Pa. Grain Report April 8,2002 Report Supplied By PDA COMPARED WITH LAST MON DAY’S MARKET FOR EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA: Corn .02 to .07 lower. Wheat .03 to .07 lower. Bar ley and Oats mostly steady. Soybeans mostly .10 to spots .IS lower. Ear corn steady to weak. PRICES PAID DELIV ERED TO DEALERS DOCK, All prices per bushel, except Ear Corn per ton. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-y, 2.23-2.40, avg. 2.32; contract for harvest 2.23-2.32. WHEAT No. 2, 2.72-3.07, avg. 2.82; contract for harvest 2.69-2.94. BARLEY No. 3, 1.80-2.05 few to 2.30, avg. 1.99; contract for harvest 1.30-1.60. OATS No. 2, 1.90-2.10 few to 2.40, avg. 2.05. SOY BEANS 4.45-4.60 few down to 4.28, avg. 4.46; contract for harvest 4.33-4.42. Gr. Metal Roofing & Siding Since 1948 jrnimms. A. B. Martin Roofing Supply Why Pay More - For Less BUY DIRECT • WE MANUFACTURE Roofing & Siding in the following: Aluminum • Galvanized • Galvalume 18+ Color Painted, #1  Material Low Prices - Fast Delivery, Free Literature Ephrata, PA 1-800-373-3703 Newville, PA 1-800-782-2712 (formerly Zimmerman Roofing) g 1 MARKET LEESPORT, BERKS COUNTY, PA 19533 (610) 926-1307 LIVESTOCK AUCTION . EVERYWEDNESDAY ■ 1:00 P.M. UfiP LEESPORT , f Farmers Market 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Flea Market 7:00 AM to 77 visit our website: Sorghum, 2.09, avg. 2.09. Ear Com 60.00-70.00, avg. 67.50. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-Y, 2.30-2.35, avg. 2.31; WHEAT No. 2, 2.60-2.80, avg. 2.64; BARLEY No. 3, 1.60-1.80, avg. 1.69; OATS No. 2, 1.70-1.80, avg. 1.76; SOY BEANS No. 1, 4.15-4.36, avg. 4.20. EAR CORN 60.00-75.00, avg. 66.71. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2, 1.97-2.35, avg. 2.28; WHEAT No. 2, 2.38-3.34, avg. 2.74; BARLEY No. 3, 2.32; OATS No. 2, 1.75-2.50, avg. 1.82; SOYBEANS No. 1, 4.26; EAR CORN 63-68.00, avg. 65.50. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA EAR CORN No. 2,2.30-2.40, avg. 2.36; WHEAT No. 2, 2.40-2.50, avg. 2.45; BARLEY No. 3, 1.70-1.80, avg. 1.78; OATS No. 2, 1.75-1.80, avg. 1.81; SOY BEANS, No. 1, 4.10-4.40, avg. 4.28; EAR CORN 65-66.00, avg. 65.33. New Holland, PA (717)354-4996 (717)445-7561 Hi Mag (Ag Lime Spreading) Hi-Cal We sell only guaranteed analysis limestone CCA certification makes a difference Today’s farms demand expert advice and comprehensive services! Crops • Soils • Animal Operations Nutrient & Pest Management X Contact a Certified Crop Advisor Today See for a list of PA CCAs or call PennAg at 717.651.5920 i-etncamtor 'airy Herd Improvement Association Id Line Road, Manheim, PA 17545-8222 Web Site: 1-888-202-DHIA (3442) aster OHIA WHERE and Service Come Together Dependable, Technician Service it Rental For PCDART :ket Dairy mputer Set-Up and Support Basic Owner-Sampler Programs iSter DHIA Serves Southeastern 'outhcentral Pennsylvania and Northern Maryland Web Site: 1-888-202-DHIA (3442) LEHIGH VALLEY CORN No. 2-Y, 2.30-2.40, avg. 2.38; WHEAT No. 2, 2.92-3.07, avg. 3.00; BARLEY, No. 3, 2.00-2.05, avg. 2.03; OATS No. 2, 1.75-2.01, avg. 1.89; SOY BEANS No. 1, 4.25-4.35, avg. 4.28; GRAIN SORGHUM 2.70-2.80, avg. 2.75. EAR CORN 66.00-80.00, avg. 71.25. EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-y, 2.23-2.40, avg. 2.34; month ago 