AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 13, 2002 The Return of the Birds A pul IS is called Swallows Day, according to old weather loie, because swallows usually appear around this date in ceitam locations (.March I 1) is also known as Swallows Day because swallows return to Mission San Juan Capistrano in California ) According to the Zum Indians, when chimney swallows elide and call, they speak ot rain It they skim along the ground, lam is coming hut it they fly high and chup it will be fair Faihei in Apnl the cuckix) 01 gowk,' was expected to ; return (some say on the Ist 01 Vd, otheis call \pnl 14 Cuckoo Day) Cuckoos 'hallooing in low lands' means rain is on the way if they soar m the high lands a means line weather Weather forecast jor tonight: dark. Geoiji* Cvin A'rien'vii comedian (b 1937) t ■ Sweet tooth? Satisfy It with a fruit smoothie instead of sweets. Blender Smoothie 1 cup low-tal vanilla yogurt 1 cup fresh or frozen btackberrlei f cup fresh or frozen blueberries 1 2 cup grape or cranberry juice Combine mmedients blond and soi \c' ll lull ol healthful aninn dants tibei potassium ai i akium and unlv about talones per sciving Can New Holland Horses New Holland Sail's Stables Report Supplied h\ Auction IMondas, April 8, 2002 231 HFAD. MARKFT STRONGFR DRIVING HORSFS 560.00-950 00 RIDING HORSFS 510.00-1300 00 RFGISTFRFD RIDING 1550.00-2000 00 BFTTFR RIDING 1800.00-2500 00 PON IF S3lO 00-475 00 I ARGF PONIFS 550 00-735 (HI. COITS3H) (MI-1175 00 RFGISTFRFD C OI TS 310.00-950.00 FEEDER SALE Consignments Welc ion., Apr. 22@ 1:00 pm 300 total head 125 Head from NY, 550-650 lbs., Black heifers (t steers 31 30 head Lancaiter Co 900-950 lbs Black 0 Black White Faced Vintage Sales Stables Inc. Paradise, PA • 717-442-4181 Field Reps. :h Brown 717*442-4; i Hoover 717-354-' Wenger 717-»s«> Rogers Community Auction, Inc. n "ii4 whoic huvcr .mil sdlci gel loyclhci' KEN, BILL BAER AUCTIONEERS One hall mile west ol Rogcis. Ohio on St Rt 154 330-227-3233 Tri State Area’s Largest Open Air Market open every Friday FREE PARKING • NO ADMISSION FEE CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS Every Friday Kiinitine & mist Ipm Pi ocltitc & Eggs 5 p m Poultiy Bain 6pm FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH FARM EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION 3p m Miscellaneous auction 4p in Gaiden tiaeloi auction spm Fuewood 6pm Faun Machine)y EVERY Wednesday 1 p.m. Hay & Giam Auction FAMILY OWNED AND MANAGED SINCE 1955 Patriots Day (Maine, Mass.), April 15 Ik OIJJ FARMFR’S WEATHER PROVERBS the cuckoo w April, he opens his hill; The cuckoo in May, he sings the whole day Vr i v . *k nn * - Make every day special. Discover the wit wisdom and weather of The 2002 Old Farmer’s Almanac To order cal! 800 895 9265 ext 220 or visit our Web site the ■era lor Makes www almanac com' go uf0204 i/'M mm AMERICAN- _ i Coolant ncf fans CFM for 36” Fan is 11 683 @ 484 rpm, 1/2 HP Motor @ zero static pressure • ABT3 Belt Tightener Kit • LRWSI Aluminum Shutter F/52” Fan • LRW39 Aluminum Shutter F/36” Fan Hershey EQUIPMENT CO., INC. Your Partner in Agri-Business 255 Plane Tree Drive, Lancaster, Pa 17602 Toll Free 800-HEC-0988 Fax (717) 291-1534 Email address-partsservice@ Hequip.com Website: www.hequip.com We are open Mon. - Fri. 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Out Carlisle Livestock Carlisle, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, April 9,2002 SLAUGHTER CATTLE: STEERS SE LECT COLOR, HOLSTEINS 975-1100 LBS. 65.00-66.75; COWS, BREAKERS 39.50-44.25, BONERS 39.00-44.00, LEAN 37.75-44.00, BIG MIDDLE, LOW DRESSING, LIGHT 34.50-39.00, SHELLY 33.00 AND DOWN; BULLS, HOLSTEINS 1490-1660 LBS. 53.00- FEEDER CATTLE: GOOD DE MAND! STEERS MED. AND LARGE +N2 600-900 LBS. 68.00-72.00, HOL STEINS AND DAIRY TYPES 300-850 LBS. 65.00-85.00; HEIFERS MED. AND LARGE +NI 400-885 LBS. 63.00-79.00. CALVES: RETURNING TO THE FARM, HOLSTEIN BULLS +NI 75-135 LBS. 100.00-195.00, MOSTLY 150.00- BEEF X BULLS 75-90 LBS. 115.00-130.00. SWINE: HOGS US+NI-3 205-285 LBS. 27.00-30.00, 180-190 LBS. 22.00- SOWS US+NI-3 350-500 LBS. 24.00-28.50, THIN, WEAK AND ROUGH TO 23.00. BOARS: OVER 375 LBS. 12.00-13.00. GOATS: BY THE HEAD, MEDIUM TO LARGE NANNIES 49.00-81.00, FLESHY KIDS 40.00-59.00, SMALL AND THIN 6.00-39.00. LAMBS: GOOD AND CHOICE 35-75 LBS. 98.00-145.00, 80-100 LBS. 95.00-96.00. SHEEP: ALL WEIGHTS 18.00-37.00. SALE EVERY TUES, 5 P.M. FOR RABBITS, POULTRY AND EGGS, 6 P.M. FOR LIVESTOCK, STARTING WITH CALVES; SPECIAL FAT CAT TLE SALE TUES., APRIL 16, SPECIAI FEEDER CATTLE SALE TUES., APRIL 16. ALREADY CONSIGNED FOR APRIL 16, FEEDER CATTLE SALE 25 HEAD OF BLACK BALDIES 350-500 LB. HEIFERS AND STEERS; STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE FRL, APRIL 12. RECEIVING 7 A.M.