MAILS X MARKET F R SALE B Ford tractor, 1982, exc cond , low hrs , $9,800, 2810 model, 215-257- 7262, Bucks Co Quail, jumbo courturmx, chuckars & bobwhites, exotic button quail, all ages, Lane Co, 717-445-5133 Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers Specializing In Horse Drawn Sprayers Sprayer Parts and Repair • Pressure Washers • Hydraulic Hoses • Black Walnut Cracker 858 Pumping Station Road m Answering Service Kirkwood, PA 17536 717-529-6553 Purebred Australian Blue Heeler pups, 8 wks old, females, no papers, $5O, Centre Co. 814-355-1647 Fur, collars & pieces, lamb, mink, fox, rabbit, all natural colors, great for crafters, $95, Warren Co, NJ, 908- 496-9053 Jamesway belt bunk feed er, 50’, $375 080, 55 gal drums, $4, seconds, $l, Leb Co, 717-949-2256 IH 11/2HP M antique gas eng, 11/4HP monitor pump, |ack eng w/pump, both restored, Morns Co , 973-887-4590 Moving sale, old barn boards, misc lumber, 4 cement pipes, iron railings, barn ventilators, old rubber, cement molds, Mont Co , 215-256-9925 PACIFIC WESTERN OUTDOOR WOOD/ COAL FURNACE Stainless Steel 20 Year Limited Warranty Dealerships Available S&R Outdoor Furnaces/Distributor Box 233 Shippensburg, PA (717) 532-5820 Allis Chalmers WD-45, rough, $7OO or will sell off parts, drop deck storage trailer, 3 side doors, $1,500, Leb Co, 717-865- 6860 2 female Fox Terrier pups, $4O a pc , Aaron L Fisher, 2599 Bachmantown Rd , Ronks, PA 17572, Lane Co Tractor trailer for storage, good cond , good title, Wanted Cummins diesel, 4 or 6 cyl & trans adapter, Chester Co, 610-524-2145 85 Jeep, J-20 pick-up, auto 4x4, new 360 120,000, ask ing $3,500, 88 Jeep Com , 5 spd , good cond , $3,000, Adams Co, 717-624-1533 Bunavista saddy padded seat, good leather, $3OO, horses boarded, full care, $lOO per month, Adams Co, 717-259-7187 5T Howe scale model 18100 w/floor sides, gate set-up instructions, good cond , $3OO, L North’d Co , 570-758-6221 Pick-up Dodge Dakota truck, 1987, low miles, school desks, old, $35 each, used treated desk lumber, MO, Lane Co, 717-872-6793 Circulation Main: 717-394-3047 717-721-4412 • 717-721-4411 Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Fill in your name, address, telephone number Check appropriate payment box *52 issues - $32.00 104 issues - $61.00 in PA, MD, DE, N), NV, OH, VA, WV * All other states- 52 issues - $43 00 Outside US- Call for price quote Payment must accompany order - Allow three weeks for subscription to start. Cut your mail label from a recent issue and place in the space provided below. Write your new address and telephone number on the form below In addition, provide a requested date for address change to take effect Send 3 to 4 weeks prior to your requested date Lancaster Farming will send a renewal notice to you prior to the expiration date of your subscription. You may renew your subscription using the form below. To insure proper credit for your subscription - Attach Your Mailing Lai from a recent Lancaster Farming issue and check the appropriate payment boxes. CLIP HERE Renewal - Change of Address Please send this form & payment to: Lancaster Farming PO Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Check appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective Through 04/30/00 □ New Subscription □ Renewal - Attach Mailing Label Above □ Address Change - Attached Mailing Label Above Date to Change / / PA. M DE. NJ. NY. OH. VA. WV □ $32.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $43.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $61.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) □ $83.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) Name + 4 □ 1 have enclosed a Check/Money Order □ AmEx □ Please charge my credit card □MC □ Visa □ Discover iiiiii i i i i mm Signature for Credit Card Payment Only AKC reg Sheltie pups, shots & wormed, parents on premises, $l5O each, nice markings, George town hyd , 343 Christiana Pike, Lane Co , 610-593- 2753 Allis Chalmers forklift, 4,000 lbs , use some oil, $250 080, Woodworts 139 A Colonial Rd , Gor donville, Lane Co, 717- 768-7496 IH 425 baler w/#l5 thrower, good cond , $500,1H 510 gram drill, v g cond , $2,000, Berks Co, 610- 689-5361 Border Leicester ram lambs, several