Four States Livestock Wednesday Sale Hagerstown, Md. Report Supplied By Auction May 15,2002 SLAUGHTER COWS: 60 HEAD, 1.00 HIGHER. BREAKERS 43.00-48.25, BONERS 42.00-47.00, LEAN 38.00-43.00, THIN 38.00 DOWN. BULLS: 15 HEAD, 1.00-2.00 HIGH ER. YG+NI 1500-2300 LBS. 59.75-63.25, HIGH DRESSING LIMOUSIN 1788 LBS. AT 68.25; YG+N2 52.00-58.75. FED STEERS: CHOICE 2-4 1250-1400 LBS. 69.00-70.25, LOW CHOICE 1050-1300 LBS. 63.50-67.50, LOW CHOICE 1400-1600 LBS. 61.00-64.25. FED HEIFERS: CHOICE 3 1050-1350 LBS. TO 65.25. CALVES: 114 HEAD, GOOD SLAUGHTER. 90-115 LBS. 50.00-67.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS RETURNING TO FARM 8.00-10.00 HIGHER. +NI 90-120 LBS. 150.00-172.00, 125-135 LBS. 120.00-150.00, 80-88 LBS. 125.00-145.00; +N2 90-120 LBS. 120.00-150.00, 80-88 LBS. 80.00-120.00; HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS 12 HEAD, STRONG DEMAND. +NI 85-115 LBS. 625.00-725.00, 1 128 LBS. AT 535.00; BEEF X BULLS AND HEIFERS 70-105 LBS. 110.00-170.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 15 HEAD, 2.00- HIGHER. +NI AND 2 220-260 LBS. 34.75-36,50; +NI AND 3 280-300 LBS. 28.50-32.50, 320-350 LBS. 26.00- 190-215 LBS. 30.00-31.00. SOWS: 34 HEAD, 1.00-2.00 HIGHER. 300-400 LBS. 16.00-21.00, FEW 26.00- 400-500 LBS. 18.00-24.25, 500-650 LBS. 20.00-25.25. BOARS: TO 14.25. STOCK CATTLE: 74 HEAD, IN CLUDES 27 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS. STEERS, FEW OFFERED. 400-600 LBS. 74.00-90.00, 700-800 LBS. 66.00-77.00. MARTIN’S TIRE & ALIGNMENT We’re Your Firestone Farm Tire Dealer! Count on us year-round for: • A complete line of Firestone farm tires • In the field emergency repair service • Implement and light truck tires in stock too! Many Other Tires In Stock - Call For Prices FARM TIRES fraction Field & Road Firestone All fraction 23° Firestone Radial 23° 13.6x28 6 ply $195.00 18 4R34 1* $520.00 18.4R34 1* $500.00 18.4x30 6 ply $345.00 20.8R38 1* $695.00 18 4R38 1 ★ $535.00 18.4x38 6 ply $365.00 20.8R38 2* $840.00 20 BR3B 1 ★ $685.00 20 Bx3B 8 ply $510.00 20 8R42 2* $870.00 18 4R42 2 * $670.00 Visit or call us today! 717-445-4993 ) H-b i,l HBM >i !■ Huh i< j- ML D HEIFERS: 400-600 LBS. 66.00-73.00. BULLS: 200-400 LBS. TO 98.00, 400-600 LBS. 70.00-80.00, 600-800 LB. MEDIUM TO 56.00. DAIRY REPLACEMENTS: 42 HEAD. LARGE SPRINGERS 1200.00- MEDIUM 850-1150 LBS., FRESH COWS 700.00-1075.00, MEDIUM FRESH 600.00-1000.00, SHORT BRED LARGE 1100.00-1250.00, SMALLER 800.00-950.00, MEDIUM AND LARGE OPEN HEIFERS 675.00- SMALL 350.00-700.00, JERSEYS 275.00-585.00. LAMBS: 29 HEAD. CHOICE 100-120 LBS. 80.00-86.00, GOOD 50-80 LBS. 79.00- 30-50 LBS. 89.00-105.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: 70 HEAD. BY THE HEAD 2.00-4.00 LOWER 30-40 LBS. 24.00-35.00, 40-50 LBS. TO 37.00; BY THE LB. STOCK BOAR 200 LBS. TO 27.00. Westminster Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Report Supplied By Auction May 14,2002 SLAUGHTER COWS: 88 HEAD, STEADY TO 1.00 HIGHER. BREAK ERS 43.00-47.25, BONERS 43.00-46.50, LEAN 39.00-43.00, THIN 39.00 DOWN. BULLS: 10 HEAD, GOOD DEMAND. YG+NI 1300-1750 LBS. 59.00-62.50, HIGH DRESSING 2084 LBS. AT 65.50, YG+N2 1120 LBS. AT 55.50. FED STEERS: 24 HEAD, 1.50 HIGH ER. HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 1200-1475 LBS. 70.00-71.75, OVER 1500 LBS. 65.00-68.00, HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME HOLSTEINS 1400-1600 LBS. 58.50-62.25, LOW CHOICE 1200-1500 LBS. 52.00-57.00. FED HEIFERS: HIGH CHOICE 2-4 1000-1300 LBS. 67.00-69.00, LOW CHOICE HOLSTEINS TO 51.25. CALVES: 113 HEAD. HOLSTEIN BULLS RETURNING TO FARM 10.00- HIGHER. +NI 88-115 LBS. 160.00- 82-88 LBS. 140.00-157.00; +N2 88-120 LBS. 120.00-160.00, 78-88 LBS. 100.00-120.00; HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS 7 HEAD. +NI 90-115 LBS. 555.00- 1 68 LBS. AT 370.00; BEEF X BULLS AND HEIFERS 70-95 LBS. 100.00-180.