ClO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 8, 2000 FARM EQUIPMENT 4800 Hesston 4x4xB baler w/3 bale accumulator, ex. cond. If interested we will buy hay 8> straw back that is made with this baler. 1-800-622-9902 KUBOTA 14HP-120HP, 4WD, & Dsl Great Selec tion of Garden Tractors, Compact Tractors, Exca vators 8< Farm Tractors, Ready for Demo. Low Fi nancing Now Being Of fered. Now in Stock: Ku bota 4x4 Garden T ractor. HOWARDS INC. RT 6 Coudersport, PA (814)274-9800 (3) Gleaner F 2 combines, all w/AC, 1 hydro, all very clean, all good condi tion. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322. Need used tractor parts? Coll Leaman Tractor Parts. Specializing in IH, including TA's & Clutches. 1-800-233-0743 Ford 7710 4WD, ROPS, dual power, 3 remotes, good condition, $14,000 OBO; Ford 6610 4WD, ROPS, good cond. $12,000 080. 717-532-3781. Case 470 diesel dual range (8) front end loader with V-snow plow 8< 3B 14" plows, 1,354 hrs.. Best offer. 570-275-5596. 1034 bale wagon, field ready, $6500. 410/348-5181 after 6pm. JD 1460 discbine, ex. cond, $B5OO obo. JD 915 flex head w/carrier, good cond, $7500. JD 6600 to 5620 side hill parts. 717-867-4538 717-269-3524 Ford Genesis 8770 MFWD.I7SO hrs, 18x42 duals, wts, perfect $49,000. JD 4560 MFWD, 20x42 duals, quick hitch, 3,800 hrs, very nice, $40,500. Trades consid ered. 724-667-8350. NH 848 round baler, Pequea tedder 215-679-5753. New Holland 1033 104 bale wagon, good, $6,000. Hu bert Homan, Celena, OH, 419-678-8016. 1996 Case 580-L standard backhoe, 4wd, aux. hyd., EROPS, low hrs. 717-367-9773 JD 444 com head, used very little but weathered, $1600.717-463-3938 JD 720 diesel elec, start WF round, 3 point, $4,400 080 Lane. 717-556-0303. Hesston 550 Round Baler, Nice Cond, $5900 717-369-4115 Work Saver 3pt Hitch, Complete w/Top Link, Fits John Deere A, B, G, 50, 60 & 70 2-Cyl Tractors $550. 717-624-8124 12' Brillion field cultivator w/AAid West plow har row. 14' Brillion cultipack er w/transport. 32' Nl ele vator. 717-533-7051 JD LUC engine w/ reduction gear & clutch, good condition. Abram K King, 1518 Millport Rd, Lancaster, PA 17602. IH 1486 w/duals, $13,000. JD 220 disc, 18', $l5OO. Vi bratory shank 18', $lOOO. Nl 2RW corn picker, $l2OO. Hay basket, $l2OO. White 5400 corn planter, 4R no-till w/monitor, $BOO. 12 shank chisel plow, $9OO. JD 6b plow, $lOOO. 570-389-1139 (2) AC 7030, 1 w/factorv loader, $9995/both or will separate. 301/416-2544. JD 720 dsl, w/aH available options, rebuilt pony clutch & float tide seat, good tin, paint & tires, $5,200.717-248-8750. American sawmill for sale, also Frick mill parts. After 6pm, 570-658-3204. Richardton 700 dump wagon, LH dump, exc cond, 717-597-5623. 1956 Model CA AC w/ power shift rear wheels and live power take off, w/5' wood spreader belly mower. Good paint and rubber, runs good. Must Diesel Engine Service 13 Pleasant Valley Road • Ephrata, PA 17522 PHONE; 717-733-3890 • FAX: 717-738-3146 DETROIT DIESEL & JOHN DEERE • Parts • Service • Rebuilding • New JD Engines & Power Units • Exchange Engines • Rockford Clutch & Parts • Funk Gear Reductions • Rebuild Kits • Gen Sets Call Us For Your Power Needs 75 HP -4219 D -JD Power Unit, Rebuilt.. $5,800 170 HP -6414 T JD Power Unit, Rebuilt.. s9,soo 75 HP - 353 Detroit Power Unit $4,250 100 HP - 6329 John Deere Powerumt $3,800 80 HP - 6CYL Chrysler Powerunit $l,BOO 75 KW -1 PH Detroit Gen Set $9,750 110 KW IPH Detroit Gen Set $12,800 sss» \ „ Available From Your Local Participating GEEHL. DeaIer STOUFFER BROS. INC 1066 