New Holland Feeder Pig Auction NEW HOLLAND, PA October 2,2002 Report Supplied By LISDA FEEDER PIGS: WEDNESDAY 418, LAST WEEK 329, LAST YEAR 730. Compared to last week, very few pigs went back to feed, therefore a trend was not established. Slaughter pigs weighing from 18-35 lbs sold fully steady to in stances sharply higher on a fairly good run. Pigs weighing over 40 lbs sold steady, with a few trading with a weaker under tone. Bidding was sporadic, although ac tive on the light weight pigs. The recent pseudo-rabies outbreaks in Pennsylvania are preventing pigs from being shipped out of the state; and with out of state feeders unable to procure pigs, the bulk of the supply will continue to go to slaugh ter. However, local feeders may soon re gain some interest, with terminal and local slaughter hog prices holding firm from 30.00- 33.00. Only around 5 to 6 per cent of the run returned to feed. All pigs were weighed and graded on arrival and sold by the hundred weights. HEAD WEIGHT PRICE SLAUGH TER 10 18-21 lbs 122.00 68 22-28 lbs 50.00- 70 32-35 lbs 102.00-117.00 63 42-49 lbs 47.00-60.00 75 50-59 lbs 40.00- 31 63-69 lbs 30.00-32.00 50 94-99 lbs 37.00-45.00 2 120 lbs 40.00 ALL PIGS CONSIGNED TO WEDNESDAY FEED- ER PIG SALE MUST ORIGINATE FROM A QUALIFIED NEGATIVE OR MONITORED HERD. PIGS STATE GRADED SALE RECEIVING 7'30 AM FRIDAY, Oct. 11+25 1:00PM. frfVT Carlisle LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. Exit 44 Off 1-81 turn South (717) 249-4511 or Evenings Jim, 249-2359 Diffenbach C Auction Inc. 100 West Jackson Street • New Holland, Pennsylvania 17557 Office: (717) 355-7253 • FAX: (717) 355-9547 HAY & GRAIN SALE EVERY MONDAY - 10:00 A.M. FRI OCT. 11 TRACTORS, FARM EQ. & SUPPLIES 9:00 A M. WED NOV. 6 WINROSS, HESS, FARM TRAC. & TOYS 6 30 P.M FRI NOV 8 TRACTORS, FARM EQ. & SUPPLIES 9.00 A.M. TUES NOV 19 QUILT, CRAFT & BUGGY 9:00 A.M. EQUIPPED FOR AN AUCTION AT YOUR PLACE OR OURS ALAN DIFFENBACH AUCT. -AU2258-L BUSINESS (717) 442-4181 (717) 768-8204 FIELD REPS KENNETH E HERSHEV (717) 442-4874 LEON HOOVER (717) 354-5835 BUTCH BROWN (717) 626-5394 New Holland Hog Auction NEW HOLLAND, PA September 30, 2002 Report Supplied By Auction HOG RECEIPTS: 442 head, last Mon day 454: last year 884. Compared to last Monday, barrows and gilts sold mostly 2.50-3.00 higher, with instances up to 4.00 higher. The higher bids could be attributed to the firmer tone of the Midwest terminal mar kets, with bids ranging from 28.50-31.00. With the terminal prices in mind, it seem ed as if the ringman started the day with the goal of breaking the 32.00-33.00 bar rier, and there was a definite buzz in the crowd when it happened. Hog futures also took a big jump Monday, closing up 112 to 200 points, which was farmer 'friendly; and with pork moving fairly good through the meat cases, packers did not seem to mind giving a little more to begin the week. PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT PRICE 49-54 210-250 lbs 30.25-33.25 220-265 lbs 29.60-30.75 45-50 220-280 lbs 29.00-30.25 40-45 230-270 lbs 26.00-29.00 270-350 lbs 24.00-26.00 SOWS: Light sows sold steady to 2.00 higher, with heavier sows trading 4.00- higher in active trading. U.S. 1-3 300-450 lbs 17.00-20.00 450-500 lbs 20.00- 500-650 lbs 22.00-25.00 BOARS: Boars sold fully steady on a very light run. 300-700 lbs 6.00 PENNFIELD GRAIN BANK DAIRY FEEDS Prices may vary by feed mill location. Corn $3.20 bu Soybeans $5.57 Bu Barley $2.50 bu • Use Gram “Same As Cash" • Prices Updated Weekly • Gram Back-Hauling • No Storage Charges When Applied To Feed Purchases • Yearly Statement of Gram Transactions Available CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPT OPEN 24 HOURS PI-800-995-0333 pennfield feeds 6:00 P.M. CALVES, SHEEP, GOATS •GET CALVES IN EARLY! OUR STATE GRADER STARTS AT 10:30 AM. yW// (RT. 30,10 MILES EAST OF LANCASTER IN PARADISE, PA) #75021 -16% FLAKE $185.28 #75023 - 20% FLAKE $201.22 #7OlOO - 35% PELLET $292.42 #75062 - 38% PELLET $275.72 Prices are for the week of 10/07/02 and Include 4 ton volume, mid-week/early order, 4% cash discount paid 10 days. Prices are for farm deliveries within 75 miles of ML Joy, PA. Selling Feeders Diffenbach Auction Center New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, September 30, 2002 TOTAL LOADS: 125. ALFALFA: HIGH 210.00, AVG. 150.00. MIXED HAY: HIGH 245.00, AVG. 135.00. TIMOTHY: HIGH 185.00, AVG. 151.00. STUBBLE HAY: 142.00. ORCHARDGRASS: HIGH 135.00, AVG. 115.00. STRAW: HIGH 130.00, AVG. 108.00. EAR CORN: HIGH 130.00, AVG. 128.00. OATS: HIGH 3.00, AVG. 2.92. Kutztown Produce Hay Auction Fleetwood, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Saturday, September 28,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain 30 LOTS. ALFALFA HAY: 130.00-235.00. GRASSS HAY: 150.00-170.00. MIXED HAY; 85.00-155.00. TIMOTHY HAY: 110.00-155.00. WHEAT STRAW: 65.00-80.00. OAT STRAW: 75.00. HAY SMALL BALES: 2.30. STRAW SMALL BALES: 1.80-2.20. RYE SEED: 3.00-3.75. HAY, STRAW, AND FIRE WOOD EVERY SAT., 9 A.M. Dewart Hay Dewart, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, September 30,2002 HAY: 15 LOADS, 80.00-175.00. STRAW: 4 LOADS, 60.00-77.50. WOOD: 55.00. OATS; 3.00 BU. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. THE ACTION AUCTION MONDAY J SLAUGHTER HOGS EARLY BIRD HOG SALE 7:30 A.M. kS Sell Your Hogs At New Holland Sales Stables Inc See them weighed sold and pickup your check 9:00 A.M. SHEEP. GOATS & CALVES M /I 0 1:30 P.M., BEEF SALE HEII COW SALE 12:00 NOON We have the usual run of 125 to 200 Heifers, all ages Loads of fresh cows and springers from our regular shippers Also some local fresh cows and springers NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. 