Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA July 8,2002 CATTLE 409..(PDA) included 99 steers and heifers, 240 cows, 13 bulls and 57 feeder cattle. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1225-1465 lbs 68.50-70.00, 1515-1590 lbs 65.50- Choice 1-3 1150-1485 lbs 63.00- 1505-16901bs 62.00-63.50 Se lect 1-2 60,25-64.00, few Standard 1-2 47.50- HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1200-1490 lbs 51.75-57.00, Select 1-2 48.00- Standard 1-2 44.25-48.00. HEIFERS: Choice 1-3 1050-1445 lbs 62.75-66.50, few Select 58.75-59.75, Stan dard 1-2 46.00-55.50 COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 39.00- low dressing down to 37.00, Boners 80-85% lean 36.00-43.75, bulk of sales 38.00-42.00, Lean 85-90% lean 34.00- mostly 36.00-40.00. Shells 33.75 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1500-1925 lbs 57.00- one 2610 lbs at 55.75, Yield Grade 2 1050-1960 lbs 50.00-55.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: one Large 3 1045 lbs at 48.00; HEIFERS: Me dium and Large 1 230-385 lbs 78.00- 480-550 lbs 70.00-79.00, 645-725 lbs 63.00-67.00, Medium and Large 2 290-465 lbs 69.00-73.00, one Large 3 holstein 230 lbs 110.00, one 710 lbs 69.00; BULLS: Medium and Large 1 225-425 lbs 84.00-105.00, 700-845 lbs LIVESTOCK FUTURES MARKET Chicago Mercantile Exchange Wednesday, July 10, 2002 Live Hogs Frozen Choice Steers Choice Feeders Lean Value Pork Bellies Today 07/03/02 Today 07/03/02 Today 07/03/02 Today 7/03/02 JlO2 53 875 52 975 76 900 71675 Auo2 63.850 64 475 76 425 76.725 50 850 49 350 72 775 68 915 SO2 76.900 76 975 - - 002 66.500 66 600 76 700 76.875 42 600 41.150 - NO2 - 77 100 77 250 - DO2 67 525 67.675 - - 39 300 38.700 JO2 76 450 76.750 - - FO3 68.800 68 750 - - 42 250 42.650 64 500 64 325 Mro3 - - ,75.500 75 750 - 6 l 6l 500 Apo3 69 425 69.825 74.700 75.750 45 150 45.800 - My 03 - - 75 750 75 750 52 700 52.150 61.500 61 500 In 03 65 200 65.800 55.100 55.600 JIO3 - 55.200 55.200 Auo3 66.300 66450 - - A QkTrfh STOVES —— l— * Heat with wood and avoid -expensive Ms • Efficiently heat your home, domestic hot mater, bam> of shop - all with one stove • Heavy Duty design • Wide TOnge of sizes (up to 1 3 million BTU ratmgsj f • Slide-out a»h pan provides for convenient ash removal and prevents excessive corrosion • Enjoy the convenience and safety of an outdoor stove For Mon Infomuriion and Free I itt'i Run Contoct Manufacturer ° ak J Ye * Stove Sales ' , James Sensenig and 632 Elysburg Road, Danvdle, PA 17821 Distributor Phone: (570) 672-1096 Fax (570) 672-3221 62.00-75.00, couple 81.00 & 86.00, Medi um and Large 2 560-580 lbs 61.00-65.00. CALVES 601...VEALERS: few Good 130-135 lbs 70.00-85.00, Standard and Good 75-125 lbs 50.00-72.50, Utility 59-90 lbs 20.00-45.00, few down to 10.00. FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 120.00-142.50, 80-90 lbs 95.00- No 2 80-125 lbs 70.00- No 1 Holstein heifers 85-120 lbs 400.00-570.00 No 2 70-95 lbs 130.00- Beef cross bulls and heifers 80-120 lbs 120.00-155.00, couple 145 lbs at 114.00. HOGS 12...50W5: US 1-3 few 420-485 lbs 15.50-21.50, few 500-560 lbs 17.50-20.00, few Medium 475-540 lbs 8.00- BOARS: 515-570 lbs 6.00-9.00 FEEDER PIGS 0..N0 MARKET TEST! SHEEP 42... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 45-55 lbs 71.00-78.00, 75-115 lbs 72.00- SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 17.00- GOATS 135...(A11 sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids; Selection 1 under 20 lbs 12.50-17.50, 20-40 lbs 21.00- 40-60 lbs 43.00-59.00. Selection 2 under 20 lbs 8.00-16.00, 20-40 lbs 21.00-26.00, 40-60 lbs 25.00- Yearlings: Selection 1 40-60 lbs 34.00-59.00 Selection 2 40-60 lbs 32.00- Nannies: 50-70 lbs 34.00- 70-100 lbs 62.50-81.00 with a few to 135.00. Billies: one 95 lbs at 92.50, one 110 lbs at 120.00 Wethers: one 70 lbs at 64.00 H. James Siegrist Stonebridge Sales Schuylkill Wefc&iMg Pittsgnve, NJ New Creek, WV Tamaqua, PA (856) 692-2227 (304) 749-8483 (570) 386-1177 Ed Jones Joe Hurst Brighams Mechamcsburg, PA Plymouth, OH Laceyville, PA (717) 766-0426 (419) 687-5801 (570) 869-3029 Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. July 10.2002 Report Supplied By USDA CATTLE 278...(PDA)...(5upp1y in cluded 93 steers & heifers, 114 cows, 23 bulls and 48 feeder cattle)... STEERS: Choice 1-3 1135-1435 lbs 64.00-67.75, couple Select 1-2 58.00 & 60.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1200-1685 lbs 53.00-55.75, Select 1-2 50.00-53.25, Standard 1-2 48.50-50.25. HEIFERS; Choice 1-3 1060-1275 lbs 62.25-64.50, couple Select 1-2 54.75 & 58.25. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 40.25-45.50, one at 47.75, Boners 80-85% lean 37.50-40.50, Lean 85-90% lean 36.00- Shells 36.00 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1155-2045 lbs 54.00- Yield Grade 2 995-1655 lbs 48.00- FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS: one Me dium 2 295 lbs at 34.00, Large 3 349-698 lbs 50.00-54.00, few 705-1135 47.75-49.00; HEIFERS: Medium 2 275-390 lbs 73.00- one 585 lbs at 57.50; BULLS: one Medium 2 200 lbs 62.50, one Large 1 595 lbs 52.50, Large 3 675-861 lbs 41.00- CALVES 219...VEALERS: Standard and Good 75-125 lbs 45.00-67.50, Utility 55-110 lbs 10.00-42.50. FARM CAL VES:..No 1 Holstein bulls 95-130 lbs 90.00- mostly 100.00-115.00, No 2 80-130 lbs 70.00-105.00; No 1 Holstein heifers 85-110 lbs 300.00-340.00, No 2 70-110 lbs 110.00-260.00, smaller calves down to 95.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 65-105 lbs 50.00-135.00. HOGS 55...8arr0ws and gilts steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: 45-50% lean 178-293 lbs 20.00-36.25, 40-45% lean 352 lbs 19.50. SOWS: 1-3 295-495 lbs 11.00-16.50,1-3 510-605 lbs 14.50-19.00, one Medium 530 lbs at 3.00. FEEDER PIGS 71... 1-3 34-36 lbs 20.00-100.00,71 lbs 62.50. per cwt. SHEEP 22... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: couple Choice 30 & 45 lbs 80.00 & 85.00, 70-110 lbs 65.00-78.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 8.00-34.00, couple Yearlings 52.00 & 82.50. GOATS 14...(A11 sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids: Selection 2 few 40 lbs 37.50. Nannies: one 55-60 lbs 19.00-40.00. Belleville Livestock Auction Belleville, Pa. July 10,2002 Report Supplied By USDA CATTLE 357...