AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 18, 2002 Oklahoma Feeder Cattle Weekly Oklahoma City, OK May 15,2002 Report Supplied By USDA OKLAHOMA NATIONAL STOCK YARDS, Weekly Cattle Summary Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers steady to 2.00 lower, exception noted over 1000 lb steers and 800 lb heif ers 1.00-2.00 higher. Demand remains good for feeders and nearly as good as last week. Light supply of Stocker cattle and calves steady to 3.00 higher with good demand. Second week of heavy sup plies of feeder cattle off wheat with in creased numbers of Brahma crosses. Some anxiety felt Monday as corn and soybean markets up sharply in reaction to plantings being a bit behind schedule. Re ceipts this week 15,625; last week 15,585; last year 14,791. Supply consisted of 94% yearlings over 600 lbs; 3% under 600 lbs; 3% cows and bulls. Heifers comprised 35% of feeder & calf supply. Prices follow with weighted average weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large 1: 420 lbs 110.00; 450-500 lbs (479 lbs) 96.50-99.50 (97.94); 500-550 lbs (522 lbs) 94.00- (98.12); 550-600 lbs (579 lbs) 89.00- (91.25); 600-650 lbs (628 lbs) 86.25-91.00 (87.45), thin 90.75-94.00 (92.45); 650-700 lbs (681 lbs) 80.25-86.00 (83.84); 700-750 lbs (729 lbs) 77.50-81.75 (79.37), lot thin 83.50; 750-800 lbs (782 lbs) 75.00-79.00 (76.78); 800-850 lbs (825 lbs) 71.25-76.50 (74.79); 850-900 lbs (869 lbs) 67.75-74.75 (72.17); 900-950 lbs (918 lbs) 66.50-71.00 (68.56); 950-1000 lbs (978 lbs) 65.25- 68.00 (66.76); 1000-1100 lbs 65.00- Holsteins: Large 3 550 lb 67.50; 610 lbs 63.00; 700-750 lbs 59.75- 60.00; 800-900 lbs 57.00-59.00; 910 lbs 57.25-58.25. Feeder Heifers; Medium and Large 1: 450-500 lbs (494 lbs) 88.00-89.25 (88.51); 500-550 lbs (519 lbs) 83.00-88.00 (85.97); 550-600 lbs (588 lbs) 79.75-83.00 (81.76), fleshy 76.00-78.00; 600-650 lbs (621 lbs) 77.50- 81.75 (80.98); 650-700 lbs (683 lbs) 74.00-79.25 (75.64); 700-750 lbs (731 lbs) 69.75-74.75 (73.13); 750-800 lbs (779 lbs) 69 00-73.75 (70 84), 800-850 lbs (823 lbs) 67 00-71 25 (69.79); 850-900 lbs (867 lbs) 65.00- 70.00 (67.99), 900-925 lbs (917 lbs) 64.50-65.25 (64.92). Lancaster Farming's Classified Ads Get Results! the easy sort system WHILE YOU ARE SORTING HOGS • Proven Design • Time Saving • Automatic Sorting By - m AP Quality North Carolina Livestock Sales Raleigh, N.C. May 15,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Mount Airy Livestock Auction: Cattle and Calves Receipts; 674, last week 688. Slaughter cattle were steady to 3.00 high er. Feeder cattle were mostly steady. Slaughter cows and bulls 22 percent. Re placement pairs and feeder cows 8 per cent. Feeder steers and bulls under 600 lbs 33 percent, over 600 lbs 6 percent; feeder heifers under 600 lbs 29 percent, over 600 lbs 2 percent. Slaughter Cows: Breakers 75-80 per cent lean 850-1500 lbs 35.00- 42.50, high dressing 43.00-47.50; Boners 80-85 per cent 850-1400 lbs 37.50-42.50, high dress ing 43.00-50.50; Lean 85-90 percent 850-1300 lbs few 31.00-39.00. Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1, 1000-1500 lbs 54.00-63.50, with one at 66.00; 1500 ibs and up 59.00-64.50. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large 1 and 2: 300-350 Ibs few 98.00- 112.00; 350-400 lbs 93.00-109.00; 450-500 lbs few 90.00- 500-600 lbs 83.00-95.00. Small 1 and 2: 200-250 Ibs few 86.00- 300-350 Ibs few 81.00-95.00; 350-400 Ibs 76.00-91.00; 500-600 Ibs 69.00- 600-700 lbs few 64.00-79.00. Medium and Large 3; 450-500 lbs few 73.00- 81.00. Large Holstein 200-250 Ibs 77.50-85.50; 250-300 lbs few 74.50- 85.00; 300-350 Ibs 74.50-82.00; 500-600 Ibs 59.00- Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1 and 2: 250-300 lbs few 80.00- 92.00; Custom Fabrication of Galvanized Barn Equipment JSKUSt OWNERS ARE... SCHICK ENTERPRISES • - ' IBs ejk e 4 — J —**• 1* —**’ f* 1 *»Bi 300-350 lbs 77.00-92.00; 350-400 lbs few 81.00- 400-450 lbs 80.00-91.00; 450-500 lbs 83.00-90.00; 500-600 lbs 74.50- Small 1 and 2: 250-300 lbs few 76.00-84.00; 350-400 lbs few 71.00- 400-450 lbs 71.00-84.00; 450-500 lbs few 67.00-79.00; 500-600 lbs 60.50- 600-700 lbs few 64.00-68.00. Medium and Large 3: 350-400 lbs few 73.00- 450-500 lbs few 65.00-75.00; 500-600 lbs few 65.00-75.00. Feeder Bulls: Medium and Large 