Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. October 2,2002 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 235...(PDA)...(5upp1y in cluded 83 steers & heifers, 113 cows, 14 bulls and 25 feeder cattle)...Compared with last week’s salc..steers uneven, beef type steady to .25 higher, Holsteins most ly .25 to .50 lower, cows uneven, Breakers and Boners .50 to .75 lower. Lean steady to .25 higher, heifers mostly steady on a light test, Bulls 1.00 to 2.00 lower. STEERS: Choice 1-3 1105-1510 lbs 63.00-66.50, one to 67.25, Select 1-2 58.75- one Standard 1-2 53.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1240-1565 lbs 49.75-53.25, few to 55.00, Select 1-2 44.00-50.00, few Standard 1-2 34.50-39.75. HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 1085-1330 lbs 59.75- few Select 1-2 49.00-56.75. COWS; Breakers 75-80% lean 36.00- few to 44.75, Boners 80-85% lean 33.00-36.25, Lean 85-90% lean 28.00- Shells 26.00 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1240-2070 lbs 46.00- one to 54.00, Yield Grade 2 1030-2330 lbs 39.00-46.50. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medi um and Large 1 395 & 465 lbs 69.00 & 74.00, Medium and Large 2 590 & 685 lbs 50.00 & 54.00, one Large 3 Holstein 940 lbs 44.50; HEIFERS; Medium 2 415 & 440 lbs 50.00 & 52.00, one Large 2 715 lbs 51.00; BULLS: one Medium 2 490 lbs 72.00, couple Medium 2 670 & 870 lbs 45.00 & 58.50. CALVES 166...VEALERS: Standard and Good 70-100 lbs 30.00-55.00, Utility 53-100 lbs 10.00-27.50. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls mostly 15.00 to 20.00 lower, with little demand on lighter weights, George Achille has been leasing his George and Janet Achilie of New Hampshire built another new store. The new country store replaced an older store on the same site. They replaced the store but they didn’t replace Telmark, For over 20 years the Achilles have used Telmark leasing programs to finance their six stores and other assets, such as, forklifts and store fixtures The Achilles needed to expand Telmark’s Greg Shaw their tax liabilities. Telmark again provided the financial solutions with George Achille they wanted through a tax-deductible lease that was guaranteed in writing. Telmark can help your business grow too. With the best tax lease... Guaranteed! \ Mike Dixon Ken Darlington Sue Beshore Andrew McLean Liz Anderson Central PA,West MD Pennsylvania Pennsylvania D'el-Mar-Va Del-Mar-Va 814-684-5707 610-793-0150 717-932-1715 410-827-5052 410-651-4128 Mike Fullam Pennsylvania 570-966-9202 Holstein heifers remain steady...No 1 Hol stein bulls 90-120 lbs 80.00-117.50, 80-85 lbs 45.00-50.00, No 2 90-125 lbs 50.00- 80-85 lbs 30.00-40.00; cou ple No 1 Holstein heifers 90 & 110 lbs 440.00 & 450.00, No 2 65-115 lbs 70.00- Beef type bulls and heifers 85-110 lbs 50.00-135.00. HOGS 9... Barrows and Gilts: 45-50% lean 280 lbs 2900, 40-45% lean 245 lbs 23.75. SOWS; one 1-3 440 lbs 16.00. BOARS: couple 5.00 & 6.00. FEEDER PIGS 49... 1-3 20-29 lbs 22.50-32.50, 30-45 lbs 20.00-25.00 per head. SHEEP 18... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: few Choice 35-45 lbs 75.00-95.00, 55-95 lbs 66.00-75.00. GOATS 12...(A11 sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids: Selection 2 10-15 lbs 15.00-20.00, 25-30 lbs 19.00-35.00 Yearlings: Selection 2 couple 35 & 40 lbs 32.00 & 46.00. Nannies: Cou ple 45 lbs 35.00, Billies: One 45 lbs 49.00, 50-55 lbs 52.00-67.00, one 70 lbs 44.00, One 140 lbs 97.50. BeUeville Livestock Auction Belleville, Pa. October 2,2002 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 324..