nice rams avail, blacks, whites, browns, silver, top quality lambs, ABLA reg , reason able, Fred Co , 301-253- 4732 Water lilies, hardy bamboo, paulownia & oak trees, boxwood, perennial plants, bottle brush, buckeye plants, Lane Co , 717-738- 2091 AC WD-45 wide front, $l,BOO, CatTC-30 3000 lb , forklift, height 103”, cage manual trans , good cond , *51,500, Leb Co, 717-865- 6860 NEW SUBSCRIPTION F ADDRESS lAN' RENEWALS ;aster Farmin' Attach Your Mail Label Here Telephone (credit card number) Vicon fert spreader, model 602, 1,400 lb cap, like new, $875, Levi Lapp, 385 Spring Hill Rd , Quarryville, PA 17566 JD trailer plows, 2 & 3 bot tom, Oliver trailer cyl lift, 3x4 bottom, needs no boards, steel wheels 40" H, Write PO Box 175, Ruffs Dale, PA 15679 Reconditioned & newly painted power shift, rear wheels & rims for Allis Chalmers, wd or wd4s, Hunt Co . 814-643-4397 St Lister diesel 14 6HR $l,OOO, winch & arch fits JD 350, $1,850, will sepa rate John Yoder, Dover, DE, Kent Co , 302-736-0505 Landscape eguip , Ram Bird traveling turf set-up, Greens Wheelie sprayer, Herbi Micron applicator, Jacobson walk behind, etc, Mont Co, 610-896- 9519 1971 Int 2000 S tn-axle 800 bushel, alum gram box, good cond , truck, poor 1004 Kicker bale hay wagon w/high sides, 18’ long w/ad)ustable hitch, exc cond , Lane Co, 717-626- 5555 104 issues - $83.00 Mail Label Stati All Qtl State exp. date Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 8, 2000-821 JD 2940 cab air, exc cond , 892 NH harvester, good telescoping hoist 18' or 20’ bed, 1994 Dodge Spirit, exc , Perry Co, 717-789- 3687 1918 Huckster truck, model I, good cond , 80, new tires, Frank Co, 717-369- 4194 Rex rabbits, purebred, pedigreed, health guaran teed, several varieties avail, quality genetics at reasonable prices, Berks Co, 610-756-4207 Purebred Border Collie puppies from working par ents on the farm, ready Aug 1, $l5O, call after 8 p m , let ring, Wayne Co , 570-488-6573 FIRST EVER SUMMER CONSIGNMENT AUCTION OF ANTIQUE AMD LATE MODEL FARM TRACTORS, FARM EQUIPMENT AND LAWN EQUIPMENT SAT., JULY 22nd • 9 AM on the corner of Rt. 194 and Brown Rd., Taneytown, MD Call Tony Battaglia @ 410-751-1500 or Greg McGrew @ 410-239-9399 Equipment Auction to be followed by a FARM and CONSTRUCTION TOY, MEMORABILIA, and PEDAL TRACTOR AUCTION @ Either 1/2 Hour After Equipment Auction or @ 4:00 PM, Whichever is Later. Call us early so that we can advertise your items for either auction. Early consignments include a nice Ford 981 tricy cle front, F&R weights. Live PTO, and P/S 1200 Hrs , A JD 320 standard fully restored very sharp, A JD L w/JD cult, A AC Dl2 Hi crop factory P/S, Suzue 150 4x4 20 hp w/loader, Wilnch 9 shank subsoiler, 10’ box pan brand new, NH 56 rake w/dolly, Int. 400 diesel FH, Int. 710 auto reset 3X, Restored IH W 6, AC 6060, Oliver 1850 Sharp 2800 hrs, Oliver ‘OC3 crawler, Oliver 550 w/Loader, NH 630 Round Baler Sharp, Hesston 530 Round Baler Very Nice, Case IH 960 Hay Rake, Kubota L 2550 4x4 w/Loader, Kubota 81750 4x4 w/loader Hydro 1500 Hrs, A Few Ground and PTO Drive Manure Spreaders, Misc Rotary Mowers, Plows, Hay Rakes, and other assorted Tractor Implements. And a very nice Pequea hay wagon w/JD running gear This is a very preliminary list, we expect a lot more items. Watch for future ads. Early Toy Auction Consignments Include - Int. 1066 pedal tractor, JD 630 pedal tractor, orig inal JD loader, original JD manure spreader, Oliver silikie toy 77, JD 140 L&G, Michigan crane “nice”, plus 100’s more. Lunch rights reserved Not responsible for accidents Sam Walters 111, Tony Quarrick, John Hess, Auctioneers All items subject to prior sale Certified diamond engage ment ring, 71 carat round, brilliant cut, appraised at $4,200, sell for $3,200 080, Bucks Co , 215-536- 7145 Cargo trailers, all sizes, horse trailers, all sizes, flatbeds, 1985 F-250 diesel, ext cab dually, nice, $4,200, Berks Co, 610- 756-4257 Overhead cable hoist, Rob bins Myers, 4000 lb 40’ track, 220 3 phase, $2,500 offers trade for working tractor, Fred Co , 410-676- 4637 2 standard bred carnage horses, Ontario drill Ml crimper for parts, D B Zook, 160 Salem Rd Bethel, PA 19507, Berks Co
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