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 46 HEAD, 2.00- HIGHER. +NI AND 2 220-270 LBS. 32.25-33.25, 1 LOT TO 35.25, +NI AND 3 250-300 LBS. 30.00-31.00. SOWS: FEW OFFERED. 400-650 LBS. 22.00-24.50. BOARS: TO 13.75. STOCK CATTLE: 30 HEAD. STEERS 300-550 LBS. 89.00-98.00, 600-700 LBS. TO 80.00, 700-900 LBS. TO 76.00. HEIFERS; 300-500 LBS. 74.00-83.00, 500-600 LBS. TO 75.00. BULLS: 1 215 LBS. AT 113.00,400-600 LBS. 67.00-71.00. SHEEP: 12 HEAD 35.00-42.00. LAMBS: 46' HEAD, 5.00-8.00 HIGH ER. CHOICE 100-125 LBS. 77.00-86.00, 130-145 LBS. 78.00-81.00, 60-90 LBS. 95.00- 30-50 LBS. 95.00-105.00; YEARLINGS 129 LBS. AT 70.00. GOATS: 111 HEAD. LARGE BILLI ES AND WETHERS 85.00-96.00, 1 AT 147.00, MEDIUM 45.00-65.00, LARGE NANNIES 70.00-100.00, MEDIUM 40.00- SMALL FLESHY 40.00- KIDS 10.00-30.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: 126 HEAD. 20-30 LBS. 16.00-20.00, 30-40 LBS. 20.00- 40-60 LBS. 33.00-39.00; BY THE LB. 40-60 LBS. 60.00-76.00, 60-70 LBS. 55.00-65.00. National Feeder Cattle Weekly Summary St. Joseph, Mo. May 10,2002 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL FEEDER CATTLE SUMMARY for week ending May 10. Re ceipts: Total - 346,400, last week 281,700. Auctions - 229,000, last week 205,900. Di rect - 98,000, last week 65,200. Video/ Internet - 19,4000, last week 10,600. Old Format - 182,400, last week 133,200, last year 182,300. This week’s auction volume included 48 percent over 600 lbs and 48 percent heifers. Compared to last week, feeder cattle sold 1.00-3.00 higher in active trading. However; a much lighter test of stocker steers and heifers sold weak to 4.00 lower, especially in the deep South where re ceipts are predominantly lightweight calves. Orders for stocker cattle signifi cantly slacked off this week as tum-out dates for most summer grazing areas have already passed. Although, recent rains and lower prices may cause producers who have the flexibility to crank up their stocking rates a bit. Demand for the heavier weight feeder cattle was very good again this week, despite large re ceipts. This was a welcome sight for those backgrounders who chose to wait and sell their wheat cattle coming off graze-out. Especially since the performance has been outstanding and weights on May wheat cattle have been heavier than normal. As good as the graze-out season has been, most of the Hard Red Winter Wheat has matured to the point of losing its grazing value. This will cause the few bunches still left on wheat to be moved very soon. Direct feeder cattle trading was much more active this week than it has been for months, spurred by the fat cattle situation that finally broke out of its funk. Late last Friday, packers jumped out and gave 2.00 more for cattle at mostly 65.00. Immedi ate delivery was part of the transaction as trucks were practically backing up to the chutes as the deals were made. Buyers then turned around on Wednesday and paid an extra 3.00 to close this week’s feedlot trade at mostly 68.00 live and mostly 110.00 dressed, which was 5.00-6.00 