AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 5, 2002 ■Cold White House Development On OUotx'r n. 1792, tlie come: stone lor the President s House (now called the White House) was laid Gcoige and Martha Washington neser lived at the site, because it wasn i finished until after George left office John and Abigail Adams, who succeeded the Washingtons, moved into the official picsidential mansion when it was about half done By 1809 the man sion was commonly leferred to as the White House because of its whitish lime stone walls, but it wasn t until 1901 that the residence became ol dually known by that name Keep the young generations in hail, / And bequeath them no tumbled house! -George Meredith English novelist and poet (1828-1909) ■Kr Remember to shut off water to outdoor faucets, unless they’re the no-freeze variety. Grilled Salmon with Watercress-Mustard Sauce 3 pounds salmon, in'Hncfvthlck together ingiedtenls letng steaks eiate to lei seasoning's For watercress-mustard sauce “ cncl bioile. rack on 1-2cup(l st.ck)butter,melted 'T"" 1 sc ling Season 1 cup minced watercress leaves ' jlmon stc f k ' * lth ‘ ,nd and stems PCPP 01 • ln ‘ l dl>l " llh jbl)l,t 1 tablespoonDilon-stylemustard llalt the s<aite G ! ,n lo ‘ ? 1 tablespoonmmcedshallots m,nu,es 1111,1 dt V". l | salt and pepper, to taste lumammg sauce and gi dl additional watercress sprigs, h ” .’ to 5 mmutes . for garnish untll fust opaque fianslei to plates and garnish Preferably the day * ,lh "‘ ,u -' rue ‘’ s ahead prepare the rjgyiffi s P n y s sauce by mixing 6 servings. New Holland Special Feeder Cattle Sale New Holland, Pa. September 27,2002 Report Supplied By USD A SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE AUC TION: 317 head. A full house was on hand to kick off the fall feeder cattle spe cials. Bidding was relatively active on all weights and classes. Conditions ranged from average to full, with mostly average to plain quality feeders on hand. How ever. the large crowd did witness some lander type feeders as well, where bid ding was especially active. Heavy rains fell Thursday night well into Friday, which hampered receipts somewhat: al though many farmers would rather bring their feeders to town for the next sale. than miss the much needed moisture. Nearly 75 percent of the run was com prised of local stock, although the sur rounding states were well represented with both cattle and buyers. STEERS; Medium and Large 1: Few 410 lbs 81.00; fancy pkg. 501 lbs 83.50; fancy pkg 631 lbs 76.00; pkg 665 lbs 72.50: few 700-750 lbs 69.00-70.00; few 800-900 lbs 63 50-68.00; few 900-925 lbs 64.50-67.50, Medium and Large 1-2: Few full 360 lbs 69 00; couple 535 lbs 70.50; couple full 572 lbs 61.00; pkg 557 lbs CALL THE SOIL EXPERTS J Mahlon King, Certified Soil Consultant, 717-354-8594 CROP & SOIL PRODUCTS & SERVICES • Specializing in soil lernlity • Nutrient Management • Complete soil testing Planning Ihiough BROOKSIDI- • Soil amendments LABORATORIES . H.liar led Traces • Complete soil lecommen- , S()|| ms and dations including balancing plot] i L , s j e s,gned lor loi map, and 11 ace commeical organic lmnelals & biological • Compulen/ed soil repons cropping systems • High level ot technical • High quality plant support nutrition HOMESTEAD NUTRITION, INC. 245 White Oak Road, New Holland, FA 17557 717-354-4398 • 888-336-7878 " - *** The Healthy Choice From The Ground Up * OLD I ARMLR’S \VEATMH PHOIBBS When the fet n grows red, that milk k goad uiih hrcaJ Irees snapping and cracking in the autumn Indicate diti weather •caaoesaowsa, I i - j *** r t [ 3>' ( Mike every day special with the all new and improved 2003 Old Farmers Almanac To order or subscribe call 800 895 9265 ext 220 or visit our Web site www.almanac ,com/go/WUFO2IO 69.50; pkg 745 lbs 60.00; pkg. 782 lbs 62.00: few 850-900 lbs 62.00-63.50; few full 900-950 lbs 54.00-55.00. Medium and Large 2: Couple 555 lbs 59.00; couple 865 lbs 56.50. Large 2: couple 445 lbs 70.50; few 500-550 lbs 62.00-63.00; thin pkg 664 lbs 73.00. HOLSTEINS: Large 2-3: 800-900 lbs 55.50-56.00; pkg. 1030 lbs 50.50; pkg. 1135 lbs 49.50. Large 3: pkg. 505 lbs 51.00; pkg 597 lbs 53.00; pkg 683 lbs 49.50; pkg 748 lbs 50.00; pkg 781 lbs 47.50; pkg 810 lbs 48.50; 