: Claudette Choma. Champion ewe: Northern Starr Live stock. Reserve champion ewe: Scenic View Farm. Betty Hope of Hope’s Hampshires, Knoxville, Md., showed the champion Hampshire ewe. Jeffrey McConn, Jr., West Alexander, had the champion Shropshire ram. The champion Shrop shire ewe was shown by J.L. and Q.L. Diehl, Deer field, Ohio. Krystal Repasky with champion Southdown ewe. Champion Suffolk ram was shown by Shane Cona way, Newville.
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