Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. April 17,2002 Report Supplied By USDA CATTLE 269...(PDA)...(5upp1y included 109 steers & heifers, 83 cows, 15 bulls and 62 feeder cattle)..Compared with last week’s sale..steers 1.50 to 2.50 lower, Holsteins steers hilly 2.00 to 3.00 lower, cows mostly 3.00 to 5.00 lower one a light supply, heifers 2.00 to 3.00 lower, bulls 2.00 to 4.00 lower. STEERS: Choice 2-3 1185-1485 lbs 65.50-70.75, Select 1-3 57.00-65.00, couple Standard 1-2 50.25 & 55.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1315-1610 lbs 56.75-60.75, Select 1-2 50.00-55.75, Standard 1-2 46.50-51.75. HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 1115-1415 lbs 65.50- Select 1-3 56.00-64.25, couple Stan dard 1-2 42.75 & 50.00. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 37.00-42.25, Boners 80-85% lean 36.75-41.75, Lean 85-90% lean 35.00-40.50. Shells 35.00 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1175-1895 lbs 52.00- Yield Grade 2 975-2120 lbs 41.50- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: one lot Medium 1 500 lbs 73.00, Medium 2 275-500 lbs 60.00-75.00, one Large 2 750 lbs 52.00, Large 3 450-490 lbs Holsteins 52.50-56.00, 550-915 lbs Holsteins 45.00- HEIFERS: Medium and Large 2 255-465 lbs 55.00-78.00, one Large 1 540 lbs 70.00; BULLS: Medium and Large 2 345-365 lbs 60.00, one Medium 1 290 lbs 83.00, Large 3 505-870 lbs Holsteins 51.50-55.00. CALVES 126...Vealers 10.00 higher. VEAL ERS: Standard and Good 70-90 lbs 50.00-75.00, few Utility 55-65 lbs 45.00. FARM CALVES: Hol stein bulls 15.00 to 20.00 higher, Holstein heifers remains steady ..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 155.00- 75-85 lbs 120.00-172.50, No 2 80-120 lbs 85.00-160.00; No 1 Holstein heifers 90-110 lbs 490.00-600.00, No 2 70-125 lbs 220.00- Beef type bulls and heifers 85-110 lbs 95.00-165.00,150-265 lbs 77.00-110.00. HOGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! FEEDER PIGS 11... 1-3 25-40 lbs 80.00, 97 lbs 67.00. per cwt. SHEEP 28... Slaughter lambs 5.00 to 10.00 lower. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 20-50 lbs 90.00-155.00, couple 60 & 70 lbs 118.00 & 120.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 25.00-45.00, few Year lings 60.00-75.00. GOATS 14...(AU sold by the head). Few Medi um Billies 39.00-52.00, couple Large Billies 70.00, one Medium 27.50, couple Large Kids 50.00, Small 21.00-30.00. I 1 i > HEATMOR OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACES 4 Sizes - 18 Colors - Wood or Coal Grates Forced Draft - Ash Auger Clean Out s> A _ c . , 888-763-8617 800-743-5883 istalniess Steel Jamestown, NY Staunton, VA Randall G. Renninger Certified Public Accountant Specializing in agriculture and construction industries “We help business people discover ways to cut costs, save taxes, and be more profitable” Call about our FREE seminars 535 W. Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17603 | (717)299-6480 ♦ Fax (717)299-6390^ * #^#%iiiur i T , v rO>cv xnarTmo iL iwijrif miv i A KVk£Blp J| \#JPS. ,<Jf |MDH A*HI2S, 3002 , fjftijg- Carroll County Agriculture Center, Westminster, MD (Rain Date - May 5, 2002) Admission: $lO - Under 7: FREE Farm Stock 9:00 A.M. - 6000 • 8000 • 13000 Sanctioned by Heart of Maryland Tractor Pullers’ Association Class Pull 1 P.M. S u Pf Stock/Pro-Stock breakfast served 9-1 J a.mZ 2 Whee Dnve Trucks Lunch sefved a „ d Interstate Points Classes < wn . wo „ * 4x4 6800 lb. Trucks > N 0 PETS * NO KEGS „ N 8000 lb. Open/Modified y CLASS CONTAINERS Kids Pedal Pull At Noon For Information and Rules call 410*848*9426 t . COMPARISON WITH OTHER OUTDOOR UNITS • Burns up to 1/2 less wood • Emits up to 1/2 less smoke • Corrosion Warranty up to 10 times longer Dealerships Available in some areas Eastern US Distributor Outback Heating Inc. Westminster Livestock Hbgerstown, Md. Report Supplied By Auction April 16,2002 SLAUGHTER COWS: 70 HEAD, STEADY. BREAKERS 38.00-i2.75, BONERS 37.00-42.00, LEAN 35.00-38.00, THIN 35.00 DOWN. BULLS: 6 HEAD, 2.00-3.00 LOWER. YG+NI 1600 LBS. AT 60.75, YG+N2 1300-1900 LBS. 51.00-56.00. FED STEERS: 22 HEAD, 2.00 LOWER. HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 1300-1500 LBS. TO 70.00; CHOICE 2-3 1100-1500 LBS. 63.00-67.00, HIGH CHOICE HOLSTEINS 57.00-59.25, LOW DRESSING 55.00-57.00. FED HEIFERS: 13 HEAD. HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 1200-1400 LBS. 69.00-71.75, CHOICE 4 TO 68.25, SELECT TO LOW CHOICE 1000-1200 LBS. 61.00-64.00, CHOICE HOLSTEINS 1520 LBS. AT 49.50. CALVES: 117 HEAD. HOLSTEIN BULLS RETURNING TO FARM, STEADY. +NI9O-120 LBS. 155.00-172.00, 80-88 LBS. 135.00-157.00; +N2 90-120 LBS. 120.00-150.00, 75-88 LBS. 80.00-110.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS +NI 100 LBS. TO 615.00, +N2 80-100 LBS. 310.00-480.00; BEEF X BULLS 60-90 LBS. 100.00-130.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 42 HEAD, 2.00 LOWER. +NI AND 3 230-290 LBS. 24.00-25.25, +N2 AND 3 280-325 LBS. 21.00-22.50. SOWS: 300-500 LBS. TO 20.25, 500-700 LBS. 22.00-25.00. BOARS: TO 11.50. STOCK CATTLE: 145 HEAD, STEADY. STEERS MED. AND LARGE FRAME 200-400 LBS. 95.00-117.00, 400-600 LBS. 85.00-95.00, 1 AT 107.00, 600-800 LBS. 65.00-77.00, 800-1000 LBS. 55.00-63.00. HEIFERS: MED. AND LARGE FRAME 300-400 LBS. 78.00-96.00, FEW 100.00-104.00, 400-500 LBS. 75.00-84.00, 500-700 LBS. 63.00- 700-950 LBS. 53.00-64.00. BULLS: MED. AND LARGE FRAME 200-400 LBS. 90.00-119.00, 1 AT 130.00, 400-500 LBS. 75.00- 3 AT 104.00,500-600 LBS. 71.00-85.00. SHEEP: 16 HEAD 22.00-40.00. LAMBS: 64 HEAD, HIGHER PRICES. CHOICE TO PRIME 70-80 LBS. 90.00-99.00, 50-70 LBS. 110.00- 30-50 LBS. 112.00- WOOLED 110 LBS. 77.00-91.00. GOATS: 83 HEAD. LARGE WETHERS AND BILLIES 70.00-106.00, MEDIUM 45.00-75.00, n') Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 20, 2002-Al7 LARGE NANNIES 65.00-95.00, MEDIUM 40.00- SMALL FLESHY 30.00-47.00, SMALLER 20.00-40.00. PIGS AND SHOATS; 35 HEAD. 20-40 LBS. 15.00- 50-70 LBS. 25.00-35.00; BY THE LB. 7 HEAD 37 LBS. AT 66.00,4 HEAD 55 LBS. AT 71.00, 100 LBS. AT 41.00; STOCK BOARS 200-325 LBS. 15.00-22.00. Friend’s Stockyard Accident, Md. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, April 15,2002 STOCK STEERS AND BULLS: 200-500 lbs. 55.00-100.00. STOCK HEIFERS: 200-500 lbs. 61.00-87.00. SLAUGHTER STEERS: good to choice 65.00-70.00, medium to good 61.00-64.50, heavy choice over 1450 lbs. 58.00-64.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS: heavy Choice 48.00-61.00, light 47.00-70.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Good to Choice 66.00-69.00, Medium to Good 60.00-65.50. BULLS: heavy Sl.OO-SB.SO, light 40.00-60.00. COWS: Utility (Holsteins) 39.00-44.25, Com mercial to Good 32.00-39.25, cull cows 32.00 and down. VEALS: Good to Choice 50.00-86.00, Med. to Good 50.00-67.00. 808 CALVES: 50.00 and down. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES, RETURN TO FARM: 90-120 lbs. up to 170.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES, RETURN TO FARM: 90-120 lbs. up to 660.00, BEEF X CALVES return to farm up to 180.00. HOGS: top quality, up to 31.00. SOWS: up to 28.00. LAMBS, CHOICE, up to 70.00. Goats choice up to 48.00. Livestock prices are all given per hundred weights. SPRING GRASS CATTLE SALE APRIL 20 AND MAY 4 AT 7 P.M. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS “CALL US TO DESIGN YOUD NEAT BUILDING PROJECT FARMSTEAD PLANNING BUILDING DESIGN BLUEPRINT DRAFTING VENTILATION DESIGN DAIRY FACILITIES DESIGN Timber Tech Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 145 254 West Franklin Street Womelsdorf, PA 19567 PH: (610) 589-4589 FAX: (610) 589-5384 /sftr||gor* Pasture Perfect* Dealer of the Week Brandt’s Farm Supply This week Ampac Seed Company and Rohrer Seeds recognize Brandt’s Farm Supply of Elizabethtown, PA. “We con fidently recommend Pasture Perfect* products because we know they are the best on the market,” exclaims Josh Bare vaKl of Brandt’s. For managed Horse Pas tures we recommend fl the Pasture Perfect® Horse Pasture Mix. .^SB Brandt’s Farm Sup ply also carries pet josh Bare supplies, lawn and Brandt’S Farm Supply garden products, hardware, farm supplies and animal health products For managed pastures use: Pasture Perfect® Horse Pasture Mix This mix will make quality feed and en dure “horse wear” better than a typical . horse mix. Pasture Perfect® Horse Pasture 20% Tonga Perennial Ryegrass 15% Duo Festulolium 15% Tuukka Timothy 15% Wintercrown Alfalfa 13% Takena Orchardgrass 12% Eastwood Orchardgrass 10% Kentucky Bluegrass For exercise lots or turn out lots: Pasture Perfect* Hay Diversion Mix which combines the toughness of Bronson Tall Fescue and the quickness of Tonga Perennial Ryegrass. Pasture Perfect® Hay Diversion Mix 80% Bronson Tall Fescue 20% Tonga Perennial Ryegrass Contact: Brandt’s Farm Supply Josh Bare: 717-367-1221 800-872-7478 Fax: 717-367-2003 email; brandt’s@cleanweb.net r -S Ak iORWTTfij HMU '\’\y i- 1 K • luuhha * f ♦ For product details and local purchase info , please visit us on the web at www.pastureperfect.com or call Rohrer Seeds 717-299-2571 Pasture Perfect is a registered trademark of “Integrity & Excellence, Our Foundation Your Guarantee 1 !1., I . 111 .. »*S ft -Vl ix * ,
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