BLUE RIDGE REPAIR I I STOLTZFUS TRACTOR SERVICE Tractor & Equipment Repair Rebuilding engines, transmissions, Your Shop or Ours! PTO’s, Tune-ups. Roll Back Service Available 17 If Be * ver S'SfJSf** „ , Strasburg, PA 17579 Nelson Horst 7f 7-786-0256 128 Shady Road, Newburg, PA 17240 Amos Stoitzfus 717-423-6924 • “is Years Experience” Best Buys in Used Equipment TRACTORS • CIH MXIOO Cab • CIH MXIOO, MFD, Loader • CIH CXSO MFD, Cab • CIH 7120 - $30,000 • CIH 7210 MFD • CIH 585 w/2250 Loader • CIH 885 • Case 1690 •IH 186 Hydro • IH 656 Gas • IH 966 Hydro •IH 1066 • Ford TW-20 MFD •JD 1530 • AC 7580 w/12” JD Blade •AC 180 • AC 7060 • JD 2840 w/Loader HAY EQUIPMENT •JD 510 Round Baler • Ml 486 Round Baler • Ag-Wrap Bale Wrapper (Like New) •NH 116 Hay Mower, 16 ft. • Nl 5312 Mower (Like New) • Case IH 8370 Mower • JD 1219 Mower Conditioner • Hesston 1150 12 ft Mower m Visit us on the Internet at http //www CASE HI Case IH is registered trademark of Case Corporation ■■■■V EDWIN HORNING & SONS FARM MACHINERY 248 Meadow Valley Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 717-733-7408 Phone 717-738-4897 Fax HAY EQUIP, iliztng in Quality Hav Eouii Ford NH 565 Baler w/72 Thrower, Nice NH 166 Inverter w/Ext NH 450 3 pt. Sickle Mower Ford NH 316 Baler w/70 Hyd Drive Thrower FNH 570 Baler w/72T (Nice) ... JD 327 Baler w/30 Thrower JD 336 Baler w/30 Thrower JD 347 Baler w/40 Thrcwar. Uw) Tension, Elect. Controls. . . . . NH 489 Haybme, recent new rollsEEffil NH 477 Haybme 7’, Low Wear NH 570 Baler w/72 TH Hyd Tongue, Very Nice CIH 16 Hyd Drive Bale Thrower... JD 1600 Haybme, 12’ Cut JD 920 MoCo w/lmpellerßilS3... Nl 5209 Discbme, Gray, 9’ Cut... PZ 382 3 pt Rotary Rake, 10’ Tandem Axle NH 630 Round Baler, 4x4 Bale FNH 499 Hydra-Swing 12’ Cut... TRACTORS Ford 7740 Powerstex4, ROPS, 86HP, 4,682 Hrs , NictPr*' J $17,500 JD 2640 HiLo, 2 Hyd , 540-1000 rpm Late Model $10,900 JD 2955,4x4, ROPS, HiLo, 2 HydEHEI . $16,000 JD 260 Loader to Fit 2955 ..$2,850 JD 2750,4x4, Hi & Lo High Hrs., New Engine $12,800 IH 826 Diesel ... .$6,500 JD 730 Diesel, Elect. Start, Factory WFE, Original Fenders, 3 Pt w/Top Link $7,200 JD 730 Diesel, Elect. Start, WFE, Original Fenders. $6,100 JD 730 Diesel, Elect. Start, WFE, Factory 3 Pt. Fenders JD 730 Diesel. Elect. Start, N.F., PS JD 620 WFE, $lBOO Spent Recently on Trac. Gehl 170, Gray Decal, Scales, Elec. Controls $9,800 Gehl 125 Hyd Dr., Very Nice. CIH 900 4 Row, No Fert., Nice ... IH 56 4x30 Dry Fert, DD Insec , Nice w/Momfor JD 7000 6x30, Dry Fert., No Till, Nice JD 7000 6x30, Conservation, Liquid Fert, Needs Repair JD 7000 6x30, Liquid Fert, No Till JD 7200 6 Row Conservation Liquid Fert, Frame Mount Coulters, Finger Pickup • Ml 290 Mower •6 ft., 3 pt Disc Mower • JD Bar Rake TILLAGE • IH 6 818 Plow • MF 4 Bottom Plow • JD 345 3B Auto Reset • JD 2500 68-18 on-Land Plow • Glencoe 7-Shank Soil Saver •IH 37012ft.Disc • Krause 18 ft. Disc • AC 20 ft. Wing Disc • JD 14 ft. Field Cultivator • 30 ft. Elevators • IH 800 4RN Planter • JD 7000 4R Planter • White 5100, 6RN Planter • JD 8350 Drill-21x7 • Weaverline 430 Cart • IH 550 Spreader • Ml 3639 Tandem Axle Spreader • Ml 3626 Spreader • Gehl 315 Spreader • FarmasterTMß • Woods 8320 Batwing Mower • Woods 15 ft Batwing Mower • JD Axle Duals - 20 Bx3B • 20.8R42 Duals w/Hubs • Little Giant Corn Drag 7MMERUAN 717-933-4114 :tor PLANTER! iWEOUI McKee 14’ S-Tme Fid Cult, 3PI w/Basket Hyd Fold $1,850 IH 45 Vibra Shank 11, 3Pt w/Rake (Nice) ... . $B5O Brilhon 8’ Packer/Seeder w/Transport Wheels $2,000 Bullion 9 Tooth 3 pt Chisel - Depth Wheels $1,150 White 252 Disc, 11’ $1,350 IH 5500 10T Chisel Plow, Pull Type $1,450 IH 5500 7,9 or 11T Chisel Plow, 3pt . . $1,300 IH 55 7,9 or 11T Chisel Plow, 3pt . $1,200 IH 55 7T Chisel Plow, 3 pt $1,200 Bullion 3pt Subsoiler 3 Shank. .. ... .