ABSOLUTE AUCTION ANTIQUE JOHN DEERE TRACTORS & PARTS IMPORT AUTOS, OLD FARM TOOLS, IRON & WOOD ANTIQUES, FURNITURE & COLLECTIBLES WOODWORKING TOOLS, LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP. SATURDAY AUGUST 19, 2000 at 9:ooam Located in Reft on, Lane, Co., PA. (approx 6 miles south of Lancaster PA. Along Rt 222 Sooth) ■Hit . , < «9bvV FERGUSON MODEL 30 5N120122 I„* * , I*, w/front loader and rear hoe attachment OP Parts; engine blocks, gears, I 1 j ' * chassis parts 730 Diesel hood and grill assembly for electric start Model jBT.’L," , ■ N •: 60 block and manifold. M Front and nose wieghts. Silk screen for 1936 ’ r \ AR UNSTYLED hood characters. 420-430 Tricycle side wieghts JD 1 3PTH two row com planter w/fertilizer. Cultivators for JD L, S sickle bar / mower for JD L Operators manuals for JD Model 60, Model B. Model M, IJ V ' J N 0.999 com planter and others. Lots of small JD parts. ” FIMCO 3PTH sprayer. Trailer sprayer fftandem disc. CUB CADET model 147 Hydrostatic 14 h p w/48" deck & model 104 w/42" deck 4spd.ridmg mowers, lawn cart. HABAN RACINE 4’ sickle bar mower UCKB » AUTOS Early painted 6' drop leaf table, (2) Sheridan style rope beds w/cherry finish Walnut work table, Seth Thomas eight day Empire shelf clock, HlpplewhKe birds eye maple chest of drawers, Yarn measure, Painted chair table. Walnut women's dressing table, Quilt rack, Pina Pennsylvania Decorated blanket chest w/till box, Pine cupboard top, Centennial Philadelphia mantel w/fluted columns and wine & wreath appliques, Decorated mahogany banjo clock. New England signed molding planes, Wicker chaise lounge. Birdcage Windsor chair, Rosewood w/brass inlay lap desk, Standard Computing Scale, Maple carpenter work benches. Shlmmel reproduction eagle Misc oriental rugs, Old wooden mouse traps collection. Old ANTIQUES sign PA Grain painted hanging cupboard Early Architectural cupboard w/dentil molding retaining it's original blue paint Conestoga wagon model. Property sale bill signed WM. Penn. Best City tin horse & wagon toy Pine 7-shelf dish rack Victorian: wrought iron fence w/gate & posts Cast iron coat rack w/umbrella stand Cast Iron: Griswold . and others, coal & wood stoves (cast iron & porcelain finished), radiators, feed & water trough. Grape & vine lawn furniture, farm bell Silver plate chaffing dishes & casserole. Wall sconces: mirrored, iron and others Chaulkware deer figurines JCS decorated redware, slipware marked ABE, Chinese Export china. Colored Agate ware, Signed N Y pewter coffee pot w/2 mugs, Face Jugs: 12 1/2" &11 1/2" signed CL, 10 1/2" signed John Brock, 3 3/4" & 2 1/2" signed Marie Rogers v- Scale house models MORE INFO AND PHOTOS AT www.porterEeldaucHons.com Ttnrw: Cash, approved check or certified funds 9:00 am Furniture 10:00 am Tractors & Equip. 12:00pmAutos «}==~'i» AUCTIONEER e-mail: info@porterfieldauctions.coni .-*■—■ (717) 87i40<x WMrw.porterfieldauctions.com 29 Ind “ n Hill Road / Coneitog*, pa itsw R.L. ‘Bob' Porterfield AU- 003741-L OLD SLEIGH 1931 6P WIDE TREAD 5N403376 w/rare potato wheels fear, PTO mechanically rebuilt, new paint. 