Virginia Livestock Auctions Warrenton, Va. November 2,2000 Report Supplied By lISDA Dublin State Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Sale date; Nov 01,2000. Weighted Av erage. Receipts; 1326 (Steers 754; Heifers 572) Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 70 400-500 471 114.50-118.75 116.97 230 500-600 555 98.50-106.25 103.80 193 600-700 644 87.25-88.50 87.58 55 700-800 747 84.75-86.25 85.92. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 2 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 34 400-500 461 113.25 113.25 55 500-600 549 94.50-95.25 95.03 28 600- 700 644 84.25 84.25 9 700-800 755 81.00 81.00 Feeder Steers Small 1 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 20 400- 500 472 96.00-97.50 97.12 25 500-600 544 87.25-88.75 87.78 6 600-700 654 75.00-76.0075.67 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 7 300-400 391 107.50 107.50 68 400-500 466 91.50-94.50 92.56 160 500-600 554 88.25-93.00 91.51 82 600- 700 638 82.00-86.00 83.51 9 700-800 721 79.25 79.25 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 12 300-400 360 99.00-100.00 99.75 58 400-500 458 90.50-91.50 91.18 65 500-600 554 83.00-86.50 85.37 27 600- 700 640 77.50-79.75 79.42 8 700-800 752 68.25-75.75 72.26 Feeder Heifers Small 1 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 5 300-400 380 96.00 96.00 29 400-500 442 jeopardize J Mr your profits. Fixed payments reduce risk. Your Telmark lease payments are fixed throughout the term of the lease. You have asset use without the risk of fluctuating payments. Existing credit lines are not affected and you can establish your own flexible terms and payment schedule Ken Darlington Michele Bogucki Sue Beshore Andrew McLean Elizabeth Anderson PA,NJ,MD,VA,WV PA,NJ,MD,VA,WV PA.NJ MD.VA.WV Delmarva Delmarva 610-793-0150 717-244-3665 717-932-1715 410-827-5052 410-651-4128 Mike Dixon Mike Fullam Brenda Pfleegor Central PA,West MD Central PA Central PA 814-684-5707 570-966-9202 570-568-8440 82.00-85.00 84.04 25 500-600 538 70.50- 71.50 71.10 7 600-700 640 67.00-71.00 69.12. Virginia Livestock Auctions Richmond, Va. October 30,2000 Report Supplied By USDA Northern Virginia Livestock Auctions Fredericksburg, Front Royal, Mar shall, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Staun ton Union and Winchester for Oct 23-28, 2000 Feeder Cattle 2886 head Steers Med and Lge 1 Small 1 Med and Lge 2 200-300 102.00-120.00 - 93.00- 96.00 300-400103.00-124.00 97.00 99.00- 109.00 Few 95.50-101.00 - - 400-500 96.00- 75.00- 92.00 78.00-100.00 500-600 85.00-101.00 77.00- 91.25 81.00- 90.25 600-700 75.50- 94 50 71.50- 79.75 74.00- 86.00 700-800 75.50- 87.50 68.00- 72.00 73.00- 85.50 800-900 76.00- 87.75 - 73.00- 84.00 900-1000 67.25- 83.25 - 64.00- 74.00 1000-1100 67.50 63.75 61.00- Holstein Steers Med and Lge 2 200- 300 78.00- 85.00 300-500 75.50- 79.00 700-90060.50 Heifers Med and Lge 1 Small 1 Med and Lge 2 200-300 95.00 71.00 78.00- 96.00 300-400 85.00- 99.00 70.00- 80.00 84.00- 89.00 400-500 80.50- 93.75 65.00- 75.00 80.00- 87.00 500-600 77.00- 91.10 62.00- 75.00 68.00- 82.75 600-700 75.00- 85.00 - 69.00- 76.00 700-800 73.00- 76.50 63.00- 65.00 67.00- 75.00 800-900 68.00- 69.00- Bulls Med and Lge 1 Small 1 Med and Lge 2 200-300 98.00-111.00 64.00- 77.00 88.00- 300-400 96.00-114.00 77.00- 89.00 88.50-105.00 Few 93.00 - 82.50 400-500 90.50-104.00 