Al4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002 Leola Produce Leola,Pa Report Supplied by Auction October 28,2002 APPLES: 2.00-4.00 HBU. BEANS: GREEN 8.00-11.00 Vi BU. BROCCOLI: .30-.80 HEAD. CABBAGE: RED .40-. SO, GREEN .40-.70 HEAD. CUCUMBERS: 6.00-7.00 BU. EGGPLANT: 3.00-5.00 ViBU. PEARS: 7.00-8.00 Vi BU. PEPPERS: GREEN SM. TO LRGE. 4.00- RED 6.00-7.00, BOTH BU., HOT 2.00-4.00 'A BU. POTATOES: RED AND WHITE 5.00- 50 LBS.; SWEET 6.00-8.00 Vi BU. PUMPKINS: NECK .50-2.00 EACH. SPINACH: 15.00-20.00 BOX. SQUASH: ACORN 4.00-6.00 BOX, BUTTERNUT 5.00-7.00 BU. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. 20.00-40.00 25 LBS. ZUCCHINI: 15.00-27.00 'h BU. SALE DAYS TUES. AND THURS., 9 A.M. Pa. Produce Summary Report Supplied by PDA October 25,2002 Wholesale Prices Only APPLES: 4.00-9.00 Vi BU. BEANS: GREEN 12.00-20.00, YEL LOW 12.00-18.00, LIMA 15.00-30.00, ALL BU. BROCCOLI: .40-.85 HEAD. CABBAGE: GREEN 5.00-8.00 50 LBS. CAULIFLOWER: .50-1.15 HEAD. ONIONS: 4.00-7.00 'A BU. PEARS: 5.00-9.00 'A BU. PEPPERS: GREEEN MED. TO LRGE. 5.00-10.00 BU.; COLORED 6.00- BU. POTATOES: RED AND WHITE 6.00- 50 LBS.; SWEET 5.00-10.00 A BU. PUMPKINS: NECK 1.00-3.00 EACH. RED BEETS: 4.00-9.00 'A BU. SPINACH; 7.00-10.00 BU. SQUASH: ACORN 7.00-10.00, BUT TERNUT 5.00-9.00, SPAGHETTI 6.00-8.00, PATTYPANS 5.00-10.00, ALL BU. TOMATOES: RED MED. TO LRGE. 15.00- TURNIPS: 4.00-6.00 25 LBS. ORNAMENTALS: GOURDS 1.00- JBL 2.00-4.00, BOTH 'A BU., BABY PAMS .10-.60 EACH; FACE PUMPKINS SM. TO EX. LRGE. .40-3.00, PRIZE WINNERS 8.00-20.00, BULK .08-.15 LB., BINS 20.00-100,00; INDIAN CORN 1.00-2.00 BUNCH, FIN GERS .25-.60 BUNCH; GOOSE GOURDS .50-1.00. Lancaster rs^^f as T aau Poured Walts • Agriculture •Commercial •Residential % Call for Prices On: • NRCS approved Manure Storage Pits • Concrete • Basements • Retaining Walls Pumping • Footers • Foundation Walls Customer Satisfaction Is Our Goal Lancaster Poured Walls, Inc. 2542 Horseshoe Rd.» Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 656-7370 » Fax (717) 656-7350 fllum lismm ktm ''We're Here To Serve" FARMS- 9P*9I We can insure all farms from mushrooms to fish, and from dairy to nursery stock. No farm is too complex A,, or too small for us to help you with. fe Please Call For Quotations or Information. We Offer All Types of Farm and Agribusiness Insurance lisa Sprout • Roger Slusher • Bob Lee • Sarah Roman • Cindy Beyer • Julie Lee • Terry Wingert 27 East State Street, Quarryville, PA 17566 (717) 78* -' - I80Q) 832-1415 :< Lebanon Produce Auction Reistville, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction * APPLES: 3.00-4.00 Vi BU. BEANS: GREEN 5.50, YELLOW 7.50, BOTH Vi BU. BROCCOLI: .40-.75 HEAD. CABBAGE: GREEN .20-.60 HEAD. CAULIFLOWER: .30-1.75 EACH. EGGPLANT: 2.00 'h BU. ONIONS: YELLOW .40 BUNCH. PEPPERS: GREEN 4.25-6.25 'A BU. POTATOES: WHITE 7.00, SWEET 6.50 Vi BU. RED BEETS: 5.50 Vi BU. SQUASH: YELLOW 5.00 Vi BU. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. 15.00-33.00 BOX. FLOWERS: MUMS 1.40-2.40 EACH. ORNAMENTALS: FACE PUMPKINS SM. TO LRGE. .17-1.35; GOURDS .15-1.00 EA.; GOOSE GOURDS .4S-.85 EACH; JBL .95 EACH. NEXT WEEK’S SALE DAYS TUES. AND FRL, 9:30 A.M. Weaverland Produce Auction New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction October 29,2002 APPLES: 3.50-6.00 Vi BU. BEANS: GREEN 10.50 BU. BROCCOLI: .30-.80. CABBAGE: RED .25, GREEN .20-.55 HEAD. CAULIFLOWER: .35-. BS HEAD. CIDER: 2.25 GAL., 1.25 ’A GAL. EGGPLANT: 3.00 A BU. PEPPERS: GREEN LARGE 3.00-4.50, RED LARGE 7.00, HOT 3.50, YELLOW 4.00, ALL 'A BU. POTATOES: SWEET 3.00-5.00 'A BU. PUMPKINS: NECK .75-1.15 EACH. SQUASH: ACORN 4.00, BUTTER NUT 6.00, SPAGHETTI 4.00, ALL BU. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. 18.05-43.00 25 LBS. TURNIPS; 7.00 35 LBS. FLOWERS: MUMS .25-1.25. ORNAMENTALS: FACE PUMPKINS .10-1.25; GOURDS 1.00 BOX; GOOSE GOURDS .25; JBL .50 BOX; BABY PAMS .10-.25. SALE DAYS NEXT WEEK TUES. AND THURS., 9 A.M. SPECIAL CRAFT SALE NOV. 16,8:30 A.M. •< * October 25-29,2002 Kutztovm Produce Auction Kutztown, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction October 22,24,26,2002 APPLES: 2.50-9.00 Vi BU., 5.00-11.50 BU. BEANS: GREEN 4.00-9.50, YELLOW 2.50, Vi BU. BROCCOLI: 3.50-5.00 Vi BU., .25-.70 EA. CABBAGE: 3.50-6.00 BOX, .55-1.10 EACH. CANTALOPES: .35-.80 EACH. CAULIFLOWER: .35-1.20 EACH. CUCUMBERS: 1.00-5.00 Vi BU., 7.00-11.00 BU. EGGPLANT: .50-2.50 Vi BU., 3.75-5.50 BU. EGGS: .35-.80 DOZ. GARLIC: 1.50 LB. ONIONS: YELLOW 1.25-2.00 20 LBS. PEARS: 2.25-6.00 Vi BU. PEPPERS: GREEN SM. TO LRGE. 1.00- Vi BU., 2.50-8.50 BU.; RED 1.00- Vi BU., 2.50-8.50 BU.; HOT 1.50-3.00 Vi BU., 3.00 FLAT, HOT PEP PER BUNCHES .50-1.00. Walk-In • Catalog • Web Sales - Call or email us today lor a 1 RHH catalog. TOIJL I Rl’L 1-800-845-4 • 717-866-7565 S&stre The Purafire heater provides a consistent, cleanburning and fuel efficient source of warmth for all types of poul try and swine houses. Choose from two models; the CBOM variable output (40,000-80,000 BTUH) and the C 225 (225,000 BTUH). Each Is LP or natural gas compatible and can be mounted inside or outside your confinement house. Electronic ignition. Vl* With CORE AUGERS and # Flex-flo AUGER SYSTEM in 21/4” dia. to 5” dia. LIVESTOCK WATERBRS 1- #612010382 * 2- w/Heat #612010383 * pmytuff FREEDOM FOUNTAINS ■ 1-Hole Cattle 60 Beef/30 Dairy Stock No 12010081 2-Hole Cattle 160 Beef/70 Dairy Stock No 12010082 2-Hole Cattle/Horse Electnc/80 Head Stock No 12010086 • Other Models Available HEADLOCKS <m> BASKET FANS With Cord and Ceiling Mounting Brackets, POTATOES: WHITE AND RED 2.75-7.50, .40 10 LBS.; SWEET 6.00-6.50. PUMPKINS: NECK .10-.50. RADISHES: WINTER 2.00-5.00 Vi BU. RED BEETS: 2.00-5.50 CUT Vi BU. SPINACH: 4.00-8.00 Vi BU. SQUASH: .25-5.00 Vi BU., .50-7.50 BU., .05-1.10 EACH. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LARGE 2.00-25.00 25 LBS.; CHERRY 10.50 FLAT. TURNIPS: 3.50-6.50 Vi BU. WATERMELONS: SANGRIA 1.50, SEEDLESS .65-1.00. FLOWERS: PERENNIALS 1.00-1.75 POT; MUMS .10-2.50; PLANTERS 3.00-11.00; MUM BASKETS 2.00-2.50; DRIED FLOWERS OR BOUQUETS 1.80-3.25; KALE AND CABBAGE .80. NURSERY STOCK: SHRUBS 1.00-19.00; TREES 7.00-17.00. ORNAMENTALS: PUMPKINS SM. TO LRGE. .16-4.00, BIN 5.00-85.00; PRIZE WINNERS 2.50-6.00; GOURDS .50-3.00 Vi BU.-5.00; GOOSE GOURDS .25-1.00; JBL .50-2.25 Vi BU.; BABY PAMS .04-.30; CORN SHOCKS .50-1.10; INDIAN CORN .50-.90, FINGERS .25. HEATERS ;ed bins QUALITY PRODUCTS AT WHOLESALE PRICES We assemble, deliver and set up bins on your farm ’Weather tight die formed roof ’Stronger engin eered sidewalls ’Ground controlled fill caps ’Galvanized roll formed legs ’Engineered leg braced systems ’Fast flowing hopper bottom Finished with baked on TGIC polyester powder coating. LOOPSTALLS • 20 year rust through guarantee f A • 1.9 O.D. high yield tubing 13 gauge wall I • Gates with round corners for safety & strength. WMBKiil| Features slant bar feed through fence, built to any length. HERCULITE Heavy Duty Black-Out Ttmnel, Dairy & Poultry Curtains The experts, engineers and veterinarians agree - the best building Is a naturally ventilated building. Hercuhte curtain systems offer state of the art, adjustable sidewalls. Even when closed, the curtains allow for natural light and provide a snug environment. ■ M-80 ENERGIZER • Handles up to 30 acres • Replaceable module circuits • Stored Energy • 8 Joules • 2-Year Warranty with Gallagher Lightning Protection 8 FT. BALE FEEDER WITH MESH LEGS Finished with baked on TGIC Polyester Powder Coating Drive r Pricing (able ARMER BOY AG Sup OLESALE AGRICULTURAL SU^PLI I -800-845-3374 Shippensburg Produce Auction Shippensburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Oct 24 and 29,2002 APPLES: 4.00-7.00 Vi BU. CABBAGE: 4.50-7.50 50 LBS. CAULIFLOWER: .50-1.00 EACH. CUCUMBERS: 1.00-5.00 Vi BU. PEARS: 3.00-6.00 Vi BU. PEPPERS: 1.00-4.00 BU. ORNAMENTALS: FACE PUMPKINS .75-2.50. POTATOES: 6.00-12.00 50 LBS. PUMPKINS: NECK .25-.7S EACH. SQUASH: 1.00-2.00 Vi BU. TOMATOES: 10.00-16.50 25 LBS. TURNIPS: 2.50-6.50 Vi BU. FLOWERS: MUMS .25-2.50. NEXT WEEK’S SALE TUES. ONLY, 9 A.M. Ijj % Cows sso tho life.. Electrical fencing parts and accessories IN STOCK. Complete packages available ''W* 1 ii - • " ■■ All types of Fence Wire INSTOCK
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