820-Lancsster Farming, Saturday, July 8, 2000 I MAILBOX MARKET F R SALE j s MFBS w/Contmental gas eng , working, ps, wf w/loader, asking $2,800, Chester Co , 610-469-6302 Antique garden tractors, 1957 economy, good cond , $1,200,1948 econo my, $BOO, both have attach ments, economy wheel weights, $lOO, York Co, 717-225-6061 Kubota B-7100 4x4 diesel w/front end loader, $6,950, York Co , 717-862-1846 Outstanding flock(6) of grade Suffolk sheep, devel oped over past 25 yrs , high lambing rate, fast gainers, no problems, $l4O each, Monroe Co, 610-381-3780 Whitetail deer fawns, $250 each & 1 yr old whitetail buck, $4OO, Leb Co, 717- 865-3599 JD 7700 hydrostatic com ome, 2700 hrs , 30" grow corn head, 16’ gram head, vg cond , Q A Co , 410- 438-3280 Lincoln 250 amp AC/DC stick welder &4’ x 12" radi al drill, must sell, make offer, Northampton Co, 610-767-8733 Entertainment center, cher ry wood, 3 pc , adjustable display shelves storage cabinet, 751/2"H 77” L 20” W ong cost $1,400, $7OO, Berks Co 610-670- 9544 Cast iron trough, very oeavy cast iron watering 'rough 15’long, exc cond , $450, Lane Co, 717-284- 4911 NH 258 rake rubber teeth $2,200, IH gram drill dou ole disc, $675, 445 Mus tang, diesel skid loader, new motor, like new, $5,600 Gehl skid loader $- 100 717-445-4348 Ridgid model 300 power shredder, complete, Lane Co, 717-442-4001 NH thrower 54A s2so,fick es 16' silo roof, $2OO, trac tor lights, agitator motor, Moses K Renno, RD 2, Box 942 Mifflmtown PA 17059 Jacobs rams, 1 3 mo, 1 3 yrs old, $5O, $lOO, write Mervm Allgyer, 117 A Lower Valley Rd Christiana PA 17509, Lane Co Carriage 2 sealer, Menn on steel, lights, brakes, $7OO Lane Co , 717-445- 6825 New barley straw $25, round bales, $1 35, small square bales at farm, call eves & Sat , Lane Co , 717-354-0327 Air Compressors Buy a complete unit, ready to set on the ground and hook to air tanks, options available: automatic slop <6 start, electr.c start, LP gas hookup, alternator, cooling compressor, Kawasaki, Honda or Diesel (UNITS IN STOCK) NEW & REBUILT AIR COMPRESSORS We rebuild most an\ brands We install an and water ssstems, air tanks, house plumbing and propane ss sterns ...Sales and Service Pleasant View Plumbing 501 Coopers Drive • Kirkwood, PA 17536 Air Compressor Units also available Brown egg pullets, 18 wk old, $4 20, Nathan Weaver, 734 Glenwood Dr, Ephra ta, PA 17522, Lane Co 10x13 hewn oak beam, 60’ long in 2 sections, $6OO, 15’ alum boat stl trl, both need work, Lane Co . 717- 548-2680 Morgan gelding, reg , 12 yrs, spirited, pleasure horse, rides, drives, 14 2 hands, dark chestnut, to good home, $1,500, call after spm, Lane Co , 768- 0738 30 Jamesway stall divider & head yokes, $lOO, Chester Co , 610-942-3873 5 yr old reg Sheltie (minia ture collie), loves being w/children, $5O 080, free kittens, Lane Co , 610-593- 0389 3 pt hitch, fork lift mast, $3OO, Wic bale chopper w/7HP Honda eng , $375, Cumb Co, 717-532-9373 Dark bay quarter horse gelding, 14 yrs old, good mover & sound, NOT for beginner, York Co, 717- 246-2509 Wurlitzer organ, 43” long, like new, 80, Chester Co , 610-363-6032 Utah celery plants, John Burkholder, Lane Co , 717- 656-8137 352 NH grinder mixer w/corn sheller, 80, Lane Co, 717-768-7492 Worksaver, 3 pt hitch, fits JD A, B, G 50, 60, 70, $550, like new & complete, Adams Co , 717-624-8124 5 yr old saddle bred mare, sound, needs trips, 98 Quarry Rd , Paradise, PA 17562, call at noon, Lane Co, 717-687-6554 4x4 round bales of orchard grass, alfalfa mix, no ram, York Co, 717-955-6744 ESCO bulk tank, 315 gal, JD 14T baler, Sears Ken more dryer, Lane Co , 717- 445-6947 Saddlebred