A6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 20, 2002 Southern & Eastern Direct Feeder Pigs Columbia, S.C. April 12,2002 Report Supplied by USD A Southern And Eastern US Direct FOB Feeder Pig Report: Weekly summary of prices FOB farm basis, week ended Apr. 12: Receipts 38,800, last week 38,205. Compared to last week, early weaned and 40-50 pound feeder pigs 2.00 to 4.00 lower per head. Demand light for moderate of ferings. Downward pressure coming from substantial drop in the futures and cash hog markets. Receipts include 22,330 pigs shipped to lowa and Central US. PIGS, EARLY WEANED- 10 LB BASIS, Estimated 50-54% Lean Value: Lot size 250 or less: 1327 head, 19.00- wtd. avg. price 25.19. Lot size 250-750: 3,550 head, 17.50-31.76, wtd. avg. price 26.10. Lot size 750 or more: 7,930 head, 22-30.00. wtd. avg. price 26.72. Total Composite: 12,807 head, 17.50-31.76 wtd. avg. price 26.39. PIGS, 40 LB BASIS, Estimated 50-54% Lean Value: Lot size 250-750: 1,150 head, 40.00- 49.00, wtd. avg. price 43.91. Lot size 750 or more: 1,050 head, 49.00. Total Composite: 2,200 head, 40.00-49.00, wtd. avg. price 46.34. Pigs. 45 LB BASIS, Estimated 50-54% Lean Value: Lot size 250-750: 500 head, 40.56; Lot size 750 or more: 16,548 head, 40.56-54.00, wtd. avg. price 44.14. Total Composite: 17,048 head, 40.56-54.00, wtd. avg price 44.04. PIGS, 50 LB BASIS, Estimated 50-54% Lean Value: Lot size 250-750: 1,375 head, 42.52-43.08, wtd. avg. price 42.84; Lot size 750 or more: 3,270 head, 42.52-46.00, wtd. avg. price 44.91. Total Composite: 4,645 head 42.52-46.00, wtd. avg. price 44.30. PIGS, 55 LB BASIS, Estimated 50-54% Lean Value: Lot size 750 or more: 2,100 head, 48.00. Extra Farm Income? We Offer • Qualified Service Personnel • Sound Genetic Program • Building Management/Environmental Monitoring • Facility Planning • Technical Support • Cash Flow Projections • Competitive Contract Payments • Purina Feeding Programs For more information Call 1 -800-518-6458 Ext. 292 Purina Mills, Inc. Serving The Needs Of Agriculture Prices quoted on per head basis picked up at sellers farms in NC, SC, GA, TN, KY, AL, MS,AR, MO.TX, OK, KS, IN, OH, MI, CO, UT, and WY. Prices do not included freight or brokers fees. Many lots of 40-60 lb pigs sold with a .25-.40 per lb slide. Also, some lots of early weaned pigs have a 1.00 per lb slid ing valued adjusted from a 10 lb basis. Early weaned pigs under 19 days old. Estimated lean value is projected to base slaughter weights with normal con finement feeding conditions. This report does not cover any trades which include profit/loss share agree ments or any other form of shared or re tained ownership agreement. Eastern Combelt Direct Feeder Pig Weekly Springfield, Dl. April 12,2002 Report Supplied By USDA FEEDER PIGS: Receipts: 18,315; last week 16,077. Trends: SEW 10 lb pigs were mostly 1.00 lower and feeder pigs were 2-3.00 lower. Sharply lower futures and light demand pressured prices. tFOB Eastern Combelt - Illinois, Indi ana, Ohio, Michigan. Receipts: 9,615; last week 10,497. EARLY WEANED Pigs, 10 LB Basis, Estimated 50-54% Lean Value: Lot size under 250: 125 head, 30.18; Lot size 250-750: 5,595 head, 22.00-33.29, wtd., avg. price 27.75; Lot size 750 or more: 1,500 head, wtd. avg. price 22.00. Total Composite: 7,220 head, 22.00-33.29, wtd.avg. price 26.60. PIGS, 50 LB BASIS, Estimated 50-54% Lean Value: Lot size 250-750:1,375 head, 42.52-43.08, wtd. avg. price 42.84; Lot size 750 or more: 1,020 head, 42.52. Total Composite: 2,395 head, 42.52-43.08, wtd. avg. price 42.70. tFOB prices quoted on per head basis “picked up” at sellers farm; prices do not include freight. Are You Interested In We have swine finishing contracts available Eastern Corn Belt Direct Hogs Des Moines, lowa April 17,2002 Report Supplied By USDA EASTERN CORN BELT DIRECT DAILY HOGS, for Wed., Apr. 17, as of 1:30 p.m. CURRENT VOLUME TODAY: Pro ducer Sold: Negotiated Actual; 16,417; head; Other Market Formula: 11,992; Swine or Pork Market Formula: 38,174; Other Purchase Arrangement: 5,162; Packer Sold (All purchase types); Actual today: 722. NEGOTIATED PURCHASES (In cluding packer sold); BARROWS AND GILTS: 8,281 head. Compared to prior day’s close, mostly steady. Base Market Hog, 185 lb Carcass Basis, Plant Deliv ered (.9-1.1 inch backfat, 6 sq. in. loin/2.0 depth); Range: $34.50-41.00, wtd. avg. $37.76. Prior week’s average market hog, (mea surements based on slaughter data sub mitted): 197.42 lb carcass based, plant de livered (0.79 inch backfat, 6.81 sq. inch loin/2.27 inch loin depth) FFLI: 50.58%; price range: $36.84-43.46. Purchase volume by state of origin: Al abama 208; Delaware 221; Georgia 1,337; Illinois 