Cumberland Valley Produce Auction Shippensburg, Pa. Report Supplied fay Auction October 22 and 24 APPLES: 3.75-8.50 'A BU. BEANS: GREEN S.OO-8.00, YELLOW 3.00, LIMA 1.00-5.00, ALL Vi BU. BROCCOLI: .40-.60 HEAD. CABBAGE: RED .50, GREEN .10-.70 HEAD. CAULIFLOWER: .20-.90 HEAD. CUCUMBERS: 4.00-6.50 ‘A BU. EGGPLANT: 2.50. PEARS: 3.00-5.50 ‘A BU. PEPPERS: GREEN SM. TO LRGE. 3.00- RED SM. TO LRGE. 2.00-6.00. PLUMS: 2.00. POTATOES: RED 3.00, WHITE 3.00- >/ 2 BU.; SWEET 2.50-7.00 'A BU. PUMPKINS: NECK .80-1.00 EA. RED BEETS: 3.00-4.00 ‘A BU. SQUASH: YELLOW 3.50, ACORN 5.00, BUTTERNUT 3.00-7.00 'A BU., PATTY PANS 2.50, SPAGHETTI 4.00. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. 10.00-18.00 ‘A BU.; GREEN 4.50-7.00 V% BU. ORNAMENTALS: FACE PUMPKINS .20-2.20 EA.; GOOSE GOURDS JO; BABY PAMS .10; INDIAN CORN .20-.90 BUNCH. SALE DAY NEXT WEEK IS TUES., 9 A.M. Randall G. Renninger Certified Public Accountant Specializing in agriculture and construction industries “We help business people discover ways to cut costs, save taxes, and be more profitable” Call about our FREE seminars 535 W. Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717)299-6480 ♦ Fax (717) 299-6390 CAROLINA* Gore-Tex Logger 400 Grams Thinsulate Boot D, EE Width Non-Steel $114.95 Steel-Toe $119.95 We will ship to your door - U.P.S. Shipping Add $7.50/Pair, 2 Pairs $10.50 K a Weaver’s Store, Inc. Route 897, Fivepointville <mm KTFia ion Dry Tavern Rd., Denver, PA 17517 Finger Lakes Produce Auction Penn Van, New York Report Supplied by Auction October 23,2002 ACORN SQUASH: .10-.50. APPLES: 1.00-2.63 8 QT. BROCCOLI: .50-.85. BUTTERCUPS: .17-.60. BUTTERNUTS: .20-.50. CABBAGE: .25-.45. CAULIFLOWER: .10-1.45. GRAPES 1.50-5.00 8 QT. GOURDS .02-. SO. INDIAN CORN 1.00-1.40. MUMS .80-2.50. ONIONS .IS-.65. PUMPKINS .10-2.70. RED BEETS .45-.70. PRODUCE AUCTION WED. AND FRL, 9:30 A.M. HAY SALES TUBS., 11 A.M. Kutztown Produce Hay Auction Fleetwood, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Saturday, October 26,2002 Hay—-Straw—Grain 17 LOTS. ALFALFA HAY: 115.00-190.00. GRASSS HAY: 155.00. MIXED HAY: 85.00-170.00. TIMOTHY HAY; 130.00. WHEAT STRAW: 70.00. HAY SMALL BALES: 2.40. STRAW SMALL BALES: 1.40. FIREWOOD: 30.00-50.00 LOAD. SALE OF HAY, STRAW, FIRE WOOD SAT., 9 A.M. Middleburg Hay Middleburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, October 29,2002 HAY: 31 LOTS. 52 LOTS TOTAL. ALFALFA: 5 LOTS, 100.00-180.00. MIXED HAY: 16 LOTS, 55.00-157.50. TIMOTHY: 6 LOTS, 100.00-130.00. CLOVER: 110.00. ROUND BALES: 22.00. ORCHARDGRASS: 97.50-160.00. STRAW: 5 LOTS, 40.00-80.00. EAR CORN: 5 LOTS, 90.00-142.00. RYE; 5 LOTS, 3.60-4.25 BU. OATS: 4 LOTS, 2.00-2.25 BU. FIREWOOD: 20.00-50.00 LOAD. Kirkwood, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Tuesday, October 29,2002 59 LOTS. MIXED HAY: IST CUTTING 85.00- 2ND 155.00-185.00. TIMOTHY: 110.00-202.00. ALFALFA: IST CUTTING 137.00- 2ND 118.00-195.00, 3RD 125.00- 4TH 120.00. CLOVER: 195.00. GRASS: 105.00-130.00. WHEAT STRAW: 57.00-125.00. BARLEY STRAW; 100.00. RYE STRAW: 132.00. OAT STRAW: 100.00. RYE SEED: 3.003.75 BU. OATS: 2.20 BU. FIREWOOD: 75.00 PICK-UP LOAD. SALE DAY TUBS. 10 A.M. -Tex ide CAROLINA* Grizzly Work Shoes D, EE, EEE. EEEE Width 6” Non-Steel $94.95 Steel-Toe $99.95 8” Non-Steel Steel-Toe $99.95 $104.95 Kirkwood Hay Generator Systems Diesel or Propane, 10-500 KW, Agricultural and