(PDA)..(Supply in cluded 226 cows and heifers in the Dairy sale)... STEERS: one Select 1-2 58.50. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 36.50- Boners 80-85% lean 35.50- Lean 85-90% lean 33.00-40.25. Shells 32.50 and down BULLS: couple Yield Grade 1 1820 & 1995 lbs 53.25 & 58.50, couple Yield Grade 2 960 & 1360 lbs 40.00 & 49.25. FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS: one Me dium 2 460 lbs at 52.00, few Large 3 815-865 lbs 51.50-52.50; HEIFERS; one Large 3 holstein 490 lbs at 49.00. CALVES 85...VEALERS: Standard and Good 70-110 lbs 40.00-47.50, Utility 65-110 lbs 17.50-40.00. FARM CAL VES:..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 70.00-112.50, mostly 77.50-97.50, No 2 80-120 lbs 50.00-75.00; few No 1 Holstein heifers 90-120 lbs 340.00-450.00, No 2 Holstein heifers 75-110 lbs 110.00-210.00. Beef type bulls and heifers one 80 lbs at 100.00 HOGS 2... BARROWS AND GILTS: couple 45-50% lean 240 & 265 lbs 25.00 & 33.00. FEEDER PIGS 18...1-3 35-45 lbs 20.00-35.00, few 50-65 lbs 40.00-50.00. per head. SHEEP 3S...SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 40-SS lbs 71.00-101.00, 65-85 lbs 50.00- one at 86.00, 90-115 lbs 50.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 17.00- with a few up to 48.00. GOATS 26...(A11 sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids: Selection 1 20-40 lbs 43.00-60.00, 40-60 lbs 37.00- Selection 2 20-40 lbs 32.00- Selection 3 20-40 lbs 32.00- Yearlings: Selection 2 40-60 lbs 35.00-44.00. Nannies; 50-70 lbs 52.50-60.00. Billies: one 100 lbs at 70.00. DAIRY COWS: 750.00-1700.00. head. Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA July 9,2002 CATTLE 98,..(PDA)..Compared with last week’s sale...cows 1.50 to 1.75 lower. STEERS: Choice 1285-1620 lbs 60.00- Select 1-2 52.50-58.75. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Select 1-2 51.00- couple Standard 43.75-45.50. HEIFERS; Choice 2-3 1090-1265 lbs 63.00- Select 1-2 50.50-56.50. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 38.75-41.75, Boners 80-85% lean 38.25-40.00, Lean 85-90% lean 35.00- Shells 33.75 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 2 1135-1205 lbs 52.00- FEEDER CATTLE:: HEIFERS: one Medium 2 595 lbs 50.50, few Large 3 485-815 Lbs 50.00-56.00; BULLS: Large 3 475-490 lbs 40.00-52.00. CALVES 191...VEALERS: Standard and Good 80-110 lbs 45.00-77.00, Utility 55-105 lbs 10.00-40.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls'mostly 5.00 to 15.00 lower, Holstein heifers Sold weak on light supply of quality calves. No 1 Holstein bulls 95-120 lbs 100.00-135.00, No 2 90-120 lbs 80.00-112.00, 85 lbs 72.00- No 1 Holstein heifers 90-100 lbs 300.00, No 2 70-125 lbs 90.00-140.00, Weaker calves to 65.00. Couple beef cross bulls and heifers 70 & 80 lbs 40.00. HOGS 14...45-50% lean 191 lbs 27.00. SOWS; 1-3 480 lbs 16.00, 655-665 lbs 18.00- one 880 lbs 16.50, one Medi um sow 540 lbs 10.00. BOARS: one 710 lbs 10.00. FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST. SHEEP 0 ..NO MARKET TEST! GOATS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 13, 2002-Al5 CATTLE 347...