(PDA). COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 34.00- Boners 80-85% lean 31.50-37.25, Lean 85-90% lean 25.00- Shells 24.00 and down. BULLS: one Yield Grade 1 1150 lbs 45.00, couple Yield Grade 2 860 & 1445 lbs 34.50 & 42.75. FEEDER CATTLE; HEIFERS: Medi um 1-2 330-405 lbs 57.00-61.00, one Large Joe Polite Northwest PA 724-981-1324 Brenda Pfleegor Pennsylvania 570-568-8440 C'rELMAftK V. “ www.telmark.com 800-451-3322 Lisa Sonnen NJ and PA 717-866-9217 3 715 lbs 41.00. CALVES 46... FARM CALVES: few Utility 65-85 lbs 16.00-30.00, No 1 Hol stein bulls 90-125 lbs 97.50-120.00, 80-85 lbs 70.00-92.50, No 2 80-125 lbs 50.00- few No 1 Holstein heifers 90-95 lbs 380.00-460.00, couple No 2 85 lbs 160.00 & 310.00. HOGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! FEEDER PIGS 73... US 1-3 30-55 lbs 8.00- per head. SHEEP 19... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: one Choice 35 lbs 90.00, Choice 75-80 lbs 68.00- Choice 90-110 lbs 50.00- few Good and Choice 50-80 lbs 50.00-60.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 5.00- one Yearling 40.00. GOATS 29..(A11 sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids: Selection 1 50-60 lbs 43.00-49.00. Selection 2 under 20 lbs 7.00-39.00, one 55 lbs 42.00. Selec tion 3 20-40 lbs 20.00-26.00. Yearlings: Selection 2 40-50 lbs 19.00-46.00. Nan nies: 60-75 lbs 30.00-49.00, 80-125 lbs 34.00- Wethers. 75-130 lbs 40.00- Billies: 60-75 lbs 40.00-53.00. DAIRY COWS: 700.00-1650.00 per head. Belknap Livestock Belknap, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA October 2,2002 CATTLE X4B...(PDA). STEERS: few Choice 1-3 1218-1382 lbs 62.00- Select and Standard 1-2 52.00- HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1020-1600 lbs 51.50-55.00, Select 1-2 45.20-49.00, Standard 1-2 38.50-45.50. HEIFERS: few Choice 1-3 1125-1200 lbs 64.00-65.25, one Standard 1-2 58.00. Doug Snee Southwest PA,WV 724-627-5941 COWS- Breakers 75-80% lean 37.75-42.25, Boners 80-85% lean 32.25-38.00, Lean 85-90% lean 29.00-34.25. Shells 28.50 end down. BULLS; few Yield Grade 1 1690-1960 lbs 45.00-48.50, tew Yield Grade 2 1440-1735 lbs 35.00-44.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: few Me dium 1-2 340-520 lbs 61.00-71.50; HEIF ERS; few Medium 2 200-300 lbs 50.00-70.00, few 300-500 52.00-76.00; BULLS: one Medium 1 280 lbs 80.00. CALVES 124...VEALERS: Standard and Good 75-115 lbs 20.00-52.50, Utility 50-90 lbs 8.00-21.00. FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 85-130 lbs 95.00-120.00, one at 127.50, No 2 80-120 lbs 50.00-95.00; few No 1 Holstein heifers 100-120 lbs 475.00-535.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 130-200 lbs 50.00-90.00, 70-125 lbs 70.00-145.00. HOGS 24...8ARR0WS AND GILTS: few 49-54% lean 260-290 lbs 35.00-44.00, few 45-50% lean 230-270 lbs 35.00-36.50, few 40-45% lean 320-330 lbs 25.50-32.50. SOWS: couple 1-3 450 & 530 lbs 18.00 & 21.00. BOARS: few 410 and 612 lbs 5.00-5.50. FEEDER PIGS 85... 1-3 20-35 lbs 5.00-9.00, 35-50 lbs 10.50-16.00. per head. SHEEP 60... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: few Choice 110-135 lbs 57.50-58.00, Choice 75-110 lbs 61.00-67.50, few Good and Choice 48-66 lbs 55.00-60.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 10.00-19.00, Yearlings 24.00-38.00. GOATS 41..