- T A NCFS2W/W 52” Fan in Waferwood Box 1343556 1 HP 1 PH Motor CFM for 52" fan is 24,884 @ 375 rpm 1 HP Motor @ zero static pressure NCF36W/W 36” Fan in Waferwood Box 1343656 1/2 HP 1 PH Motor 10:30 A.M. SALE 1 P.M.; RED CARPET TACK AND HORSE ALE FRL, APRIL 19. SALE STARTING AT 7 P.M. WITH TACK. RECEIVING 5 P.M. SPECIAL ORTHODOX EASTER SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 26. RECEIVING 8 A.M.-NOON. SALE IS ONE HOUR AFTER PIG SALE. SMALL ANIMAL SALE April 9,2002 RABBITS AND BUNNIES 2.75-7.50. CHICKENS 3.00-5.25. BANTIES 1.85-5.00. PIGEONS 2.50. PHEASANTS 8.00-10.00. QUAIL .90-1.30. PEACOCKS 30.00-31.00. DUCKS 5.75-12.50. FERRETS 15.00. GEESE 3.50. GUINEAS 6.00. FINCH 4.00. LOVEBIRD 10.00. ALL ANIMALS SOLD .BY THE HEAD. SALE STARTS 5 P.M. Middleburg Livestock Auction Middleburg, Pa. Tuesday, April 9,2002 Report Supplied By USD A CATTLE 418...(PDA)...(Supply in cluded 182 steers and heifers, 133 cows, 22 bulls and 81 feeder catt!e)...Compared with last week’s sale..steers 1.50 to 2.00 lower, cows steady to 1.00 lower, heifers 1.50 lower, bulls 1.00 lower. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1200-1425 lbs 71.75-74.00, Choice 2-3 1000-1490 lbs 68.00-72.75, 1525-1600 lbs 65.75-68.00, Select 1-3 65.00-69.75, Stan dard 1-2 62.00-64.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: few High Choice and Prime 2-3 1220-1470 lbs 62.00- Choice 2-3 1200-1555 lbs 58.00- Select 1-2 50.50-57.75, Stan dard 1-2 45.50-51.75. HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 1000-1470 lbs 67.00- Select 1-3 65.00-68.25 with one 72.75, few Standard 1-2 53.50-62.50. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 41.0Q,48.25 with a few low dressing down to 38.00, Boners 80-85% lean 38.00-45.50 SPECIALLY PRICED SPECIAL SALE GOOD-USED 70 case per hour Diamond Farm Packer “READY TO GO” - $2000.00 rr Service Department is Available 24 Hours a Day mostly 39.00-44.50, Lean 85-90% lean 36.00- Shells 35.50 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1220-1905 lbs 56.00- Yield Grade 2 1030-1595 lbs 50.00- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medi um and Large 1 220-425 lbs BS.OO-102.00, 630-675 lbs 67.50-79.00, 745-885 lbs 63.50-70.00, Medium and Large 3 445-560 lbs 445-560 lbs 63.50-74.00, 630-800 lbs 56.00- HEIFERS: few Medium and Large 1 475-655 lbs 64.50-81.50, one Me dium and Large 2 370 lbs 80.00, few 645-820 lbs 58.00-62.00, few Medium and Large 3 515-530 lbs 55.00-57.00; BULLS: Medium and Large 1 390-430 lbs 81.00- 665-790 lbs 60.50-69.00, Me dium and Large 2 295-470 lbs 73.00- 555-755 lbs 57.00-61.00, few Medium and Large 3 365-490 lbs 59.00- 640-700 lbs 51.00-58.00. CALVES 186...VEALERS: few Stan dard and Good 90-110 lbs 50.00-62.00, Utility 50-60 lbs 10.00-20.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 15.00 to 20.00 higher, Holstein heifers stead y...No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 150.00- mostly 155.00-180.00,75-85 lbs 70.00-147.00, No 2 80-125 lbs 70.00- No 1 Holstein heifers 90-105 lbs 490.00-660.00, No 2 80-115 lbs 200.00- HOGS 97...8arr0ws and gilts 2.50 to 3.00 lower, sows 1.50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: 45-50% lean 225-270 lbs 25.00-27.50, 40-45% lean 280-315 lbs 23.75-27.50. SOWS: 1-3 300-485 lbs 21.25-25.25, 500-615 lbs 26.00-27.75, Medium 320-445 lbs 12.00-17.50. BOARS: 375-650 lbs 10.00-14.00, cou ple 255 lbs 20.00. FEEDER PIGS 39...Utility(for slaugh ter) 45-75 lbs 20.00-30.00. per cwt. SHEEP 39... Slaughter lambs steady SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 30-50 lbs 90.00- 60-90 lbs 84.00-93.00, few 100-140 lbs 53.00-65.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 10.00-30.00, Yearlings 40.00- GOATS 13...(A11 sold by the head). Few Large Nannies 95.00-111.00, one Medium 50.00, one Large Nanny 53.00, Large Kids 24.00-48.00, Small 15.00-20.00.
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