900-950 lbs 48.00-51.00: few 1000-1050 lbs 48.00. HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1; 400-450 lbs 72.00-76.50; couple full 565 lbs 65,50, few 600-700 lbs 64.00-65.00; few 800-850 lbs 59.50- 61.50, fleshy 57.50. Me dium and Large 1-2. pkg. 391 lbs 74.50; pkg. 667 lbs 66.00. Medium 1-2: pkg. 368 lbs 66.00; pkg. 412 lbs 72.50; pkg. 510 lbs 61.00. Lancaster Farming's Classified Ads Gel Results! Compost-A-Matic Automated In-Vessel Compost System In-vessel, agitatd bed design • Automated and computerized operation Rugged steel construction • Epoxy coated • Reduces ammonia and foul odors Breaks fly breeding cycle • Moisture spraying system available • Prover irlormance with installations worldwide Zeiset Equipment Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, October 1,2002 SLAUGHTER CATTLE: STEERS CHOICE 1100-1500 LBS. 63.75-67.00, 1515-1700 LBS. 60.00-66.00, 1705-1800 LBS. 53.00-61.75, SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 61.75-64.75, HOLSTEINS CHOICE 52.00-56.50, SELECT 48.00- HEIFERS CHOICE 1050-1475 LBS. 63.00-66.00, SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 58.00-62.75; COWS BREAKERS 38.00-43.00, BONERS 35.00- LEAN 32.00-38.00, BIG MIDDLE, LOW DRESSING, LIGHTS 28.00- FEEDER CATTLE STEERS MED. AND LARGE +NI 350-750 LBS. 64.00-80.00, HOLSTEINS AND DAIRY TYPES 400-950 LBS 37.00- HEIFERS MED. AND LARGE +NI 350-675 LBS. 59.00-81.00. CALVES: RETURNING TO THE FARM, HOLSTEIN BULLS +NI 95-125 LBS. 100.00-118.00, HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS +NI 85-120 LBS. 400.00-460.00, HOLSTEIN HEIFERS +N2 110.00- SWINE: HOGS US+NI-3 220-280 LBS. 28.25-33.50, 290-380 LBS. 25.00- 180-200 LBS. 25.25-25.50; SOWS US + Nl-3 450-600 LBS. 16.00- THIN, WEAK, ROUGH TO 15 00; FEEDER PIGS BY THE LB. 15-45 I BS. 25.00-42.00. GOATS: BY THE HEAD, LARGE NANNIES AND BILLIES 55.00-137.00, FANCY KIDS 56.00-70.00, FLESHY KIDS 45.00-55.00, SMALL AND THIN 24.00-44.00. LAMBS; GOOD AND CHOICE 60-105 LBS. 79.00-95.00. SHEEP: ALL WEIGHTS 23.00-52.00. SALE EVERY TUBS., 5 P.M. FOR LIVESTOCK, STARTING WITH CALVES. SPECIAL FAT CATTLE SALE TUBS., OCT. 15; SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE TUES., OCT. 15; STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE FRIDAY, OCT. 11. RECEIVING 7 A.M.-10:30 A.M. ALE 1 P.M.; RED CARPET TACK AND HORSE SALE FRIDAY, OCT 18. SALE STARTING AT 7 P.M. WITH TACK. RECEIVING 5 P.M. SMALL ANIMAL SALE October 1,2002 RABBITS AND BUNNIES 1.00-9.75. CHICKENS 3.00-5.25. BANTIES .85-3.00. PIGEONS 1.80-2.10. PHEASANTS 3.50-6.00. GUINEA PIGS 3.00-3.25. DUCKS 2.50-6.00. GEESE 7.00. FINCHES 6.50-10.00. ALL ANIMALS SOLD BY THE HEAD. SALE STARTS 5 P.M. New Holland Horses New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Monday, September 30,2002 194 HEAD, MARKET STEADY. WORK HORSES 760.00-1500.00. DRIVING HORSES, NONE. RIDING HORSES 400.00-1010.00. REGISTERED RIDING 1350.00-1575.00 BETTER RIDING FEW 1300.00-1450.00 PONIES: 285.00-550.00. LARGE PONIES 610.00-675.00. COLTS 200.00-485.00. REGISTERED 400.00-1500.00. i Fisher’s Painting f 4056 A Newport Rd. ► Kinzers, PA 17535 w On Rt. 772 Across From L Pequea Valley School 717-768*3239 Compost Compact Hi-Rise / Window Composter 2187 North Penryn Rd., Manheim, PA 17545 Phone (717) 665-4056 Fax (717) 665-2240 New Holland Dairy Sale New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, October 2,2002 94 DAIRY COWS, 207 HEIFERS, 8 BULLS. MARKET LOWER. LOCAL FRESH COWS 675.00- FEW 1600-1660.00. LOCAL SPRINGERS 835.00-1310.00. BETTER FRESH COWS 1600.00- LARGE HEIFERS 1385.00-1575.00. SHORT BRED HEIFERS 835.00- OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS 1010.00- BULLS 250.00-675.00. NEW ENGLAND FRESH 900.00- UPSTATE LOADS FRESH 1225.00- CANADIAN LOADS FRESH, NONE. FRESH HEIFERS 775.00-1450.00. REGISTERED HEIFERS, NONE. SMALL HEIFERS 835.00-1225.00. SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 635.00- SMALLER OPEN HEIFERS 225.00- COLTS Jl PAINTING All Types C Interior/Exterior Including Aerial Work Specialists in Sand Blasting and Spray Painting Farm Buildings Also Roof Coating • Water Blasting • Repair All Types of Spray Equipment - Pumps & Guns rating on mam
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers