A-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 5, 2002 A- Belleville Poultry Belleville, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, October 2, 2002 GEESE: 2.00-10.00 EA. TURKEYS: 2.50-7.50 EA. GUINEAS: 3.00-7.00 EA. ROOSTERS: 4.00-6.00 EA. BANTAMS: NONE. Lancaster Farming -Staff- LANCASTER FARMING 47th Year of Publication PO Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 626-1164 Fax (717)733-6058 Andy Andrews, Editor (717)721-4425 Lou Ann Good, Food and Family Features Editor (717)721-4428 Michelle Kunjappu, Staff (717) 721-4426 Dave Lefever, Staff (717) 721-4427 Lynn Rossi, Market Staff Millie Bunting, Market Staff Joyce Bupp, York Co. Seven Valleys (717)428-1865 Carolyn Moyer, Bradford Co. Tioga & Susquehanna Roaring Branch (570) 324-2482 Linda Williams, Bedford Co. and Blair Bedford (814)623-5745 Deanna Cunfer, Carbon Co. Lehighton (610) 377-3749 Sandra Lepley, Somerset Co. Meyersdale (814) 634-1427 Gay Brownlee, Harrisonburg, Virginia (540) 833-2675 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Price: $36.00 per year; $65.00- 2 years $47 00 per year outside of PA, NJ, MD, DE, NY, OH, VA & WV $B7 00 - 2 Years Non-Refundable Lancaster Farming (ISSN 0023-7485) is published weekly for $36 00 per year; $65 00 - 2 years by Lancaster Farming, PO Box 609 1 E Mam Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 Periodicals postage paid at Ephrata, PA 17522. POSTMASTER Send address changes to LANCASTER FARMING, 1 East Mam Street, PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Telephone Lititz (717) 626-1164 Ephrata (717) 733-6397 Lancaster (717) 394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 (717) 721-4412 (717) 721-4411 For address change form or new subscription see near Mailbox Markets. Circulation Members of National Association Of Agricultural Journalists Pa Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. National Advertising Representative J.L. Farmakis, Inc. Phone (203) 966-1746 PUBLISHER’S LIABILITY FOR ERROR Lancaster Farming is protected by federal copyright statute No part of this newspaper may be broadcast, reproduced or republished in any form or by any means without the prior, written permission of our General Manager The advertiser agrees that Lancaster County Weeklies, Inc shall not be liable by reason of any error, omission and/or failure to insert an ad, or any part of an ad, beyond liability for the value of actual space occupied by the ad or item in which the error, omission and/or failure to insert occurred Lancaster County Weeklies, Inc reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time NON REFUNDABLE ❖ Poultry Markets ❖ HEAVY HENS 3.00-4.00 EA. SILKIES: 2.50-3.50 EA. MUSCOVY DRAKES: 5.00-6.00 EA MUSCOVY HENS: 3.00-4.00 EA. MIXED DUCKS: 3.50-4.75 EA. BARN BIRDS: 1.00 EA. WHITE BIRDS: 1.75 EA. FANCY BIRDS: 2.50-9.00 EA. PEACOCKS: 15.00 EA. PHEASANTS: 2.50 EA. DOVES; 7.00 EA. QUAIL: 4.50-6.50 EA. GUINEA PIGS: 2.00-4.50 EA. RABBITS: RABBITS UNDER 4 LBS. 1.50-4.00, 4-6 LBS. 4.00-6.00, OVER 6 LBS. 6.00-15.00. POULTRY IN CARDBOARD BOXES MUST HAVE WIRE LIDS! Livestock Cooperative Auction Market of North Jersey Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, October 1, 2002 HEAVY FOWL .30-1.20, 3.00 EA, LEGHORN FOWL .40-.60. MIXED FOWL .95-1.55,2.25-2.75 EA. BROILERS .50-.75, PULLETS .90-1.55, 3.00-5.25 EA. GEESE .70,4.00 EA. BANTAMS .60-3.50 EA. ROOSTERS .50-1.50, 1.50-4.50 EA, CHICKS .50-.75 EA. BUNNIES 2.75 EA. DUCKS .85-1.35, 3.00-9.00 EA. DUCKLINGS 1.00-3.25 EA. RABBITS .30-1.10. PIGEONS 1.00-3.25 EA GUINEAS 2.00-3.50 FA, GRADE A EGGS: WHITE JUMBO, EX. LGE. .77-.90, LARGE .66-71, BROWN JUMBO, EX. IGE. .6S-.87, LARGE .63-.80, MEDIUM .50- 60. Muscovy Drakes .95-1.10, Hens .90-1.20. Pekin Ducks .40-.60. Red Fowl 4-4'A lbs. .30-.40, 5-6.40-.50. Crossbred Fowl 5-9 lbs. .30-.60. Crossbred Roosters 4-6 lbs. .50-.70, 7-11 lbs. .60-.80. Guinea Fowl 1.30-1.40. Banty Roosters 3.00-4.00 ea. Banty Hens 2.00-3.00 ea. Leghorn Hens, none, Roosters, none. Silkies 1.00-2.00. Geese 9-14 lbs. .40-.50. Pigeons 1.00-1.75 ea. White Pigeons 1.25-1.85. Rabbits 4-6 lbs. .70-.90, 