Percheron gelding, 5 yr roan w/black mane, upheaded, pleasure type, hitches smgle/double, Ghck, 2729 Creek Hill Rd , Leola, PA 17540, Lane Co 3 pt 2 bottom plow, 18", $l5O 080, 2 section har row, $5O, Berks Co, 610- 779-1528 Power trowells, 1988 Mer cedes Benz, SW 1988 Lexus brass pipe valves, SS pipe butchering equip , large copper kettle, North’d Co, 570-648-3872 80 5/8 bushel green poly ethylene baskets, like new, $2 50 each, 250 gal air tank $5O, Lane Co, 717- 661-2166 NH 311 baler w/chute, good cond , $3,500, Lane Co. 717-445-4780 Walnut & cherry lumber, air-dried, 10 yrs , various widths & lengths, 1”-2” thick, Cumb Co, 717-776- 3376 __ Blue heeler pups, pure bred, but no papers, $35 each, Lane Co, 717-627- 7418 675 gal ELS liquid manure spreader, needs work, 28' pit manure elevator, good working cond , make offer, Rockyspnngs, Lane Co , 717-390-9156 Hay rake on rubber, good cond , can be converted to horse drawn, JD 28-40, 1400 hrs , one owner, York Co, 717-235-2966 Gehl 4400, gas skid loader, $3,500, Cumb Co, 717- 776-7942 NH 40’ elevator, $B5O, JD 7000 maxi-merge 4r planter, $3,000, Fox 6200 chopper 3rn 7’ pick-up, make offer, Cumb Co, 717-776-5726 Alpine goats, milking nan ny, yearling nanny, 3 spring billys, yearling cheviot buck, Joseph Fisher, 1034 A Gap Rd , Kmzer, PA 17535 Collector's item, 1962 Chev stake body truck, body & motor exc cond , garage kept, state inspect ed, being used, York Co , 717-432-3382 Tractor Int 2424, 3 pt, need motor work 80, dog kennels’ chain link, $lOO, trail horse, quiet, $1,600, York Co. 717-993-6627 Woods pull type rotary mower, 6’ cut, $375, York Co. 717-432-3106 Wmross trucks, Hershey- Nascar haulers, 1998 Harley low rider, 2600 mi, 1994 Volvo conv, 460 Cummins slider, 194" wb , $18,500, Leb Co, 717- 838-1724 1984 Int 1700 crewcab, 345 gas allison auto gooseneck, tagalong trail er, equipped, 50K, like new, Leb Co , 717-865-3312 NH 455 horse drawn grass mower, BHP Honda, eng kept inside, 7’ cut, $2,200, Tioga Co, 570-662-2508 330 Ford eng , exc cond ’ farrowing crates, flush pans, wire flooring, stain less fans, hog cart, priced to sell, Lane Co , 717-665- 5482 Farm 222 ac , large barn & house, 100 ac , clear bal woods, exc well & spring, some timber, Hunt Co, 814-447-3667 2 Rolls, 5/m each, 18 ga 41/2” galv wire ties, $25 each, Lane Co, 717-656- 8036 JAY ZEIGLER Standing Seam Metal Contractor Use on Bams Or Garages New Construction 14' Brady chisel plow, NH hay wagon, fert loading auger for JD 7000 corn planter, NH 880 W windrow p/u, Sch Co, 570-277- 0239 IH cub #S4A blade, vg cond, complete, $275, gear reduction unit for cub motor, $lOO, Northampton Co, 610-759-1307 Gooseneck trailer 10,000# GVWR, 1 yr old, 10 24’ trussess, like new, $2OO, Westmoreland Co , 724- 834-7197 Bostitch barn frame, air gun shoots s’’ nails, $550 080, David White transit 175, IR tow behind comp , Lane Co, 717-285-3886 Timothy hay 4’x4' round bales, Northern Fulton Co , can deliver quantities, 814- 685-3996 or 717-463-2161 Hay wagon 16’, good cond , $650, pick-up truck, load of horse harnesses, $250 080, Wanted Jeep CJ-7, running cond , Morris Co, 973-584-6140 1977 Dodge 600, 360, auto, 33K, $7OO, Susq Co , 570-222-4396 M/F 7' Dynabalance mow er, 3 pt , $7OO, ‘B9 Ford diesel, ext cab, really nice, 4x4, $20,000 invested, will sell @ $8,500, Snyder Co, 570-837-0265 Acorn barn cleaner, good cond , rebuilt chute, 200’ ss cable, $3OO, Sch Co , 570- 648-6035 1988 Chev pick-up, VB, 1500, 35K on drive tram, everything new, exc cond , $3,900 080, Cecil Co, 302-521-8314 or 410-658- 7585 Since 1963 “Simply The Very Best Roof Available” FREE Estimates • Roof can last for 100 years - cost efficient • Can be installed over existing roof (Asphalt, roll roofing, wood shingles) • Is environmentally safe • Beauty - colorful (galvanized, 40 lb terne, teme-coated stainless, and painted steel in over 20 different colors.) po Box 231 Rehrersburg, PA 19550 (717) 933-4666 (717) 933-5305 FAX/PHONE 14x75’ house trailer, 2 bdrms, 1 bath w/appli ances, $6,000 080, Fred Co, 301-371-9266 1988 Woods mower, 18HR zero turning 52" deck, 480 hrs, new battery, exc cond , $3,375, Frank Co , 717-597-9357 Bantam chicks, 5 wks, hens, roosters, $2 each, Col Co, 570-799-5411 Incubator, cabinet model, 3 auto turning frays, 1 sta tionary hatching tray, $l5O, Berks Co, 610-582-2587 October is flintlock season, have 2 TC Hawken flint locks, $l5O & $195, Berks Co. 610-845-7325 1971 Int 4x4 pick-up truck, 29,700 mi, for parts, 80, Berks Co, 610-926-0667 Hay, over 1,000 bales avail , 4’xs’ net wrapped, round bales, $25 each, Loudoun, VA, 703-777- 9563 Hudson 2 axle 10,000 lbs , trailer, good cond , 14' long, $1,400, Northampton Co , 610-261-1015 Behlen 380, continues gram dryer, auto fill dis charge, augers, worked fine last year, heatsaver, $2,000 080, no Sunday calls, Northampton Co , 610-767-6867 Med. sized dog house, like new, $2O, 242 Hahnstown Rd , Ephrata, Lane Co , 717-627-7158 Ist calf heifer, fresh 6-1, sired by Challenger, Dam was a R&W, BO over $1,125, Lane Co, 717- 656-9523 . r™ Light Commercial. ADVA Gehl 95 grinder mixer, 21" mill, mechanical drive, fair cond , $l,lOO 080, Lane Co. 717-285-5181 8’ discbme, field ready, $6,500 080, Daniel Allgy er, leave message, 717- 442-0132, Lane Co Old chocolate fudge coop er pots, cast iron tractor seats, 7’ blue marlin, cedar chest, oars, soap box derby racer, Atlantic Co , 609- 927-2912 NH 718 chopper 2RN corn head, 770 hay, $6OO, 1986 Ford F 250 diesel p/u, nice, ext cab, Dauphin Co , 717- 362-4265 Eskimo Spitz puppies, fluffy & white, $125, Cocker Spaniels, buff colored, Eskimo stud service, not registered, no Sunday calls, Leb Co, 717-866- 2246 Aqua-Therm Outside Wood Burning Furnace -Clean f - Eas V ■Safe J - Efficient Buy the top of the line! “Stainless Steel Fire Box *Ash Removal Auger *l5 Year Warranty 'Thermostatically Controlled Heat your house, shop and/or hot water with one unit For more information, call 717-838-9270 or 1-888-382-8170 Email: mkpowell®paonline.com Mk\ CALL THE SPOUTING SPECIALISTS • 5", 6" & 7" Seamless Gutters in 32 Colors • Half Round Gutters • Soffit & Fascia • Gutter Protech™ .EZZVSEHV’J’B' ’S!-r —l Call Today For A Free Estimate 265 E. Meadow Valley Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 717-733-7160 • 717-627-6886 1-800-247-2107 HSIBS Call For Information 'SmJ^ m >4 Ts?«r * ■ .#4 TA • Can be installed on flat roof with as little as 1/2” pitch per foot. • Good for homes, farm buildings, garages, commercial buildings. • Sheet in continuous length installed with concealed fasteners with double lock seam for water tight application. 91 Ford F 250 Lariat, 4x4, auto, pw/pl, cap, 53,000 mi., garage kept, very nice, $lO 900, Lane Co, 717- 872-8318 1500 gal calment liquid manure tank, 5 pig flush pans, hog woven flooring, 8 sheets, 5x7, Snyder Co , 570-374-9686 Stationery TMR mixer, $1,500 080, weaverlme feed cart model 430, $5OO, NH 718 chopper, 2 heads, $l,OOO, Susq Co, 570- 278-9153 Pony wagon pnumatic, 2 seater, $6OO, Haflmger mare, m-foal rides & drives, $3,500, filly, $1,500, bicy cled pony cart, $lOO, Meadowbrooks, Bucks Co, 215-453-0432, http //whiteshepherd com/ haflmger him Reroof w/Metal
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