1939 GP STANDARD 5N223943 full factory steel, mechanically rebuilt, new paint 1936 UNSTYLED B 5N22760 short frame, flat spoke rear wheels very good cond. 1949 M 5N25995 w/cultivators, un restored, running. 1940 L 5N633661 w/side and drive shaft belt pulley, rear wheel spacers,nice original cond. 1960 435 DIESEL SN 437843 Detroit detsel, wide front. #PTH, Power adjust wheels,good ongonal cond 1956 630 5N6312309 narrow front 3PTH, good running cond., new paint. 1953 ■ A GARDEN 1951 INTERNATIONAL L-180 fire truck, 1963 INTERNATIONAL 1500 4WD fiat bed w/meyer power angle plow; 1958 PORCHE 356 CABRIOLET ready to complete restoration, 1966 MERCEDES 280 S European car w/fuel injected motor, 1980 VOLVO SEDAN w/Bertone mtenor, TRIUMPH TR-250 (3) selling together International 6 9L Deisel, Ford 302 engines, import parts and more IRMITUI PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., JULY 29, 2000 9:30 AM Farm Equipment - Shop Tools Butchering Equipment Willowin Farm, Purcellville, Virginia Directions: In Purcellville, VA, at stop light at the intersection of Mam Street and Maple Ave., by the 7-11, turn onto Maple Ave. (Rt. 722) heading for Lincoln, VA. Go approximately 5 miles. Turn right onto North Fork Road (Rt. 728). Go 1 mile to auction entrance on right. Look for signs. #MX 135 Case International MFD, 4 wheel drive with 300 loader, cab, air, 2 buckets (1 with grap ple hook); 7720 John Deere combine with less than 300 hours on rebuild, 643 6-row com head, 15’ grain platform; 385 International w.f. turf tires; Farmall Super C with fast hitch; Waterloo “Bronco” w.f. cultivators 2 cylinder air-cooled engine; John Deere 7000 no til com planter n.r with liquid box and monitor; 920 John Deere disc bind-like new; International 5100 gram drill with double disc openers; Shop supplies; and many miscellaneous items too numerous to mention - Also: Neureo #744 Air l eg grain handler with :>”.pipe; Apache calf-creep (like new) William A. Kelley, Willowin Farm 19780 Willowin Farm Lane, Purcellville, VA 540-338-6330 Bill Tillett and Craig Damewood, Auctioneers Virginia License 141 and 680 540-668-6179 Terms of sale cash or check with ID • Not responsible for accidents • Lunch served by the I Bluemont United Methodist Church Women I lEMT iCTIBLES PORTERFIELD R.L. J.* Sale Reports RENTZEL’S SALE A Public Sale of fur niture was held July 6 for a home in Nash ville, York Co., Pa. at Rentzel’s Auction Bam, north of Man chester along Rt. 181. There were 280 regis tered bidders attend AUCTION OF ALL NEW MERCHANDISE FRI., JULY 21, 2000 5:00 PM MILLER’S AUCTION CTR. BETHEL PA, BERKS CO. LOCATION: Exit 3 of 1-78. South into Town Sq. Straight Across Sq. Turn right into the first alley. Selling Asst. Groceries, Candies, Asst. Tools, Angel Figurines, Swords, Pretzels, Scented Candles, Coffee, Licorice, Flashlights, Clocks, Dinnerware Set, Pancake Mix, Skateboard, Cast Iron Bells, & Much Much More Variety. Urn. Auctioneer; Dwight D. Miller AU002414-L Bethel, PA 19507 w (717)933-5736 COMPLETE AUCTIONEERING PUBLIC AUCTION WED., JULY 19, 2000 @ 1:00 PM Selling a nice gathering of Antiques & Collectibles at the Beaver Fan Grounds, mostly from an old line family & home in Liverpool PA DIRECTIONS: From Harrisburg take Rts 11 & I 5 north Just north of Liverpool turn