PUBLIC ESTATE AUCTION SAT., AUGUST 12, 2000 9:00 AM Located in Perry Co. Wheatfield Twp. RD2. 100 Paradise Rd. Duncannon, Pa. Directions from Duncannon - Follow Rt. 849 west to Bruce’s Furniture Store. Approx. 1/4 mi. west of the store turn left onto Paradise Rd. (on horseshoe curve). Go 2 miles to auction on right, or take Rt. 274 west from Duncannon approx. 3 miles, turn right onto Paradise Rd. and go approx. 3 miles to auction on left (near Wright’s Used Autos). REAL ESTATE (12 noon) Located on a 1.99 ac wooded lot is 1 yr. old. 3- level semi “A” frame home boasting 26005 q. ft. of living space containing 2-BR’s (the potential for additional Br’s). 2-baths, Ig. eat-in kitchen w/adjoimng dining room. 2-car garage, a detached 24’x24’ deck w/18 jet hot tub. Must see to appre ciate Shown by appointment only. Call 717 834- 5270. Terms- 10% down the day of auction. The balance due at settlement. Offered w/reserve. AUTO-BACKHOE-TRACTOR-TOOLS GUNS-KNIVES-MUSIC-VCR TAPES APPLIANCES-FURNITURE-HOUSEHOLD The Marvin F. Parson Estate Thomas W. Parson, Executor . Nevin tyM) AU 2553-L FAHNESjOCK’S 582- f 245- 8565 Auction Service 2727 PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., JULY 29 -10 AM The following 4 tracts of land situate in Adams Co., Reading Twp., East Berlin, PA will be sold at auction - Sale to be held on site - 640 Rife Road, East Berlin, PA. DIRECTIONS: From East Berlin Square take Harrisburg St. Rt. 194 N 1/2 mile turn left on Rife Road go 1-1/3 miles to tract #2 on left where auction will be held. ABSOLUTE AUCTION (4 TRACTS) IN ADAM! TOR] TRACT #1 - containing approx. 90-1/2 acres more or less unimproved, however, having approx. 10 wooded acres. The whole tract fronts on 3 roads. (Rife, Anthony & Fish & Game Rd.), Total road frontage is approx. 2111’. (Rife Road 775’), (Anthony Road 938’), Fish & Game Rd. 398’), with existing aluminum clad building approx. 40x146. (Current grain bin on site is excluded from sale). TRACT #2-A - CONTAINING A WARE- TLDTNG - Known as 640 Rife Road situate on approx. 24 acres more or less fronting on Rife Road 411’ x 1606 x 1361 x 116 x 172 x 87 x 25 x 141 x 565. This tract has been perked and probed and has an existing con ventional septic system used for the warehouse building. The warehouse is 49’x99’ with concrete floor and loading dock w>s overhead doors. Building is totally insulated having 3 phase elec tric, 25’ ceiling height, 48x46 shop area w/con crete floor and 8’ ceiling height, 30’x48’ part fin ished office area or other possible use on concrete. 17’6” x 24’ finished office area. Also 2 Poultry buildings. One approx. 43 x 400’ and the other 43 x 365’. OULTRY B 1 TRACT #3-A - Known as 850 Rife Road, East Berlin, PA unimproved containing approx. 4.675 acres perked and probed known as Lot 3-A fronting on Rife Road. 213 x 729 x 403 x 519 x 304 x 62 situate in Reading Twp., Adams Co., PA. TRACT #9 - Known as 805 Fish and Game Road containing 1.167 acres more or less unimproved, however, been perked and probe approved for sandmound system. Fronting on Fish and Game Road approx. 