$2,200 INT. 45 Field Cult w/Wmgs, 18 1/2 Ft $1,300 CALL CALL CALL $5,500 $9,400 $4,100 $2,950 Ford 3 pt., 3BT, Plow IH 450 Plow 3x16 Spring Reset CIH 720 Plow 5x20 Spring Reset IH 720, sxlB, Auto Reset... TMRMIXE] Knight 3250 Reel Auggie, Hyd. Unload w/Scales $6,700 Gehl 8335 w/Scales ... $6,200 FORAGE EQUIP. Gehl 1060 Harv., Elect. Conf., Hyd Tongue, Nice $4,800 Gehl HAI2IO fray Head, Nice $1,450 JD 3950 Harv. ('92 Model), Elec. Controls . $5,500 NH 892 Harv, Elec ControlsEßDEl $2,850 Ford NH 40 Blower, Low Wear JD 3960 Harv, Elect Controls JD 7’ Hay Head, Green, Nice Ford NH 28 Blower, Nice Gehl HAIIOO Pickup Hd NH 880 W Pickup Hd, Nice JD 3960 Harv., Elec Controls.. JD 150 Blower (same as NH 40), Nice Nl 708 Tractor, 2,334 Mrs GENERATOR! Pmcor 30 KW on Trailer, Late Model. Katolight 25 KW on Trailer $6,600 $4,600 Hillbilly HD, 30HP Diesel, 4x4, Front Deck, Hillside Mower, New $5,500 CALL .$950 $5,200 Gehl 4625 SX, 2040 Hrs , 43 HP Mustang 2040, 40 HP. Case 1840, 50 HP $4,400 $4,700 King 6’Rotary Mower, Pull Type .$7OO 7' Tire Scrapers Skid L Mtd. . ssso 3 pt $575 90 Chev Lo Pro Truck, 20,900 GVW, Cat 3116 D, 5 Sp $9,500 • 40’ Little Giant Elevator • K & STMR Mixer • Platform Feeder • Gehl 970 Forage Wagon • Dion Forage Wagons • NH #8 Forage Wagons • JD Forage Wagon • Hesston 7020 Harvester • Case IH 8730 Harvester, Hay Pick-up & Corn Head • Ml 767 Forage Harvester • Gleaner R-62 • Gleaner 20 ft. Flex • JD 4420 Combine w/213 Flex • Ml 705 Uni • (2) Ml 2-Row Corn Picker • Ml 838 Corn Picker • Ml 774 Corn Head • Case IH 600 Blowers SKID LOADERS • (3) Case 1840 • Case 5808 • Case 584 Forklift • Hyd. Post Hole Digger-Skid Loader Mount ♦Woods 9000 Backhoe (Like New) ♦ NH LXBBS, 2 Yrs. Old ♦ NH 553 Deluxe ♦ Case 580SL Backhoe TIL! INS WA( lER! MISCELI COVE TRACTOR INC. Quality Pre-Owned Tractors and Equipment 5243 Churchview Rd., New Enterprise, PA 16664 TRACTORS \ 1 Ford 8N - Very GoE3EI MFI6S 6Spd DSL Exccellenf ussThan * IHC 584 DSI w/Ldr. Excellent 100 Acres IHC 434, gas w/Lc»a»;e>j Like New JJ*' IHC 1086 Cab & Air, Excellent / MF 50 Dsl w/MF Ind Loader, Very Good FERGUSON 30, gas INT’L 1066 Open Tractor, Late Model, New Rubber FORD 3000 Dsl, 1800 Ong Hrs MF 1080 72 Mdl Exc Mechanical Cond MF 230 Dsl, Extra Nice MF 35 Perkins, Dsl MF 135 4 cyl, gas w/Turf Tires MF 520 12‘Disc MF 265 Tractor 8 Spd. w/236 Ldr JD 4450 Cab & Air, Powershiff, Low Hrs JD 2955, 4 Post, Hi-Lo, Low Hrs MF 274 4x4 w/MF 236 Q-Tach Ld , Excellent Financing Available CASE IH 8420, ExcellentEs33Tie_ CASE IH 8430, Excellent, Elect 8Z23 NEW IDEA 484 Excellent, Elect Tie NEW HOLLAND 630, VeliWMd. Elect Tie GEHL 1470, Excellent, Elect Tie GEHL 1475, 1 Yr. Old, Like New Monitor HESSTON 530E3533a1er COMING IN: Oliver 1370 4WD w/Loader M W JOHN 1)1.1 Rl. I OI II’MKN I 704 Wheel Rake (10 wheel).. 74 Rake w/front wheel . 446 Round Baler 466 Round Baler w/surface wrap 5210 2WD Tractor 6210 2WD Cab Tractor 5410 MFWD Tractor 714 U’3” Mulch Tiller 450 Drill 21x6-10’Dbl Disc CALL $l,BOO $2,650 $2,100 grain drill 637, 16' disc $2,100 $2,300 $3,400 $1,750 . $450 $5OO $4,200 JD 390 90” flail mower, like new Bnllion SSTI2OI seeder w/hyd transport NH 260 right hand rake . NH 258 left hand rake. Kelderman tandem hitch . . NH 489 haybine Century 500 gal. Sprayer $2,000 .