All-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 4, 2000 fXtMJCs LrrrruJePlTWr Blood Month November was once known as Blot Monath, or “blood month,” because once the harvest was done and the days had turned cold, it was time for the annual slaughtering. According to The Old Farmer's Almanac’s month-by-month astrological timetables, the best times for this was around the date of the new Moon or when the Moon was in Virgo or ’ Full Moon dates (Nov 11 is ti year’s Full Beaver Moon) were noi considered favorable for livestock castration or slaughtering because the greater gravitationa. pull of the Moon was thought ti increase blood flow Even no many Almanac readers look Moon to determine the best times for cutting hair, start ing or ending projects, pruning crops, or going fishing The hostess of the sky, the Moon . -j c 4 h you’re going to be away, freeze leftover milk. When you return, thaw it out and it will taste as usual. Lentils and Lamb 2 pounds boned lamb 2 tablespoons olive oil jS POv 4 cups water 1-1/2 cups dried lentils 1 onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 bay leaf Cover and simmer for 2 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme hours Add carrots and (or 1/2 teaspoon dried) k cook for another 1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh 20 to 30 minutes, rosamsry L Makes 6 servings, teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 3 carrots, chopped ' United Feature Syndicate 200 Madison Ave ,o . „ ~c . , NYC. NY 10016 (Printed in the U S A ) (212-293-8500) PPS 1248 East Newport Road Litltz, PA 17543 717-626-5511 FAX 717-626-5098 website: • PRODUCTION Monday, Nov. 6th East Hanover (11am) and Gratz (6pm) Call For Information 717-626-5511 CW4004 4 GPM @ 4000 PSI 18 HP Briggs Vanguard Election Day, November 7 -John Davidson {1857 1909) Cut lamb into cubes and brown in oil in a large Mewpot Add water and lentils (no presoaking required), then add onion. garlic, and seasonings PROGRESSIVE PRESSURE SYSTEMS See Us At The SWINE MEETINGS (2) LP POWERED PRESSURE WASHERS Very Good Condition Mi-T-M Belt Driven Pumps 3500 psi & 4000 psi CATTLE 446...(PDA)..Compared with last week’s steers steady to to .25 higher with Holsteins 1.00 to 1.50 higher, cows unevenly steady, heifers steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1190-1355 lbs 70.00-72.25, Choice 2-3 1140-1435 lbs 66.25-70.00, few 1540-1550 lbs 64.50-66.50, Select 1-3 62.00- Standard 1-248.00-60.75. HOLSTEINS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1350-1585 lbs 63.25-65.25, Choice 2- 3 1200-1585 lbs 58.00-62.50, Select 1-2 52.00- few Standard 1-2 41.00- 49.25. OLD FARMER’S WEATHER PROVERBS if ducks Jo slide at Hollantide (Nov. 11), at Christmas HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 1050-1460 lbs 63.25-70.00 mostly 64.00-69.50, Select 1- 3 60.00-64.25, one Yield Grade 1 70.75, Standard 1-2 50.00-60.50. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 37.75- 43 75, Boners 80-85% lean 35.00-40.75, Lean 85-90% lean 30.00-38.75, bulk of sales 32.00-37.25. Shells 27.75 and down. BULLS; few Yield Grade 1 1120-1470 lbs 47.00-47.50, Yield Grade 2 1075-1700 lbs 41.00-45 00 they will swim. if ducks do FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS' Medium and Large 1 520-670 lbs 74.00- 79.00, one 980 lbs 66.00, Medium and Large 2 270-455 lbs 62.00-73.00, 515-640 lbs 43.00-46.00, 735-835 lbs 52.00-66.00; HEIFERS. Medium and Large 1 395-490 lbs 62.00-66.50, 645-720 lbs 65.50-71.50, 770-930 lbs 51.00-54.00, Medium and Large 2 320-360 lbs 48.00-59.00,500-670 lbs 48.50-54.50, 775-940 lbs 42.00-48.00; BULLS: Medium and Large 1 480-490 lbs 75.50-76.00, 525-655 lbs 64.00-66.50, few 704-725 lbs 55.00-61.50, Medium swim at Hollantide, at Christmas they will slide. : Special Offer Handy chart full ot interesting weather proverbs Send $3 to Weather Chart, Dept UF, The Old Farmer's Almanac, P 0 Box 520, Dublin, NH 03444, or call toll-free 800-895-9265, ext. 220, to order Middleburg Livestock Auction Middleburg, Pa. Tuesday, Oct. 31,2000 Report Supplied By USDA and Large 2 270-425 lbs 54.00-60.00, 500-555 lbs 49.50-53.50. CALVES 228...VEALERS: Standard and Good 75-105 lbs 35.00-60.00, Utility 55-75 lbs 10.00-30.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls steady with lighter weights to 10.00 higher, Holstein heifers steady...No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 110.00-150.00 bulk of sales 100.00-145.00, 80-90 lbs 105.00- No 2 80-120 lbs 50.00- 110.00; No 1 Holstein heifers 85-115 lbs 280.00- No 2 65-110 lbs 105.00- 240.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 80-110 lbs 145.00-182.00. HOGS 130...(10 3 /i0 & 310)..8u1k of supply sold on Monday and reported by the auction. Barrows and gilts .25 to .50 lower, sows 2.00 to 4.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: one lot 49- 54% lean 260 lbs 41.50,45-50% lean 230- 275 lbs 35.25-38.50,40-45% lean 285-330 lbs 33.00-41.00. SOWS: US 1-3 300-459 lbs 24 00-32.50 mostly 24.00-29.50, 500-680 lbs 26.00- 30.75. BOARS: 520-810 lbs 12.75-14.25. FEEDER PIGS 90... US 1-3 25-50 lbs 6.00-16.00, Utility 40-65 lbs 2.00-10.00 per head. SHEEP 34... Slaughter lambs 2 00 to 5.00 higher. SLAUGHTER LAMBS' Choice 70-85 lbs 75.00-99.00, 90-95 lbs 80.00- 100-110 lbs 70 00-79 00, Good and Choice 65-90 lbs 64.00-80.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 20.00-39.00 GOATS 23...(A1l sold by the head). Large Billies 60.00-92.00, Large Nannies 40.00- Large Kids 25.00-38 00, Small 10.00-14.00. Friend’s Stockyard, Inc. Accident, Md. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, Oct. 30,2000 STOCK STEERS AND BULLS 200- 500 LBS. 50.00-106.00. STOCK HEIFERS 200-500 LBS. 66.00-94.00. SLAUGHTER STEERS GOOD TO CHOICE 65.00-71.00, MEDIUM TO GOOD 52.00-64.50, HEAVY CHOICE OVER 1450 LBS. 61.00-64.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS HEAVY CHOICE 5175-55.50, LIGHT 50.00- 70.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS GOOD TO CHOICE 65.00-68.75, MEDIUM TO GOOD 45.00-64.50. BULLS HEAVY 45.00-53.25, LIGHT 40.00-54.50. COWS UTILITY (HOLSTEINS) 38.50-41.75, COMMERCIAL TO GOOD 30.00-37.50, CULL COWS 30.00 AND DOWN. VEALS GOOD TO CHOICE 50.00- 86.00, MED. TO GOOD 50.00-67.00. 808 CALVES 50.00 AND DOWN. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES RETURN TO FARM 90-120 LBS. UP TO 138.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES RETURN TO FARM 90-120 LBS. UP TO 350.00; BEEF CROSS CALVES RETURN TO FARM UP TO 175.00. HOGS, TOP QUALITY, UP TO 42.00. SOWS UP TO 35.00. LAMBS, CHOICE, UP TO 79.00. LIVESTOCK PRICES ARE ALL GIVEN PER HUNDRED WEIGHTS.
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