70.00- 84.00 80.00- 97.50 500-600 80.00- 96.50 71.00- 75.00 75.00- 93 00 Few 70.00 - - 600-700 Don't f Fixed competitive payments ♦ Low upfront costs • Guaranteed “True Tax” or fixed purchase option lease available f* Professional on-site service from: <vw telmark com ® 800-451-3322 / ;: zf\ Joe Polite Lisa Sonnen Doug Snee Northwest PA Northeast PA, North NJ Southwest PA,WV 724-981-1324 717-866-9217 724-627-5941 67.50- 80.00 61.00- 66.00 68.00- 71.00 700-900 64.50- 75.50 - 60.00- 65.00 Slaughter Cattle 490 head Slaughter Cows 416 head Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4 34.00- 42.75 Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 31.50- 40.50 Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 25.00- 34.50 Slaughter Bulls 74 head YG 1-2 900- 1300 lbs 35.00- 47.75 YG 1-2 1300-1600 lbs 41.00- 52.75 YG 1-2 1600 lbs and Over 38.00-49.50 Cows Returned to Farms 112 head Large 1, 3-6 yrs old 2nd and 3rd trimes ter 710.00 per head. Medium and Large 1 few 2’s, all ages 780-1081 lbs bred 2-5 months 385.00-510.00 per head Medium and Large 1 few 2’s all ages 1190-1340 lbs bred 6-7 months 570.00-650.00 per head Cows With Calves at Side 9 pairs Medium and Large 1, 4-8 yrs old 860- 1360 lbs with calves 150-325 lbs 560.00- 800.00 per pair Baby Calves Returned to Farms 45 head Newborn to 4 weeks 18.00-100.00 per head Few Large 105.00- 137.00 per head Over 100 lbs 74.00- 120.00 per cwt Lambs 252 head Slaughter Lambs 169 head New Crop Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 98-114 lbs 66.75- 72.50 Good and Few Choice 1-2 88- 91 lbs 71.50- 85.50 Feeder Lambs 38 head Medium and Large 1-2 85-100 lbs 73.00 70- 85 lbs 69.25- 80.00 50- 60 lbs 75.00- 87.00 Slaughter Ewes and Rams 45 head Ewes Choice 2-4 25.00 Utility and Good 1-3 29.50 Cull and Low Utility 1-2 20.00 Slaughter Hogs 45 head Barrows and Gilts US 1-3 200-250 lbs 45.50- 47.50 US 2-4 250-300 lbs 32,00- 45.50 Sows US 1-3 300-500 lbs 28.00- 41.00 US 1-3 500 lbs and over 33.00. St. Louis Feeder Cattle Greenville, IL November 2,2000 Report Supplied By USDA Cattle and calves: 2005 head. Com pared to last week, slaughter steers and heifers were firm to 1.00, instances 2.00 higher, most advance on Select and Select and Choice grades of both classes. Holstein steers were steady. Supply mainly Choice and Select and Choice slaughter steers and heifers. Moderate supply of holstein steers. Total Receipts this week: 2005 Last week: n/r Last year: 1335 SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 975-1450 lbs 65.00-68.00, mostly 66.00- 68.00; few 1500-1600 lbs 64.00-65.00; Yield Grade 2-3 and Fancy 2-4 1050- 1525 lbs 68.00-70.00, Prime 2-4 1075- 1400 lbs 70.00-71.25, Select and Choice 2-3 1000-1425 lbs 63.00-66.00. Select 2-3 1000-1350 lbs 60.00-63.00, HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1350-1700 lbs 60.00-64.00; Select and Choice 2-3 1200-1675 lbs 57.00-60.00. Select 2-3 1050-1600 lbs 54.00-57.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 975-1350 lbs 65.00-68.00, mostly 66.00- 68.00; YG 2-3 and Fancy 2-4 975-1425 lbs 68.00-70.00; Select and Choice 2-3 950-1275 lbs 63.00-66.00. Select 2-3 950- 1200 lbs 60.00-63.00. HEIFERETTES: Few Medium and Large Frame 1075-1325 lbs 43.00-55.00. FEEDER CATTLE: 1400 head ‘Black Influence Special” Compared to the past few weeks, feeder steers and heifers were substancially higher. Overall quality well above normal with several large lots of 400-600 lb blacks. Large buyer atten dance. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large Frame 1: Thin: 200-300 lbs 110.00- 120.00 300-400 lbs 95.00-105.00, fancy 105.00-110.00 400-500 lbs 93.00-102.00, fancy 102.00-109.00 Couple large lots EARLY ORDER DISCOUNTS BEGAN NOVEMBER 1 Now is the time to order grain equipment! BIG SAVINGS provides personal (B 3service to every That keeps us one step ahead of the rest. • Weight-Tronix • Feed Bins Feed Mill »Wet Tanks • Transport Augers • Bucket Elevators • Stirring Systems • Utility Augers • Gram Bins • Air Drying Systems • Gram Dryers • Parts & Motors CgsJ> 4*smß4* AUTOMATIC BATCH OR CONTINUOUS FLOW GRAIN DRYERS Heavy Duty Grain Au£cr fully adjustable motormount Sale Prices r 4-xiv $149 /; B'xn $319 * $399 HEAVY DUTY 10 GA HEAVY DUTY SPIDER CAGE FLIGHTING 8' x 21' $539 GUARO ★Full Line Parts Dept.* ★Sell, Service & Install* * ft B - K i i Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 4, 2000-A9 440-460 lbs Preconditional 111.00 and 118.00 500-600 lbs 91.00-101.00, fancy 101.00- 600-700 lbs 86.00- 94.00, fancy 94.00- 96.00 700-800 lbs 83.00- 91.00 Moderately Fleshy: 300-400 lbs 88.00- 95.00 400-500 lbs 85.00- 93.00 500-600 lbs 83.00- 91.00 600-700 lbs 80.00- 86.00 Medium and Large Frame 1-2: 400-600 lbs 79.00- 87.00 Large Frame 2 Holsteins; 300-400 lbs 80.00- 89.00 400-500 lbs 73.00- 80.00 500-600 lbs 66.00-73.00 FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large Frame 1: Thin; 200-300 lbs 97.00- 107.00 300-400 lbs 93.00-100.00 400-SOO lbs 89.00- 95.00, fancy 95.00-98.00 500- 600 lbs 83.00- 90.00, fancy 90.00-92.00 600-700 lbs 78.00- 85.00 700-800 lbs 75.00- 81.00 Moderately Fleshy: 300-400 lbs 85.00- 93.00 400-500 lbs 83.00- 90.00 500-600 lbs 79.00- 84.00 600-700 lbs 75.00- 80.00 Medium and Large Frame 1-2:300-500 lbs 77.00- 85.00 Cow alf Pairs; Medium and Large Frame 2-10 yrs old with calf at side 410.00- 650.00/pair. Bred Cows; Large Frame 4-10 yrs old in 2nd and 3rd stage 450.00-700.00/hd. Medium to Large Frame 6-10 yrs old 350.00- Few small frame 300.00-350.00/hd. Slaughter Cows and Bulls; 175 head. Compared to last week, cows were gen erally steady. Bulls were firm to 1.00 higher. SLAUGHTER COWS- % Lean Weight Price Breakers 75-80 % 850-1200 lbs 34.00-38.00 Boners 85-90 % 850-1200 lbs 36.00-40.00 High Yielding 85-90 % over 1100 lbs 38.00-42.00 Lean 85-90 % 850-1200 lbs 32.00-35.00 90-95 % 750- 850 lbs 28.00-32.00 90-95 % under 750 lbs 24.00-28.00 BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1075-1600 lbs 43.00-47.00, Low Yielding 40,00- 43.00. Yield Grade 1 1200-2000 lbs 47.00-48.50. E/HHERR F‘ * 4 i .. L,.‘ r I ‘-“2XO ■ x r HEAVY DUTY 3/4 THREADED HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT 14 GA GALVANIZED TUBING DURABLE DURABLE ONE PIECE ABSSPOIJI POWDER COAT MOTOR MOUNT LONG LASTING Approx. 5 ml. South of Lancaster on Rt. 272 14 Herrville Road Willow Street, PA 17584 Ph. 717-464-3321 or Toll Free 800-732-0053 Mon.-Fn. 6:30 am to 8 pm Sat. 7.30 am to 6 pm Sun. Closed The Competitive Edge “Smart system” eliminates guesswork COMMERCIAL HEAVY DUTY SEALED BEARING 13 SIZE B 1 OR 2 GROOVE PULLEY ACE IS Hardware UPS Shipping Point Not responsible for typographical errors 11/4
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