17,355; Indiana 13,559; Kentucky 1,518; Maryland 180; Michigan 5,838; Mississippi 2,410; New York 183; North Carolina 7,063; Ohio 4,764; Pennsylvania 3,900; South Carolina 851; Tennessee 871; Virginia 85; Wisconsin 1,285. East Fluid Milk And Cream Review Madison, Wis. April 17,2002 Report Supplied by USDA Spot prices of class II cream, dollars per lb. butterfat: F. 0.8. producing plants: Northeast: 1.3940-1.5102 Delivered Equivalent: Atlanta: 1.3824-1.5218 mostly 1.4057-1.4405. CCA certification makes a difference Today’s farms demand expert advice and comprehensive services! Crops • Soils • Animal Operations Nutrient & Pest Management X Contact a Certified Crop Advisor Today See www.agronomy.org for a list of PA CCAs or call PennAg at 717.651.5920 — WF MARKET LEESPORT, BERKS COUNTY, PA 19533 (610) 926-1307 LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVEBYjWEPNESPAY • 1:00 P.M. LEESPORT T Farmers Market 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Flea Market 7:00 AM to ?? S[ Tinj Cattle Salu Fri lay, ir 'l - 7:3' [in C nsi W~lc tn^ t 9 I visit our website: www.leesportmarket.com PRICES OF CONDENSED SKIM, dollars per lb. wet solids, F. 0.8. produc ing plants: Northeast: Class 11, includes monthly formula prices: .9550-1.0250; Class 111 - spot prices - .7500-.9700. SPOT SHIPMENTS OF GRADE A MILK: FLORIDA: This week - In 0, Out 117; last week - In 0, Out 37; last year - In 0, Out 140. SOUTHEAST STATES; This week - In 0, Out 0; last week - In 0, Out 0; last year - In 0, Out 0. Regional Milk Market Administrators announced the following, March 2002 un iform prices: Northeast $13.05, Mideast $11.93, Southeast $13.34, Florida $15.20, and Western New York (a state order) $12.52 at the base city or county in the or ders. (For the Northeast, Mideast, and Western New York orders, statistical un iform prices are reported.) Milk produc tion is generally steady from the Middle Atlantic area south. Output in the Northeast is slowly in creasing along seasonal patterns. Many contacts are commenting on the volumes of milk to be processed and few expected milk output and supply to be this heavy. A drought condition and temperatures in the nineties exists in much of the Middle Atlantic area and parts of New York. The heat is retarding the milk production gains of the past few weeks. Without sig nificant rainfall in the near future, crops as well as the milk flow may be affect- Bottled milk sales are generally termed as slow. Florida’s Class I milk need is very low as the “winter residents” have, for the most part, left the state. This created a targe 9 I i Generator Systems Diesel or Propane, 10-500 KW, Agricultural and Industrial. New, Used or Reconditioned Martin Diesel Services Shop (570) 658-5303 Office (570) 922-4494 Metal Roofing & Siding . me j|| i. A. B. Martin Roofing Supply Why Pay More - For Less BUY DIRECT • WE MANUFACTURE Roofing & Siding in the following Aluminum • Galvanized • Galvalume 1 8+ Color Painted, #1 & #2 Material Low Prices - Fast Delivery, Free Literature Ephrata, PA 1-800-373-3703 Newville, PA 1-800-782-2712 (formerly Zimmerman Roofing) FEEDER SALE Comipuncnti Welcoi ion., Apr. 22@ 1:00 pm 300 total head U 5 Head from 550-650 Ibi., Black heifen & iteert Vintage Sales Stables Inc. jump in milk volumes leaving the state for processing. Manufacturing plants are operating at or near capacity levels. In some instances, butter owder plants are clearing milk or con densed skim to other plants. The condensed skim market remains weak. With inexpensive NDM available in the marketplace, the spot demand for wet solids is almost non-existent. Quite a few loads of Eastern condensed skim are being shipped to the Midwest for process ing. Without spot sales, more local dryers have had to step up drying schedules. The fluid cream market also remains weak. Supplies are excessive and spot de mand is seldom better than slow. Prices have moved lower as both multiples and the CME average butter price have moved lower. Many loads of Eastern cream continue to move to Midwestern butter makers. Between all the milk, condensed skim and cream that is moving inter-region, trucking is becoming more of an issue, and a costly one at that. Ice cream output is starting to improve. However, spot cream purchases are slow to develop. This week’s hot weather did stimulate soft serve sales. Cream cheese production is about steady. Churning is heavy and ex cess cream supplies far exceed the re gion’s plants capacity. 30 head Lancaitcr Co 900450 lb* Black t Black White Faced idise, PA • 717442' Field Reps. :h Brown 717-44Z* i Hoover 717-354-; Wenger 7X7-85P
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