Sure, we want you to use POSILAC 1 STEP", but more importantly, we want you to succeed with it. With POSILAC 1 STEP, you get more than your order and some instructions. You get a support system of people, programs and materials to make sure you get the best results possible. Monsanto Dairy Customer Care Center If you ever have a question, dairy experts are only a toll-free call away from questions regarding challenging dairy management Issues to the status of your latest order, we're committed to helping you find the answer, sooner rather than later Over the years Monsanto Dairy has put together numerous programs and materials designed to help producers get the most out of POSILAC 1 STEP Start-POSILAC-Rlght Program videos, meetings and materials designed to help you understand what to expect when you start using POSILAC 1 STEP on your dairy continuously updated over the years, these materials reflect the experiences of producers around the country POSILAC 1 STEP ROI Wheel an easy-to-use calculator to help you gauge your cost of production, return on investment and profitability at different milk prices using POSILAC 1 STEP POSILAC l Profit Planner a computer software version of the ROI Wheel, the Profit Planner allows you to plug In the actual numbers (feed costs, herd size, labor costs, response rates, etc.) you're using on your dairy * * ★ POSILAC 1 STEP Value Tool a software program we use to help * project specific financial returns for your dairy at varying response rates and levels of POSILAC 1 STEP use ■% 1( «**» * Northeast DHI Field Data Study published in the Journal of Dairy Science, this eight-year study conducted by Dr. Dale Bauman and Dr. Bob Everett of Cornell University reaffirms the safety and effectiveness of POSILAC 1 STEP Northwest DHI Data Summary a recently completed study investigating the efficacy and cow safety of POSILAC I STEP on larger western herds with special emphasis placed on reproduction and herd health POSILAC I STEP Subscription Agreement an easy and convenient way to schedule future shipments of POSILAC I STEP ask your local Monsanto Dairy representative or call for complete details POSILAC I STEP Disposal Program an environmentally responsible way to dispose of POSILAC 1 STEP syringes provided free of charge to our customers FOSILACCBBSEI bovine somatotropin by Monsanto Tools ire available to help you qiuqe the effectiveness end profitability of POSILAC 1 STEP NORTHWEST DHI oiu SUMMARY Call for this new summary with findlnqs from larger western herds
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers