Additional KILE Sheep Results (Continued from Page Al 9) Class 338-Sale bred ewe one year and under two: 1. James H. Hefner. 2. James H. Hefner. 3. idle Acres Suffolk. Class 339-One year and under two ewe: 1 . Breezeview Farm. 2. Wind Valley Farm. 3! Wind Valley Farm. Class 340-Pair of yearling ewes: 1. Wind Valley Farm. 2. Breezeview Farm. 3. Spin ning Acres. Class 341-Sale fall ewe lamb: 1. Mitchell Estock. 2. James H. Hefner. Class 342-FaH lamb ewe: 1. Keith McConnell. 2. Richard Feasley. 3. Richard Feasley. a ass 343-Sale spring ewe lamb: 1. Pine Haven Farm. 2. Windy Acres Suffolks. 3. Hilltop Haven. Class 344-Early spring lamb ewe; 1. Wind Valley Farm. 2. Breezeview Farm. 3. Shane M. Conaway. HULK. If DOES A BODY GOOD.' Versatile; ■ Quick and easy to install ■ Variety of design possibilities ■ Existing fences can be electrified Daniel’s Farm Store 324 Glen brook Road r TOAII Artl DHAADF new/USED/rental 1 32 AND lVcoons | L| Q UID MANURE EQUIPMENT AmonmiLS woven wmvammpms ®pw@oa v® ms® ©aMs am® ©®bo©psw [paw wp v® a& ®ssp 7 ' Class 345-Late spring lamb ewe: 1. Shane M. Conaway. 2. Sassafrass Hill. 3. Botsford Farm. Class 346-Pair of ewe lambs: 1. Shane M. Conaway. 2. Breezeview Farm. 3. Wind Valley Farm. Class 347-Champion sale ewe: James H. Hefner. Class 348-Reserve champion sale ewe: Mitchell Estock. Class 349-Champion ewe: Shane M. Conaway. Class 350-Reserve champion ewe; Breezeview Farm. Class 351 -Exhibitor's flock: 1. Breezev iew Farm. 2. Wind Valley Farm. 3. Spinning Acres. Class 352-Premier exhibitor; 1. Breezev iew Farm. Class 353-Premier breeder 1. Breezev iew Farm. Permanent or Portable Leola, PA 17540 717-656-6982 FARM EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL Houle 4800 Gal. Spreader 28Lx26, Brakes, Lights, 2000 RENTAL - $14,700 Spreaders Houle 6300 Gal. Spreader 28Lx26 Tires, Steering, Brakes, Lights, NEW Houle 5250 Gal. Spreader w/Steering 28Lx26 Tires, Brakes, Lights, 1997 Houle 4300 Gal. Spreader, 28Lx26 Tires, Brakes, Lights, 2000 RENTAL I Calumet 3750 Gal. Vacuum Tank w/lnjectors, 23.1x26 Tires, RENTAL Houle 3600 Gal. Spreader w/Dlsc Incorporators, 23.1x26,1999 Rental Calumet 1500 Gal. Vacuum Tank, 14.Lx 16.1 Tires, NEW AN! Pumps Houle 32 ft. Regular & Multi Purpose Lagoon Pumps Call Houle 10 ft Vertical Trailer Agi-Pump 2000 Rental 56,900 Houle 32 ft. Multi-Purpose Lagoon Pump, H.D. Driveline, 8” Fill Pipe, NEW mim II "We're Here Tv Serve You' I SNOOK’S EQUIPMENT II RD 3, Box 130, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 I 570-966-2736 Ask For Ernest or Dean Steel To CARLISID (Cumberland Co.) - The president (Master) of the Pennsylvania State Grange will open the 128th edition of the Pennsylvania State Grange con vention by reviewing the past year’s accomplishments while offering a vision toward the future to about 800 Grangers during the first full day of the State Session. The Pennsylvania State Grange convention runs Oct. 21- 24 in Carlisle, Cumberland County. The convention is being hosted by the members of the 34 $14,300 $17,900 $12,800 Open Grange Convention Granges in Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Juniata, Lancaster, Mifflin, Perry and York counties. Bill Steel said one of the strengths of the Pennsylvania State Grange, with over 25,000 members, is its legislative branch and grass-roots policies that govern the Grange and influence decisions on Capitol Hill. (Continued from Pago AID) and use of funds • Producers (rank and file) that serve on national and state committees that recommend and oversee the use of funds from production to consumer promotion issues • Polling of producer con cerns, issues, and priorities to be used in the decision process of how to spend funds • Independent economic analysis that determined at least a five-to-one return on invest ment to producers for their pork checkoff investment • Market and packer audits that make sure everyone pays their fair share, including verti cally owned production • USDA Inspector General audits that found “no loss or misuse of funds” and that “pro grams benefit all sizes of pro ducers” Boosts Your Efficiency and Products with these Innovative Products... Call The Pax QUICK-START™ pan feeding system grows chicks into FINISHED broilers efficiently. Start chicks with the feeder resting on the floor and the feed pan entirely filled. The Pax QUICK-START™ pan provides easy access to plenty of fresh feed - with no accumulation of stale feed in the drop tube - attracting even the smallest chicks to begin feeding right away. Call $9,050 ON THE FLOOR With lha laadar rasting lava) tuba i» rawad to praaanUaad at tha antira pan without ovar fllßng Hka othar typical flood faadart CALL Zeiset Equipment I A I is 2187 North Penryn Rd., Manheim, PA 17545 Phone (717) 665-4056 Fax (717) 665-2240 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 14, 2000- A29 WINCHED Whan tho faedar it winehad thafaadiaval Flexible Auger for Low Volume, Standard Volume, High Volume, kh as well as High IN* Moisture (up to 25°) tuba automatlcaly low ar» to your pra-salactad brushing iaval and pellet applications Some of the legis ative accomplishments of the Grange in 2000 include drought relief funding; land use/growth man agement legislation; stopping burdensome federal regulations on the agricultural and forest industries; securing funding in the state budget for rural Pennsylvanians; and creation of a stray voltage pilot program. • Independent CPA audits of national and state programs • Required documentation from retail and foodservice part ners .that reports incremental sales increases from promo tional efforts • The provision for a pro ducer referendum at any time where IS percent of bonafide producers petition the USDA. This is not an exhaustive list; however, it should provide a feel that the pork checkoff program is run in a business-like manner by business-oriented producers. Doing the right thing in an ef ficient and effective way also contributes to producer satisfac tion and accountability. The pork checkoff was created by and is overseen by pork produc ers for pork producers. John Kellogg Yorkville, 111. President, National Pork Board Feed Storage and Delivery Systems
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