(A11 sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids; Selection 2 few 40-60 lbs 43.00-48.00. Selection 3 20-40 lbs 12.00-41.00. Yearlings: Selection 2 22.00- Nannies: 60-80 lbs 31.00- Billies: one 160 lbs 100.00, few 100-125 lbs 56.00-76.00, one 70 lbs 43.00. Vernier hsmut Mncii ''We're Here To Serve’’ FARMERS Tired of Paying High Insurance Rates On Trucks You Seldom Use? We Offer Competitive Prices On Trucks from Pickups to Tractor Trailers. We Offer All Types Of Farm and Agribusiness Insurance Please Call For Quotations or Information Lisa Sprout • Roger Slusher • Bob Lee • Sarah Roman • Cindy Beyer • Julie Lee • Terry Wingert 27 East State Street, Quarryville, PA 17566 (717) 786-1711 (800) 882-1415 ALUMINUM GRAIN BODIES & ALUMINUM REPAIRS by These ultra-light bodies are designed for strength through engineering, not strength with bulk. For example, a 16 1 grain body with tailgate and 48" sides weighs only 1490 lbs, com length or any side height up to 60" • Double swinging hay hauling tailgate • Barn door type tailgate • Slide out cattle chutes HBWEY WELDING 1045 Wampler Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 (717)867-5222 .. J Lancaster Farming, Saturday,' October 6, 20b2-A9 CATTLE CALVES HOGS SHEEP GOATS TUESDAY 497 111 22 0 2 LAST TUESDAY 356 93 49 0 4 CATTLE Compared with last Tuesday, slaughter steers sold mostly steady. Slaughter cows traded steady to LOO lower. Other classes were not well tested. SLAUGHTER STEERS. Choice 2-3 1075-1450 lbs 62.50-65 75, couple to 70 50. Select 1-3 59.25-63 00 Standard 1-2 49.00-59.75. HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1355-1500 lbs few 57.25- Choice 2-3 1290-1460 lbs few 53.00-57.00. Select 1-2 46.00-52.00. Stan dard 1-2 few 45.00-45.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 1000-1410 lbs 60.25-65.25. Standard 1-2 few 53.50-55.25. SLAUGHTER COWS: Breakers 75-80 percent lean 36.25-40.00, few up to 42.25. Boners 80-85 percent lean 32.75-37.50. Lean 85-90 percent lean 28.25- SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield grade 1 1355-1940 lbs few 42.75-46.00. Yield grade 2 1275-2330 lbs 40.00-44.00. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large 1 200-300 lbs. 75.00-84.00: 300-500 lbs 68.00-85.00; 500-700 lbs 63.00-75.00. Medium 2 425-650 lbs 60.00-64.00. Large 2 475-575 lbs 50.00-58.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 few 200-300 lbs 61.00-67.00; few 300-400 lbs 69.00-74.00; few 400-500 lbs 69.00- 500-700 lbs 61.00-68.00. Me dium 2 200-400 lbs 60.00-73.00; 400-500 lbs 51.00-59.00; 500-70 lbs 51.00-68.00. FEEDER BULLS; Medium and Large 1 few 200-300 lbs 81.00-90.00; 300-400 lbs 64.00- 400-500 lbs 72.00-83.00; 500-700 lbs 66.00-70.00. Medium 2 few 300-575 lbs 55.00-66.00. VEALERS: Standard and Good 70-100 lbs 20.00-40.00. Utility 50-75 lbs 15.00- RETURNED TO FARM: Holstein bulls Number 1 85-115 lbs 70.00- Number 2 80-115 lbs 40.00- Holstein hellers Number 2 80-110 lbs 100.00-300.00. BARROWS AND GILTS: PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT PRICE SOWS: US 1-3 Few 335-480 lbs 17.00-21.00 BOARS; Individ ual 915 lbs 3.00 FEEDER PIGS: All sold cwt. US 2-3 One lot 29 lbs 5.00 US 1-3 One lot 60 lbs 11.00 SHEEP: No market test. GOATS: No established. ilete. We'll build you any • Diamond flooring • Pull out panel tailgates • Any size grain chute Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, Pa. October 1,2002 Report Supplied By PDA
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