220’ x 269’ x 159’ x 259’, Reading Twp., East Berlin, PA, Adams County. For Inspection of part or all tracts. Call William McQueen 717-259-0657. TERMS: PAYMENT REQUIREMENT: 10% Down on Sale Day with personal check and hav ing letter of credit from bank unless prior cus tomer. Settlement within 45 Days - Other Terms at Time of Sale. ATTORNEY: William F. Hoffmeyer AUCTIONEER: Randy L. Milker . PA-AU-002095-L AUCTION HELD AT: The 49x99 Warehouse on Site - (640 Rife Road, East Berlin, PA) ' “ NOTE: All bidders will need to register for a number of bid. There are plot plans and seller dis closures available for all tracts for buyer review. For Plot Plans or Seller Disclosures - Call Bill at (717) 259-0657 or Randy at (717) 633-5092. IQ. - EAST BERLIN Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. PUBLIC AUCTION Of CLEAN LINE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS Sat., July 22, 2000 Sale at 9:00 A.M. Located at 43 Highland Dr., Lancaster. Turn off Rt. 340 near High Steel on Highland Dr. to sale. Lane. Co., PA. Pine extension table w/1 board, 4 Windsor type chairs, 54” pine hutch, 3 pc living room suite, two matching rocker reclmers, cher ry drop leaf coffee table, 36" corner cupboard, 4 pc dark pine bedroom suite, boxspring & mattress, Lane cedar chest deacon bench, 5 pc wooden kitchen set w/ext table, knee-hole desk, small tables, Duncan Phyfe table, modern marble top stand, metal file cabinet, wood wardrobe, 2 door metal utility cabinets, lawn furniture, glider, 28" console TV, RCA 20" TV, small Zenith TV, TV stand, fllor & table lamps, pictures, Christmas items, Health O-Meter bath scales, costume jewelry APPLIANCES: Maytag washer & dryer, two Eureka tank type sweepers, small appliances, bedding & linens, faneywork, afghan GLASSWARE: Pressed glass, Liberty Blue Betsy Ross pcs 3 pc wine set. opalscent glass, cake stand, milk glass console set, sherbets, goblets, Roseville 2 handle vase, Jardiniere, old iron horse, flatware, tupperware, cooking utensils HAND & GARDEN TOOLS: New Delta mod 36 540 10" band saw, 4" vise, double wheel grinder, Cyclone & Scott seeders, wheelbarrow, 16’ ext ladder, 5’ & 6’ step ladder, bag wagon, gas leaf blower, elect weed eater, 5 gal wet S dry shop vac , elect drill, many other items not mentioned Terms by EDGAR W. & CATHERINE GLASS Aucts. Robert E., Jeffrey R., & Michael L. Martin 656-7770 AUOOOSBOL Lunch Available Randall L. Ranck No Out-of-State Checks PUBLIC SALE SAT., JULY 22, 2000 8:30 AM Real Estate, Tractors, Welder, Car and Household Goods From The Estate Of Chris and Norma Garrety, Located at 240 South Main St., Loganville, PA. REAL ESTATE 2 Story Brick home. Home has Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room and Room for a new Bath room on 1 St. floor, 4 Bedrooms, Bath and Sun room on 2nd. floor, Basement and Attic, New gas heat furnace and New Central air. Borough Sewer, City water and gas, 2 car garage. Large front porch and on a large lot. For inspection of Real Estate Call 741-3007 or 235-4146 for an Appt.,Terms of real estate: 10% day of sale. Bal. within 60 days, Real estate to be offered for sale at 12:30 P.M. TRACTORS and WELDER Lincoln Ranger #8 Welder, Air Compressor and Cutting torch outfit all in a Tandem axle closed in trailer to be sold as one unit, Cub Farmall with 5 ft Woods Belly mower, B Farmall tractor, w/cult., C Farmall tractor, David Bradley garden tractor w/snow blade, David Bradley plows, cult, harrow and cultipacker comb. 2 wheel trailer, Troy built rototiller. Craftsman 29” snow blower, rotary mower, string trimmer, push plow, hand tools, metal shelf, scroll saw, shop vac, bicycle, CAR and TRAILER 1967 Camaro car, 4 speed, 2 door, with 327 engine car is started to be restored, no seats, good body, air stream trailer, HOUSEHOLD GOODS Shanenger piano, cook stove, Maytag automatic washer, Amana gas dryer, G.E. refrigerator, gas stove, maple china hutch, top for kitchen cabinet, oak slat seat