(PDA)...(5upp1y in cluded 104 steers and heifers, 144 cows, 14 bulls and 85 feeder cattle. STEERS: few High Choice and Prime 2-3 1195-1360 lbs 68 00-69.50, Choice 2-3 1100-1445 lbs 64.00-68.25, Select 1-3 60 00-64.25, Standard 1-2 55.25-60.00 HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1100-1660 lbs 52.50-57.00, Select 1-2 48.50- few Standard 1-2 47.00- HEIFERS, few Choice 1-3 1075-1285 lbs 63.50-66.00, few Select 1-2 60.00- few Standard 1-2 49.50- COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 40.00- Boners 80-85% lean 37 75-42.50, low dressing down to 35.00, Lean 85-90% lean 34.00-40.75, Shells 33.75 and down. BULLS; Yield Grade 1 1045-1700 lbs 55.00- fancy to 63.25, Yield Grade 2 910-1920 lbs 44.50-52.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medi um and Large 2 685-710 lbs 57.00-61.50, Large 3 Holsteins 370-390 lbs 60.00, 755-955 lbs 35.00-47.50; HEIFERS: Medi um & Large 2 550-680 lbs 57.00-60.50, 740-760 lbs 54.00-59.00, Medium & Urge 3 370-510 lbs 52.00-57.00, one Large 3 Holstein 435 lbs 68.00; BULLS: Medium & Urge 2 560-575 lbs 49.00-57.50, 700-775 lbs 50.00-55.00, Medium & Large 3 500-650 lbs 41.00-47.00, 650-950 lbs 47.00- CALVES 338...VEALERS: Standard and Good 80-120 lbs 40.00-50.00, Utility 55-115 lbs 20.00-35.00, few to 10.00. FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 110.00-140.00, mostly 120.00- 80-85 lbs 90.00-100.00, No 2 80-125 lbs 70.00-105.00, weaker calves down to 55.00; No 1 Holstein heifers 90-115 lbs 410.00-550.00, No 2 70-110 lbs 155.00- One beef type bull 80 lbs 95.00 - per HOGS 69...8ARR0WS AND GILTS: 45-50% lean 235-295 lbs 34.25-37.50, 40-45% lean 270-350 lbs 26.00-34.00. SOWS: 1-3 325-485 lbs 12.00-18.75, 520-560 lbs 18.00-19.75, Medium 390-410 lbs 7.50-8.00. BOARS; 415-565 lbs 9.00-10.75. FEEDER PIGS 12...1-3 35-45 lbs 29.00-35.00 - per hd. SHEEP 34...5LA UGHTER LAMBS: few High Choice & Prime 60-85 lbs 70.00- Choice 40-45 lbs 90.00- 50-60 lbs 60.00-70.00, Choice 80-130 lbs 50.00-67.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP; few 00.00-35.00. GOATS 41...(A1l goats sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids; Selection 1 20-35 lbs 15.00-17.00, 35-45 lbs 40.00. Se lection 2 under 20 lbs 20.00-27.00, 20-40 lbs 17 00-45.00, 40-60 lbs 30.00-52.00. Se lection 3 20-40 lbs 21.00 Yearlings: Selec tion 1 40-60 lbs 45.00-50.00, Selection 2 40-60 lbs 35.00-40.00. Nannies: one 55 lbs 45.00, 70-100 lbs 62.00-77.00. Billies- cou ple 60-95 lbs 50.00 & 92.00. Dewart Livestock Dewart, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, July 8, 2002 STEERS- TOO FEW TO QUOTE. HEIFERS: TOO FEW TO QUOTF. GOOD COWS: 30.00-40.00. CANNERS AND CUTTERS: 20.00-30.00. BULLS: 1 AT 53.25. VEAL; 90-190 LBS. 100.00-550.00; 70-90 LBS. 50.00-100.00 HOGS: 35.00-37.25. SOWS. 18.00-20.75 FEEDER PIGS: 15.00-28.00 HEAD Middleburg Livestock Auction IVliddleburg, Pa. Tuesday, July 9,2002 Report Supplied By USDA
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