$3,900 $1,700 $2,200 $7,500 $8,700 .... $8,700 COMING IN $12,900 OWNER RETIRING • 1996 JD 9600 Combine, loaded, always stored inside, 534/804 hrs, partial financing possible $82,500 • 922 Grain Head w/dial-a-matic very good, extra nice, $8,500 570/998-2032 Phone: (814) 766-2102 Fax: (814)766-0149 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, July 8, 2000-Cll $5,395 $4,995 $11,400 $20,900 $17,800 $35,900 $24,900 $10,900 Cash Cash Cash. Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash $6,450 Cash $16,500 $2,500 $3,600 $2,150 $1,495 $650 $2,995 $3,750 FARM EQUIPMENT HERCULES, CONTINEN TAL Waukesha farm, in dustrial engine parts. AA&M Surplus Sales, 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473, (718)828-9026; fax 828-9851. Lancaster silage mill $14,000; JD 240 loader, re built, $3000; Zimmerman water bowls. 717-335-3453. MF 510 D combine, cab, air, VG cond, shed kept, 13' platform, 4RN corn head, $5,500. 301 -791-0852. Little Giant 32' transport elevator, like new cond w/electric motor, $1,200. 570-752-7131. Ford 1500 diesel tractor, 5' Woods belly mower, 950 hrs, $5,000 080. Snow blower. S' 3pth, brand new, $1,400. 215-598-8237. Meyers angle snow plow complete set-up, 7' wide, $750. Plus have extra blades 8. parts for sale. 215-350-1285 NH 1033 pull-type stack wagon, very clean. NH 254 tedder rake. 410-526-6892. Oliver 1250, 35hp, 3pt, PTO, remote, VG cond. Owner's manual, shop manual. $2,500. 610-268-2601. Vandale 210 TMR mixer, lighting, worn, make offer. 717/733-7931. Sawmill, $3,795. Free in formation. Norwood Sawmills, 252 Sonwil Dr. Buffalo NY 14225. 800-661-7746. Field Queen harvester. Side dump box, 2RW, 3RN, 6' PU, good condi tion; Gehl 980 box mount ed on tandem truck. 570/546-6787. Int. 7-tooth pull type chis el, $650; Int. 4R fast hitch cultivator, $2250; NH 467 haybine, $lBOO. 610-562-4464. 1H 1086, new TA 8< clutch, good rubber; IH 986, new TA & clutch; both run great. IH hydro 70 dsl, very nice, recent hydro rebuild, $8250. All being used on farm now. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322. Antique: 15hp Reid gas engine. Fairmount 6hp gas eng. 814-778-5152 Loader attachments. Bush Hog has loaders to fit over 1500 tractors and they are always 20% off at Taneytown Farm Equipment. 410-751-1500 Large selection of corn heads & gram heads for IH, Gleaner, JD. Prices gladly quoted over phone. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322. Skid loader, NH425, gas, very good condition, $5,000. (717)589-7483. Gehl 100 grinder mixer, hyd, very good shape. 15' discharge auger. 2 mi East of Honey Brook along 322. Call Ephraim Stoltzfus between 4;45-spm, 610-273-2947. Farmall Cub w/5' belly mower, new paint, $3,200. Dauphin Co, 717-533-7345. NOTICE; Repairs on Compact Tractors and Mini Excavators. Lancaster County 717-721-8127 AC 210 tractor, 120 hp, turbo, duals, VG cond. Brillion roller harrow, very good shape. Eves, 609-723-6265. Brand new manifolds for tractors, 1930-1975. 507-433-0073 anytime. JD 348 baler 1/4 turn chute, hyd tension, com pletely rebuilt. 717-235-1766 1-21' drying 8< stge grain bin, max 4,000 bu, incl ad joining 24” gas burner & Bhp drying fan-A3 inter nal spreader + extras. 1-24' stge 10,000 bu bin %hp aeration fan w/all the extras + 47' auger. Please call & Iv bid, 908-782-4439. NH #451 mower, 9', $1250; BxlB bale wagon, wooden, $1075; 6 bin wag ons, $975-$1450. 610-562-4464.
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