Al6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 5,2002 Markets Courtesy of Chicago Board and Mercantile Exchange Closing Bids: Wednesday, January 2,2002 Com Month Opening (High 02Jan 199 1/21200 1/2 199 1/4| 199 1/2 [ 02Mar 208 3/4 210 1/4,207 3/4| 02May 215 1/4 216 3/4 214 1/2! 215 1/2 1/4 023111 221 1/2 223 1/4 220 3/4{ 221 1/2 221 1/4 227 02Sep 02Dec 234 235 1/4 233 1/2 233 1/2 233 3/4 03Mar 242 1/2 243 1/4 241 1/2, 241 1/2 241 3/4 03May [245 1/2 n 03Jul 249 1/4 249 1/4 248 3/4! 248 3/4 03Dec 249 249,248 3/4 248 3/4 04Jul 04Dec Month OpeninglHigh 1 260 Soybeans Month Opening High , Low r ||. Closing 02Jan 421 1/2 423 1/2 415 1/2 417 3/4 418 1/4 418 02Mar 423 424 1/2 415 3/4 417 3/4 418 1/2 1418 1/4! 02May 426 428 419 3/4 421 1/2 422 1/4 422| 02Jul 431 1/2 433 425 426 , 427 1426 1/2; 02Aug 433 1/2 433 1/2 ,02Sep 432 432 02NOV 437 03Jan 03Mar i 456 456! 03Jul 03Nov 458 | Month [Opening [High Soybean Meal Month Opening [ttfgh }Low j 02 Jan 147.3 147.3 145.4 143.7 143.8 142.0 02Mar 02May 02Jul 142.3 142.4 140.3 143.0 143.7 141.0 141.8 141.7 141.81 143.5 144.0 141.1 141.7 ' 142.0 i!41.9| 143.7 144.2 142.0 142.4 , 1142.4 j 02Aug 02Sep 144.0 144.0 141.5 141.7 b|141.8 a 141.8 145.3 145.3 143.0 143.8 (143.5! 145.0 145.0 143.5 143.8 b 144.2 a 144.0 f 146.5 146.5 145.2 144.8 b 145.2 aj145.2{ 02Oct 02Dec 03 Jan 03Mar 03May 147.0 147.0 147.0 146.0 b Month Opening [High {Low | Closing ~: |settle|Net jCtig (Continued from Page A 10) Pa. Dairy Quality Assurance Program Implementer Train ing, Lancaster County DHIA Offices, Manheim, 3 p.m.-6 p.m., also Jan. 14. Keystone Farm Show, York Expo Center, York, thru Jan. 10. Eastern Pa. Turf Conference and Trade Show, Valley Forge Convention Center, (717) 238-4552. Business Sense Dairy Meadville, 3rd of 3. Tilling the Soil of Opportunity, Garden Spot High School, New Holland, 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Also Jan. 15 and 22; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26: March 5, 12, 19, 26; Wed., April 3. Also Adams County Agricultural and Nat- GRAIN, CATTLE. HOG. & MILK BFP FUTURES MARKETS ■ Low “jr 228 226 1/2! 226 1/2 226 3/4 260 260 LOW 425 425 437428 1/21 4561 453 j 453 b| 456 a[454 1/2 4581 g|s| 146.6 146.7 146.7 -4 142.9 141.0 ❖ Farm Calendar ❖ ural Resources Center, Get tysburg, 9 a.m.-noon. Also Jan. 15 and 22; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26; March 5, 12, 19, 26; April 2. Also Lehigh County Agri cultural Center, Allentown, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Tuesdays Jan. thru April. Ephrata Area Young Farmers Estate and Financial Plan ning Seminar, Cloister Res taurant, Ephrata, 7 :30 p.m. Ohio Grain Marketing Class, Van Wert County ottice, Tuesdays thru March 12, 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., (419) 238-1214. CFOs. Lebanon County 4-H Tractor Safety Club meeting, 7:30- 8:30 p.m., (717) 270-4391. Beginners’ Grape Growing Workshop, Howard County Fairgrounds. 8:30 a.m. -Closing 208 1/4 208 3/4 255 1/2 n 260 Closing 426 b|426 1/2 a 426 1/41 426 ; 426 { 430 i 1435 1/2 n' 441 nl 456 | 142.7 142.8, 141.2 ;141.1| Settle Net Chg -2 *l/ 21 1208 1/2 -4; 215 1/2 Unch 221 1/2 -2 1226 3/4| 233 3/4J -10 -10 241 3/4 -10 245 1/2 1 248 3/4, 248 3/4, -12 255 1/2 { 2601 Unch Settle jNetChg Settle 'Net Chg -30 -40 -42 -44 -56 -60 :-s>| -50 i 430 { 435 1/21 -401 4411 456 1 + 20 -4 Oats a*2ol 3/4 204)197 1/4 203 3/4 | 204 203 3/4| 184 1/2 187 l/2[lBl 3/4,186 1/2 { |lB6 1/2| 1 165 1/2|167 3/41163 1/4|167 3/4 | 167^3/4f [ ' [ j I 140b142a ' 14l[ MB| ” 146 j ‘ 146{144 l/2j 146 | 146[ +l2l -10 -14 -14, -16 -13 -14 -11 -20 -23 Unch 1 Pa. Auctioneers Association Annual Convention, Harris burg Marriott, thru Jan. 12. National No-Till Conference, St. Louis, Mo., thru Jan. 12. Penn Ag Democrats Breakfast Meeting, Holiday Inn Holi dome Conference Center, V able Gro>- nnuai / egetable Meeting, Bareville Fire Hall, Leola, 12:30 p.m.