rocker, sect, desk, harness bench, table and 4 chairs, portable dish washer, glass top and bamboo table, deacon bench, cane seat and back rocker, 2 piece living room suite, oak bed needs repairs, chest freezer, microwave oven, desk, 2 dresser/no mirrors, portable TV, platform rocker, chest of drawers, bed, dehumidifier, bunk beds, basketball stand, filing cabinet, porch swing, tent, mantel clock, 5 gal. crock, jug, jars, cold packer, beer steins, oil lamp, cheese boxes, lawn chairs, lots of craft items and material, misc. dish es and household items. • Refreshment rights reserved • Not Responsible for any accidents Terms: Cash or Approved Checks Estate of: Chris and Norma Garrety 240 South Main St. Loganville, Pa. Charles L. Wehrly and Son Auct. 717-235-4146 Lie. #9BSL-1868L Gregory H. Gettle Atty. 717-854-4899 Parking for sale will be available at the Loganville Fire Co., building. SHE FRI SEPT 8 & SAT SEPT 9 9AM At 440 Luxemberg Rd Lykens Twp, Lykens Valley, near Pillow Gap, Dauphin Co Excavat ing Bus & Real Estate Carol Engle & the late Robert Engle owners David Deibler, Ed Shoop aucts SAT SEPT 9 - Susquehanna Co Holstein Club Sale at the Fair grounds, 60 fancy registered hol stems by Fraley Auction Co SAT SEPT 9 -8 30AM Contents of home moved to Highville Fire Co 3079 River Rd Conestoga, Manor Twp, S of Turkey Hill Dairy Mr & Mrs Clair G Sellers owners Keller Aucts SAT SEPT 9 - 9AM Fall Con signment Sale Wanted Farm machinery & related, lawn & gar den & related Sam Force 570- 725-2143 AU-3480-L or Boyd Wetzel 570-726-6641 SAT SEPT 9 -10 AM Heifer Sale New Holland Sales Stables 101 W Fulton St New Holland Pa fri sfpt 1s • Fni iipment Sale 9 PUBLIC AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE Located at 2418 South sth Ave. Lebanon, Pa. Thursday Evening AUGUST 24, 2000 6:30 PM Directions from Lebanon Pa. take Rt. 897 also sth Ave. go south to village of Fhntville, sale on left. Lot size approx. 124 ft. frontage X approx. 300 ft. deep situated thereon is a 2 story home with kitchen, hvmgroom, diningroom, bedroom and full bath on Ist floor 3 bedrooms on 2nd floor. 40ft. x6O ft. shop with office, small kitchen and bathroom. Note shop was used by electrical business many possibilities exist. Terms: 10% day of sale. Settlement within 45 days. To see property come to open house on July 29 1-3 PM or call for appointment. Terms By: Mervin Sensenig 610-913-8487 Atty. Steiner Sandoe Cooper Auct. Sylvan B. Witmer Auct. Service AUOOIBO7-L 717-933-5328 Not Responsible for Accidents Dairy and Livestock Sales WHITE OAK FARM Strasburg, PA Complete Milking Herd Open and Bred Heifer Dispersal Mostly All Home Raised To Be Held At Smoketown Quality Dairy Sales, Rt. 340, Smoketown, PA THURSDAY, JULY 20,2000 - 7:30 PM 40 Cows - 30 Heifers - 6 mo. Old - Breeding Age - 4 Bred due Nov. Average Age of Herd 4 Yr. 2 Mo. Herd Average - 305 Over 21,000 700 f 600 pro. Avg. 65 lb. 1999 Herd Average - 23,000 -800 f - 700 pro. This is a fall herd of cows. 18 cows and heifers due August to November. Some cows fresh from May to July. 9 cows milking 70 to 120 lb. per day. Half the herd are 2 and 3 yr. olds. This is a good uddered herd. This herd is on a young sire program with Genex. There are dams and daughters in the herd. £2*- Fancy Heifers - Landon Dtr. due Oct. to Elder 2-11 - 305 - 28,500 -778 f - 849 pro. 79 lb. #24 - Dtr. of #2 Merrill Dtr. 2 yr. old Just Fresh 76 lb. Just Bred to Magic. #4 -10 Year Old Starbuck Dtr. - Proj. 29,800 - 959 pro. Currently 995 f - 786 pro. Due Jan. to Elder. Has