RMter 1 * i* 1*T y Whi^'l^yifffiiii'* l ' a '" llMlliL * 1 *' Appalachian Manufacturing, Inc.^fiSHHß HOSTETLER y|MMM jgg j jh%f 717-667.3921 '^gnHPiffiiii TVV B«^enSs^& R Sut?coll.ga SSmm*m ' f».S7» f£2“ g.«og | -4- 't m Corn Pro Bumper Pull Livestock Trailer Corn Pro, Rubber Torsion Axles’ Treated Pine Floor 6x16'3500# Axles 68' Wide x 16’ Long 3500#Axles *5,125 6 8 Wide x 16'Long 6000#Axles *2,025 Single and Dual Wheel Pick Up Flatbeds, Bulkhead, Coutside Pockets, Rear Skirl, With or Without Gooseneck Compartments . 825 Starting at Pace American Enclosed Trailers, Single & Tandem Axle, Side Doors, Double Rear Doors & Ramp Doors 6'xl2' 3000# GVW. «S,SSO B'xl 6’ 7000# GVW sa.»o Tool Boxes, 36 xl 8 'xl 8 1 5162 24 xlB xlB' $146 42’x18 x 18" $169 30 xlB xlB $155 48”x18’x18" $l7B WBk BE I4J IVI BSb IS PHONE: 71 7-232-4271 19 I li El^l E www.brennerdodge.com Fax: 717-233-8221 > Wi ✓ ■S y. r •v ; * MORITZ HYDRAULIC TILT DECK TRAILER '3,455 19’ LONG, 82" WIDE BETWEEN THE PENDERS, ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC PUMP, TREATED DINE FLOOR, ADJ. COUPLER. 10,000 #CVW 12,000# CVW Now Availble in 21' New 5000# winch Available tL<SSs£&* 4.4k* FEATURE TRAILER Eby 20’ Aluminum Gooseneck Live stock Trailer, 7000# Torsion Axles, Spare Wheel & Tire, Ready To Haul $10,695 68' x 16'Long 7000# GVW SI.WS $3,895 $4,195 2000 DODG 3 Horse Financing Leasing Available - t Steel Dump Bodies, 12" Sides, 20” Tailgate, Cab Protector, In Prime, Cash & Carry, 8-1/2' 51,695 11'Long 51,895 Call About Installed Prices With Hoist Eby Aluminum Bumper Pull Livestock Trailer Rubber Torsion Axles 1/2 Slider on Rear Divider Gate. Escape Door, Spare Wheel & Tire, 6'B"Widexl6’Long $8,395 Montz Skid Loader Trailers 82" Wide Between Fenders Rubber Torsion Axles Treated Pine Floor, 10,000# Drop Leg Jack Spare Wheel & Tire Adj Coupler, 10 000 GVW Available in 7 Colors 16’ Long S2,BTS 18’ Long $3,030 3500 MAXI VAN Center Aisle, Dual Ml vHJt and More ■J ft* v ** 'Z lin 13,050 lOAJ, Gooseneck, 20x5 V s*- 24’ Gooseneck, 4'dovetail, 1-12,000# G.V.W., 6,000# axels w/easy lube, electric brakes, 7.50-16 tires, breakaway kit, ramps w/pressure treated deck, standard 12,000 GVW $2,995 14,000 GVW $3,195 16' Car Hauler, diamond plate deck with W/D rings, self storing ramps, 7,000# Q.V.W., elect, brakes, Doth axels 82” between wheel wells, breakaway kit incl 16’Car Trailer $1,495 18'Car Trailer $1,645 21 ’ Low Profile, 10,000#, axel w/easy lube, elect, brakes, pressure treated deck, 10,000# G.V.W., gooseneck $3,100 Bumper pull $2,950 1982 FRUEHAUF DROP DECK 45', Air Ride, Beaver Tail, Ramps, Road Ready Asking $8,500 • (717) 664-5014 ’ ,e se/& 7 -4* CHASSIi ' WP * ck *ges, AX 4 * ss|6oo
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