T i a £ h 7 rr FRI OCT 20 - 7PM Graded Feeder Sale Belleville Livestock market, Belleville Pa FRI OCT 20 - 7 PM Horse Sale New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St. New Holland, Pa FRI OCT 20 - 7 30PM Allegeny- Sleuben Co Holstein Club Sale at Club building in Camsteo NY by Fraley Auction Co SAT OCT 21 New England Convention Sale at the 3 county Fairgrounds, Northampton Ma over 80 quality Holstems from New Englands most respected breeders Co-Managed w/Camelol Cattle Co The Cattle Exchange WED OCT 25 - 9AM Farm Equip, Tractors, Truck Lots To be held at Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave Leola, Lane CO. Pa 717-656-2947 WED OCT 25 11 AM Show Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Pa The Sussex County Farm and Horse Show The New Jersey State Fair August 4 thru 13, 2000 We will hold Open Livestock Shows: Beef, Dairy, Flowers, Goats, Llamas, Potbellied Pigs, Poultry, Sheep, Swine and Vegetables. For more information please call 973-948-5500 ext 222. Bring your family and enjoy New Jersey’s best fan' Website: www.newjerseystatefair.org The Sussex County Farm and Horse Show P.O. Box 600 Augusta, N.J. 07822 BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET HERD DISPERSAL WED., JULY 19, 2000 1:30 PM We will be selling on consignment a 66 cow herd consisting of 47 milking cows, 12 dry cows, and 7 bred heifers. 20 head have been fresh in the last 2 months and 14 more are due for fall. This is a big fancy herd of cows aver aging 65 lbs per'day with a 3.8 ave. butterfat test. As always these cattle will be pregnancy checked in our barn by our vet. For more info: Gene Click (717) 667-2703 Sale Barn (717) 935-2146 THURS OCT 26 - 11 AM Rice crest Holstems Select Sale 11, Chambersburg Pa The Cattle Exchange FRI OCT 27-IPM State Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle Pa FRI OCT 27 - 7PM Feeder Cat tle Sales Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange, Canandaigua, NY SAT OCT 28 Support for Prison Ministries Benefit Auction at Farmersville Auction Aaron E Martin Auction Service SAT OCT 28- Horse Sale 8 30AM Tack, 11AM Horses Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc. Middleburg, Pa SAT OCT 28 -10 AM Fall Heifer Sale Belleville Livestock market Belleville, Pa SAT OCT 28- 11AM NY Hol stein Harvest Sale, Ithaca nY 100 of NY State’s Finest Hol slems The Cattle Exchange Dairy and Livestock Sales NOVEMBER WED NOV 1 - 9AM Lumber & Building Supplies To be held at Wolgemuth Auction 109 N Maple Ave, Leola Lane Co Pa 717- 656-2947 FRI NOV 3 Graded Feeder Sale 7 PM Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales Inc Middleburg, FRI NOV 3 - 7PM Feeder Cattle Sales Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange, Canandaigua NY SAT NOV 4 - 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mels Stables 834 Wallace Rd New Holland PA Mel Hoover Auctioneer TUBS , NOV 7 - Fat Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle PA _ TUES NOV 7- 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle PA FRI NOV 10 - Dairy Sale 12 Noon Middleburg Livestock Auc Hon Sales, Inc, Middleburg Pa_ FRI NOV 10- IPM State Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle Pa FRI NOV 10-6 PM Feeder Sale New Holland Sales Stables 101 W_Fu|tgn St JMew Holland Pa SAT NOV 11 - Public auction of real estate 50 acre farm & per ESTATE AUCTION William and Betty Lang SAT., JULY 22, 2000 9:00 AM Located 3 miles West of McConnellstown on Vineyard Creek Lane off Hartslog Valley Road in Huntingdon County, PA Watch lor signs Off Route 26 ANTIQUES: Early dovetailed cradle. Magnifi cent 2-door wall cupboard in early yellow mus tard paint; Rare one handled decorated Cowden & Wilcox ciock. Other crocks; Victorian marble top stand. Queen heart oil lamp; Pink drape night lamp; Bennington cuspidor; Redware cup, Apple peeler. Piano stool. Baskets, Carnival glass, Railroad lantern. Hanging oil lamp. Sad irons. Stereo scope; Gramteware in gray, green and blue. Area braided rugs; Horse drawn sleigh, Oak stand; Oak sideboard; Blanket chest, Germany Valley coverlet, German doll house. Toy wooden bams and animals. Handleless cups; Eldredge treadle sewing machine; Ladies oak secretary desk; Boston rocker, Decorated plank bottom chair, Nippon items, McCaskey adding machine and other antiques A good line of general household and kitchen related items and much more Dale Gibboney & Glenn Metz, Auctioneers AU33SL - AU2242L - 814-667-3403 Executors: Randy Lang 814-627-3458 Mike Lang 814-627-0899 Terms: Cash or Good PA Check with PA Photo ID. Food Stand. Job Johnny on site. DENNIS K®LB LANCASTER, PA V V FRESH COWS/BBED HEIFERS > GRADE » REGISTERED 4 \ STOCK BULLS -G GOOD HERD AVAILABLE! The Next Public Auction, Lancaste^PA THURSDAY, August 3, 2000 7:30 P.M. 4- Phone 717-569-6800 - Dennis Kolb 717-569-2106 Sale Manager: Dennis Kolb Pedigrees: Daniel Albright Auctioneer: Paul Snyder (AU-000873-L) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15, 2000-839 sonal property, 490 Hahnstown Rd Ephrata E Cocalico Twp Lane Co By John W sensemg Estate, Kline, Kreider & Good Aucts 733-1006 SAT NOV 11 11AM Feeder Cattle Sales Finger Lakes Live stock Exchange Canandaigua, NY __ WED NOV 15 & THURS NOV 16 - 8 30AM Wed Lawn & Gar den Tractors misc items Thurs Misc items, tires, posts, etc Farm Equp & tractors 6 miles S of Chambersburg Pa 1 mi E of manon just E off I 81 at Marion alonrj Rt 914 Marion Auction Service FRI NOV 17 - Equipment Sale 9 AM Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales Inc, Middleburg, Pa FRI NOV 17-FeederSale7PM Middleburg Livestock Auction Sajes Inc MiddleburcpPa FRI NOV 17 7PM Horse Sale New Holland Sales Stables 101 W Fulton St New Holland Pa SAT NOV 18 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mel's Stables, 834 Wallace Rd New Holland PA Mel Hoover Auctioneer SAT NOV 18 11 AM The Pride of Plushanski Farms Kutztown, Pa The Cattle Exchange SAT NOV 18 12PM The Quest lor Excellence Intercourse Pa 80 Elite lots featuring contract cows & heifers & ET Choices The Cattle Exchange TUES NOV 21 - Fat Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle PA TUES NOV 21 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd Carljsle PA WED NOV 22 9AM Farm Equip Tractors Truck Lots Spe cial Antique Tractors To be held at Wolgemuth Auction 109 N Maple Ave Leola Lane Co Pa 717 656 2947 FRI NOV 24 10AM Beef Sale 10 30AM Goal Sale 6 PM Feeder Sale New Holland Sales Stables 101 W Fulton St New Holland Pa FRI NOV 24 IPM State Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle Pa SAT NOV 25 Horse Sale 8 30AM Tack 11 AM Horses Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales Inc Middleburg Pa DECEMBER FRI DEC 1 7PM Horse Sale New Holland Sales Stables 101 W Fulton SI New Holland Pa FRI DEC 1 ■ 7 PM Feeder Cattle Sales Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange Canandaigua NY SAT DEC 2 8 30AM Horse 10AM Mels Stables 834 Wallace Rd New Holland PA Mel Hoover Auctioneer TUES DEC 5 Fat Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle PA WED DEC 6 9AM Lumber & Building Supplies To be held at Wolgemuth Auction 109 N Maple Ave Leola Lane Co Pa 717 656 2947 FRI DEC 8 Welk Shade Hoi steins Complete Dispersal Quar ryville Pa 100 Top Holstems BAA 109 4°o The Cattle Exchange FRI DEC 8 Dairy Sale 12 Noon Middleburg Livestock Auc lion Sales Inc Middleburg Pa SAT DEC 9 Canadian Influence Sale Intercourse Pa The Cattle Exchange TUES DEC 12 Christmas Sale Goats Lambs Sheep Carlisle Livestock Mkt Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle PA FRI DEC 15 IPM State Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle Pa SAT DEC 16 8 30AM Horse 10AM Mels Stables 834 Wallace Rd New Holland PA Mel Hoover Auctioneer TUES DEC 19-ChristmasSale Goats Lambs Sheep Carlisle Livestock Mkt Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle PA TUES DEC 19 Fat Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle. PA IDES DEC 19 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Rd_Car|iste PA A/ED DEC 20 & THURS DEC 21 - 8 30AM Wed Lawn & Gar den Tractors misc items Thurs Misc items tires posts etc Farm Equp & tractors 6 miles S of Chambersburg Pa 1 mi E of •nation just E off 1-81 at Marion along Rt 914 Marion Auction Service SAT DEC 30 ■ Horse Sale 3 30AM Tack, 11AM Horses Mid dleburg Livestock Auction Sales me Middlebjjrg Pa
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