breeding age heifer #l5 - Cabin Run El Sunny ET proj. 29,600 - 861 pro. Due Nov. to Elder - 4 yr. old - 6 records over 100 lb. #2l - Cabin - Run El Sunny- Fresh 6/6/00 - Milking 120 lb. 4 yr. 305 - 26,300 -1000 f - 770 pro. #33 - Juniper Park - 3 yr. - proj. 28,000 -830 pro. All cows and heifers are inoculated. Spend a few hours at Cowtown in Smoketown If You Need Good Cows or Heifers Mel Hoover, Auctioneer - AU-003111-L Danny Albright - Pedigrees Sale Managed By SMOKETOWN QUALITY DAIRY SALES Gordon & Helen Fritz 717-393-0930 "We Are Small, But We Do It All!!!" Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15, 2000-837 AM Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales Inc, Middleburg Pa FRI SEPT 15 - Feeder Sale 7 PM Middleburg Livestock Auction Sales Inc, Middleburg, Pa _ FRI SEPT 15 -11 AM Moravia (Cayuga Cty) NY Jayne Century Farm Wallace Jayne Complete Retirement Registered Holstein Dispersal, 75 head Herd ave 21 000 703 f 13 yrs of Super milk award Managed by Hoskmg Sales, Cortland. NY FRI SEPT 15 - 7 PM Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables. 101 W Fulton St. New Holland, Pa FRI SEPT 15 - TPM Mornsville Autumn Review Sale, Mornsville NY The Cattle Exchange SAT SEPT 16 - 9AM Fraleys Annual Farm machinery consign ment sale at our farm 3 miles e of Muncy Pa along Kepner Hill Rd By Fraley Auction Co TUES SEPT 19 Fat Cattle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc, 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle. PA _ _ TUE S SEPT 19 - IPM 46 acres steer farm 19 acres farm land at 1841 W Mam St Ephrata Clay Twp Lane Co Pa ElamH Lau ver Est Martin s Auction Service TUES SEPT 19 i" PM 46 Acre Steer farm, located along Rt 322 Durlock Rd Ephrata Lane Co Pa Also 19 acre farmland along Weidmansville Rd Elam H Lau ver Estate Martins Auction Ser vice TUES, SEPT 19 7 45PM Feeder Cattle Sale Carlisle Live stock Market Inc 548 Alexander Sprint) FW Carlisle PA WED SEPT 20 & THURS SEPT 21 - 8 30AM Wed Lawn & Garden Tractors misc items Thurs Misc items tires posts etc Farm Egup & tractors 6 miles S of Chambersburg Pa 1 mi E of manon just E off I 81 at Marion along Rt 914 Manon Auction Service FRI SEPT 22 IPM State Graded Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle, Pa FRI SEPT 22 7PM Mornsville Autumn Review Sale Mornsville NY The Cattle Exchange SAT SEPT 23 - 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mel's Stables 834 Wal lace Rd , New Holland PA Mel Hoover Auctioneer SAT SEPT 23 - 9AM Fall con signment auction Farm quip & misc items Rt 522 at Village of Wagner, 12 miles N of Lewis town Pa Mifflin Co Blame Rentzel, auct #AU 761 SAT SEPT 23- 10AM Complete contents of Gordners Garage mechanical tools roll-back truck tractor, etc in the village of Clark stown by Fraley Auction Co SAT SEPT 23 -10 AM Passen ger Vehicles T rucks, Construe tion & Farm Machinery, 1450 New York Ave Wilmington DE 302-573-5005 Nationwide Auc lion Svsm SAT SEPT 23 -12 Noon Quar ter Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W Fulton St New Holland Pa MON SEPT 25 - 73 Acre lime stone farm, 1670 Clay Road Ephrata, Pa By Paul H & Anna Mae Martin Aaron E Martin Auc tion Service TUES , SEPT 26 - Real estate 82 acre dairy farm, box 351 R D ©Myerstown (Heidelberg Twp Leb Co Rt 501 N, turn right Reistville Rd 1/2 mile, turn right lane at Heidelberg Church of the Brethren By Enos N & Katie N Lembach Kline Kreider &Good aucts FREE LUNCH 1 Hour Before Sale For The Dairymen.
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