1 and 2:400-450 lbs few 85.00-96.00; 450-500 lbs 84.00- 500-600 lbs 80.00-90.00; 600-700 lbs few 71.50-81.00. Small 1 and 2 400-450 lbs 65.00-76.00; 450-500 lbs few 75.00- 500-600 lbs 61.00-78.00; 700 lbs and up few 56.00-67.00. Medium and Large 3:600-700 lbs few 65.00-68.00. Stock Cows; Small 1: 800-1050 lbs mid dle age cows bred 3-6 months 350.00-520.00 per head. Medium 1 975-1400 lbs middle age cows bred 4-8 months 520.00-690.00 per head. Cow/Calf Pairs: Small 1: 87S-102S lbs middle age cows with calves 75-250 lbs 470.00-630.00 per pair. Medium 1 1050-1350 lbs middle age cows with calves 75-375 lbs 600.00-860.00 per pair. Baby Calves, per head: Holstein 90.00-137.50. Goats, per head: Slaughter Classes Kids: Selection 1 and 2 Kids: 20-40 lbs 40.00-50.00. Yearlings: Selection 1 and 2 60-80 lbs 45.00-72.50. • Money Making • Labor Reducing • Patent Pending East Coast and North Central Veal Report Des Moines, lowa May 15,2002 Supplied By USDA CARLO! VEAL CARCASS REPORT: Northeast and North Central Basis; Com pared to trading last week: Northeast spe cial fed veal steady to firm on mostly light to moderate offerings and a light to mod erate demand. North Central unevenly steady on light ofiferings and demand. VEAL CARCASS, SPECIAL FED, HOT BASIS, FOB PRODUCTION POINTS; Hide-On, 240-300 lb: Northeast 58 head. North Central 202. Hide-Off, 215-275 lb: North East 225.00; North Central 225-226.00. CONTRACT INFORMATION: Hot Basis, Hide-Off, as of May IS, 2002 - Con tract calves slaughtered this week: 209-215.00. Packers calling market 209-211.00. Future contracts offered: Firm Bottom 217.00, 218.00, 220.00 and 223.00. Firm Top 227.00, 228.00, 235.00 and 240.00. Firm Bottom, Split Top 215-230.00. Firm Bottom, Open top 215.00. and 221.00. •North Central - OH, IN, 11, MI & WI. •Northeast - MA, MD, PA, NY, NJ, DE, CT& VT. Lancaster Farming Check out our Website! www.lai Ground You need a professional turf mower that’s packed full of features, can handle non-stop daily use be ultra-maneuverable and be cost effective Kubota understands this so, we developed the ZD series specifically for the professional who appreciates the 360° turning radius, the fuel efficient, high output, liquid cooled, diesel engine, the deluxe suspension seat and what they all can do to make your job more enjoyable. We also know you’ll like the oversized, wide-tread tires tor more stability on slopes, the integral-type twin hydro transmission, a wet-type multi-disc PTO as well as the Shaft Driven Mid-Mount Mower, making the ZD senes easier to operate for a smoother unmatched performance K'jboho A KILLER BSQS. •PARTS •SALES • SERVICE iKUHI We Ship Parts UPS \ TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT | LEBANON fit. #7, Box 405, Lebanon, PA 17042 Rt. 419 1 Mile West Of Schaefferstown 717-949-2000 or Toil Free 877-4Kubota (458-2682) MONDAY • FRIDAY 8:00 • 5:00 SATURDAY 8:00 -12:00 Serving Central PA Since 1921 Visit our'web site at • E- ma il us at WEEKLY DISTRIBUTIVE, LESS THAN CARLOT, EAST COAST AREA VEAL CUTS TRADE, SPECIAL FED: Market for Tues., May 14 Compared to last week: Distributive special fed veal cuts are trading mostly steady. Foodser vice market activity is slow to moderate with retail activity mostly slow. Market undertone trending mostly steady to weak on light to moderate offerings and a most ly light to moderate demand. Prices per CWT: Carcass, hide off 200-250 lb 240-255.00; Foresaddles 85-110 lb 165-185.00; Kosher Foresaddles 90-110 lb 195-200.00; Hindsaddles 85-115 lb 310-330.00; Loins, regular 17-25 lb 280-315.00; Loins, 4x4 trmd 12-18 lb 400-485.00; Hotel Racks, 8 rib 15-21 lb 420-425.00,7 rib 14-20 lb 425-460.00,6 rib 13-17 lb 485-525.00; Chuck, square cut 36-47 lb 115-140.00; Shoulder, hill 14-20 lb 150-180.00; Legs, double 70-90 lb 310-325.00, TBS 3-piece 24-32 lb 625-660.00, BHS heel-out 27-35 lb 485-525.00; Top Round, trmd, cap-off 8-10 lb 950-1005.00; Breast 10-12 lb 75-100.00; Necks, bone-in 24-28 lb 125-130.00; Stew Meat, regular 200-250.00; Boneless Trimmings 75-80% lean 70-77.00; Heavy Nature Green Hides, per piece 39-42.00. rfarmina.c ZD 18/ZD 21 Hydraulic lift mid mount mower to 9.4 MPH, Ivotlng front axle for cleaner cut MbNUftidUKO ’ILOTSI KELLER BROS. 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