AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 20, 2002 Morrison’s Cove Livestock Martinsburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, April 15,2002 CATTLE: 106 HEAD. STEERS: CHOICE 67.00-69.25, GOOD 63.50-66.50. HEIFERS: CHOICE 65.00-67.00, GOOD 60.00-64.00. COWS: UTILITY AND COMMER CIAL 36.50-44.00, CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 26.00-37.00. BULLOCKS: GOOD & CHOICE 55.00- BULLS: YG+NI 48.00-60.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 56.00- BULLS 54.00-67.00, HEIF ERS 53.00-68.00. CALVES: 79 HEAD. CHOICE, NO MKT. TEST, GOOD 75.00-87.00, STAN DARD 23.00-50.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-130 LBS. 100.00-140.00, HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90-130 LBS. 200.00-450.00. HOGS: 154. US+NI-2, 24.00-25.00; US +N 1-3,22.00-23.00. SOWS: US +NI-3 18.00-25.00. BOARS: 13.00-21.00. FEEDER PIGS: 40 HEAD. US +NI-3 20-50 LBS. 12.00-35.00. SHEEP: 41 HEAD. CHOICE 85.00- GOOD LAMBS 75.00- SLAUGHTER EWES 22.00- GOATS: 26.00-79.00 EACH. Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Eighty-Four, Pa. Monday, April 15,2002 Report Supplied By Auction CATTLE 141 ...(PDA)...Compared with last week’s sale..cows steady to 1.50 lower. STEERS: Standard 1-2 49.00-55.00. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 39.00- Boners 80-85% lean 37.00- Lean 85-90% lean 34.00- Shells 33.00 and down. BULLOCKS: one Select 1-3 59.00. BULLS: few Yield Grade 2 1180-1720 lbs 47.00-51.00. FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS: few Me dium 1 350-425 lbs 75.00-89.00, Medium and Large 2 370-595 lbs 55.00-71.00; HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 325-475 lbs 72.00-81.00, 550-635 lbs 63.00-71.00, Medium and Large 2 350-510 lbs 64.00- BULLS: Medium and Large 1 325-560 lbs 74.00-87.00, Medium and Large 2 380-650 lbs 53.00-71.00. CALVES 147...(A11 calves sold per cwt). VEALERS: couple Choice 155 & 210 lbs 97.00 & 108.00, Standard and Good 90-125 lbs 47.50-75.00, 70-85 lbs 40.00- Utility 60-80 lbs 27.50-37.50. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls steady to 10.00 lower..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-130 lbs 137.50-176.00, No 2 75-110 lbs 95.00- No 1 Holstein heifers 90-115 lbs 430.00-580.00, No 2 70-105 lbs 170.00- weak heifers 120.00- Beef type bulls and heifers 65-120 lbs 145.00-170.00,160-285 lbs 60.00-100.00. HOGS 6... BARROWS AND GILTS: 45-50% lean 220-250 lbs 29.00-32.00, one 135 lbs 25.00. SOWS: 1-3 385 & 500 lbs 20.00 & 24.00. FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! SHEEP 231... Slaughter lambs steady. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: High Choice and Prime 120-145 lbs 56.00-65.00, Choice 25-50 lbs 85.00-102.50, 55-75 lbs 86.00-103.00, 80-90 lbs 84.00-95.00, Good and Choice 67.00-77.00. FEEDER LAMBS: Good and Choice 35-65 lbs 70.00-85.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP; 16.00-44.00. GOATS 40...(A11 sold by the head). Large Billies 86.00-134.00, Medium 51.00- Large Nannies and Wethers 59.00- Medium 35.00-53.00, Large Kids 35.00-40.00, Small 10.00-24.00. Pa. Weekly 13 Livestock Auctions Friday, April 12 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE Slsl...Compared with 4889 head last week and 4329 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s summa ry-steers beef type and Holsteins were 1.00 to 1.25 lower, heifers .25 to .50 lower, cows mostly 1.50 to 2.00 lower, bulls mostly steady. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 69.25- Choice 1-3 67.00-72.75, Se lect and Low Choice 2-3 65.00-69.25, Se lect 1-3 62.00-69.75, Standard 1-2 51.25- HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 60.50-64.75, Choice 2-3 58.00- Select 1-2 51.25-58.00, Stan dard 1-2 47.00-52.00. HEIFERS: Choice few Prime 2-4 64.00- Select 1-3 58.50-68.25, Stan dard 1-2 53.50-59.75. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 40.00- few to 48.25, Boners 80-85% lean 37.00-46.00, Lean 85-90% lean 34.50-44.25. Shells 34.50 and down. BULLOCKS: few Choice 2-3 56.00- one Select 1-3 62.50. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1000-2500 lbs 54.00- Yield Grade 2 900-2400 lbs 48.00- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medi- um and Large 1 300-SOO lbs 85.00-102.00, 500-700 lbs 63.00-81.50, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 60.00-90.00, 500-700 lbs 57.00-75.00, Large 3 500-700 lbs Hol steins 51.00-58.00; HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 63.00-80.00, 500-700 lbs 60.50-76.00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 59.00-83.00, 500-700 lbs 43.00-76.00; BULLS: Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 70.00-93.00, 500-700 lbs 55.00-80.00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 63.00-92.50, 500-700 lbs 50.00- Large 3 300-500 lbs Holsteins 56.00- 500-700 lbs Holsteins 47.00- CALVES 2628... Compared with 2919 head last week and 2811 head a year ago. Vealers mostly steady. VEALERS: few Choice 135-265 lbs 95.00-127.50, one Good 125 lbs 70.00, Standard and Good 65-115 lbs 40.00-65.00, Utility 50-110 lbs 10.00-40.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 5.00 to 15.00 higher, Holstein heifers steady...No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 135.00-190.00, No 2 80-120 lbs 80.00-157.50; No 1 Hol stein heifers 85-120 lbs 490.00-700.00, No 2 70-120 lbs 160.00-460.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 75-150 lbs 75.00-205.00. HOGS 1243... Compared with 1015 head last week and 1678 head a year ago. Barrows and gilts 1.00 to 2.00 lower, sows 1.00 to 3.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: 49-54% lean 225-265 lbs 30.25- 45-50% lean 225-275 lbs 28.00-30.75, 40-45% lean 240-300 lbs 24.25- SOWS: 1-3 300-500 lbs 23.00-27.00, 500-700 lbs 28.00-30.50. BOARS: 17.00-26.00. FEEDER PIGS 191... Compared with 323 head last week and 242 head a year ago. 1-3 25-50 lbs 21.00-55.00. per head. SHEEP 1289... Compared with 869 head last week and 3054 head a year ago. Slaughter lambs fully steady. SLAUGH TER LAMBS: Choice 20-40 lbs 100.00- 40-60 lbs 90.00-110.00, 60-90 lbs 85.00-100.00, 90-120 lbs 80.00- SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 20.00- ONE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE 315... Compared with 192 head last week and 1903 head a year ago. Feeder pigs 20.00 to 40.00 lower..l-2 23 lbs 137.00, 30-33 lbs 75.00-105.00, 42-45 lbs 85.00- 56 lbs 65.00; SLAUGHTER: 20-29 lbs 85.00-150.00, 30-37 lbs 75.00- 41-45 lbs 67.00-115.00, 51-56 lbs 68.00-110.00. per cwt. Call CEDAR CREST EQUIPMENTS Sor Your Waste Handling Equipment Needs These units Sor SALE or RENT * 2002 Houle 5250 gal., lights, brakes, steering, 28Lx26 tires ■ CALL FOR PRICE Hople 9’ Stationary Pit Pump Van Dale 10’Trailer Pit Pump Houle 3” Transfer Pump, Ex. Cond, C CEDAR CREST EQUIPMENT LIVESTOCK FUTURES MARKET Chicago Mercantile Exchange Wednesday, April 17, 2002 Live Hogs Frozen Choice Steers Choice Feeders Lean Value Pork Bellies Today 04/10/02 Today 04/10/02 Today 04/10/02 Today 04/10/02 Ap 02 66.075 67.425 75.700 74.025 50.350 41.450 - My 02 75.525 73.700 55.975 48 725 68.000 66.050 Jn 02 63.000 62.500 55.950 53.875 JlO2 - 55.950 53.175 68.800 66.875 Auo2 63.475 62.375 78.575 77.250 54.350 51.500 67.725 66.300 SO2 - 78.850 77.325 - 002 66.625 65.125 79.000 77.325 46.900 44.850 NO2 79.375 77 500 DO2 68.575 67.350 - 45.375 43 300 JO2 78.850 77.200 - FO3 69.775 68.600 48.650 46.000 66.700 66.000 Mr 03 70.775 69.850 - 66.275 66.500 Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA April 15,2002 CATTLE 418...