Daily National Grain Market Summary St. Joseph, MO December 31,2001 Report Supplied By USDA Daily National Grain Market Sum mary Grain and soybean bids were mostly lower on the last trading day of 2001. Export inspection figures were below expectations except for corn. However, wet weather in South America over the weekend pushed com and soybean bids downward. Wheat 1 to 2 cents lower. Corn 1 to 2 cents lower. Sorghum 1 to 2 cents higher. Soybeans mostly 2 to 4 cents lower with Central 112 to 3 cents higher. Grains inspected for export for week ended 12/27/01; Wheat totaled 14.8 mil lion bushels down 4.9, corn 33.2 up 4.4, sorghum 3.8 down 4.6, and soy- beans 23.2 down 20.1 million bushels com pared to a week ago. Year to Date: Wheat totaled 593.6 down 61.4, corn 564.9 down 56.4, sorghum 76.6 up 12.6, and soybeans 468.2 up 54.5. Crop mar keting years begin June 1 for wheat and September 1 for corn, sorghum, and soy beans. EXPORT SALES: PURCHASER COMMODITY TONNAGE DELIV ERY DATE Nothing new to report. THESE MAY NOT BE THE ONLY EXPORT SALES THAT HAVE TRAN SPIRED, BUT THEY ARE THE ONLY SALES THAT COULD BE CON FIRMED BY USDA GRAIN MARKET Free Enterprise... -PA LIVESTOCK AUCTION ASSOCIATION MEMBERS Belleville Livestock New Holland Sales Mercer Livestock Market, Inc. Stables, Inc. Auction, Inc. 570-935-2146 717-354-4341 412-662-2910 Belleville New Holland Mercer Dewart Livestock Market,lnc. 570-538-9835 Dewart Eighty-Four Auction Sales, Inc. 412-222-9965 Eighty-Four Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. 570-837-2222 Middleburg NEWS. DATE CHANGE YEAR AGO TRUCK BIDS: 1361/01 12/28/01 01/02/01 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW ORD) 2.81-2.84 dn 2 3.18 Minneapolis (DNS) 3.35 dn 2 % 3.49 Vi Portland (SWW) 3.69-3.70 dn 1 2.99-3.01 St. Louis (SRW) 3.00 dn 2 2.45-2.46 Corn, US 2 Yellow: Kansas City 1.99- 2.01 dn 1 2.13-2.15 Minneapolis 1.88 dn 1 % 1.93 Vi So. lowa 1.95 dn 1-2 2.05- 2.11 Omaha 1.86-1.87 dn 1 2.03-2.04 Soybeans, US 1 Yellow: Kansas City 4.20-4.24 dn 4 4.90 Minneapolis 4.01 dn 2 'A 4.63 So. lowa 4.07 dn Vi 4.75-4.86 Cent. II Processor 4.24-4.27 up 2 2/4-3 Vi 4.94 Vi-5.00 Vi Minneapolis truck - to arrive 20 days FUTURES: Kansas City (Mar) Wheat 2.84 dn 1 Vi 3.25 Vi Minneapolis (Mar) Wheat 3.00 dn 2 % 3.24 Vi Chicago (Mar) Wheat 2.89 dn 1 Vi 2.76 'A Chi cago (Mar) Corn 2.09 dn Vi 2.27 'A Chi cago (Mar) Soybeans 4.22 'A dn 3 Vi 4.95 EXPORT BIDS: Barge bids out of Port of New Orleans or Rail out of North Texas Gulf. Bids per bushel except sor ghum per cwt. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord Protein: Rail NA 3.55 Vi-3.59 Vi US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat: Barge 3.27-3.28 dn I'/.- 2 % 2.91 ‘/«-2.92 ■/. US 2 Yellow Corn Barge 2.32- 2.33 dn %-up '/. 2.51 V, US 2 Yellow Sor ghum Rail NA 4.68-4.77 Barge 4.41 dn 1 4.84-4.86 US 2 Yellow Soybeans Barge 4.60-4.61 dn 15.36 !/2-5.37 Vi Two words that business people around the world take very seriously. Members of the Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Association take free enterprise very seriously too. They realize that producers have a choice when it comes time to buy and sell livestock and they are dedicated to making sure that producers can take advantage of the free enterprise system in the best way possible... at the local auction market. Pennsylvania livestock markets strive to provide you with the kind of service you deserve as a business person and a friend. You can be assured that the honesty, integrity and solid marketing fundamentals found at your local market will ensure nothing less than the true market value for your livestock. _ . New Wilmington Livestock Pennsylvania Livestock Auction, |nc Auction, Inc. 412-946-2921 412-627-9585 New Wilmington Waynesburg Jersey Shore Livestock, Inc. 570-398-0111 Jersey Shore Greencastle Livestock Vaney stockyards, Inc, Market, Inc. 570-888-9333 717-597-2171 Athens Greencastle Leesport Farmers Market, Inc. 610-926-1307 Leesport Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Eighty-Four, Pa. Monday, December 31,2001 Report Supplied By USDA CATTLE 104...(SUPPLIED BY THE AUCTION). COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 38.00- 42.50, Boners 80-85% lean 34.00-38.50, Lean 85-90% lean 20.00-35.00. Shells 20.00 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1075-2085 lbs 52.50-53.00, Yield Grade 2 1035 lbs 36.00-45.00. CALVES 188...