12 Miles East of Lancaster Off Route 23, New Holland, Penna. MANAGER Field Representatives For Beet and Feeders: Michael J. McDermott - 717-354-4341 FAX #717-355-0706 >yy»’ Middleburg Hay Middlcburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, October 1,2002 HAY: 26 LOTS 57 LOTS TOTAL. ALFALFA: 150.00. MIXED HAY-14 LOTS, 67 50-200.00. TIMOTHY: 9 LOTS, 82.50-132.50. ROUND BALES: 10.00-25.00. STRAW- 80.00 AND 85.00. WHEAT: 3 LOTS AT 5.00 BU. BARLEY: 3 LOTS, 6.50-6.80 BU. EAR CORN: 9 LOTS, 99.00-120.00. RED CLOVER SEED: 44.00 AND 60.00 BU. RYE- 8 LOTS, 3.85-5.20 BU. OATS: 2.40 AND 2.50 BU. TIMOTHY SEED: 25.00 BU. Morrison’s Cove Livestock Hay Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, September 30,2002 Hay —Straw—Grain ALFALFA: 152.50-162.50. GRASS: 105.00-142.50. TIMOTHY: 110.00-125.00. MIXED HAY: 70.00-110.00. ROUND BALES: 60.00-95.00. STRAW- 80.00-102.50. HAY BY THE BALE: 1.40-2.00 HAY AUCTIONS MONDAYS AT 12:30 P.M CAI L KEN DOWNS, 814-793-3723. Green Dragon Hay Ephrata, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Friday, September 27,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain 12 LOADS TOTAL. MIXED HAY; 4 LOTS, 125.00-205 00. ALFALFA; 120.00. TIMOTHY: 140.00. STRAW; 92.00, 108.00, 125.00. EAR CORN: 113.00. ORCHARDGRASS: 110.00. RYE: 4.60 BU. Livestock Is Our Only Business HORSES MULES WEDNESDAY J -E 1 David Kolb irn Office Mi Aaron Martin - 717-445-4825 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 5, 2002-A3 ' XhLv ±&t. v < 2 _* V '_ < * * f Hay Markets ♦ BEEF AUCTION BULLS, STEERS, SHBIV BEEF COWS STOCKERS & FEEDERS lf 10:00 A.M. C. J GOATS, SHEEP ■B WIJ CALVES /IT! as? Pigs are accepted after 630 A M State g' ed from 8-to 12 Dairy Barn and Feeder Pig Barn are cleaned and disinfected weekly for your protection Luke Eberly - 610-267-6608,717-738-1865 Homer Eberly • 610-267-3047 Nevin Martin - 717-354-7186 Ronßanck - 717-656-9849 aid Representatives For Goats. She Ken Smoker - 610-593-2123 Regional Hay September 30, 2002 Report Supplied By PDA HAY & STRAW MARKET FOR EASTERN PA (All Hay Good grade & better prices paid by dealers at the farm & per ton) Hay and Straw steady to 5.00 higher. ALFALFA 100.00-130.00 few to 150.00; MIXED HAY 100.00-120.00 few to 140.00; TIMOTHY 90.00-110.00 few to 130.00; STRAW 65.00-75.00 few 85.00; MULCH 25.00-45.00. SUMMARY OF LANCASTER CO. HAY AUCTIONS For week ending 09/27/02. Prices per ton: 89 loads Hay; 31 Straw & 5 Ear Corn. ALFALFA 125.00- MIXED HAY 105.00- TIMOTHY 127.00-195.00; STRAW: 95.00-125.00; EAR CORN 105.00- SUMMARY OF CENTRAL PA. HAY AUCTIONS For week ending 09/27/02. Prices per ton: 105 loads Hay; 25 Straw & 25 Ear Corn. ALFALFA 105.00- 00; MIXED HAY 90.00- TIMOTHY 90.00-140.00; STRAW 65.00-80.00; EAR CORN 105.00- Wolgemuth Hay Leola, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Wednesday, October 2,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain 49 LOTS. AIFALFA; HIGH 155.00, AVG 145.00. MIXED HAY. HIGH 190.00, AVG. 139.00. TIMOTHY- HIGH 160.00, AVG, 135.00. GRASS: HIGH AND AVG. 120.00. STRAW: HIGH 132.00, AVG. 106.00. CORN: HIGH 122.00, AVG. 121.00. OATS: HIGH 2.75, AVG. 2.55 BU. RYE: HIGH 4.95, AVG. 4.24 BU. 1:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M. Feeder pig sale & Cal
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