824-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 8, 2000 11/2 story brick home, 1 ac , 11/2 ba , hot water, heat, country setting, rm for 6 cars & more, Lane Co, 717-665-5441 25, 3 tier, 15 hole, Quaker made roll away nests, $lO/unit, Leb Co 717- 867-2115 6 each 31x10 5x15 radials, $l5O, air compressor, 30 gal , 2 cyl, 230 volt, exc , $3OO, marquette welder 50-295 amps , Cecil Co , 410-398-7680 Red toot & yellow foot tor toises, all ages, $2OO, call eves after 7pm, Atlantic Co , 609-704-8383 Farmall M M & W clutch, power pack in eng , v g tractor, $2,250, claw foot bath tub, exc , all hardware, $l5O, Balt Co , 410-357- 0185 Shoeing stock H D steel construction draft horse size, good cond , 50 mi south Lane , PA, $450, call after 6pm, Harford Co , 410-877-7015 JD 50 wheel weights, JD 2 cyl combine hood, JD H radiator, no calls after 9 o m , Lane Co , 717-529- 6068 3 beater unloader tandurn running gear wagons, 3 to choose from, Westmorland Co , 724-459-8029 Belly mount sickle bar mower on Ford, BN, $2OO 080, call Jim, Chester Co , 610-793-3106 Kuhngyrotedden mod GF452 pull behind 17H, barn kept, good cond , field ready, $2,200, Burl Co , 609-298-7066 Chestnut gelding, 3 yrs old, not broken, good tem perament, 15 3H, $750, Chester Co, 610-869-9878 Gravely lawn tractor, mint cond, model 1138, low hrs, w/grass hopper, detailed & serviced, $975, Burlington, NJ, 609-267- 5953 Skid loader bucket, 81 "W 38” H 38” deep, $650, 6xlo tilt bed trailer, $2OO, air compressor, BHP, Kohler, $2OO, QA Co, 410-556- 6116 1978 GMC 1/2T 4WD pick up, 350 V 8,4 spd w/low Ist 6’ bed, cap, needs clutch 160,000 mi , $5OO, call Doug, Mercer Co, 609- 730-9793 New PVC sewer-pipe 8” 1032', 12” 349’, 5-sets bar rel blocks, 5-sets grates & frames, farmer retired, MA Co, 413-665-3304 NH 1037 bale wagon, barn kept, straight metal, good cond , field ready, $B,OOO, Burl Co , 609-298-7066 N 1 707 D, 717, 741, 713 S adaptor for JD heads 444, 443, 767, JD 3RN, all or part, negotiable, Cumb Co , 717-243-7966 1H combine 1440 new style rotor, 13’ gram, 4 row corn head, field ready, shed kept, 1 owner, 1 operator, retired, Cambria Co, 814- 472-6309 350 Chev, eng , 4 bolt, comp overhaul, 20 over, mild cam , Ford tricycle tractor, AC WD, leave mes sage, Morgan Co , 304- 258-3984 Porter double spindle shaper, 3 phase w/power feed, SHP, $1,500, Chester Co 610-647-8521 Truck ladder unit, 28', all manual, 360 degree rota tion, raise lower ext, easy mounting, vg , $6OO 080, call after 7pm, Berks Co , 610-589-5164 Bolens 1256 hydro garden tractor, mower & snow blower, moving to retire ment center, to be sold at Diffenbacks 7/14/00, William Lomas, 322 Califot nta Rd , Morgantown PA 19543 Digital scales, 30 lb 150 lb 300 lb 1,000 lb , 5,000 lb 10,000 lb , all legal for trade, new & used, Lane Co, 717-656-7353 86 Dodge 1/2T p/u 3/8 4 spd , EZ dump insert myers angle plow, mags, good tires, no rust, $4,700, York Co , 717-757-1109 64 Ford F-750 gram truck, 361,5 spd , 2 spd , 26,000 GVW, twin cyl , hoist, Moore body, 5x15, $1,500, Lane Co, 717-529-2126 JD 1530 diesel tractor & 145 loader, $5,500, JD #9 sickle mower, UGC, $450, Int $3,300, skid loader, $4,000, Mont Co, 610- 631-1890 Case 446 garden tractor, 18HP Koehler approx 200- 300 hrs , 4’ mower, 4’ snow blower, large tires, Bedford Co , 814-623-9405 R oiler picking table, 12' long, 2’ wide, $5OO, Atlantic Co, NJ, 609-965-2929 Outstanding REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAT., JULY 15, 2000 10:00 AM 2 Valuable Parcels on same day. Parcel lis a farmette consisting of 11 acres of land, improved with a beautiful American 4 square home, large modem bank bam, large pota to cellar, other out buildings. Over 8 acres of the 11 is zoned Residential This farm has endless possibilities, bordering 2 paved roads, walking distance to the schools Parcel 2 is vacant land. 14 acres, zoned Residential. There is over 870’ of state road frontage and 900’ along