(PDA)...(Supply in cluded 97 slaughter steers and heifers, 203 cows, 25 bulls and 93 feeder cattle)..Com pared with last Monday’s sale... steers 2.00 lower, cows, heifers, and bulls 1.00 lower. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1225-1465 lbs 69.25-71.00, one 73.00, Choice 2-3 1100-1490 lbs 65.00-69.00, 1515-1640 lbs 60.75-66.50, Select 1-3 62.00- few Standard 1-2 57.75-60.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1215-1610 lbs 55.50-60.00, Select 1-2 50.00- Standard 1-2 45.00-49.75. HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 1120-1450 lbs 66.25- few Select 1-3 61.50-64.00, few Standard 1-2 50.00-57.25. SLAUGHTER COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 41.00-46.50, Boners 80-85% lean 40.00-46.00 mostly 40.00-44.75 with low dressing down to 37.75, Lean 85-90% lean 35.00-45.00, bulk of sales 37.00- Shells 34.75 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1445-2090 lbs 57.00- Yield Grade 2 1155-2450 lbs 50.25- FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS; Medi um and Large 1 475-555 lbs 75.00-90.00, 650-700 lbs 74.00-80.00, one Medium and Large 2 290 lbs 83.00, 430-490 lbs 69.00- few 575-630 lbs 71.00, 960-970 lbs 55.50-63.00, few Medium and Large 3 385-415 lbs 38.00-44.00, few 590-600 lbs 70.00,740-800 lbs 52.00-58.00; HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 470-510 lbs 69.00-74.00, 610-780 lbs 66.00-77.00, one Medium and Large 2 270 lbs 82.00, 410-480 lbs 66.00-72.50, 515-635 lbs 79 Autocar 6x6,4000 Gal. Vacuum Tank $12,900 Parts Stores: East Earl —71 7-354-0584 • Quarryvllle—7l 7-806-0484 800-646-6601 64.00- few 840-860 lbs SB.SO-S9.SO, Medium and Large 3 275-450 lbs 59.00- 600-655 lbs 60.00-68.00, 725-780 lbs 45.00-55.50; BULLS: Medium and Large 1 240-395 lbs 82.00-95.00, 440-500 lbs 69.00-73.00, 925-1050 lbs 47.00- Medium and Large 2 320-470 lbs 67.00-82.00, one Medium and Large 3 260 lbs 70.00, one 520 lbs 64.00. CALVES 378...VEALERS: Standard and Good 70-95 lbs 41.00-60.00, Utility 50-70 lbs 15.00-38.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 25.00 higher..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 160.00-199.00 mostly 170.00- 80-90 lbs 150.00-170.00, No 2 80-125 lbs 95.00-175.00, weaker calves down to 70.00; No 1 Holstein heif ers 80-105 lbs 530.00-680.00, No 2 70-105 lbs 200.00-340.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 80-125 lbs 115.00-170.00. HOGS 23...50ws 5.00 lower. BAR ROWS AND GILTS; few 45-50% lean 265 lbs 22.00-30.00, few 40-45% lean 300-355 lbs 15.00-24.00. SOWS: 1-3 380-450 lbs 18.00-24.00. BOARS: 495-680 lbs 7.50-10.00 with one 5.00. FEEDER PIGS 17... SLAUGHTER: Utility 80-125 lbs 25.00-29.00. per cwt. SHEEP 48... Slaughter lambs 20.00 to 25.00 higher. Slaughter Lambs: Choice 25-45 lbs 100.00-145.00, 50-65 lbs 83.00- few 90-105 lbs 69.00-81.00, Good and Choice 30-50 lbs 60.00-80.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 15.00-39.00. GOATS 77...(AU sold by the head). Large Billies and Wethers 87.50-115.00, Medium 67.00-75.00, Large Nannies 45.00- couple Boers 85.00 & 100.00, Medium 42.50-65.00, Large Kids 25.00- few Boers up to 75.00, Small 16.00- 2002 Houle 4300 gal., lights, brakes, 28Lx26 tires CALL FOR PRICE 717-866-1 S«8 339 King Street, Myerstown PA 17067 ....$l,BOO ...$1,500
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