higher than the last significant trade. Most feedlots were finally able to clean up their show lists. This unexpected rally came as a result of a spark in dress ed beef prices and movement. Hopefully, Mother’s Day and Memorial Day grilling will gobble up all of this inventory. How ever, chain speeds are already slowing down and we may be looking at a post holiday hangover. But, few people were expecting this bright spot and analysts are calling for a friendly cattle-on-feed report next Friday. Diffenbach Vz Auction Inc. 100 West Jackson Street • New Holland, Pennsylvania 17557 Office: (717) 355-7253 • FAX: (717) 355-9547 HAY & GRAIN SALE EVERY MONDAY -10:00 A.M. QUILT, CRAFT & BUGGY TUES MAY 21 WED MAY 22(’) QUILT & CRAFT WED JUNE 5 WINROSS, HESS, FARM TRAC & TOYS FRI JUNE 14 TRACTORS, FARM EQ & SUPPLIES EQUIPPED FOR AN AUCTION AT YOUR PLACE OR OURS ALAN DIFFENBACH AUCT. -AU2258-L NOTICE EXTENDED PARTS DEPARTMENT CTORE HOURS EFFECTIVE MONDAY, APRIL 1, 2002 To Better Serve You During The Busy Planting Season APRIL - MAY - JUNE Mon., Tties., Thurs. & Fri. 7am-Bpm Wed. 7am-6pm; Sat. 7am-3pm BINKLEMURST 133 *sssxsr Rd - • w* Lj Lititz ’ PA17543-0395 && — C ) 626-«». J 5 • Fax 717-6fi6<*0096 * » *> H * »n*l-800-444-4705- <H Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 18, 2002-Al7 USDA Market News USDA Carlot Meat 4:00 Summary: Compared to Previ ous Day, Prices in Dollars per hundred weight, Equated to FOB Omaha Basis. BOXED BEEF CUTS: Boxed beef cut out values higher on light to moderate de mand and light offerings Select and Choice chuck, round and loin higher, while rib steady to firm Beef trimmings firm on moderate demand and light to moderate offerings. Estimated composite cutout value of Choice 1-3, 600-750 lbs carcasses up 1.76 at 117.79, 750-900 lbs up 1.82 at 117.24; Select 1-3, 600-750 lbs up .66 at 109.27, 750-900 lbs up 1.03 at 109.01; based on 106.43 loads of Choice cuts, 150.84 loads of Select cuts, 55.52 loads of trimmings, and 60.79 loads of coarse ground trimmings. Estimated carcass price equivalent value of Choice 1-3,600-750 lbs up .90 at 107.75, 750-900 lbs up .95 at 107.37; Se lect 1-3, 600-750 lbs up .36 at 98.69, 750-900 lbs up .60 at 98.52. Current index reflects the equivalent of 380,470 head of cattle. National Carlot Beef: The Cutter cow carcass gross cutout value was estimated at 92.75, up 3.50. By-Product Drop Value; Hide and offal from a typical slaughter steer was esti mated at 7.29, up .03. National Carlot Pork: Sales reported on 49.3 loads of pork cuts and 21.5 loads of trim/process pork. Compared to Mon day’s close: Fresh '/<” loins firm to 2.00 higher; butts mostly 3.00 higher; skinned hams 20-27 lbs steady; seedless bellies 14-16 lbs steady; lean trimmings generally steady. Trading slow to moderate, with moderate to good retail demand and light offerings, while processing cuts experi enced light to moderate demand and of ferings. Calculations for a 185 lb Pork Carcass 51-52 percent lean 0.80” -0.99” back fat at last rib 52.14, up .84, Loins bone in fresh % inch trim 21# DN-LGT 106.00--108.00. Hams bone in trimmed, 17-20 lbs trim spec 1 43.00-44.00; 20-23 lbs trim spec 1 32.00-33.00. Seedless bell ies 12-14 lbs 59.00; 14-16 lbs 59.00; 16-18 lbs 57.00. Carlot Lamb Carcass: 0 head reported. National Carlot Meat Report Des Moines, IA May 14,2002 Report Supplied By USDA 900 AM 900 AM 6 30 PM 9 00 AM
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