Industrial. New, Used or Reconditioned Martin Diesel Services Shop (570) 658-5303 Office (570) 922-4494 3ftiT«6tiWW: Com Belt Feedstuff St. Joseph, Mo. October 29,2002 Report Supplied By USD A CORN BELT FEEDSTUFF: Whole sale Bids. Truck or Rail dollars per ton. Feedstuff prices were mostly steady to lower for the week and users were buying hand to mouth. Pressure was noted in several ingredient prices due to slow de mand. Rain delayed harvest in soybeans over the past couple of weeks and sharp advances on the Board, limited declines in some ingredients. SOYBEAN MEAL; 48 percent rail was 1.50-2.50 lower from 161.50-172.50. 48 percent truck was 1.50 higher to 1.50 lower from 166.50-179.50 per ton. CORN BY-PRODUCTS: Gluten Feed 21 percent. Interior Points steady to 4.00 lower at 64.00-68.00; Chicago was steady to 1.00 higher at 68.00-75.00. 60 percent Gluten Meal, Interior Points steady to 5.00 lower from 260.00-270.00; Chicago was steady to 5.00 lower from 250.00-275.00 per ton. Rail Hominy Feed, Central Illinois Points was 2.00 to 4.00 lower from 66.00-80.00; truck 2.00 to 4.00 lower from 68.00-81.00. Crude Corn Oil was 1.00 higher from 23.50-24.00 cents per pound. MILLFEEDS: Northwest was steady to 3.00 higher from 78.00; Buffalo 1.00 lower to 1.00 higher from 68.00-72.00 per ton. ALFALFA PELLETS: Toledo, Ohio 17 percent dehydrated steady from 145.00- 182.00; meal steady from 148.50-185.50. 15 percent meal was steady from 134.00- 179.50 per ton; meal steady from 137.50-183.00. DISTILLER’S DRIED GRAINS: Cen tral Illinois HOURS: Mon.-Tues. Thurs.-Fri. 8:00 AM-9:00 PM; ted.-Sat. . Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002-Al5 steady from 95.00-105.00; Chicago was steady to 1.00 lower from 'Pweii Serving Cattlemen in: Delaware, Maryland, New England States, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia Call me for help in locating Angus seedstock or to inquire about American Angus Association programs and services. PO Box 295 • Thurmont, MD 21788 (301) 271-2767 E-mail: 103.00- Lawrenceburg, 111., was steady at 97.00. Kansas and Nebraska were steady to 1.00 higher from 110.00- Minneapolis was steady at 85.00 per ton. BREWER’S DRIED GRAINS: New- ark, NJ was steady at 88.00; Williams- burg, VA was steady at 78.00 per ton. Vintage Hay Vintage, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Thursday, October 31,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA: 130.00-140.00. GRASS: 150.00. MIXED HAY: 110.00-137.00. STRAW: 105.00-135.00. State Graded Feeder Pig Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Report Supplied By Auction Friday, October 25,2002 RESULTS ON 416 PIGS. TREND: COMPARED WITH THE LAST SALE, FEEDER PIGS WERE MOSTLY STEADY, SPOTS 5.00 LOWER. ALL PIGS WERE SOLD BY THE HUNDRED WEIGHT. US+NI-2: 12 HEAD 37 LBS. 78.00; 10 HEAD 45-49 LBS. 40.00-55.00; 82 HEAD 50-59 LBS. 42.00-54.00; 52 HEAD 61-69 LBS. 40.00-49.00; 60 HEAD 64-79 LBS. 38.00; 64 HEAD 81.5-89 LBS. 35.00- 25 HEAD 94 LBS. 35.00. UG+N2; 34 HEAD 31-43 LBS. 45.00- 19 HEAD 54-59 LBS. 40.00; 16 HEAD 60-69 LBS. 35.00-40.00; 19 HEAD 70-85 LBS. 35.00-40.00. AS IS: 9 HEAD 53-59 LBS. 20.00; 12 HEAD 60-89 LBS. 21.00; 2 HEAD 92.5 LBS. 15.00. NEXT STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE NOV. 8, 2002. RECEIVING 7-10:30 A.M. SALE TIME 1 P.M. \J7 su''' V 1
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