7-11 lbs. .50-.80. Bunnies 1.50-4.00 ea. Guinea Pigs 3.00-7.00 ea. Goats, none. I lEPARTM Editorial Farm Calendar.. Futures Public Auction Register 816 Sale Reports Antiques Center 828 Antiques Register 835 Antique Reports.... Mailbox Markets.. Classified Ads DAIRY Ohio Guernsey Brown Swiss A2O Focus On Dairy A2B Eastern Nat. Holstein A 42 HOME & YOUTI Homestead Notes Home On The Range Cook’s Question Kid’s Korner You Ask, You Answer 814 4-H, FFA News BIS r r , , , . I ****** ** »****«»**•<« * % Graystone Small Animal Sale, LLC Root’s, East Petersburg Report Supplied By Auction Tuesday, October 2,2002 Kids, none. Doves 2.50-4.50 ea. Chukars, none. Pullets 4-6 lbs., none. Total Coops: 570. All out-of-state poultry must be tested for Al. Morrison’s Cove Poultry & Rabbit Martinshurg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction September 30,2002 ROOSTERS 3.25-5.75. BANTY ROOSTERS 1.00-3.75. HEAVY HENS 2.00-4.00. BANTY HENS .50-2.75. PIGEONS: 1.50-2.40. GUINEAS 5.75. DUCKS 4.50. BUNNIES .50-1.50. RABBITS 3.00-11.00. RABBIT FAMILY 14.00. QUAIL 2.25. TURKEY 5.00-9.00. AUCTION EVERY MON., 7:30 P.M, Providing Optimum Performance Management and Investment Services to the Egg Layer Industry 2043 Horseshoe Pk. • Annville, PA 17003 (717) 867-6366 INDEX Four Sections FEATURES ...AlO ...A 10 ...Al6 Livestock Message Pork Attitude... Election Ag Issues A 1 New Holland Swine KILE Horse Breeds Bloomsburg Bids ...816 W. Lampeter Sale Ephrata Fair Sale Swine Popular KILE Opening Old Barn Boards Irradiated Foods Grimm Stories 832 ~..C2 CB, D 4 ~A2O COLUMNS Now Is The Time On Being A Farm Wife. Family Living Focus Well Preserved Ida's Notebook Antiques Detective Agritech B2 B6 ,810 Weekly New York Egg Market Northeast Quotes Prices Supplied By Umer-Barry From Sept. 27-Ocl. 3 FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THUR WHITE JUMBO EX.LARGE LARGE MEDIUM PULLETS BROWN EX.LARGE LARGE MEDIUM UNDERGRADES AND CHECKS .23 .23 .23 .22 .20 BREAKING STOCKS: FRI. 42-44 LBS. .31-.33,48-50 LBS. .36-.35, 50 LBS. AND UP .3S-.39; WED/ 48-50 LBS. .3S-.37, 50 LBS. AND UP .37-.35; THURS. 42-44 LBS. .2S-.27,48-50 LBS. .33-.35, 50 LBS. AND UP .3S-.36. N. E. Weekly Shell Egg Report Report Supplied By USDA October 1,2002 PRICES PAID PER DOZEN GRADE “A” BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIV ERED TO STORE DOOR: MAINE NEW HAMPSHIRE MOSTLY RHODE ISLAND MOSTLY VERMONT MOSTLY fVjf V' y ~..A1 ~..A1 ....A22 ~..A24 ...A3O A32 A36 A3B A42 B2 BI2 B2B .A 10 ...B3 ...B9 81l 831 ..C2 .85 .85 .82 .80 .77 .77 .74 .72 .71 .71 .68 .66 .53 .53 .50 .50 .42 .42 .42 .42 .81 .81 .81 .79 .77 .77 .77 .75 .59 .59 .59 .57 LARGE MEDIUM 1.05 .70 EX.LARGE 1.15 .98-1.02 1.00-1.01 1.04-1.08 1.04 1.07-1.11 1.09-1.10 1.14-1.18 1.14 1.15-1.18 1.05-1.08 .73-.7S 1.18 FAUQUIER LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE, INC. P.O. BOX 247 MARSHALL, VIRGINIA 20116 540-364-1566, FAX 540-364-4641 Regular weekly sale every Tuesday starting at 1:30 pm FEEDER CATTLE SALE DATES October 14, October 28 Monthly Horse Sale 2nd Saturday of each month at 11 am LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MKT AH000152-L 1 Mile East Of Fredericksburg PA Cattle Sale: Every Tues. & Fri. At 1:30 P.M Small Animal Sale; Every Wed. At 6:30 P.M. Produce Auction: Every Thurs. at 5:30 P.M Horse Sale: Every 2nd Sat. At 2:00 P.M. Tack, 4:30 P.M. Hay/Straw Farm Machinery Consignment Sales; Every first Saturday of each Month at 9:00 A.M. Consignments Welcome For Every Sale F.M.I. Call: Dave 717-865-2881 Neil 717-933-4113 Brian 717-865-7586 FEEDER CATTLE SALE West Virginia Quality Assurance Sale Friday, October 11,2002 1:00 p.m. Teleauction Phone: 801-303-7411 55000# Pendleton Community Building 1500 Head Calves will range between 450-925 pounds. • Graded • Pre-Vaccinated and Boostered • Weaned for at least 40 days • Feed Bunk Broke For more information and sale sheet contact: Dave Seymour Carl Hevener 358-2286 (Office) 358-2664 (Home) 358-2778 (Home) SMALL .63-.67 .6S-.66 .69-.73 .69 1.08 .77 .73 .55 .52 .4S-.49 •47-.4S .51-.55
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