2.34, year ago 2.23. WHEAT No. 2, 2.60-3.07, avg. 2.76, month ago 2.77, year ago 2.37. BARLEY, No. 3, 1.70-2.05, avg. 1.85; month ago 1.84, year ago 1.55. OATS No. 2, 1.75-2.10, avg. 1.87; month ago 1.84, year ago 1.43. SOY BEANS No. 1,4.15-4.50, avg. 4.34; month ago 4.29, year ago 4.13. EAR CORN 60.00-75.00, avg. 67.71, month ago 66.78, year ago 59.90. NORTH CENTRAL OHIO (Prices FOB Truck): CORN 1.87-1.93; WHEAT 2.56-2.71; OATS 1.50; SOY BEAN MEAL: bulk 44% 154.00-166.00; bulk 48% 164.00-171.00. Daily National Grain Market Summary St. Joseph, MO April 10,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Wheat bids showed light strength, today, after six consecutive days of mostly lower trends. There was still no export news to offer support to wheat bids. USDA’s stocks estimate for soft red win ter wheat was reduced but hard red win ter wheat and hard red spring numbers were higher. Corn bids were slightly lower along with soybean bids as export interest remains slow. Carryover figures for com was by 25 million bushels and soybean numbers were unchanged from last month. Wheat steady to 3 cents higher except Portland steady to 2.00 cents lower. Corn mostly 1 cent lower. Sorghum 3 cents lower. Soybeans steady to 1 cent lower. EXPORT SALES: PURCHASER COMMODITY TONNAGE DELIVERY DATE Nothing new to report. THESE MAY NOT BE THE ONLY EXPORT SALES THAT HAVE TRAN SPIRED, BUT THEY ARE THE ONLY SALES THAT COULD BE CONFIRM ED BY USDA GRAIN MARKET NEWS. DATE CHANGE YEAR AGO i/ttjr New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. “=j Special Sheep and Goat Sale wlv Greek Easter I* 11 Thurs., April 25 9:00 AM 1 Mon., April 29 9:00 AM Any questions contact Ken Smoker 717-354-4341 (Office) 610-593-2123 (Home) J 717-355-0706 (Fax) Ifr David Kolb, Mgr. 61L Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 13, 2002-A7 TRUCK BIDS: 04/10/02 04/09/02 04/11/01 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW ORD) 2.82 up 1 2.74-2.82 Minneapolis (DNS) 3.35 'A up 'A 3.36 '/< Portland (SWW) 3.31-3.33 dn 2-unch 3.16-3.19 St. Louis (SRW) 2.88 up 3 2.29-2.32 Com, US 2 Yellow: Kansas City 1.92 dn 1 1.99-2.01 Minneapolis 1.89 'A dn 'A 1.86 'h So. lowa 1.98-1.99 dn 2-1 1.98-2.03 Omaha 1.84 up 1-dn 1 1.90-1.91 Soy beans, US 1 Yellow: Kansas City 4.54-4.56 unch 4.38-4.42 Minneapolis 4.50 'A dn -A 4.19 'A So. lowa 4.60 unch-dn 1 4.32-4.36 'h Cent. II Processor 4.60 '/2-4.6S 'A dn A 4.39 Vi-4.49 A Minneapolis truck - to arrive 20 days FUTURES: Kansas City (May) Wheat 2.81 ’/< up 'A 3.07 Minneapolis (May) Wheat 2.95 A up 'A 3.16 'A Chicago (May) Wheat 2.72 'A up 2 'A 2.60 'A Chicago (May) Corn 1.99 l A dn 1 'A 2.10 'h Chica go (May) Soybeans 4.60 'A dn A 4.37 'A EXPORT BIDS: Barge bids out of Port of New Orleans or Rail out of North Texas Gulf. Bids per bushel except sorghum per cwt. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord Protein; Rail 3.31 Vi-3,35 Vt up 'A-'A 3.41-3.47 US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat; Barge 3.12 'A up 4 'A -3 'A 2.65 3 /<-2.66 ’/< US 2 Yellow Corn Barge 2.22 A-2.22 3 A dn 1 'A 2.28 US 2 Yellow Sorghum Rail 4.03-4.07 dn 3-2 4.29-4.44 Barge 4.10-4.12 dn 3 4.38-4.42 US 2 Yellow Soybeans Barge 4.87 'A dn 3 /4-l 'A 4.62 'A-4.65 A
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