left onto Rt 104 Travel to Middleburg, & turn left onto Rt 522 Continue South or west on Rt 522 to just past Beaver Springs Turn left unto Rt 255 Take the first left, auction will be just ahead on the right Toy. Ri( Coro. Early Child’s Sled w/Ong Paint, Turned Feet Dove-Tailed Blanket Chest, Hitler' Jugend Pencil Pack, Wenrschach Tak&Tik German Game, 65” Swastika Flag; 9’6” Swastika Banner: Eagle & Swastika Banner & Other Nazi Brass Crib, High Bar w/Ammal Feet, Very O 6 Early Windsor Chai 6 & 8 Drawer Spice boxes, Inlaid Dresser Box, Early Walnut Mirror, Oak Serpentine Chest of Drawers w/Mirror, Oak Book Case w/Glass Doors, Oak Dresser w/Mirror; Clothes Tree, Milrov & Co. 8 Day Reverse Painted Clock. Early Wood Framed Mirror, Chestnut Bookcase, Cottage Wash Stand & Chest of Drawers; Several Pressed Back Chairs, Magazine Rack, Oak Table Top & Parts, Corner Bamboo Seat. Chestnut & Bamboo Bookshelf, Turned Leg Parlor Stand & Others, Caned Rocker, Floor Model Zenith Radio, Stereo-Optic & Cards, Small Drop- Leaf Table, Prints of Washington & Lincoln, 10 Hole Candle Mold, Mission Style Book Shelf, Fur Muff & Pieces, Early Cast Sew Machine, Ingrahm Clock, Ginger Bread Clock, Steeple Clock. Wooden Bench, Advertising mirrors, Shuler Medicine Bottle, Liverpool, Oak Mirror Cradle w/Carving, WWI Soldier Photo, Early Liverpool Postcards & Photos, 1933 Girl’s Basketball Photo, Framed Punch Art, 1945 Map of 13th Division in Germany, Wash Board, Gathering of Civil War Vets Photo, Tin Toy Wheelbarrow, 3 Paper Mache Rabbit Candy Containers. Centre Co, 1857 Birth & Baptism, Snyder Co Birth & Baptism, 1884, Puzzles, Meat Bench, Tin Type Photos, 1930’s Photo Album, Rug Beater, Baskets, Depression Glass, Pressed & Pattern Glass, Gramteware, Lantern, Kero Lights, Sewing Notions, Hand Fans, Milk Glass, Sheet Music, Ice Tongs, Planters, Goblets, Carnival Canes, Corn Huskers, Hand Corn Sheller, Silver Dancing Slippers & Purse, Cast Amish Items, 2 Hand Push cultivators, Planet Junior Cultivator, Zinc Lids, Old Toaster, Hammered Aluminum, Draw Knife, Green Canning Jars, Auto Motor Heater, Multi Star Quilt Top, Crazy Comforts, Loe Cabin Quilt Top. Bonnet Girl Top, Bow Tie Top, 4 Good Quilts, Misc Quilt Patches & Pieces, Spats, Sun Bonnet, Lg Mortar & Pestle, Rosenthal Bavaria Dish, Red R S Prussia Vegetable Bowl, Limoge Platter & Covered Dish, Set of Bristol Old Hall English Dinnerware, Fostona, Early Ladies Shoes, Cookie Cutters, Vintage Clothing, Tins, Billies Pretzels, Charles Chips, Red Star, Scotch Waters, & More 2 Small 1939 Worlds Fair Plates, Shredded Wheat Box, Movie Fan, National Biscuit Box, Rug Runners, Coffee Grinder, 4 75” Cast Lion Bank, 5" Be Wise & Save Owl Bank, Early Remmington Typewriter, Live Baby Rabbit Box, Celluoid Rabbit, Cowboy Doll, PO S of A Ribbon, Ironstone Water Pitcher, Early Tin Push Up Candle Mold, Gilberts Puzzle Box, Hohner Harmonica 1926 w/Box, Carom Board, Sad Irons, Meal Hooks, Slaw Board, US Fork & Spoon, Spalding Indian Clubs, Mouth Harp, Mini Radio Flyer Wagon, Pencil Tins, Sterling Rose Pattern Dish Early Pm Backs, 5” Cast Horse ( good paint). Sm Sliver Coffee Pol, Desk Set w/2 Inkwells, Crumber & Scraper, Ornate Dresser