AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 1,2002 Westminster Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Report Supplied By Auction May 28,2002 SLAUGHTER COWS: 93 HEAD, 1.50 LOWER. BREAKERS 43.00-47.75, BONERS 43.00-46.00, LEAN 39.00-43.00, THIN 39.00 DOWN. BULLS: 8 HEAD. YG+NI 1200-1600 LBS. 56.00-58.50, YG+N2 54.00-56.00. FED STEERS: 26 HEAD, 1.00 LOWER. HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 1200-1450 LBS. 66.50-68.75, OVER 1500 LBS. TO 64.00, CHOICE 2-3 1200-1400 LBS. 64.00-66.00, CHOICE HOLSTEINS 1100-1500 LBS. 55.00-58.50, 1 1750 LBS. AT 54.00. FED HEIFERS: 16 HEAD. HIGH CHOICE 1100-1400 LBS. 64.75-67.00, LOW CHOICE 1000-1400 LBS. 60.00-64.00. CALVES: ISO HEAD, GOOD SLAUGHTER. 90-115 LBS. 60.00-77.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS RETURNING TO FARM 20.00-30.00 LOWER. +NI 90-125 LBS. 160.00-182.00, 80-88 LBS. 130.00- 130-140 LBS. 105.00- +N2 90-125 LBS. 100.00- 80-88 LBS. 90.00-125.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS ACTIVE BID DING. +NI 90-120 LBS. 590.00-640.00, 70-90 LBS. 360.00-540.00; BEEF X BULLS 70-90 LBS. 130.00-172.00; BEEF X HEIFERS 70-95 LBS. 205.00-250.00, 1 HEREFORD AT 330.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 93 HEAD, 3.00 LOWER. +NI AND 3 230-290 LBS. 27.50-28.50, +N2 AND 3 220-280 LBS. 25.00- 300-375 LBS. 19.00-23.25. SOWS: 13 HEAD, 3.00 LOWER. 300-500 LBS. 15.00-20.00, 500-650 LBS. 18.00- BOARS: 10.75-13.00. STOCK CATTLE: 88 HEAD, HIGH ER PRICES. STEERS MED. AND LARGE FRAME 3 TAME HERE FORDS 380-420 LBS. 127.00-141.00, BULK 400-600 LBS. 75.00-98.00,600-700 LBS. 68.00-77.00. HEIFERS: MED. AND LARGE FRAME 300-400 LBS. 104.00-117.00, 100-500 LBS. 81.00-95.00, 500-700 LBS. 68.00- 700-800 LBS. 55.00-69.00. BULLS: 200-400 LBS. 101.00-110.00, 400-600 LBS. 80.00-87.00, 600-800 LBS. 53.00- SHEEP: 92 HEAD, HIGHER PRICES. UNDER 150 LBS. 30.00-69.00, OVER 150 LBS. 18.00-35.00. LAMBS: 96 HEAD, 2.00-5.00 LOWER. HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 90-120 LBS. 79.00- 70-90 LBS. 79.00-91.00, 50-70 LBS. 90.00-101.00, 30-50 LBS. 75.00- GOATS: 47 HEAD. LARGE BILIES AND WETHERS 79.00-95.00, MEDIUM 50.00- LARGE NANNIES 60.00- MEDIUM 45.00-70.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: 99 HEAD, GOOD DEMAND. BY THE HEAD 20-30 LBS. 15.00-29.00, 30-50 LBS. 23.00- 50-70 LBS. 39.00-55.00; BY THE LB. 30-40 LBS. 61.00-72.00, 55-75 LBS. 57.00-66.00, 2 HEAD 88 LBS. AT 62.00. Midwest Daily Livestock Summary Amarillo, Texas May 29,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Five area direct slaughter cattle live trade and dressed trade was not estab lished. Dressed sales steady to 1.00 lower at 101.00-103.00, mostly 102.00-103.00 in Northern plains. Steers: live basis: over 80% Choice 66.00, weighted average price 66.00; 65-80% Choice 65.25, weighted av erage price 65.25; 35-65% Choice 64.00, weighted average price 64.00. Dress basis: 65-80% Choice 104.00, weighted average price 104.00; 35-65% Choice 105.00, weighted average price 105.00. Heifers: live basis: over 80% Choice 65.00, weight ed average 65.00; 65-80% Choice 64.50- weighted average price 65.68; 35-65% Choice 63.25-64.00, weighted av erage price 63.32. Dressed basis: 65-80% Choice 104.00, weighted average price 104.00; 35-65% Choice 101.00, weighted average price 101.00. At So. St. Paul terminal market, slaughter steers and heifers sold steady on a light test while Holsteins steers were .50-1.00 higher. So St Paul; Steers: Couple Choice 2-4 1330 lbs 63.50. Holsteins: Choice, few Prime 1380-1735 lbs 57.50- Heifers; Choice 2-3 few 1170-1420 lbs 63.25-65.25. Sioux Falls terminal slaughter steers and heifers traded steady, instances .50 lower. Steers: High Select and Choice 2-3 1292-1442 lbs 64.00-65.40. Holsteins: Se lect and Choice 2-3 1313-1770 lbs 55.00-58.00. Heifers: High Select and Choice 2-3 1155-1205 lbs 64.10-65.00. Estimated daily cattle slaughter under federal inspection for Wednesday was es timated at 133,000 head compared to 134,000 a week ago and 133,000 a year ago. Week to date totals through Wednes day 269,000 head compared to 393,000 last week and 268,000 a year ago. CME Futures Closes for Live Cattle: June 62.27, down 55; Aug 62.30, down 55; Oct 65.20, down 40. Slaughter cows at South St. Paul sold hilly steady. Breakers 70-80 percent lean over 1100 lbs 45.00-47.50, high dressing up to 51.00; Boners 80-85 percent lean over 1050 lbs 44.00-45.25, high dressing up to 47.00; Lean 85-90 percent lean over 850 lbs 40.00-44.00, high dressing up to 45.00. Barrows and gilts at terminal markets traded 50-2.00 lower at 29.00- 29.50 on 220-270 lb 47-51% lean barrow and gilts. The National direct trade prices are based on 185 lbs hog carcass with 0.9-1.1 inch back fat and 6 inch square loin/2.0 inch depth plant delivered. National direct trade closed 1.00-1.25 lower prices rang ing 37.00-48.65, weighted average price 43.73. lowa-SO. Minnesota direct trade closed 1.00-1.50 lower at 38.00-48.65, with weighted average price 43.65. The West ern Cornbelt closed 1.25-1.50 lower with prices ranging 38.00-48.65, weighted aver age price 43.67. The Eastern Cornbelt prices were 75 lower ranging from 37.00- 48.45, an average price 43.81. Hog slaughter under federal inspection estimate on Wednesday was estimated at 374,000 head compared to 365,000 a week ago and 365,000 a year ago. Week to date totals through Wednesday 747,000 head compared to a week ago 1,109,000 head and a year ago actual slaughtered 743,000. CME Future Closes for Lean Hogs: June 46.42, up 05; July 47.05, down IS; August 45.97, down 22. Old crop slaughter lambs traded 1.00 higher at So. St. Paul, MN while new crop lambs were 2.00 higher. Shorn: Old crop: Choice, end Prime 2-3 120-140 lbs 64.00-66.00. Wooled: New crop: Choice, end Prime 2-3 110-130 lbs 66.00-68.00. At San Angelo slaughter lambs sold firm. Slaughter lambs: Choice 2-3 shorn and wooled 90-140 lbs 57.00-66.00; new crop 90-125 lbs 68.00-78.00. Sheep and lamb slaughter under feder al inspection estimate on Wednesday was estimated at 13,000 head compared to 12,000 a week ago and 12,000 a year ago. Week to date slaughter for sheep through Wednesday 26,000 head compared to a week ago 37,000 head and a year ago same day actual slaughtered 23,000 head. National Weekly Lamb Report Des Moines, lowa May 29,2002 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL WEEKLY LAMB RE PORT: Carlot volume negotiated sales for delivery within 14 calendar days. FOB plant basis, hind trotters off. Price CWT. Weighted average prices in parentheses. CHOICE AND PRIME, YG 1-4: Total head 17,225. 30 Ibs/down, 120 head, 274-362.00 (322.75); 30-40 lbs, 93 head, 166-264.00 (196.33); 40-45 lbs, 281 head. Five-Area Weekly Average Direct Slaughter Cattle St. Joseph, Mo., May 28, 2002 - USDA Market News Service Sales in Texas/Oklahoma; Kansas; Nebraska; Colorado; and lowa/Minnesota Feedlots for Week Ending Monday, May 27,2002 Confirmed Sales: 156,095; Week Ago: 164,202; Year Ago: N.A iALE! SLAUGHTER STEERS. Head Count Over 80% Choice 2.411 65-80% Choice 10,544 35-65% Choice 28,600 1-35% Choice 1,457 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Over 80% Choice 683 65-80% Choice 7,063 35-65% Choice 30,882 1-35% Choice DRESSED BASIS: SLAUGHTER STEERS: Over 80% Choice 1,527 65-80% Choice 16,326 35-65% Choice 20,311 1-35% Choice SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Over 80% Choice 677 65-80% Choice 7,725 35-65% Choice 12,355 1-35% Choice Weekly Accumulated Wei: Head Count Live Steer 43,012 Live Heifer 38,628 Dressed Steer 38,164 Dressed Heif 20,787 Week Ago Weighted Averages: Live Steer 55,975 1,237.2 Live Heifer 42,283 1,111.7 Dressed Steer 27,050 813.2 Dressed Heifer 21,041 737.8 Year Ago Weighted Averages: Not available. Live Steer Live Heifer Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer 140-224.00 (164.06); 40-50 lbs, 463 head, 140-204.00 (154.00); 50-55 lbs, 656 head, 140-180.00 (150.75); 55-60 lbs, 1,827 head, 140-180.00 (145.87); 60-65 lbs, 2,056 head, 138-180.00 (146.67); 65-75 lbs 4,355 head, 138-180.00 (141.47); 75-85 lbs, 4,840 head, 110-147.00 (133.38); 85 Ibs/up, 2,538 head, 103-125.00(111.05). CHOICE AND PRIME, YG 5: Total head 1,341. 65-75 lbs, 49 head, 70-109.50 (90.15); 75-85 lbs, 152 head, 70-95.00 (74.11); 85 Ibs/up, 1,140 head, 70-97.00 (79.20). Price Avg. Weight Range 779-1550 900-1600 875-1550 970-1400 Range Weight Price 63.00- 1,270 65.20 62.00- 1,287 64.09 60.50-66.05 1,228 63.82 63.00- 1,238 63.88 63.50-67 00 1,176 62 00-65.50 1,153 61 10-65.00 1,115 865-1525 875-1600 875-1440 101.00-106.50 842 100 00-108.00 816 100 00-107.00 813 500-1066 534- 535- 102.00- 722 100.00- 734 100.00- 748 500-1000 488- 987 498-1003 if Bi Avg. Weight Avg. Price 1,245.4 63.96 1,122.9 63.90 815.5 102.51 741.7 102.04 Avg. 64.88 63.89 63.88 103 31 102.69 102.31 102.66 102.31 101.85 66.85 66.88 107.02 106 29
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