C2B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 21, 2000 s KELLER’S FARM MACHINERY 1 Ui Rtchlandtown Pike. Quakertown. P\ 215-536-4046 k' Ford 3930,4x4 w/loader Ford 4630, 4x4 cab & Ford loader Ford 1210,4x4 w/5’ belly mower Ford 1310 w/loader Ford 345 C, 4x4 w/loader, 3 pt. PTO Ford 8770, 4x4 w/cab, duals, super steer Ford 8670, 4x4, cab, duals, super steer Ford 1620 4x4, w/Ford belly mower Ford 655 A 4x4 w/cab loader & backhoe Ford 800 w/LPTO Ford 2810, 8 spd, PS Ford 2000,4 spd, PS Ford 445 D loader & cab, New Ford 5000 D 8 Speed, PS Ford 2600, PS, live PTO Ford 601 rebuilt & repainted IH 444 w/loader, 3 pt., PS AC WD, new paint Case 1845 C Skid Loader Satoh 650 G w/loader Kubota 89200 4x4 w/loader & belly mower Kubota 820 4x4 w/loader & backhoe MF 135 D, PS, Live PTO NI #lO Corn Picker CHARLES S. SNYDER, INC. RR3, BOX 109 1 MILE EAST OF RT. 309 ON RT. 443 TAMAQUA, PA 18252 PHONE: 570-386-5945 MON. THRU FRI. 8:00 A.M.TO 5:00 P.M. FAX 570-386-4080 SAT. 8:00 AM TO 12:00 MW HOLLAND WEB SITE- www.cssnyder.com • EMAIL cssnyder@ptd.net Tag# 11088 11077 11036 10821 10762 10726 10668 Make Ford Ford NH Case Ford NH Case Tag# Make 11097 Gehl 11094 NH 11092 NH 11086 NH 11064 NH 10937 NH 10931 NH 10846 Clark Forklift 10800 Thomas 10783 NH 10616 Ford 10554 Commander SHIP PARTS UPS DAILY | TRACTORS Hours Model 7635 3930 7710 4955 TW-20 3415 6600 5610 8670 6635 INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS Hours 2260 515 1923 3142 2394 456 4032 Model 5558 655 E 555 E WI4H 801 SOS 655 E 580 D SKID LOADERS Year Model 5L6635 LX665 L 555 1255 LXBBS L 778 L 785 Y4O 103 L 555 CL2S CBOOO HAYBINES Model 489 MC2245 488 489 408 492 499 1600 469 411 JD 7700 Hirbo Combine, Hydro, Excellent Condition 57,500 Call (814) 793-3672 (814) 793-3053 Description 4WD Cab w/Loader 2WD Foldable ROPS, 2 Rear Remotes 2WD Cab, Series 11,3 Remotes 4WD Cab, 1000 PTO 2WD Cab, 3 Remotes 2WD AG 12 Speed Live PTO W/Cab 2 Remotes Weights Front & Back 2WD Cab w/AC, ABD Dual Power 4WD Cab, Super Steer 4WD Cab 24x12 Dual Power w/Loader PTOHP Description TLB 2WD Cab Std Hoe TLB 4WD Cab Ext Hoe, 4 Lever TLB 4WD Cab Std. Hoe Wheel Loader w/Clam Bucket TLB Gas 4WD Cab Ext. Hoe 2 Lever TLB Cab 4WD Ext. Hoe Description Skid Loader, Turbo, 76” Bucket Skid Loader Skid Loader Skid Loader Diesel Hours 1373 791 3173 1656 2160 2787 2616 2116 420 2921 2581 1114 Skid Loader, No Bucket Gas Water Cooled Engine Skid Loader Propane 48” Forks Kubota Engine 60” Bucket & Pallet Forks w/Bucket Diesel w/Ford Engine Rubber Track Crawler Description Haybme Standard Guard w/Lift Cylinder Gooseneck Mower Conditioner Haybme Standard Guard Standard Guard Haybine 540 PTO Discbme Standard Guard w/Hyd Tongue Swing Stub Guard Hydro Swing Stub Guard Hydro Swing 12' Standard Guard Bad Roll 1000 PTO g* One of Lancaster County’s iigpr Largest Selection Jffimfk of Farm Toys Collectables, Precision Classics Pedal TVactors, Caps, etc GASOLINE CONDITIONER & STABILIZER TY14977 DIESEL FUEL WINTER CONDITIONER TY1623 8 MW HOLLAND FARM EQUIPMENT John Deere EQUIPMENT DEALER FOR OVER 100 YEARS :ailroad Ave. New Holland, PA 17557 Telephone (7 Fax (717) 354-5159 Call Toll Free 1 (800) 346-8319 Visit Our Website: www.abci STEERING WHEEL SPINNER $9.17 TY16020 John Deere HyGard HYD & TRANSMISSION OIL AR69445 55 Gal. Drum Sis ■ ■ New Holland 134 HYDRAULIC OIL 9613309 55 Gal. Drum AGRICULTURAL • INDUSTRIAL • LAWN & GARDEN SALES • PARTS • SERVICE • RENTALS ATTACHMENTS SPECIALIST FOR ALL BRANDS ti OF TRACTORS & SKID STEER LOADERS 1 HARPI Earth Force The World's Most Powerful Compact Backhoe Loaders d The Earth Force company is a part of the SUPERSTAV group of companies that are Dutch and American owned. Earth Force is the undisputed world leader in compact backhoe loaders. Earth Force backhoe loaders are the result of years of develop ment and millions of dollars of investment m design, testing, manufacturing facilities, and quality systems utilizing the best components available in the world. More and more people in industries like yours are discovering the value of these unique compact machines. Size does matter! These backhoe loaders can be transported easily behind a pickup truck on a trailer. Because of compact size and features like four wheel steering and side shift backhoes they are extremely maneuverable and able to access and dig in areas that full size machines wouldn't dream of. Performance, how ever, was not compromised as these machines have amazing digging depth and load carrying capacities for machines of their class. We invite you to experience how these machines could make your work more efficient and profit able. Call now to arrange for a demonstration at your work site. BUSH HOG* EF-1 25 HP Gas, 9' Backhoe, 2-Wheel Dnve EF-3 34 5 HP Kubota Diesel, with ift, 4-Wheel mg South Railroad Av«. ~ <„ ~ ' ■ 'land; PA 17557. *. Friday jkf Mr-* ’ tSaWiday 7:30f-Noo'h ’ . -j., . . tr w*b*rft»: & f£W HOLLAND 'roff.com ,80z.51.97 i 6 oz. $4.57 $239.95 (Drum) $223.95 (Drum) i'.'L'aJ I - t L kc. -ft ' P-.- ' Demo $14,900 Demo $29,900 Diesel, with 11 ft Demo $32,900 ihift, 4-Wheel rel Steering
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