Frame, Clamp on Skates, Snow Shaker, Sliaight Razor, Arm & Hammer Baking Soda Bird Cards Militaiy Medals & Ribbons, Sesquicentenmal Exposition Pendant 1926 Beaded Purse, Jewelry, Compacts, Ring Toss, Griswold #9 Pan & Vollwraths Mini Whiskey Bottles, Landon & Knox Pm Back Metal Fxt Fishing Rods, WWII Unitoim Early Beech Nut Gum, Kellogg's Wheel of Knowledge, Remmington MD 12, 22 Rifle-835009, Daisy BB Gun Loysvile Home Band, 48 Star Flag, Paper Doll Theater. Religious &. School Books, Print of Early Fire Marks. 1938 Album of Hollywood Stars WWI Military Helmet, Notebook form Loysville Bank, History of the Change Movement In Penn's Woods 1925, Wannamakei Diais, 1927, POS of A Program 1887 1900 PRR Pocket MapotNY&NJ Parley's Panorama Central PA Business Diploma 1930 1 I vet pool HS Diploma, 1931 1878 Patent Certificate, Civil War Prints EARLY MAGAZINES & PAPER GOODS World's Colored Champion Basketball Players, Basketball Score Book. Arm & Hammer Soda Pulldown 1906 Calender, Country Gentleman's Maga/me, 1940’5, Screen Guide Radio Guide, Judge 1920's Field & Stream, 1940\ Game News, 1941 43, Feb-December ot each. Photo Play, 1940\, Baseball Digest SO s. Movie &. Radio Guide Maga/me Saturday Evening Post, 1930\, Reader's Digest, 1930'5, Lincoln Zephyr 1938, Popular Science, 30’s, Cosmopolitan, 1930’5, Peed Magazine, 40’s, Motion Picture Magazine, 1925. Sporting, 40’s, Collier’s, 40’s, Look 40’s, Hans & Fritz Gags 40's, Ladies Home Journal, 20’s, the American Magazine, 30’s, Early Valentines, Yankees 1956 Program & 1957&59 Worlds Champ Program, Dodgers, 1957, The Baseball Story, 1959, Baseball Schedule 1952, 53, 56, 59, 60, 1955 Rules Book, 1959 Baseball Facts, 1956 World Series Ticket, WWII Know Your Planes Book KENNETH E. HASSINGER NEIL A. COURTNEY RR 02, Box 985 R.D. #1 Box 239 McClure, PA 17841 WjaJE2s) dmL Richfield. PA 17086 (570)658-3536 TapF (570)539-8791 AU-001532-L AU-002651-L Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15, 2000-827 ing the sale. Some prices in cluded: jelly cabinet $B5O, jelly cupboard $6OO, jelly grained cupboard $5,400, quilts $2OO to $1,200 each, two art stands $350 each, decorated washstand $260, ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES ine on the Boardwalk bv F. Straus; 10x50 Old German Field Glasses, Iron & sd, Sq Top Rope Twist Pedestal Stand ■sser. Round Walnut Candle Stand, Set of iterial. trnate Mi & Roi blanket chest $2lO, miniature grained blanket chest $7,400, grained plant stand $3OO, chest of drawers $325, post office desk $5OO, baby cradle $370, tilt-top table $240, Empire chest of drawers $825, dry sink (painted green) $270, Columbia bicycle $230, Acme junior wagon $1,500, Victo rian loveseat $725, Pa. tall case Grandfather’s clock $2,700, marble top oval stand $350, grained rocker with cheese cutter runners $3,800, Dr, Myers medicine cabinet $550, two cardboard “Mail Pouch” tobacco signs $230 and one with water damage $l3O, Clark four-drawer cabinet $325, Clark six-drawer cabinet $925, seed display cab inet 4775, wooden Buck wheelbarrow $420 and Diamond Dye case $1,300. Rentzel’s Auction Service conducted the sale. SERVICE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers