t) Uershey • si(j Putchman,, and -JCm a,rg “ ,;yr ' ; ’ ,v on their new 120,960 Bird Cage Layer, Tunnel Ventilation House High Rise Layer Building 57’x536’ with 40’x60’ egg packing and cooler room featuring Big Dutchman Cage Layer System. Tunnel ventilated with Canarm fiberglass fans with stainless steel blades. Big Dutchman 31 ton bins with 6” solid core auger fill system Big Dutchman 420 N Cage System, rubber finger collectors, steprails, high volume fill system lubing nipple waterers with float tanks. Learn why top egg producers are choosing Systems with Dutchman. Champion Feeders. to: RUSSEL & MARJEAN PADGET SALUDA, SC For more information and free estimates call: HERSHEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1-800-432-0988 -qir t iy, nil* ' "1 1 "■>■■■*■ •mmmmmmmmmmmrn-im iMMu(j'M bVJt'KU ' ■ v* 's*'!- 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE, LANCASTER, PA 17603 1-800-432-0988 • (717) 393-5807 FAX (717)291-1534 Extends Dirt floor pit with concrete curbs, laminated engineered beams, painted steel from poured concrete wall and across ceiling. Big Dutchman Champion Chain Feeding System with dual drives, double dipped galvanized cages. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 24, 2000-01
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