(A1I calves sold per cwt). VEALERS: Utility 50-95 lbs 7.00- 37.50. FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 97.50-135.00, No 2 75- 115 lbs 70.00-105.00; No 1 Holstein heif ers 80-125 lbs 450.00-510.00, No 2 75-95 lbs 165.00-300.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 75-115 lbs 125.00-175.00. HOGS 11...50W5: 1-3 345-560 lbs 29.50-34.00. BOARS: 630-840 lbs 9.50-10.50, one 245 lbs 34.00. FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! SHEEP 76... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 55-75 lbs 100.00-125.00,80-95 lbs 70.00-85.00. NEW CROP LAMBS: High Choice and Prime 100-135 lbs 70.00- 73.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 40.00- 46.00. GOATS 1...(AU sold by the head). Large Nanny 83.00. Union City Livestock Auction 814-438-3481 Union City Meadville Livestock Auction 814-763-2240 Conneautville Five-Area Weekly Average Direct Slaughter Cattle St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 31, 2001- USDA Market News Service Sales in Texas/Oklahoma; Kansas; Nebraska; Colorado; and lowa/Minnesota Feedlots for Week Ending Sunday, December 30, 2001 120,194 Week Ago Confirmed Sales R LIVI [AST SLAUGHTER STEERS Head Count Over 80% Choice 2,855 65-80% Choice 4,358 35-65% Choice 18,679 1-35% Choice 1.837 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Over 80% Choice 65-80% Choice 35-65% Choice 1-35% Choice DRESSED BASIS SALES SLAUGHTER STEERS Over 80% Choice 3.679 65-80% Choice 8,416 35-65% Choice 15,153 1-35% Choice 53 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Over 80% Choice 1,363 65-80% Choice 8,028 35-65% Choice 14,717 1-35% Choice 386 Weekly Accumulated Weigh Live Steer Live Heifer Dressed Steer Dressed Heife Week Aeo Wei One Live Steer Live Heifer Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer ANNUAL VEGETABLE GROWERS MEETING Thursday, January 10,2002 -12:30 to 3 p.m. at BAREVILLE FIREHALL, Bareville, PA Jeff Stoltzfus - will review vegetable test plot results from 2001 and discuss the latest varieties. Tim Elkner - will make pesticide credits available Leola Produce Auction, Inc. Wholesale Auction of Lancaster Co Vegetables Brethren Church Road Leola, PA 17540 Thank you to oil our sellers for OffiCG 717-656-9592 Lie. #AHOOOO2B-L 656-9580 | 3001 teuton. f. MAGISTRAL - For Men Only ( (Nature's Answer to Prostate Enlargement) Did You Know That... ? PROSTATE CANCER KILLS A MAN EVERY 15 MINUTES ! Saw Palmetto novo You Noticed Any of Those Signs - Yet ? Palm • Increased Urinary Frequency and Urgency - Especially at Night ? • Voiding is Slow, Incomplete, and Sometimes Painful or Burning ? • Decreased Sexual Activity and Occasional Impotence ? THEN YOU MAY ALREADY HAVE AN ENLARGED PROSTATE ! 60% of Men Over 40 Have an Enlarged Prostate - and may not know it I An enlarged prostate can turn into something more serious. ACT NOW, rather than later! TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH. PROTECT YOUR PROSTATE. MAGISTRAL - For Men 0n1y. .. offers o very powerful, fast-acting liquid herbal preparation. This profound male tonic may be taken for prevention, or to alleviate frustrating prostate symptoms. Magistral is a Natural Product (no side effects)! - Not a Drug (side effects) I We have sold Magistral to Men in Berks County, PA for over six jh months now We hove mony repeat customers here, because It has a six year { Magistral truly works for them. Most experienced o proven (rock record in mojor improvement within o week, - and mony a lower PSA Canada ■ and over CflH at Canoda H#fl|fh . R#odln PA . 20,000 doily users. M f or Free Info Pack on MAGISTRAL. 610-921-2450 OR 800-775-1335 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 5,2002-Al5 Weight Range 900-1,720 600 1,600 600-1,600 950-1,490 1,823 3,683 16,512 624 925-1,500 900-1,500 880-1,415 975-1,250 100 00-105 00 100 00-105 50 99 00-105 00 105 00- 105 00 575-1,064 574-1,065 520-1,050 725-1,025 513-1,032 100 00-105 00 530-1,016 100 00-108 00 478-1,041 100 00-105 00 546- 946 104 00-104 00 ited Averages (Beef Breeds! Head Count Avg. Weight 27,729 1,302 8 22,642 1,170 0 27,301 842 I 24.506 766 2 52,678 1,289 2 33,229 1,165 0 24,180 847 3 21,650 765 3 149,845 Avg. Price Weight 1,355 1,283 1,303 1.270 Range 61 50-66 00 63 00-66 00 61 00-65 50 63 00-64 00 1.236 1.237 1,151 1,091 62 50-66 00 62 00-66 00 62 00-65 50 64 00-64 00 103 56 104 00 103 85 105 00 866 852 831 875 103 54 103 85 104 00 104 00 786 767 765 746 Avg. Price 64 17 64 33 103 86 103 92 62 01 62 II 99 66 99 38 Avg, Price 64 44 64 63 64 05 63 92 65 I 8 64 77 64 15 64 00
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