-3 p.m., (717) 656-9592. Ohio Retirement Planning Sem inar, OSU Marion Campus, 4- part series. Also Jan. 17, 24, and 31. (419) 947-1070. Farmer-to-Farmer Workshop, Sustainable Greenhouse Design and Production, Balls ton Spa near Saratoga Spr ings, N.Y., thru Jan. 13, (518) 427-6537. Ohio Farm Financial Manage ment Workshop, OSU North west District Office, Findlay, Ohio, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., (419)422-6106. Dairy Risk Management Train ing, Donohoe Center, Greensburg,-9:30 Lean Hogs r\ „• L. t *Previous Previous Open Low Last Chge Vohjme open 3858 15244 1555 5836 141 1455 390 2054 177 916 86 436 33 511 40 246 Date 01/02/02 Feb 02 5680 5717 55805657 -48 01/02/02 Apr 02 5985 603059326020 +l5 01/02/02 May 02 6400 644563556425 +3 01/02/02 Jim 02 6430 648063606465 +8 01/02/02 Ju! 02 6085 612060306110 +23 01/02/02 Aug 02 5915 596058825940 +5 01/02/02 Oct 02 5215 5225 52105217 unch 01/02/02 Dec 02 5050 5055 50505052 +2 Composite Volume Open_lnt 12/31/01 6280 26698 Live Cattle Date 01/02/02 Feb 02 7027 7057 7005 7052 01/02/02 Apr 02 7345 736072907330 01/02/02 Jim 02 7010 70106955 6982 01/02/02 Aug 02 7002 70056945 6975 01/02/02 Oct 02 7140 714071157122 01/02/02 Dec 02 7175 7175 7155 7155 Composite Volume Open_lnt 12/31/01 11047 93728 Pork Bellies Date 01/02/02 Feb 02 8170 8177 79808022 01/02/02 Mar 02 8120 812079507992 01/02/02 May 02 8300 830081308170 01 /02/02 Jul 02 8245 8245 8225 8245 01/02/02 Aug 02 8400 8400 81508150 Composite Volume Open_lnt 12/31/01 627 2728 Annual meeting, Old Country Buffet, Harrisburg, 11 a.m. 3hio Eastern Ohio Forest Wild life Conference, New Phila delphia, Ohio, 8:30 a.m.-4 pm^(74o^32-238L^^ Spanish Course for Dairymen, Lancaster and Gettysburg, Penn State Extension, Jan. 14-April 8, every Monday, (888) 472-0261, ext. 312. James Patches Growers’ Meet ing, Schaefferstown Fire Hall, 9:45 a.m. and 6:45 p.m., (717) 949-3860. Penn State. Eastern Regional Nursery, Landscape Seminar, Dela ware Valley College, Doyles town, (610) 489-4315. Vegetable Growers’ Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show, Atlantic City, thru Jan. 17,(856)985-4382.' Tuesday Talk, Equine Medicai Center, Leesburg, Va., bqume Laser Surgery Therapy, 7 p.m. Ohio Regional Agronomy School, Ramada Inn, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., (330) 296-6432. Also at Ohio Agricultural Re search Center, Wooster, Ohio, (330) 725-4911. Also Jan. 16 •*-* - '-“*- w « , ***- 4 *-*--‘**-* **»*•* “ - Open High Low Last Chge ious f ' >revi » us Volume Open_lnt 5642 46214 1845 21280 2293 15153 457 7751 126 2345 11 870 0 u- u i i * Previous Previous Open High Low LnstChg. Vo|ume ope „ 539 2135 66 308 15 232 4 40 3 13 erence, -120 -133 -135 -95 -175 vTJi "'7 : at Hillsboro, Ohio, (937) jvj -19, and Preble County Fair grounds, Eaton, Ohio, Jan. 18, (937) 456-8174. Jan. 16 at Hillsboro, Ohio, (937)393- 1918. Crop Insurance Workshops, Friendly Farm Restaurant, Upperco, Maryland, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Wednesday, Jan. 23 Howard Johnson Restaurant, Millington, Maryland, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. (410) 996-5280. Wine Business and Marketing Short Course, Nittany Lion Inn. State College. (888) 256- Farm Computerizedaemmar, Cumberland County exten sion office, Carlisle, and Pa. Dairy Farm Business, York County Extension, also Jan. 18,23,25. Pa. State Association of County Fairs and Pa. State Show men’s Association 90th Annual Convention, Hershey Lodge and Convention Center, thru Jan. 19. Mercer County Ag Day, Clarks Mills Methodist Church. Berks County Dairy Day, Ag Center, (610) 378-1327. Meeting on Farm Preservation, West Earl Township Build ing, Brownstown, 7 p.m. Farm Computerized Accounting FINPACK and Pa. Dairy Farm Business Summary, York County Extension Office, also Jan. 18, 23, 25, +BO + 74 + 56 + 10
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