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA UMBERGER’S OF FONTANA 1067 Horseshoe Pike (Rt. 322) (Fontana), Lebanon, PA WERTZ FARM & POWER EQUIP. PA Route 516, Glen Rock, PA \ RERR & BR °- ECKROTH BROS. 312 Park Ave., Quarryville, PA FARM EQUIPMENT BINKLEY & HURST BROS. rr 02, Box 24A 133 Rothsville Station Rd. New Ringgold, PA Lititz, PA JD 6400 power-quad, 38” NH 782 Forage Harvester rubber, 1,500 hrs. 1000 w/770 pickup head, elec, and 540 PTO sharp controls $3,100 717-933-9186 ★ JD 215 grain head, dial-o-matic, completely rebuilt $4,800 ★ JD 640 loader w/joy stick & extra valves $5,000 ★ JD 930 Mo-Co discbine w/rolls, excellent condition $9,700 ★ H&S manure spreader model 270 w/hydraulic endgate, single axle, 270 bu $1,900 ★ F 710 from mounted mower, I7hp, 48" deck, 180 hrs $3,800 ★ JD 265 lawn mower, 17hp, w/48” deck, v <-'ry nice $2,800 cHL FINANCING FOR GEHL ROUND BALERS Waiver of Finance on new Gehl Equipment until July 1, 2001 Then 10.9% APR for up to 36 months COLUMBIA CROSS ROADS EQUIPMENT R.R.2, Box 62 Columbia Crossroads, PA D.W. OGG EQUIPMENT CO. 5149 Cap Stine Rd. Frederick, MD 961 Leisters Church Rd. Westminster, MO GEH Gehl Box Spreaders deliver outstanding performance in a variety of materials. Available in four sizes to match your operation. • Excellent spread patterns in a variety of materials • 12-year warranty on sides and floor • High-density polyethylene flooring is virtually indestructible • Options include: hydraulic remote control, hydraulic drive, hydraulic endgate and liquid side extensions. UP TO $1,200 CASH REBATES - OR - FIELDS IMPLEMENT STORE Valley Road, Eighty Four, PA HINES EQUIPMENT PO Box 5, Rt. 22 Cresson, PA RR 03, Box 550, Altoona (Bellwood) HOUGHTALING’S GARAGE website: Middlebury Ct., PA ICKES FARM SUPPLY Rt. 1 Hwy. 869 West Osterburg, PA TRACTORS I MF 283 tractor w/Woods Idr only 800 hrs MF 180 diesel tractor good running cond I MF 240 diesel new tires & paint MF 135 diesel new tires & paint IMF 150 dsl, completely overhauled, new paint & rubber Case 1835 C skid Idr eng overhaul, hydra redone gd shai I MF 230 diesel, eng overhaul, new paint & rubber _ MF 1030 compact tractor, 500 hrs I Ferguson 40, gas. nice running, new paint ■ EQUIPMENT ■ OMC 235 12' hydro swing Cultipackcrs 10’. 12 . 14’ ■ mow/cond dlf sizes I Glcnco 10 tooth chisel plow NEW T& 8‘ scraper blades ■ Brillion 10’ cultimulcher 5' & 6’ finish mowers | MF 7 sickle bar mower NEW gates and hay feeders ■ MF 880 4x16 sp re plow Used Brillion cultipackcrs | MF 3pth hay rake and Cultimulcher parts JD 8300 Bxl6 grain drill MF Tractor parts Dismantling 20 30 35 40 50 65 85 90. 135 150 165 175 178 180 205x4 265 270 283 285.383 399 4WD 1080 1085 1100. 1130 1105 1135. 1150 1155. 2745. 2775. 2805 3090. 3680 MH 22 30.44 Balers 3 12 A ■ NOLT’S EQUIPMENT I 403 Centerville Rd . Newville PA 17241 b off 81 exit 112 miles N on 233 ■ (717) 776-6242 No Sunday Calls One Tough Box Spreader -OR HULL’S FARM & LAWN EQUIPMENT 4299 Airport Rd. Indiana, PA 15701 LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO., INC 700 E. Linden St. .Richland, PA LINCOLN SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT Intersections of Rts.6ol & 219 Somerset, PA I r I *2 n, for t 86 a, f ° r -sr* , J-° % 'or / MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. RR 01 Stauffer Rd. Bechtelsvllle, PA MILLER-LAKE RR 02, Box 273 A Belleville, PA PEOPLE’S SALES & SERVICE, INC. Route 35 Oakland Mills, PA SNYDER EQUIPMENT, INC. RR 1, Route 45 Watsontown, Pa
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