township roadway. Perked m one site. There is a stream through the property. Outstanding potential in this zone. Both parcels are being offered at auction because of owner retirement from farming. Either parcel has a potential for a pond too 1 Whether you are looking for single family living sites or subdi vision potential, this one is exciting. Plot plan is available for review and private showings are welcomed. These fine parcels are located in Fawn Township, York County, PA. Both are approxi mately 2 miles west of Fawn Grove Square, at the intersection of Rt 851 and Brown Road (signs posted). Truly a must see! Terms: 10% of purchase price day of auction in guaranteed funds Balance in 45 days. Terms By: Stock & Leader D. Reed Anderson, 35 S. Duke St., York, PA Owners: Christopher & Dorothy Thompson Stewartstown, PA Auction By: Susquehanna Auction Team C. Martin Heaps, Nathan Heaps, Ron Manns #AU002762L (717) 382-1350 NH 36’ elevator, $475, Dion forage wagon, right hand unload, tandem, Dion left unload single axle, Frank Co, 717-530-0406 Claw toot bath tub. 4 old antique shutters, iron watering trough, bumper off 30 Chev, not complete, 4B Ford plow, Leb Co, 717- 838-4508 12 36” Acme fans, 1/2HP motors, no shutters, $llO each, very nice, 10 00x20 tire, no recap, exc , $5O, Leb Co, 717-933-9186 Walk in cooler s’xB’ single phase, 115 volt, $4OO 080, Lane Co, 610-286-1985 Freezer compressor, copeland SHP w/conden sor & tank, 5 fan evapora- tor, call for details, make offer, Lane Co, 717-529- 1208 IH 986 4 postTA, 6600 hrs , Pequea 710 tedder PTO, good cond , $6,950, $1,200, Ford 536 haybme, Adams Co. 717-259-6536 $l,OOO. 56 NH rake, 10 hole roll away chicken $1,500, Ml 9' rake, $100,95 nests, $lO each, also back ForcJ . F 250 SC XL & 20’ GN swing, good cond , Lane trailer, $20,000, Col Co , 717-445-5244 Co • 570-799-5425 PUBLIC JL AUCTION SAT. AUG. 5, 2000 10:30 AM REAL ESTATE 10:30 AM BEAUTIFUL 48 ACRE FARM MORE OR LESS Farm Equipment (Following Real Estate) Location: 45 Clay Valley Road, Fleetwood, Berks Co., Pa. Directions: Just off Route 12, between Pncetown & New Jerusalem From Pncetown going west on Pricetown Road, turn left at Boyers Market (Forgedale Rd) Continue 1/3 of a mile, turn Left on Clay Valley Road, 1/3 of a mile Farm is on the Right. Watch tor Sale Signs! 48 Acre Farm with Pond, Big Stone House, Bank Barn and other Out Buildings. 42 Acres Tillable, 6 Acres Pasture Large 3 Bedroom Stone House, w/eat-in Kitchen & Fireplace, Large Living Room w/fireplace, Dining Room, 3-Bedrooms and full bath upstairs. Wide window sills, exposed beams. Hardwood Wooden Floors, Spring running through basement. Vinyl Windows, Oil Hot Water Heat. Bank Barn, Corn Barn, Old Hog House, 4-Bay Pole Building. Small Line of Farm Equipment, Watch for Full Listing Later. Open House: Thurs, July 6, 6.00 pm -8 00 pm & Sat July 8 12 00 -2.00 pm - Or by Appointment Call (717)656-2947 Terms: 10% down day of Sale and Balance in 45 days. Auctioneer’s Note: Beautiful little Farmette, must be seen to be Appreciated, This property has lots of possibilities, (Horse Farm, Truck Farm, & Gentleman Farm) Don’t miss this opportunity! Sale For: Theresa Solt Attorney: John Forry SALE CONDUCTED BY: WOLGEMUTH AUCTION (#2357) Dennis (717)656-2947 FAX(717)656-6011 http://www.wolgemuth-auction.com EMAIL-wolgemuth-auct@juno.com Bob Wolgemuth John Hess AUCTION Friday, July 14,2000 10:00 AM SHARP 1515 East Center Rd., Essexville, M. (Bay Co.) Directions: 7 miles East of Bay City, Mi. on M-25. We are liquidating our company, therefore we are offering the following list of equipment at Absolute Public Auction. LUNCH WAGON • PORT-A-JOHN’S • LOADER TRACTOR SEMI-TRACTORS 12-Kenworth, Mack, Ford, Freightlmer, & I H TRUCKS 10-Straight Trucks w/Potato Boxes, Flat Beds, Dump’s, & Van's TRACTORS 5-MFWD John Deere’s WHEEL LOADER JCB 620 D FORKTRUCKS 2-Cat & Clark CULTIVATORS 9-Harnston, Alloway, & Furguson PTO Ditcher LIQUID TANKS Large Assort of Tanks from 200 Gal to 20,000 Gal POTATO HARVESTING EQUIPMENT 2-Lencoe 4FtPH-Self Propelled Harvesters, Double L & Dahlman Harvester’s, 3-Lencoe 4-Row Wmdrower’s GRADING/WASHING/BAGGING EQUIPMENT Very Large Selection of this Equipment, Special Note Most of this Equipment Will be Sold Individually by the Piece, Then Put Back together and Offered in Complete Lines or Groups TERMS and CONDITIONS of SALE: Cash or good check with proper I.D. day of sale. No goods removed from premises until settled for. All goods sold as is, where is with no guarantees or warranties. Sales force acting as sales agents only and assume no guarantees or liabilities and are not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. Announcements made at sale take precedence over printed matter here in. Titles will be held until check clears. Auctioneer Johnson Potato Farms, L.L.C. (Bill-517-893-2994) AucUoneer Mike Sheridan Auctioneers Appraisers jj m O’Connor 1-517 693 6893 MIKE SHERIDAN 1 810 378 5954 Fairgrove 2683 N. Gamer Rd., Fairgrove, MI 48733 Peck AUCTION SERVICE Visit us on the Internet!! www.sheridanauction.com JD 336 baler w/kicker, IH jd 48” walk behind mower, 350 transport disk belsaw Kawasaki eng , low hrs , circular saw mill, PTO dn- su |ky gra ss catcher, very ven, no Sunday calls, nice cond . Del Co, 610- Frank Co , 717-762-6858 490-1470 PUBLIC SALE Valuable 29.9 Acre Farm SAT., AUGUST 12, 2000 12 NOON Location: Betw Spring Grove & Jefferson, York Co, PA. from intersec of Rts 30 & 116 take 116 W 5 mi. Bear L onto Rt 516 S (Jefferson Rd) 0.8 mi. Turn R onto Ambau Rd 0.4 mi to Twin Brook Farm on L. Or from York New Salem take Stoverstown Rd to T. Turn R onto Jefferson Rd 1/2 mi. Turn L onto Ambau Rd 0.4 mi to farm on L. Follow signs. A beautiful, private 29.9 ac farm in North Codorus Twp, Spring Grove School Dist. 12± ac in pasture (can be tilled), remainder in woodland & w/bldgs. Running stream. Automatic waterer in pasture, fencer, wood & wire fences. Fruit trees. Tree fort. Poplar trees can be logged in ±5 yrs. Outside spring. Recent new well. Septic system. 800+’ rd frontage along Emig Rd. zoned Agricultural Protection. Deed 1345 pg 4205-4211. HOUSE: 2 1/2 story frame house w/new replace ment windows, HW firs thruout. Kitchen w/dish washer, refrig, elect stove. LR w/wood stove. 2 other rms for den/office. 3 Brs. Bath, Attic, Cement & gravel fir basement. New 200 amp elect ser. Oil baseboard hot water furnace w/hot water heater off of furnace. BARN: 30’x36’ frame bam w/recent new roof, ground fir, automatic waterers, 100 amp serv w/220 lines. • Property will be offered for sale in its present AS IS condition. • Disclosure info available. TO INSPECT: call for appt 717-225-1739 betw 8-10 PM or call auctioneers. TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance in 45 days. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Check this farm out NOW! Nice shaded, secluded property. Good hunting. Perfect for cattle, horses. Owners: TIMOTHY & SUSAN HARCOURT ATTY: Mark Roberts AUCTIONEERS: Rick Foreman Lie 1163 L Ralph Brenneman Lie 708 L 717-741-1728 NOTE: Cattle & accessories, tractor, farm equip, backhoe & misc will be sold starting @ 10 AM. Refreshments Served. Owners & Auctioneers Not Responsible For Accidents. SEMI-TRAILERS 25-Van, Flat Bed. Low Boy, Dump, & Potato V-Bottom’s PICKUPS 4-Cheverolet & Ford, Western Snow Plow BACKHOE John Deere 310-A SKID-STEERS 2-Melroe’s TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 8-Pieces Mostly John Deere, Bullion POTATO PLANTING EQUIPMENT Harnston & John Deere IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT 16-Valley Center Pivot’s. 3-lrnfrance Hard Hose Travelers, Generator's, Irng Engine’s, Pump’s & Pipe PILERS 10-Lockwood, Mayo, Double L, & Spudmk SUGAR BEET EQUIPMENT Artsway 692, 6-Row Harvester, Alloway 6-Row Defoliator, & Alloway 12-Row cult
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